Monday, June 21, 2021

Joe Biden Is Betraying Our Military

Andrew Malcolm  "Imagine you’re a proud member of America’s military. Perhaps a naval aviator, returning from a long mission projecting U.S. power over a hostile place, landing a jet fighter on a moving aircraft carrier in a storm–at night. [Snip] They’re all volunteers these days, these men and women who do dangerous work in countless ways. Imagine after all these years of military training in killing and surviving, the oldest Commander-in-Chief in U.S. history comes before you with a stumbling speech to declare in clear, decisive language that the real threat to national security is not what you’ve been diligently preparing for all these years." . . .

'Leftish Agenda In Class': 15-Year-Old High School Student Exposes Critical Race Theory In Speech

Youtube Comments to this video below

"Now the first thing I notice is a person's skin color. " We've gone backwards 60 years! Outstanding public comments by this young man.

"The kid's a born leader. The confidence and body language he exudes while speaking in public is very impressive for his age. Especially when you take into consideration that he's looking straight at adults who disagree with his every word and he knows it.

"I’m 16 years old and I cannot stress enough how much I relate to this kid. Especially when he talks about how he noticed race a lot more because of the “wokeness” that’s forced upon us. It made me miserable

"A comment from Australia, if I may. Young man, you impressed me immensely. You were pertinent, logical and precisely factual. You were also generous by allowing offending teachers to stay anonymous, furthermore, you remained emotionally detached. I sincerely wish you every success in your continued studies. I addressed you initially as a young man, you are not a boy and your parents, your fellow classmates, your community and of course you, yourself should draw considerable pride in your presentation and your gutsy strength of character. My thoughts and sentiments are with you. Cheers, Tom, Cairns, Queensland, Australia."...

More here...

Sunday, June 20, 2021

End of an Era: The Rush Limbaugh Show Shuts Down

Jeffrey Lord

. . . "The Rush era was, in fact, truly over for once and for all and for good. What began almost a full 33 years ago and had quickly become an American institution was, as all things must, turning to memory.

"The good news is that, as also with all things, Rush left a legacy. And that legacy is that a new chapter in conservative talk radio begins. Buck Sexton and Clay Travis will fill the Rush slot, although, as they are doubtless the first to recognize, not his shoes.

"In fact, in true conservative fashion, there will be much competition out there in conservative radio. Dan Bongino has a show. Pittsburgh’s Rose Tennent has a show. And Sean Hannity is going nowhere. Doubtless there will be others as the next chapter in conservative talk radio unfolds.

"But one last time, as the Rush Limbaugh show officially ends it is a moment to reflect on Rush and what he created and now has left behind - and his contributions to this new chapter." . . .

All of this - local conservative talk radio hosts, national talk radio conservative hosts, and conservative television networks are a monumental legacy. While it’s always wise to never say never, it is hard to imagine any other media figure having as great an impact on the American scene as Rush Limbaugh.

"So with the official close of the Rush Limbaugh Show and the Rush Limbaugh era, the next chapter in conservative media begins."And thanks to Rush Limbaugh a thousand conservative media flowers can be expected to bloom." . . .

Shameless: Biden shows up to mass as communion issue rages

 So now the shameless usurper has decided to play Mr. Catholic by showing up for mass. Why this gets any coverage whatsoever is obnoxious in the extreme. Biden isn't changing any. He's telling the Church that it needs to change its views and open the gates to abortion as a free for all, not him. That's the hallmark of arrogance and conceit. Why is this bounder undermining the cause of life in the Church at all?


Monica Showalter  . . . "Biden made sure to answer one reporter's shouted question with his own stance on the issue:

For his part, Biden dismissed the bishops' move on Friday.  

'That’s a private matter, and I don’t think that’s going to happen,' he told reporters at the White House when asked the possibility that he and other politicians could be denied Communion. 

 "Which is a little arrogant, given that he wouldn't exactly know unless someone among the bishops is leaking to him. It's in the same vein as Democrat clowns "daring" the bishops to deny wonderful-them communion, too. LifeNews described his attitude as "defiant" and "smug."

"It's actually a bit of a moot point in that Biden is married to a divorced woman whose spouse is still living, a hardline 'no' for communion, although one wouldn't be surprised if the bishops broke their own rule and gave it to him while going hardline and denying it only to the little guys." . . .

Saturday, June 19, 2021

Biden’s Approval Rating Plummets, Democrats Growing ‘Disillusioned And Fast’ With Direction Of Nation: Report


Daily Wire  "Democrat President Joe Biden’s approval rating plummeted to below 50% in a new Monmouth University poll this week, the first time Biden has ever fallen below 50% in the poll since taking office in January.
“Biden currently holds a job rating of 48% approve and 43% disapprove,” Monmouth University said in a poll released on Wednesday. “This is down from his 54% approve and 41% disapprove rating in April.”
"The poll found that barely one-third of Independents approve of Biden’s job performance while less than one-fifth of Republicans approve of Biden’s job performance.
"In April, 83% of Democrats “said they thought the country was moving in the right direction,” The New York Times reported. “But in Wednesday’s poll, just 59 percent of Democrats said that. The share of Democrats saying the country was on the wrong track rose by 20 percentage points, to 32 percent.' ”. . . 

Since the First Juneteenth, Black Americans Have Struggled to Participate in Elections. Now, We Must Defend Election Integrity.   Everything America was and should be must be defended against this corrupt, even evil, Democrat Party and their puppet Joe Biden. TD

Police Investigating The ‘Suicide’ Of A Reporter Who Broke Clinton Tarmac Story

Daily Wire"Law enforcement officials in Alabama are investigating an apparent “suicide” by the reporter who broke the bombshell story in 2016 that former President Bill Clinton secretly met with then-Attorney General Loretta Lynch on a Phoenix tarmac in the run up to the presidential election while his wife, then-candidate Hillary Clinton, was under federal criminal investigation.

“ 'At 8:13 a.m. Saturday, the Hoover 911 center received a call of a person down at a residence on Scout Trace. Hoover police and fire personnel arrived to find the 45-year-old [Christopher] Sign dead,” reported. “Hoover police Lt. Keith Czeskleba said the death is being investigated as a suicide.”

"Sign, who played football at the University of Alabama, moved to a local ABC News station in Alabama in 2017 after working at a news station in Pheonix.

"The New York Post reported:

While there, Sign broke the major 2016 presidential campaign news that Bill Clinton met with Lynch on the tarmac of Phoenix’s Sky Harbor Airport while the then-AG was investigating the use of a private e-mail server by Hillary Clinton, the former president’s wife and the Democratic presidential candidate at the time.

Sign went on to write a book about the encounter titled “Secret on the Tarmac.”

Secret on the Tarmac: "The plan was perfect. No cameras, no microphones, no prying eyes and plenty of security. The setting for a clandestine meeting could not have been better. Former President Bill Clinton exited Attorney General Loretta Lynch’s private plane 20-minutes after he boarded. Both thought they got away with it. Both were wrong. Amid a heated Presidential race, federal investigations involving emails and Benghazi and society looking for clarity on the future of the country, the secret tarmac meeting would only complicate things.

"The secret meeting would have never been revealed if it weren’t for a veteran journalist and a trusted source. It wasn’t the Emmys, Murrows or Associated Press awards, it was decades of experience and relationships that led to the moment Christopher Sign broke the story of the secret tarmac meeting." . . . 


Here Are The Companies That Support Antifa, Black Lives Matter, and Want You Dead

 "Therefore, when a company posts that it is in “solidarity” with the black community now, the company actually means solidarity with the riots"

"This is a list of all of the “woke” companies (and brands) that are supporting violent protests across the United States. Despite the chaos, destruction, and deaths, “woke” companies across the country have still come out in support of #BlackLivesMatter, Antifa terrorists, and general criminals.
"Please consider using this list to guide in what businesses you wish to support. Please also consider using this list the next time someone makes the argument that we are living in a white supremacist country with institutionalized racism. If major companies consider supporting violent rioters and looters good for their bottom line, your cause isn’t oppressed.
"To keep this list from becoming unwieldy, I’m only including one statement per company. Many of these companies have issued multiple statements in support of the insurrection across the country, some even fighting in the comments section with fans, but it’s overwhelming as it is." . . .
. . . "*A note on some of the comments I’ve received: quite a few of the statements are generic “racism is bad” statements. That is true. However, these companies would not be coming out with any public statements about racism, and especially not any public statements declaring “Black Lives Matter,” if not for the current riots occurring now all around the world. The timing is not a mere coincidence. Therefore, when a company posts that it is in “solidarity” with the black community now, the company actually means solidarity with the riots." . . .Full article...

Friday, June 18, 2021

David Limbaugh: Kamala Harris just keeps getting worse

Amateur Hour with Kamala Harris

 David Limbaugh  "No matter how mentally diminished President Joe Biden is, you have to be horrified by who waits in the wings should he leave office before the expiration of his term.

"Unfortunately, one of the many consequences of Biden’s mental decline is an impairment of judgment that manifests itself in such reckless decisions as putting Vice President Kamala Harris in charge of the border. It is like making a colicky infant the goalie of a professional hockey team. If Biden were more alert, I would suspect it was his way of seeking revenge against Harris and those who foisted her on to his presidential ticket.

Harris has neither a clue nor a rudder on this critically important issue, which by any fair measure, now must be considered a crisis. She is a dedicated progressive, and progressives are flagrantly open borders-oriented. But even more, she is a political opportunist and will say anything to salvage her hemorrhaging reputation. Thus, after all the root-causes rhetoric and the castigation of anyone who properly advocates even a modest level of border enforcement, she told migrants during a press conference Monday, “Don’t come here.” “As one of our priorities, we will discourage illegal migration,” she said. “And I believe if you come to our border, you will be turned back. Do not come. Do not come,” she continued. “The United States will continue to enforce our laws and secure our border.”

"Perhaps we should be grateful for the whiplash if it means we’ll begin to see a saner border policy, but how can we possibly rely on the White House to enforce the border when it’s signaled in every imaginable way that it is ideologically opposed to protecting our sovereignty?" . . .

Kamala Harris’s corruption crusade disguises socialist imposition

If Guatemalans successfully resist US imposition and the US system withstands Biden’s assault on it, Guatemala will have a chance at economic development. That would mean less irregular immigration into the United States than if Harris were to succeed in her current efforts.

Why I do not wish this Democrat woman well:

Democrats at the Kavanaugh confirmation were contemptible, especially Harris and Booker who relished the persecution and attempted destruction of this good man and his family. See how they enjoyed giving the Democrat treatment to a better person than they even desired to be.TD


. . . "Check them out snickering and laughing at each other during the Kavanaugh hearing last week:"


Guilt for January 6 Belongs With Those Most Eager to Condemn It

 Another Rich Terrell masterpiece

Conrad Black: Guilt for January 6 Belongs With Those Most Eager to Condemn It
George Will, Peggy Noonan, and other estimable friends bear a heavy responsibility in the disaster that has now been riveted on the backs of the American people and the world.
"It is once again with great regret that I take issue with my friend of more than 40 years, George Will. From my perspective of unambiguous admiration and personal liking for him, I am distressed that on the subject of President Trump, he seems to have taken complete leave of his senses. Last week, he said on television that the events at the U.S. Capitol on January 6 should be seared into the minds of Americans as 9/11 was, as the two are equally profound assaults on the country. 
"Let us examine that statement. . . ."

AOC’s Aunt Embarrasses Her Bratty Niece Claiming Trump Is NOT At Fault For Her Grandmother’s Dreadful Living Conditions

 100%FedUp  "Petulant brat, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY), known for her relentless criticism of President Trump and her mad cocktail skills, has just received a much deserved verbal smackdown. This one coming from an unexpected source, her aunt.

"Last week, the Tesla driving, upscale apartment dwelling NY rep, took to Twitter to do what she does best, incite her followers. This time with a ridiculous accusatory rant, blaming President Trump for her grandmother’s destitute living conditions in Puerto Rico." . . . 

"AOC’s aunt is speaking out, and unlike her niece, did not blame Donald Trump for grandma’s poor living conditions. Her remark to the Daily Mail is a stinging slap to the face of Ms. Ocasio-Cortez:

“It’s a problem here in Puerto Rico with the administration and the distribution of help. It is not a problem with Washington.
We had the assistance and it didn’t get to the people“.

"Conservative Matt Walsh started a Go Fund Me campaign to help out Alexandria’s grandma since her well-to-do granddaughter apparently wasn’t compelled to reach into her own pocket." . . .

AOC fans who like her watch....

Can get it here:

Thursday, June 17, 2021

House Democrat Turns Up the Heat on Harris for Not Visiting the Southern Border


. . . "Harris has been heavily criticized for not visiting the border after Biden put her in charge of solving the immigration issue, which she says she is focused on the "root causes" of migration. Former President Donald Trump announced on Tuesday he will be visiting the border on June 30." . . .

Matt Gaetz Just Shared Threatening Texts From… REPORTERS.

The National Pulse. 

"God bless"?

"So-called “reporters” have been sending threatening messages to people, demanding they invent fake stories about Congressman Matt Gaetz in exchange for their names being kept out of the news. 

"The office of Rep. Gaetz (FL-1) released the messages to John Solomon’s Just The News on Tuesday, appearing on the veteran reporter’s podcast on the same day.

"“[T]ime and time again, what a reporter will do is contact someone that maybe I’ve had a relationship with, maybe I haven’t had any relationship with, maybe I’ve only been in the same room with one time,” Gaetz told the John Solomon Reports podcast. “But they’ll say to a person, ‘You know, look, we are going to write your name into a story that will have sex trafficking and Matt Gaetz in the headline, unless you provide us some bad information, some embarrassing conduct about Gaetz. And if you do that, well then your name will be protected, your reputation will be protected.'”

"One stunning example is that of Mother Jones reporter Matthew Phelan, who has harassed a number of Gaetz-world figures demanding they invent narratives to keep themselves out of the news and out of trouble with law enforcement.

"Phelan contacted a young woman from Gaetz’s district, who after their conversation sent Phelan an email reiterating how she had “never been harassed by Matt Gaetz… Any interaction with him or his office has always been respectful and kind. You stated someone told you I received some kind of death threat and that’s just a false accusation.”

"But reporter Phelan wasn’t interested in that." . . .

The news comes after Project Veritas exposed senior CNN technical director Charlie Chester, who admitted on hidden camera: “If the agenda say, is to like get, like Matt Gaetz right now, he’s like this Republican. He’s a problem for the Democratic Party because he’s so conservative and he can cause a lot of hiccups in passing of laws and what not. So it would be great for the Democratic Party to get him out. So we’re going to keep running these stories to keep hurting him and make it so that it can’t be buried and just like settled outside court just and like, you know, if we keep pushing that, it’s helping us.”

Why does CNN not have more employees leaving that site out of shame and a commitment to integrity in their vocation? TD