Thursday, July 1, 2021

Putin taunts US saying their world dominance is 'OVER' & threatens to strike back if any 'boundaries are crossed'

 UK Sun

VLAD'S RAGE: Putin taunts US saying their world dominance is ‘OVER’ & threatens to strike back if any ‘boundaries are crossed’

The Russian president issued the stark warning during a televised Q&A on Wednesday, during which he also boasted that even if Russia had sunk HMS Defender it would not have caused World War Three.

Putin boldly claimed his navy could have attacked the ship in the Black Sea because the West knows "full well that they can't win in that war".

During his annual “Direct Line” call in show, in which citizens can submit queries for the president, he spoke of how the “period of unipolar world is over”.

“No matter what sanctions are imposed on Russia, no matter what the scaremongering, Russia is developing and in some respects our country has surpassed the European countries and even the US,” he said.

While Putin said the nation would not be taking steps that would be harmful to themselves, he said if boundaries were crossed, they would find “asymmetrical ways” to respond.

“I hope the United States will change this attitude not only towards us, but also towards their other allies,” he said.

Putin went on to say that the world was “changing dramatically” - something he said the United States understood."...

Putin threatens 'harsh' punishment if West crosses 'red lines' - Washington Times

“Organizers of any provocations that threaten our core security interests,” he said, “will regret what they have done like they’ve never regretted anything for a long time.”

 Putin Threatens America with Nuclear Annihilation - Accuracy in Media (

2015: “Organizers of any provocations that threaten our core security interests,” he said, “will regret what they have done like they’ve never regretted anything for a long time.”

BLM Shares Detailed Look at Finances: Report

Socio-Political-Journal...   For the first time in the Black Lives Matter movement's nearly eight year history, leaders of the organization have shared a detailed look at their finances.

"The Black Lives Matter Global Network Foundation, largely seen as a driving force behind the Black Lives Matter Movement, took in just over $90 million last year, according to a financial snapshot obtained by AP.

"The organization is reportedly looking to build out its infrastructure to catch up to the speed of its funding and plans to use its endowment to become known for more than protests related to Black Americans dying at the hands of police or vigilantes.

" 'We want to uplift Black joy and liberation, not just Black death. We want to see Black communities thriving, not just surviving,” an impact report from the foundation shared with AP read." . . .

. . . "The BLM foundation was granted nonprofit status with the Internal Revenue Service in December, allowing the organization to receive tax-deductible donations directly. In the near future, BLM will also reportedly be required to file public 990 forms, revealing details of its organizational structure, employee compensation, programming and expenses.

" 'In exchange for getting tax exempt status, you as an organization committed to providing a greater level of transparency to confirm you are fulfilling your mission,” Melina Abdullah, co-founder of BLM’s first ever chapter in Los Angeles, told AP. “We’re turning a corner, recognizing that we have to build institutions that endure beyond us.' ”

‘CNN is about controlling negroes’: Vernon Jones puts CNN field reporter on the hot, burning spot

 “CNN is bigoted. CNN is race-based, and CNN is racist, and they use you to carry out their racist agenda,” the GOP candidate charged.

BPR  "Georgia Republican gubernatorial candidate Vernon Jones destroyed a CNN reporter during a brutal take-down at a campaign event this week, according to a viral video posted

“ 'CNN is about controlling negroes,” Jones says in the video. “‘Controlling negroes.’ That’s what CNN’s about. They don’t want people of color to have conservative thoughts.”

"Pointing at a man standing next to him, Jones adds: “He’s here to keep me from running, to keep me from being governor of the state. Why? Because liberals…they do not want blacks thinking for themselves.”

"Jones served in the Georgia state House of Representatives as a Democrat from 1993-2001, and again from 2017-2021. He switched his political affiliation to Republican earlier this year when he filed as a gubernatorial candidate." . . .

Rep. Vernon Jones Lets CNN Reporter Have It: "CNN is about controlling Negroes" [VIDEO] (

“If the liberal media thinks they can bully me, intimidate me, or silence me, they have another thing coming. I’m not a resident on their plantation.”

From What Lab Did ‘Cancel Culture’ Leak?



American Greatness

Woke cancel culture is not just a set of ideas. It is, as its name implies, a culture that came from a specific place, even if that place exists only in cyberspace.

"In its wisdom, the Biden White House apparently has decided it is now permissible to speculate COVID-19 might have been deliberately leaked by the Chinese government from a lab intended for developing biological weapons. Even the Ministry of Truth that is Facebook has ceased censoring posts making this case, now that the Biden White House has realized the story can no longer be swept under the rug. 

"So much the better. Any victory against the criminalization of noticing things is worth celebrating. 

"While we may be closer to understanding where the most dangerous recent physical pathogen originated, however, we are not so lucky when it comes to the most dangerous recent intellectual pathogen. I refer to wokeness, and its most infamous applied practice, cancel culture. 

"When it comes to this particular virus, the Right has been far more confused than they were about COVID-19, and the opposition to wokeness/cancel culture/social justice/whatever you want to call it has suffered for it. Much of our analysis of cancel culture has fixated on its intellectual roots: say, in faculty lounges during the 1970s’ “deconstruction” boom. 

"There is merit to this understanding. Just because the ideas percolated there, however, it does not follow that the practices associated with cancel culture sprang, fully formed, from Zeus’s (or Hera’s) head in 2014 to colonize the internet, and civil society thereafter, any more than it makes sense to speak of the alt-Right solely with references to intellectual antecedents like Sam Francis, Joseph Sobran, or Francis Parker Yockey. Just because the alt-Right popularized ideas from those people, doesn’t mean those people are responsible for creating that culture. It is equally possible—indeed likely—that the alt-Right figured out what they believed before they even picked up a book, and then simply went back to establish their intellectual heritage ex post facto once they realized they needed one."... 

Patrick Chappatte: Cancel culture has gone too far | UN Today

Once you slap a label on something or someone or a cartoon, such as racist or transphobic, that label is absolute. There is no half-racist. You’re leaving no room for mistakes or jokes that are not as good as they could be. It’s all about la faute – guilt, which you cannot be absolved from.

 How Conservatives Should Take On Corporate America – Issues & Insights (

. . . "Coming on the heels of the big-business response to Georgia’s recent voting reforms—replete with Major League Baseball pulling its All-Star Game from Atlanta in favor of Denver, where there are fewer days of early voting—this meeting feels like an exclamation point on the end of a collapsing relationship.  You now see influential conservatives calling for “war with the corporations.”. . .  

Dems: Don't Defund the Police. Break Them! End Their Qualified Immunity

How about allowing San Francisco business owners to sue the laughably unqualified, George Soros-sponsored DA, Chesa Boudin? Instead of prosecuting crime -- technically, his job -- he decided not to prosecute crime. As night follows day -- or crime follows Soros DAs -- local stores were emptied of their inventory by carefree shoplifters... 

Ann Coulter  "In the left's ongoing war on the police, their plan to strip cops of qualified immunity is among the most preposterous. The sole objective is to jam up cops and make them more passive.
"Qualified immunity means a police officer can't be sued for violating someone's constitutional rights unless those rights are "clearly established." Officers can still be fired. They can still be disciplined. And they can still be criminally prosecuted. They just can't be sued by every lowlife they arrest.
"Liberals act as if qualified immunity is some extra-special benefit bestowed only on police, unheard of in any other line of work. Michigan's power-mad Attorney General Dana Nessel says, "We're not asking that police officers even be held to a higher standard than other professions, just to the same standard as other professions."
"Liberals act as if qualified immunity is some extra-special benefit bestowed only on police, unheard of in any other line of work. Michigan's power-mad Attorney General Dana Nessel says, "We're not asking that police officers even be held to a higher standard than other professions, just to the same standard as other professions.". . . 
. . . In fact, throughout the criminal justice system, it's always the lawyers who get "absolute immunity" -- judges, prosecutors and defense attorneys. Only the guys on the street, having to make split-second decisions while battling lunatics, can ever be sued for violating someone's constitutional rights.". . . 

Wednesday, June 30, 2021

Kamala Can't Run the Country Or Even Manage Her Own People


"Kamala Harris is a San Francisco socialite who hooked up with the right people, but never picked up the right skills for the various jobs she managed to secure. Unlike Obama, she isn't the front face of an organized team. Kamalaworld is whoever drifted into her orbit. 

"Not only can't she run the country, let alone tackle any major problems, but she can't even manage her own people.

"Her Veepness turns out to be an echo of the same mess as her campaign.

By then her campaign had broken out in spasms of vicious infighting between her sister Maya and campaign manager Juan Rodriguez who were only speaking to each through media leaks. Rodriguez had run Kamala’s Senate campaign and had the requisite skills to win elections in a corrupt one-party state. He was out of his depth competing in a national election and the dysfunctional campaign showed it. . . .

. . . "This is a dumb story, but it's also a symptom of an inept leader. When your people are taking shots at each other through the media, you've lost control of your operation.

"And this keeps happening to Kamala.

"Strong leaders have a team they trust and control. Weak leaders are constantly enmeshed in drama from those around them and never get anything done. 

"Kamala is a weak leader. If you can even call her a leader at all."

Photos From Gwen Barry's Website Reveal That Her Anthem/Flag Protests Are Nothing But A PR Stunt

All she did was deny the 1st and 2nd place winner their rightful glory....and prove to the world that she is a self promoting moron..... Comment to this post.

Can you name the first and second place winners in this event?  Who are DeAnna Price and Brooke Andersen? Spotlight taken from them after Olympic hammer-throw controversy (  See below because Berry's tantrum has taken the spotlight from them.

 USA Supreme  "
Hammer thrower and activist Gwen Berry has received fierce backlash after she appeared to turn her back to the American flag as the national anthem was being played at the U.S. Olympic Trials over the weekend.

"Sen. Tom Cotton (R-Ark.) called Monday for US Olympic track and field athlete Gwen Berry to be kicked off the squad after she turned her back on the American flag while the national anthem was played over the weekend at the Olympic trials in Oregon.

" 'I don’t think it’s too much, when athletes are competing to wear the Stars and Stripes — to compete under the Stars and Stripes in the Olympics — for them to simply honor that flag and our anthem on the medal stand,” Cotton, a former Army infantry officer, told “Fox News Primetime”. “If Ms. Berry is so embarrassed by America, then there’s no reason she needs to compete for our country. She should be removed from the Olympic team.”

"Cotton’s remarks echoed those of Rep. Dan Crenshaw (R-Texas), a former Navy SEAL, who told “Fox & Friends” Monday that Berry should not travel to Tokyo for next month’s Games.

"Berry, who famously protested during the anthem in the 2019 Pan American Games, caught attention for turning her body toward the stands and away from the flag as “The Star-Spangled Banner” was playing at the trials in Eugene, Oregon on Saturday. Toward the end of the song, she put a black T-shirt with the words “Activist Athlete” on her head. Her competitors DeAnna Price, who won first place, and Brooke Andersen, second place winner, put their hands over their hearts and faced the flag.

"However, photos from Berry’s own website reveal that here Anthem/flag protest is nothing but a PR stunt!" . . .

"Here’s a print screen in case she decides to delete this photo:"

Oh, yeah, here are the first and second place winners:

"Price, who earned first place at the Women’s Hammer Throw Final, is an American track and field athlete. At just 28-years-old, Price set an American record of 80.31 m in the hammer.

"Likewise, Andersen has a personal best hammer throw of 76.75 m. At only 25-years-old, Brooke is ranked as the #14 thrower of all time.

"Andersen boasted second place at the Women’s Hammer Throw Final.


"DeAnna Price is incredibly notable in the women’s hammer-throwing community, breaking her own American record twice and her own Trials record four times.

"Reportedly, Price’s hammer-throw is the sixth best performance in history – it’s been noted as the longest throw in the world since 2017!

"USATF commentates: “Price opened the festivities with a 77.82m/255-4 to add more than two feet to the Trials record she set in the qualifying round, then she improved to 78.51m/257-7 on her next throw and 79.98m/262-5 in round three, breaking her AR that was set in April. A foul in round four preceded Price’s mammoth toss in the fifth stanza and was the only blemish on her series as she closed out with a 78.16m/256-5.' ” . . .

What Was California Thinking?

Even though crime has skyrocketed, the prison population is down.  So our neighborhoods must be safer, right?  If things don’t feel safer in California, consider this: making it no longer a felony to steal stuff, doesn’t mean people aren’t still stealing stuff.  They’re just not being arrested for it.  But the felony numbers are down, so the neighborhoods and schools must be safer.

 American Thinker  . . . "In a further demonstration of out-of-control liberalism, the voting public elected district attorneys who are more inclined to work as advocates for, rather than prosecutors of criminals.  Even though he’s only been in office for six months, a recall effort is currently underway for Los Angeles District Attorney George Gascón, due to his soft-on-crime policies.  He was even sued by his own prosecutors for restricting their ability to seek enhanced sentences.  News flash: Gascón shouldn’t be recalled. He should have never been elected.

"Los Angeles may have been unwise, but San Francisco was totally insane.  The City by the Bay elected Chesa Boudin as its District Attorney.  His parents were members of the Weather Underground and served time in prison for the murder of two police officers and an armored car guard.  After his parents were incarcerated, Chesa was adopted and raised by Bill Ayers and Bernardine Dohrn, who were also unrepentant terrorist members of the Weather Underground.  If those names sound familiar, they’re the same Bill and Bernardine who are friends and supporters of the Obamas.  Now that he’s in office, Boudin is more interested in social justice than criminal justice.  It’s a real shocker, but it turns out a person raised by people determined to bring down our society is not particularly interested in defending it.  He, like many of his fellow leftist DAs, simply chooses not to prosecute criminals that don’t fit the social justice narrative.  The voters of California are getting what they asked for -- good and hard!

"The end result of these changes was foreseeable to anyone who understands human nature -- which is clearly beyond the understanding of Democrats in general and California leftists in particular.

Drug use has skyrocketed in California.  Sleeping, drugged-out junkies litter the floors of BART train stations.  Fortunately, junkies do have an easy means to support their drug habits.  They can simply steal stuff -- with no risk of jail time." . . .

Yes, It's Ungrateful to Turn Your Back on the National Anthem by Ben Shapiro

Like self-declared Marxist Cullors, who currently owns three separate houses worth over $1.5 million each, Berry is in it for the attention and the profit. Yesterday, nobody had heard of her. Today, everybody has. It's that simple.

 Ben Shapiro  "This week, heretofore nearly anonymous hammer thrower Gwen Berry made international headlines when, during the podium ceremony for winning bronze in an Olympic trial, she turned away from the United States flag as the national anthem played. The anthem wasn't played for her, or for the other competitors in the hammer throw; every day during the trials, a pre-scheduled anthem went out over the sound system.

"Berry turned 90 degrees from the flag, stood with her hand on her hip, and glared directly into the camera. It was a deliberate provocation and a deliberate attempt to raise her own profile. "I feel like it was a setup," she later complained, "and they did it on purpose."

"Actually, Berry just saw an opportunity to maximize her profile, and she seized it with alacrity. In the United States, there's far more money to be made and fame to be achieved by spurning the American flag and the national anthem than by embracing it: Colin Kaepernick makes millions because he failed as a quarterback but succeeded as a self-aggrandizing symbol of supposed racial bravery. Meanwhile, the thousands of athletes with track records superior to either Kaepernick's or Berry's who stand for the national anthem remain anonymous.

"While Berry was protesting the national anthem, the Chinese government was busy arresting the editor of the pro-democracy Hong Kong newspaper Apple Daily. That arrest came on the heels of the arrest of one of Apple Daily's columnists for "conspiring to collude with foreign countries or foreign forces to endanger national security." While Berry was protesting the national anthem, the Taliban was busy spreading like a metastasizing cancer over Afghanistan, preparing its new subjects for the tender mercies of brutal Islamist rule. While Berry was protesting the national anthem during an event at which she threw heavy objects for sport, billions of people were living in absolute privation the world over." . . .

It's all OK, Gwen; CNN and MSNBC will exalt you. TD

Tuesday, June 29, 2021

Jill Biden to Meet with World Leaders at Tokyo Olympics While Joe Stays Home


Neon Nettle

Plan revealed in bombshell Japanese newspaper report

"Jill Biden will be present for the July 23 opening ceremonies while Joe stays at home, the Yomiuri Shimbun daily reported on Sunday, according to Reuters.

""The paper also reported that Jill Biden is expected to hold a meeting with Japanese Prime Minister Yoshihide Suga.

"The move has caused a stir considering the other high-profile world leaders who will be attending the Games.

"France, which is hosting the 2024 Olympics in Paris, is sending President Emmanuel Macron to the opening ceremony, according to Reuters.

"The news has prompted speculation about why Joe Biden isn't attending himself". . . 

Man Crowned Miss Nevada USA, First In Pageant History

  ZeroHedge  . . . "The 27-year-old winner had been competing in transgender pageants since 2016, while she was working as a model. She started competing in cisgender pageants at the beginning of last year. " . . .

 Methodist Church to add ‘Non-Binary’ as Gender Option | Neon Nettle

. . . "One board member was against the change. 

“ 'I’m appreciative of the recognition of all God’s people, but I am also cautious that we are making a decision that appears to affect less than half our global constituency,” the Rev. Steve Wood, lead pastor of Mount Pisgah United Methodist Church in Johns Creek, Georgia, said.

“ 'I’m just wondering if we are creating more angst than we are creating benefits, so I have to speak against it.”

"The article also notes the church’s Book of Discipline says that homosexuality is “incompatible with Christian teaching.' ”. . . 

The John Lewis Act is the Dems' Path to Permanent Power

 Ann Coulter  "The official position of Fox News is that the Democrats’ John Lewis vote-stealing bill is “narrower” than the Democrats’ “For the People” vote-stealing bill. (This will be an exhibit in my museum titled, “Stupid People Can Never Help Your Cause.”)

"Yes, it’s “narrower” in the sense of being 1 MILLION times worse. The John Lewis bill will do everything the “For the People” bill does — and so much more! They just don’t tell us what, exactly. The language of the bill is full of anodyne, uplifting language about equal voting participation — but the details will be turned over to left-wing zealots at the Department of Justice, suddenly empowered to enforce voting rules so insane that no elected official would dare vote for them.

"Inasmuch as nearly every congressional Democrat is fine with the provisions in the “For the People” bill — which are ludicrous — imagine how much worse the “You Can’t Blame Me” bill is.

"It will be faceless bureaucrats at the Department of Justice who give meaning to the happy words in the John Lewis bill. Federal government employees — i.e., the people actually making the rules — cannot be voted out of office. (Or fired — this is government work.) Indeed, these are people who could never be elected to any office on account of their repellent political views and, often, repellent physical appearance.

"This is how Democrats impose fascistic rules on the citizenry without ever having to cast a dangerous vote: They write laws with vague statements of high principle, then dump the actual rule-making onto a government agency, where refugees from the ACLU issue edicts outlawing private property, due process, free speech and honest elections." . . .