Wednesday, June 30, 2021

Kamala Can't Run the Country Or Even Manage Her Own People


"Kamala Harris is a San Francisco socialite who hooked up with the right people, but never picked up the right skills for the various jobs she managed to secure. Unlike Obama, she isn't the front face of an organized team. Kamalaworld is whoever drifted into her orbit. 

"Not only can't she run the country, let alone tackle any major problems, but she can't even manage her own people.

"Her Veepness turns out to be an echo of the same mess as her campaign.

By then her campaign had broken out in spasms of vicious infighting between her sister Maya and campaign manager Juan Rodriguez who were only speaking to each through media leaks. Rodriguez had run Kamala’s Senate campaign and had the requisite skills to win elections in a corrupt one-party state. He was out of his depth competing in a national election and the dysfunctional campaign showed it. . . .

. . . "This is a dumb story, but it's also a symptom of an inept leader. When your people are taking shots at each other through the media, you've lost control of your operation.

"And this keeps happening to Kamala.

"Strong leaders have a team they trust and control. Weak leaders are constantly enmeshed in drama from those around them and never get anything done. 

"Kamala is a weak leader. If you can even call her a leader at all."

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