Sunday, January 9, 2022

Politico Reports That Justice Sotomayor Was ‘Spotted’ Dining with Nancy Pelosi & Chuck Schumer.... Then Issues Embarrassing Retraction

 Trending Politics

. . ."But as unbelievable as the story turned out to be, it wasn’t nearly as egregious and damaging as the falsehoods that the “wise Latina” spouted during oral arguments over Biden’s OSHA vaccine “mandate.”

"The most glaring false claim Sotomayor made is that the “vaccines” stop the spread of Covid-19 — and particularly, the Delta and Omicron variants. This is not even close to being true.

"Sotomayor doubled down on deception with an easily disprovable statement on child hospitalizations.

“ 'We have over 100,000 children, which we’ve never had before, in serious condition, and many on ventilators,” she claimed." . . .

Joe Biden, the Divider in Chief, (unknowingly) kicks off the campaigns of the GOP and President Trump

Dark Angel (

Rajan Laad  "It has been almost a year since Joe Biden has occupied the White House and almost every campaign promise he made has melted into thin air.

"Among those promises was a pledge to restore decency and to unite the country. He conveniently ignored the fact that his party is the reason for the divide and hate. But truth or facts are never an impediment for Democrats while peddling false narratives.

“ 'We can join forces, stop the shouting and lower the temperature. For without unity there is no peace, only bitterness, and fury. No progress, only exhausting outrage. No nation, only a state of chaos. This is our historic moment of crisis and challenge, and unity is the path forward,” Biden said in his January 6 speech. ". . .

. . ."If Larry Elder and Candice Owens are White supremacists, the term is rendered meaningless; hence real White supremacists and Neo-Nazis manage to fly under the radar.

After Kamala, Biden proceeded to viciously and personally attack President Trump and his supporters. It wasn’t just the content of the speech but the unhinged manner with an undercurrent of violence in which it was delivered that was disturbing.

Obviously, neither Harris nor Biden had anything to do with the contents of their respective addresses. They merely read (or struggled to read) off the teleprompter.

The speeches were authored by lackeys of the Democrat establishment who realize Biden’s disastrous record has given them nothing else to boast about.  Hence they rely on overstatements to rile up their base and hopefully goad fence-sitters.

Saturday, January 8, 2022

2021 College Free Speech Rankings

Campus FIRE   "The Foundation for Individual Rights in Education's mission is to defend and sustain the individual rights of students and faculty members at America’s colleges and universities. These rights include freedom of speech, freedom of association, due process, legal equality, religious liberty, and sanctity of conscience — the essential qualities of liberty."

2021 College Free Speech Rankings - FIRE (   "On September 21, 2021, the Foundation for Individual Rights in Education, College Pulse, and RealClearEducation released the second annual College Free Speech Rankings. The 2021 rankings are based on the voices of over 37,000 currently enrolled students at over 150 colleges."

Overall Rankings  "The Overall Score combines seven unique dimensions to identify the top ranked college campuses for student free speech and open inquiry. The top-ranked colleges have the highest average score among all students surveyed and have the most open environments for free speech. Read more on how this ranking was calculated."

Tucker Carlson’s Jan. 6 special was an absolute doozy (Full Show)

 Tucker Carlson Tonight 01/06/22 (FULL SHOW) (    Video link here.

The actual coup began in 2016 and has continued ever since

For a long time, the media have gone from informing the public to indoctrinating the public. They are willing to pretend lies are the truth and bury truthful stories in their efforts to infect the public with radical leftist policies. They are willing to do whatever it takes to remake and destroy America. That makes them enemies of the American people, doesn't it?

 American Thinker  "Starting in 2016, the Obama-Biden Executive Branch, the Judicial Branch, and the Democrats in the Legislative Branch set out to defeat Donald Trump before the election, and when that didn't work, they made endless attempts to get rid of the duly elected president after the election. 

"It all centered on the Big Lie that Trump colluded with Russia.  The public was told continually that Trump was a Russian agent or spy or whatever name they decided to use at the time. 

"The politicized Justice Department used the obviously fictitious Russian dossier when they lied repeatedly to the FISA court to get multiple warrants to spy on people in the Trump team.  The FBI officials who perpetrated a fraud on the FISA court still roam free because they are special.  They are above the law." .  . .

. . ."Democrats don't want a federal takeover of elections because they care about minorities, voter rights, or voter suppression.  They only care about power and winning.  They will do anything to destroy people who get in their way.

"For a long time, the media have gone from informing the public to indoctrinating the public.  They are willing to pretend lies are the truth and bury truthful stories in their efforts to infect the public with radical leftist policies.  They are willing to do whatever it takes to remake and destroy America.  That makes them enemies of the American people, doesn't it?" . . .

Under the rule of America's lyin' king


. . .“Impeaching Biden may be part of that,” Moore continued. “It may be on the table. Certainly, what role did Pelosi play in January 6? That’s the reason [Jordan] and Banks are not on [the January 6] committee right now. They would have some pretty tough questions for her — how we managed to have such lax security knowing there was probably going to be some people in D.C. that day. There are a lot of unanswered questions.”. . . 

 Biden Frees Record Number of Illegals into U.S. via 'Catch and Release' (

Coming to an American city near youGRAPHIC: Cartel Gunmen Dump 9 Bodies in Coastal State, Implicate Government Officials ( 

RNC: ‘Worst Jobs Report of Joe Biden’s Presidency’ – Biden: 2021 Added ‘Most Jobs in Any Calendar Year by Any President’ | CNSNews

Conrad Black: The Twin Pillars of Biden’s Failure › American Greatness (   "Everything has gone so terribly wrong for the Biden Administration, and in the ways that were widely predicted, that it is hard to believe Joe Biden could be perceived as a successful or at least potentially successful president if only he had avoided being such a tool of the Democratic extreme Left. On the afternoon of his inauguration, he killed the Keystone XL Pipeline and curtailed fracking and offshore oil and gas exploration, and ordered the end of construction of the southern border wall. The consequences have been over 200,000 illegal migrants entering the United States across the southern border most months and the rise in the price of gasoline from approximately $2 a gallon to $5 a gallon across the country." . . .       

8 Times Left-Wing Protesters Assaulted Government Buildings (

 The Federalist

Left-wing demonstrators have long made a habit of attacking, infiltrating, and occupying government buildings.

"Self-absorbed congressional Democrats held a group therapy session on Capitol Hill on Thursday as they work tirelessly to immortalize Jan. 6 as an annual day of doom, but the rest of us are old enough to remember a few more times when riots and protests overwhelmed government buildings with no such theatrical response.

"More than a few times, actually. The 2020 summer of rage was more or less “incited” by these same top Democrats, who race-baited as if their lives depended on it, and even our vice president, who helped bail violent rioters out of jail. It featured a number of these attacks on the government (which strangely weren’t called attacks on democracy at the time).

"Not all of these demonstrations were allegedly a response to the Minnesota death of George Floyd, however. Left-wing Minnesota death of George Floyd, however. Left-wing demonstrators have long made a habit of attacking, infiltrating, and occupying government buildings. It started long before Jan. 6, 2021, and continued long after." . . .

Joy Reid To Lose MSNBC Show In The Spring: Report

 Conservative Brief

"Arguably one of the most radical liberals in the mainstream media could be on her way out.

"MSNBC host Joy Reid may no longer have a show on the network this spring following a round of reshuffling.

"News Cycle Media’s Jon Nicosia reported on Twitter that a Comcast source said “Joy Reid will lose her 7p show in the next round of reshuffling at MSNBC.”

"“Source @ Comcast: ‘Joy Reid will lose her 7p show in the next round of reshuffling at MSNBC.’ – ‘She does not have a show come mid Spring’ – The “decision has been made, the only thing left is messaging on the move, which will be ratings,” Nicosia tweeted." . . .

MSNBC to Fire Joy Reid as 'Past' Scandals Emerge, Report Shows | Neon Nettle  

“If we’re being honest mediocre Chris Hayes should have been fired before Joy Reid,” wrote one user.

"She will scream racism pretty soon,” predicted one Twitter user.

"Joy Reid is retiring to spend more time with her gay friends and track down the person who hacked her account,” wrote Davar Echad, poking fun at Reid’s less-than-forthcoming comments about old posts on her blog critical of same-sex marriage. 

“‘We’re going to miss Joy Reid,’ said no one ever,” summarized one individual.

If you say it was an insurrection, why are you not charging people with insurrection?

 Bob's Blog

Statue of Iranian Terror Chief Qasem Soleimani Torched Hours After Being Unveiled


Iran vows revenge for Soleimani killing if Trump not put on trial - Iran -

Statue of Iranian Qasem Soleimani Torched Hours After Being Unveiled (   "Iran’s effort to deify terrorist mastermind Gen. Qasem Soleimani on the second anniversary of his death in a U.S. airstrike hit a snag Thursday when a statue of the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) commander was set on fire by persons unknown within hours of its unveiling in the southwestern city of Shahrekord.

"The statue, which portrayed Soleimani as a towering, visionary leader, was set ablaze on the evening of the same day it was revealed to the public." . . .

. . ."Despite Iran’s frequent claims to the contrary, Soleimani’s status as a legitimate military target has never been seriously disputed. Iraqi Shiite militia coordinated by the IRGC general launched several rocket attacks on bases housing U.S. personnel in the weeks before his death. One of those attacks killed a civilian U.S. military contractor.

"Before that, Soleimani was responsible for organizing attacks that killed hundreds of Americans deployed to Iraq." . . .

Iranians Set Fire to Soleimani’s Statue Hours After Unveiling (

By setting the statue on fire, the Iranian dissidents have shown better moral judgement than the U.S. mainstream media and leading Democrats, who vehemently attacked President Trump for killing the terrorist operative who had the blood of American soldiers on his hands.

PATHETIC: Wimpy Liberals Are Actually Apologizing to Iran and Begging For Mercy  "On Thursday, the United States stepped on a cockroach. Within minutes, the progressive left were demanding we apologize to the greater cockroach community. So here’s a thought… …no, you gutless, waste of space pansies.    youtube.com2 years ago"

‘Please don’t kill us’: Rose McGowan apologizes to Iran for Soleimani death, backpedals, still gets roasted

Friday, January 7, 2022

Jan. 6: Seven Democrat Lies: The most transparent falsehoods peddled by the Democrats and media Thursday.

 The American Spectator   "It was hardly a surprise that the Democrats shamelessly exploited the first anniversary of last January’s Capitol riot to resuscitate their stalled political agenda. Nor was it difficult to predict that various news outlets would attempt to bolster their sagging ratings with sensationalized coverage of the mayhem that occurred that afternoon. Nonetheless, the mendacity that permeated the speeches of the politicians and the coverage of the media was truly startling even by Beltway standards. It is impossible to debunk every lie that was told yesterday in a single article, but here are the most egregious falsehoods:" . . .

How's this for a sample? 
Lie # 2: President Donald Trump purposely incited the alleged insurrection.  Biden also leveled this preposterous charge at his predecessor during his Thursday morning remarks, saying the former president had “rallied the mob to attack.” In reality, Trump explicitly told his supporters at his Jan. 6 rally to “peacefully and patriotically make your voices heard.” These are not the words of a man attempting to incite a riot or overthrow the government. Yet this inconvenient fact did not stop NBC from printing the following on its news site: “President Donald Trump incited a mob to storm the Capitol.” Nor did it prevent Rep. Liz Cheney (R-Wyo.) from telling Fox News, “The president incited the mob.” . . .

"Democrats’ ‘Misleading’ Jan. 6 Narrative ‘More Detrimental to Our Republic than the Day Itself’"

He then accused the “illegitimate” House select committee investigating the Jan. 6 U.S. Capitol riots of neglecting its very purpose while politicizing the event. 

“Thus far, the illegitimate Committee created by Nancy Pelosi and Congressional Democrats to ostensibly investigate the events of January 6, has done nothing but attack President Trump and his supporters,” he said.

Claiming a “serious and legitimate inquiry” would have released the many hours of security footage from within the Capitol complex to reveal what actually occurred, Biggs suggested a professional committee would consider the following: 

Joe Biden's most disgusting, dishonest speech

At the end, he vows to "defend the nation" -- revolting words from a man who refuses to defend America's border, and who presented us with the biggest, most humiliating American defeat of all time in Afghanistan.

Monica Showalter  "If you like dishonesty, and dollop after dollop of general disgustingness, Joe Biden had the speech for you.

"Here he was for his big Jan. 6 moment in front of Congress, denouncing his predecessor, President Trump, defending voter fraud, demanding more of it, and calling it 'democracy.'  His speech was ultimately an argument for his own right to power, by fair means or foul. Andrea Widburg has an excellent piece describing the Academy Awards quality of the whole wretched specter here."

. . ."One, he clearly hired a political consultant to profile which words would upset President Trump most, because he wanted to stick the knife in himself. "Failure," "didn't win," "lost," all spoken with shouting-level emphasis, figured prominently, just as any good political profiler might recommend. Those words were chosen carefully. Well, now we know what his real aim was in that speech: to annoy President Trump and insult his voters, not 'defend democracy' as he tried to market to the public. When have we ever had a president of this kind of crumminess? File under 'disgusting.'". . .

. . ."This is angry Joe Biden in all his ugliness, a bitter, small, failed president, who retains a rat's ambition to rise from his mouse-itude. President Trump, in his reply to the dotard, called it right in that he said Joe Biden's speech was a distraction from his own failed presidency. Biden's lies, plagiarisms, gaslights, and undisguised interest in maintaining his own personal power are operative here. It's all Joe amounts to. It's disgusting as hell."