Friday, January 7, 2022

Joe Biden's most disgusting, dishonest speech

At the end, he vows to "defend the nation" -- revolting words from a man who refuses to defend America's border, and who presented us with the biggest, most humiliating American defeat of all time in Afghanistan.

Monica Showalter  "If you like dishonesty, and dollop after dollop of general disgustingness, Joe Biden had the speech for you.

"Here he was for his big Jan. 6 moment in front of Congress, denouncing his predecessor, President Trump, defending voter fraud, demanding more of it, and calling it 'democracy.'  His speech was ultimately an argument for his own right to power, by fair means or foul. Andrea Widburg has an excellent piece describing the Academy Awards quality of the whole wretched specter here."

. . ."One, he clearly hired a political consultant to profile which words would upset President Trump most, because he wanted to stick the knife in himself. "Failure," "didn't win," "lost," all spoken with shouting-level emphasis, figured prominently, just as any good political profiler might recommend. Those words were chosen carefully. Well, now we know what his real aim was in that speech: to annoy President Trump and insult his voters, not 'defend democracy' as he tried to market to the public. When have we ever had a president of this kind of crumminess? File under 'disgusting.'". . .

. . ."This is angry Joe Biden in all his ugliness, a bitter, small, failed president, who retains a rat's ambition to rise from his mouse-itude. President Trump, in his reply to the dotard, called it right in that he said Joe Biden's speech was a distraction from his own failed presidency. Biden's lies, plagiarisms, gaslights, and undisguised interest in maintaining his own personal power are operative here. It's all Joe amounts to. It's disgusting as hell."

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