Sunday, February 13, 2022

Why Do 15% Of Voters Still Believe The Corrupt Corporate Media Tells The Truth?

 The Federalist

"Fake news outlets have given the people zero reasons to believe their drivel, so why isn’t trust in corporate media even lower?"

"Trust in corporate media is at an all-time low, but too many Americans still believe the corrupt press even though they are characterized by lying for political gain.

"A new poll from The Federalist and Susquehanna Polling & Research out on Friday found that at least 75 percent of American voters rightfully don’t trust the corrupt press because outlets “mispresent the facts to push a political agenda.” According to the same poll, 15 percent of likely voters still do believe the corporate media tells the truth when communicating news to its readers and viewers.

"Fake news outlets have given the people zero reasons to believe they have Americans’ best interests at heart so why isn’t trust in corporate media even lower?

"For years, media outlets staffed by leftists and pedophiles have used their influence to change political tides in their favor. Corporate media outlets such as CNN, MSNBC, The New York Times, The Washington Post, The Atlantic, and more have proven they exist to serve Democrats. Their sleazy attempts to craft false narratives became extra apparent during the 2016 election cycle when then-candidate Donald Trump gained popularity for calling out the “fake news” media.

"Trump was one of the few 2016 candidates willing to criticize the companies that 58 percent of Americans say have become the enemy of the people, and for his boldness, the media slandered him. For years, corporate media reporters and pundits who knew better helped craft and amplify the Russian collusion hoax in hopes that they could shift the nation’s affinity for Trump toward their preferred candidate. When word got out that their precious Steele dossier was bogus, the corrupt press did not recant their abhorrent coverage but doubled down on it.". . .

Declassified Pentagon report says Biden WAS dangerously indecisive about Afghan withdrawal - despite Psaki claiming on Friday report did NOT exist

 Daily Mail Online  "Joe Biden's dithering withdrawal from Afghanistan has been blamed for worsening the chaos on the ground and putting American lives at risk by a newly-declassified US intelligence report.   

"Newly-released papers compiled in the aftermath of the August withdrawal found that deadly chaos was only made worse due to indecisiveness among officials with the Biden administration officials in Washington D.C. 

"Their reluctance to close down the U.S. embassy in Kabul only added to the confusion and made the mission even more dangerous, according to the damning documents. 

"Three weeks after the final planeload of soldiers were back in the U.S., two 'after action' reports were compiled by American officials with Central Command."

An investigation into the attack on Kabul airport found that the US dead and wounded were close to the canal where the bomber detonated his explosives, and had clustered together to search potential evacuees. The worst hit were standing on a wall overlooking the canal

Why Biden Will Pick a Radical Replacement for Breyer

The American Spectator  "The Democrats are facing a grim November if they can’t find some way to energize their increasingly disillusioned base. Consequently, they regard the retirement of Justice Stephen Breyer from the Supreme Court as a golden opportunity to rekindle enthusiasm among their voters. President Biden, having already committed to replacing Breyer with an affirmative action hire, is all but certain to nominate a far left radical in order to provoke a confirmation brawl with the GOP as the midterms approach. The Republicans, however, have little to gain by trading punches in such an altercation. They would be wiser to employ a “rope-a-dope” strategy. 

"Biden will come out swinging with a nomination from the “Demand Justice” shortlist of leftist nominees — probably D.C. Circuit Judge Ketanji Brown Jackson — and Senate Democrats will respond to the most innocuous questions with cries of “racism.” If the Republicans take the rope-a-dope route, the Democrats will fail to land a serious political punch, and the ideological balance of the Court will remain static. It will nonetheless require restraint to remain this passive, particularly if Biden does choose Jackson, whose record includes a 2019 ruling (later reversed) wherein she gratuitously attacked then-President Trump:

 Stated simply, the primary takeaway from the past 250 years of recorded American history is that Presidents are not kings.… Rather, in this land of liberty, it is indisputable that current and former employees of the White House work for the People of the United States, and that they take an oath to protect and defend the Constitution of the United States.… It is hard to imagine a more significant wound than such alleged interference with Congress’ ability to detect and deter abuses of power within the Executive branch for the protection of the People of the United States.

Vote Every Single Democrat Out in November

 The American Spectator  "No one in their right mind would trust Joe Biden to water their plants, mow the lawn, cook dinner, or walk their dog, let alone serve in the highest office of the land. Yet somehow this is the situation we find ourselves in for at least another few years, unless of course his health warrants his removal before January 2025.". . .

Saturday, February 12, 2022

Townhall: The dirty Clintons were at it again. Keep at it, Mr. Durham.

 "BOMBSHELL: Clinton Campaign Lawyers Paid Tech Company to Infiltrate Trump White House Servers ("  "Remember the Durham probe? It’s a criminal investigation that was launched by then-Attorney General William Barr. It was supposed to get to the origins of the Russian collusion probe. As with any government investigation, it takes time, a lot of time. It also splinters into various off-shoots—which again increases the length of time of the probe. The amount of time has outlasted the Trump administration. To protect the effort and to ensure it would continue after the Trump White House, AG Barr gave former U.S Attorney John Durham special counsel status. It’s been under the radar for months. Now, we have a bombshell discovery which if true, means that someone could be going to jail. We now know why this is a criminal investigation after all. Durham’s efforts have unearthed a plot by Clinton campaign lawyers to infiltrate Trump tower and the servers of the Trump White House to tie the former president to the Russian collusion myth (via

 Fox News):

Lawyers for the Clinton campaign paid a technology company to "infiltrate" servers belonging to Trump Tower, and later the White House, in order to establish an "inference" and "narrative" to bring to government agencies linking Donald Trump to Russia, a filing from Special Counsel John Durham says.

Durham filed a motion on Feb. 11 focused on potential conflicts of interest related to the representation of former Clinton campaign lawyer Michael Sussman, who has been charged with making a false statement to a federal agent. Sussman has pleaded not guilty.. . .

. . . 

Durham Court Filing Identifies Clinton Tech Ally with Govt Provided Access to Spy on Executive Office of President Trump - The Last Refuge (

. . ."In a court filing late yesterday [Read Filing Here] special counsel John Durham dropped an explosive point into the public psyche.  Durham confirms that an outside government contractor, controlled by Hillary Clinton aligned “tech executive-1” Rodney Joffe, had access to conduct electronic surveillance and spying operations into the Executive Office of The President of the United States (EOP).". . .

. . ."While the surveillance and spying operation against Donald Trump is likely not a revelation to many people here, it will be quite a shock for some to see the direct admission in a public court filing.   The eye-opening part is the contractor access to conduct surveillance of Trump extended into his actual presidency as the “Office of the President” was being monitored by outside agents.". . .

Clinton campaign paid to 'infiltrate' Trump Tower, White House servers to link Trump to Russia: Durham

 Fox News   "First on Fox: Lawyers for the Clinton campaign paid a technology company to "infiltrate" servers belonging to Trump Tower, and later the White House, in order to establish an "inference" and "narrative" to bring to government agencies linking Donald Trump to Russia, a
filing from Special Counsel
 John Durham says.

"Durham filed a motion on Feb. 11 focused on potential conflicts of interest related to the representation of former Clinton campaign lawyer Michael Sussman, who has been charged with making a false statement to a federal agent. Sussman has pleaded not guilty.". . .

Full article here.  Clinton campaign paid to 'infiltrate' Trump Tower, White House servers to link Trump to Russia: Durham | Fox News

Declassified Trump-Russia probe docs to date: What to know  | Fox News

House intel transcripts show top Obama officials had no 'empirical evidence' of Trump-Russia collusion | Fox News  "Video: Democrat Rep. Adam Schiff is reportedly in 'panic mode' as House transcripts appear to contradict claims on collusion evidence in the Russia probe; Fox News contributor Lisa Boothe and former D.C. Democrat Party Chair Scott Bolden debate."

. . ."Newly released transcripts of interviews from the House Intelligence Committee’s long-running Russia investigation reveal top Obama officials acknowledged that they knew of no “empirical evidence” of a conspiracy between the Trump campaign and Russia in the 2016 election, despite their concerns and suspicions."

Fox News first reported Wednesday night that the transcripts would show this. The officials' responses align with the results of former Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s investigation—which found no evidence of criminal coordination between the Trump campaign and Russia in 2016, while not reaching a determination on obstruction of justice.". . .

'White supremacy' is the left's hammer, and you're the nail

  What to do about those Trump people?  Easy: Accuse them all of being white supremacists.  That will stick.  So the talking points were distributed, and in the blink of an eye, all Trump supporters were and are white supremacists. 

Patricia McCarthy  "The Trump presidency sent the left into paroxysms of hysterical terror.  How could that self-made billionaire beat their beloved and prototypically corrupt Hillary?  Everyone knows they cheated in 2016, too, but they seriously underestimated Trump's popularity.

"Thus, the Russia hoax , begun during the campaign, was escalated.  It was an entirely fabricated story they were certain that it would take Trump out hopefully before his inauguration.  That didn't happen, so they kept it up for years until the truth of their grand plan emerged.

"In the meantime, they perfected their systems of perpetrating election fraud by 2020.  The fix was in.  The perpetually nasty Biden was installed by a cabal who knew well that he was suffering from dementia but thought they could manage him as they moved ahead with the Obama agenda: destroy America as founded.  Eric Hoffer was prescient when he observed long ago that "nowhere at present is there such a measureless loathing of their country by educated people as in America."

"Along the way, though, far too many of the American people refused to go along with their carefully crafted plans.  Millions never believed the Russia hoax or any of the other invented tales of suspect criminality with which the left tried to malign President Trump.  They knew better, in part because common sense still prevails in some quarters outside the D.C. swamp and both coasts.  What to do about those Trump people?  Easy: Accuse them all of being white supremacists.  That will stick.  So the talking points were distributed, and in the blink of an eye, all Trump supporters were and are white supremacists.  The defund the police campaign relied on the false meme that all cops are white supremacists, even those who are black.  Larry Elder, a beloved California conservative, was labeled "the black face of white supremacy" as he ran to unseat the loathsome Gavin Newsom.  That was the L.A. Times!". . . 

Why Biden Will Pick a Radical Replacement for Breyer

  RealClearPolitics  "The Democrats are facing a grim November if they can’t find some way to energize their increasingly disillusioned base. Consequently, they regard the retirement of Justice Stephen Breyer from the Supreme Court as a golden opportunity to rekindle enthusiasm among their voters. President Biden, having already committed to replacing Breyer with an affirmative action hire, is all but certain to nominate a far left radical in order to provoke a confirmation brawl with the GOP as the midterms approach. The Republicans, however, have little to gain by trading punches in such an altercation. They would be wiser to employ a “rope-a-dope” strategy.

"Biden will come out swinging with a nomination from the “Demand Justice” shortlist of leftist nominees — probably D.C. Circuit Judge Ketanji Brown Jackson — and Senate Democrats will respond to the most innocuous questions with cries of “racism.” If the Republicans take the rope-a-dope route, the Democrats will fail to land a serious political punch, and the ideological balance of the Court will remain static. It will nonetheless require restraint to remain this passive, particularly if Biden does choose Jackson, whose record includes a 2019 ruling (later reversed) wherein she gratuitously attacked then-President Trump:"Stated simply, the primary takeaway from the past 250 years of recorded American history is that Presidents are not kings.… Rather, in this land of liberty, it is indisputable that current and former employees of the White House work for the People of the United States, and that they take an oath to protect and defend the Constitution of the United States.… It is hard to imagine a more significant wound than such alleged interference with Congress’ ability to detect and deter abuses of power within the Executive branch for the protection of the People of the United States." . . .

Biden faces conflicting pressures as he closes in on a Supreme Court nominee (

. . .The first Black federal judge in Alabama, U.W. Clemon, sent a letter to Biden on Feb. 4 urging him not to consider appeals Judge Ketanji Brown Jackson for the Supreme Court, according to a copy obtained by NBC News.

"Clemon, a retired chief judge of the U.S. District Court for the Northern District of Alabama, argued there are "several exceptionally well-qualified black female aspirants," but that Jackson isn't one of them and "should not be appointed" to the court."

Update:  Alabama's first Black federal judge asks Biden not to tap Ketanji Brown Jackson for Supreme Court (  . . ."The first Black federal judge in Alabama sent a letter to President Joe Biden asking him to pass over a leading contender for the US Supreme Court, NBC News reported on Friday.

"U.W. Clemon — a former state lawmaker who served as a federal judge in Alabama from 1980 to 2009 — petitioned the president not to consider Judge Ketanji Brown Jackson for the vacancy that will be filled upon the departure of Justice Stephen Breyer later this year. Jackson, who has been a frontrunner for the seat, currently sits on the federal appeals court in Washington, D.C. ". . .

Biden leads in another crisis

Biden Announces Americans Won't Be Rescued if Russia Invades  . . ." Good news for China and bad news for America, he's got a few more years in office.

"You don't simply declare that you won't help Americans because it's too dangerous. Even if it's true, it signals weakness to the world and tells the other side that they have a blank check to do anything they want.

"The strategy here is absolutely terrible. 

"But don't underestimate Biden. There is a strategy here.

"Biden has learned from Afghanistan. These comments incorporate his two lessons.". . .

Now the White House Says Putin Will Invade Ukraine ‘Any Day Now’ (  

Oil Spikes To $95/Barrel Over Fears Of Ruso-Ukraine War… | Weasel Zippers   "Oil prices jumped in afternoon trading Friday amid escalating tensions between Ukraine and Russia.

"With about 2 hours left to the trading day, U.S. National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan said at a White House briefing that there were signs of Russian escalation at the Ukraine border and that it was possible that an invasion could take place during the Olympics, despite speculation to the contrary.

"We continue to see signs of Russian escalation, including new forces arriving at the Ukrainian border. As we’ve said before, we are in the window when an invasion could begin at any time,” Sullivan said Friday." . . .

Opinion | Biden Is the Biggest Weakness in America's Russia Pol - The New York Times (  This commentary begins with a positive outlook on Biden's role in this current issue. But then takes us to this more somber view:

. . ."Despite these successes, Russia still looks poised to invade Ukraine. Mr. Putin is still threatening to use military force, whereas President Biden is sending the message that the United States is afraid of confronting Russia militarily. Even if the United States is unwilling to fight alongside Ukrainians, it’s a big bargaining advantage for Russia if it’s telegraphing willingness to go to war and we’re ultimately reassuring it that it doesn’t need to worry about us.

"The real problem in administration policy is President Biden. The insular nature of his decision-making, including his reliance on like-minded advisers, lacks rigorous thinking and fuels a kind of arrogance that can lead to unforced errors. His casual suggestion last month that “a minor incursion” by Russia might not draw a tough response required mopping up by the administration. It also drew a bitter rebuke from Ukraine’s president. Most egregiously, Mr. Biden let Russia know it need not fear the prospect of U.S. troops fighting to defend the sovereignty of Ukraine and postwar order, saying publicly that “there is not going to be any American forces moving into Ukraine.' ”. . .

Friday, February 11, 2022

Olympics Jerk Watch: The Snowboarding Judges Who Disrespected Ayumu Hirano


"Candidates: Olympic snowboarding judges

"Known for: Issuing oddly low scores, issuing oddly high scores, angering the Todds

"Why they might be jerks: On Friday morning in Beijing, Japanese snowboarder Ayumu Hirano stomped the men’s halfpipe with one of the best runs that NBC commentators Todd Richards and Todd Harris had ever seen. “Ayumu Hirano is from another planet!” yelled Harris. “That was the most difficult halfpipe run in the history of halfpipe that has ever been done,” said Richards. “It’s all about setting momentum. It’s a puzzle. Ayumu Hirano just put together one of those 15,000-piece puzzles you get at Christmas and you never get a chance to open it up because you’re too intimidated. He destroyed this halfpipe.”

"As viewers at home marveled at the destruction and at that extended puzzle metaphor, Hirano awaited the verdict from the judges—who, Richards predicted, would give him a score “that’s gonna be just … out of this world.” They certainly did, though not in the way that Richards expected. Hirano’s run got awarded a 91.75, leaving him in second place, behind Australian snowboarder Scotty James.

"What sort of jerks would give such a low score to such a great run? The Todds were at a loss for words. “Explain that to me,” said Harris. “Uhhhhh, what? What? Is there a mistake?” said Richards. “How did that … wait a minute. There’s no way. There is no way! A 91.75?” And with that, NBC went to commercial, giving Richards, Harris, and all the rest of us a few minutes to process what those (potential) jerks had done.". . .

In the end, the judges’ potential jerkiness was mitigated by Hirano’s third run, which, per the Todds, was “even more perfect”: “the heaviest run that has ever been done in halfpipe.” (A 30,000-piece puzzle?) This time around, the judges saw what the Todds saw, scoring the run at a 96, giving Hirano the gold, and weakening the argument that they are, in fact, jerks. True jerks don’t make amends; true jerks double down on their mistakes.

CNN Poll: 57% of Americans Consider Biden’s First Year a Failure

 Legal Insurrection

"The articles about the CNN poll concentrate on the 56% who do not approve of anything Biden has done during his presidency.

"The buried lede: 57% of Americans consider Biden’s first year in office a failure.

"It doesn’t surprise me because the “disapprove” column came out on top for every question:

When Biden loses CNN they hit the bottom. This generally pro-Biden article does not approve of Donald Trump yet rates him higher than Biden.
The sense of turmoil was captured in a new CNN/SSRS poll released Thursday that showed waning faith in US elections and found that most of the nearly 60% of Americans who disapprove of how Biden is handling his presidency were unable to name one single thing they like that he has done. "He's not Donald Trump. That's pretty much it," one despondent respondent said. Another answered: "I really like his new cat, Willow Biden.". . .
. . ."But Biden may also have done too little to rally the nation behind him. He lacks the steadying and sunny confidence of President Franklin Roosevelt, who piloted his nation through the great crises of the Great Depression and World War II. Some Americans also saw the ambition of Biden's social spending plan as a betrayal of the moderate image he had cultivated on the campaign trail. The pandemic's refusal to loosen its grip over the first year of his presidency hammered his reputation for competence. The US withdrawal from Afghanistan, which should have been a political winner, was instead a parable of presidential incompetence when it descended into bloody chaos. High inflation has been responsible for ending countless political careers in the last century, and the White House's repeatedly wrong comments downplaying the seriousness of price hikes for basic goods haven't helped." . . .

Relax: Biden puts an LGBT activist, gender-fluid drag queen 'pup' fetishist in charge of the nuclear waste that could be used for terror bombs

Chalk up another glass ceiling broken by the Biden administration and sleep easy.

 Thomas Lifson   . ."Terrorists wishing to construct "dirty bombs" that could contaminate entire cities, rendering them uninhabitable, would love to get their hands on some of this stockpile.  So the handling and ultimate disposition of this lethal accumulation, the responsibility of the deputy assistant secretary of spent fuel and waste disposition in the Office of Nuclear Energy for the Department of Energy, requires a person of scientific/technical erudition, good judgment, and responsible character.

"Meet Sam Brinton, hired by the Biden administration for that role.

. . ." If you don't recognize Sam's name, perhaps you know them (not him — show some respect!) by their drag queen alter ego name, "Sister Ray Dee O'Active."

"You can take comfort in Sister Ray Dee O'Active's technical credentials.  They has a master's degree!  From MIT.  A "dual master's degree in engineering systems and nuclear science and engineering."

"I gather that they is part of the + in "LGBTQ+" as what is called a "pup handler," which seems to involve people dressing up as puppies and then engaging in some sort of sexual behavior, but which may also involve sex with animals, previously known by judgmental people as bestiality.  I admit that I can't tell.  See what you make of the interview quoted below:. . ." Read about it here

This Is The Freak Biden Just Hired To Work At The Dept of Energy - Galleries -

Biden Admin: Photos have emerged revealing that the new Deputy Assistant Secretary of Spent Fuel and Waste Disposition in the Office of Nuclear Energy, has taken part in the sexual "kink" community called "puppy play."    Meanwhile, adversaries who are serious at what they do and know how to run their government oppose a silly America with the goal of destroying our economic system.