Friday, February 11, 2022

Relax: Biden puts an LGBT activist, gender-fluid drag queen 'pup' fetishist in charge of the nuclear waste that could be used for terror bombs

Chalk up another glass ceiling broken by the Biden administration and sleep easy.

 Thomas Lifson   . ."Terrorists wishing to construct "dirty bombs" that could contaminate entire cities, rendering them uninhabitable, would love to get their hands on some of this stockpile.  So the handling and ultimate disposition of this lethal accumulation, the responsibility of the deputy assistant secretary of spent fuel and waste disposition in the Office of Nuclear Energy for the Department of Energy, requires a person of scientific/technical erudition, good judgment, and responsible character.

"Meet Sam Brinton, hired by the Biden administration for that role.

. . ." If you don't recognize Sam's name, perhaps you know them (not him — show some respect!) by their drag queen alter ego name, "Sister Ray Dee O'Active."

"You can take comfort in Sister Ray Dee O'Active's technical credentials.  They has a master's degree!  From MIT.  A "dual master's degree in engineering systems and nuclear science and engineering."

"I gather that they is part of the + in "LGBTQ+" as what is called a "pup handler," which seems to involve people dressing up as puppies and then engaging in some sort of sexual behavior, but which may also involve sex with animals, previously known by judgmental people as bestiality.  I admit that I can't tell.  See what you make of the interview quoted below:. . ." Read about it here

This Is The Freak Biden Just Hired To Work At The Dept of Energy - Galleries -

Biden Admin: Photos have emerged revealing that the new Deputy Assistant Secretary of Spent Fuel and Waste Disposition in the Office of Nuclear Energy, has taken part in the sexual "kink" community called "puppy play."    Meanwhile, adversaries who are serious at what they do and know how to run their government oppose a silly America with the goal of destroying our economic system.

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