Wednesday, February 16, 2022

Khamenei, You Have a Friend

 Watching America/ Published in Yisra’el Hayom

All this leads us to an unpleasant conclusion. The Biden administration is allied with Iran in everything related to its nuclear program. No agreement will prevent Iran from acquiring nuclear weapons, and the Biden administration will not impose any sanctions. On the contrary, the administration is working to defend Iran from all its opponents, as it did by removing the Houthis from the list of terrorist organizations and imposed sanctions on Egypt last week.

Toon added by TD

. . ."When Biden appointed Malley to manage the U.S. return to the nuclear agreement, there were those who claimed he did this to pacify the progressive left in the Democratic Party while he remained moderate. This claim does not square with the historical record.

"Since 1979, as a senator, then as vice president and today as president, Biden was and remains one of the clear supporters of the ayatollahs’ regime in Washington. During the American hostage crisis at the embassy in Tehran in 1979, Biden opposed any aggressive operation to free the hostages. His reaction to the 9/11 attacks was to call on the Bush administration to give $200 million to the regime in Tehran as a goodwill gesture.

"Biden was the architect of the American withdrawal from Iraq in 2011, something that, in fact, transferred control of the country to Iran. As vice president, he was an ardent supporter of the nuclear agreement, which paved Iran’s path to nuclear weapons by means of canceling sanctions imposed on the country, etc.

"When Prime Minister Naftali Bennett refused to meet with Malley during his visit to Israel, Biden reacted angrily and may have used the moment to break contact with Bennett for a number of months. Two weeks ago, three members of the American negotiations team resigned. The three, including Malley’s deputy, Richard Nephew, rejected Malley’s placatory approach with Iran and asserted that, in light of Iran’s nuclear advancement, the 2015 agreement was no longer relevant. According to The Wall Street Journal, the disagreement between Malley and Nephew reached Biden, who supported Malley’s position.". . .

Tuesday, February 15, 2022

Tulsi Gabbard Points Out the 'Biggest Threat' to U.S. Democracy

 Tulsi Gabbard Points Out the 'Biggest Threat' to U.S. Democracy (

"For years the leftist media and Democrats have issued warnings about "threats" to American democracy and yet, much of it was projection. 

"As reported over the weekend, Special Counsel John Durham confirmed the Clinton campaign hired a technology company to infiltrate servers at Trump Tower and while President Donald Trump was in the White House. In other words, they were spying. 

"Former Democratic presidential nominee and U.S. Congresswoman Tulsi Gabbard is sounding that alarm about true threats to American democracy and where they are coming from. The Durham investigation has shown that the biggest threat to our democracy is not some foreign country, but rather the Power Elite led by the likes of Hillary Clinton and her coconspirators in the mainstream media & security state who work to undermine our democracy from"

(@TulsiGabbard) February 15, 2022 The Durham investigation makes clear that Hillary Clinton and the power elite spied on the Trump campaign and White House, undermining our democracy, launching us into a new Cold War, endangering America and the world. Clinton and her warmongers must be held accountable. — 7

Tulsi Gabbard ?? (@TulsiGabbard) February 15, 2022 

Meanwhile Biden National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan, who played a major role in the development of the false Russia narrative against the Trump campaign, is still working in his post at the White House. The White House press team is refusing to comment on the situation.". . .

Trump tears into 'corrupt' media for IGNORING claim Hillary's campaign paid to spy on him |

. . .The reason the MSM can’t cover the story is that they would be reporting about themselves. . . Posted by: janjan 

 UK Daily Mail Online: La, la, la, can't hear you: How the liberal media outlets that relentlessly pushed 'Russian collusion' smear have totally ignored Durham's revelation that Hillary SPIED on Trump. CNN, NY Times, Washington Post, NBC and CBS all pass 

"The mainstream media is under fire again for ignoring the bombshell claims Hillary Clinton's campaign spied on Donald Trump while he was President - while they show no hesitation in heavy coverage of the discredited Steele dossier and allegations he was colluding with Russia,

" found no links or references to the latest revelations by Special Counsel John Durham in his probe into the origins of the Russia investigation on the New York Times, Washington Post, CNN, MSNBC, ABC, CBS.

"The story has even been picked up global news organizations, including The Times of London, but has seen little in comparison to the wall-to-wall coverage of the so-called 'dirty dossier' that turned out to be Democrat-funded opposition research used as a basis for the FBI to surveil Trump campaign aide Carter Page.". . .

Reply 8 - Posted by: sterling431 2/14/2022 10:29:46 PM (No. 1072193)
This is proof the MSM is absolutely corrupt and have no honor and no commitment to publishing the truth. They didn't mind running with the so called Russia/Trump hoax for 3 years with no credible evidence or facts to support any of their many allegations. Where are their apologies for putting the country thru 3 years of absolute lies and misinformation, not mention the tens of millions of wasted taxpayers dollars? Hilary Clinton's campaign and her DOJ accomplices tried to subvert an election, and after that failed, continued the spying in an attempt to remove a sitting President from office using completely fabricated lies. There should be executions at play for those convicted of this espionage and subsequent attempts to ruin a duly elected President using falsehoods and illegal spying. 100% serious here.

Ratcliffe Reveals More on Durham Probe Including Biden Connection as WH Dodges Questions

 RedState. . ."Former DNI John Ratcliffe went on Fox on Monday and said that based on the intel that he had given Durham as part of Durham’s investigation, that he expected “quite a few more indictments.” He had previously said “multiple” or “many indictments”, so this adds that he thinks that the evidence from the intel supports “quite a few more” than the people who were indicted so far. He also notes the variety of crimes that might be considered.". . .

. . ."It isn’t just about Hillary Clinton. That raises the question of what did Biden know and when did he know it as well. Who else know what when, and was involved? If you check the above tweet of Hillary Clinton’s, you’ll also notice a familiar name that’s also come up in this case – the current National Security Adviser for Biden, Jake Sullivan. He was part of the Hillary for America team as a “senior policy advisor,” and he was putting out the information on the smear in a statement that Clinton was tweeting." . . .

. . ."Fox’s Jacqui Heinrich asked White House Deputy Press Secretary Karen Jean-Pierre about the Durham probe and what Biden thinks about infiltrating political opponent’s servers. Jean-Pierre refuses to answer the question."

 Oh, So That's Why The New York Times Didn't Cover Latest Durham Bombshell (  "When a new motion was filed by John Durham on Friday night that included information about Hillary's Clinton's campaign and its activities toward Donald Trump's campaign, the mainstream media largely said "meh" and ignored the development (though Townhall did not, and Vespa's story is here). Well now The New York Times is trying to defend its insulting its readership. 

"In what was apparently another example of the mainstream media's selection bias clouding its judgement and causing it not to cover stories that are negative about their pals in the Democrat party, the usual suspects were oddly silent on the development for days. According to analysis from Fox News, on-air coverage of the latest Durham bombshell from Saturday through Monday on ABC, NBC, CBS, and MSNBC totaled zero (0) seconds while CNN gave two minutes and 30 seconds to the story. In primetime, the revelations weren't covered at all."

Durham Court Filing: Hillary’s Campaign Spied On Trump Tower, Trump Apartment Bldg, White House Internet Traffic


Durham Court Filing: Hillary’s Campaign Spied On Trump Tower, Trump Apartment Bldg, White House Internet Traffic (   "We can only hope that some major figures related to the 2016 Clinton campaign end up doing perp walks. What is now clear is that the Clinton campaign, through its lawyers, masterminded the manipulation of the 2016 election and the anti-Trump resistance through false and fabricated accusations and purported documentation of Russia collusion. The Clinton campaign was dirty as hell, put this country through hell for years, and people need to go to jail. But who knows if that ever will happen." . . .

Get Ready for More: The Durham Probe Has ‘Accelerated' – PJ Media  "According to the Fox News sources, John Durham, unlike Robert Mueller, has run his investigation “very professionally,” the investigation’s activities are rarely leaked, and more witnesses are “cooperating” and testifying before the federal grand jury than have previously been reported.

“ 'Durham does this right and keeps it a secret,” the source told Fox News and insisted that there’s a lot more activity going on in the investigation than the public has been privy to.

"John Durham had been investigating the FBI’s Trump-Russia investigation as a U.S. Attorney but was appointed by then-Attorney General Bill Barr to serve as the Special Counsel for the United States Department of Justice in Dec. 2020 to ensure his investigation couldn’t be thwarted by the incoming Biden administration.". . .  More...

Monday, February 14, 2022

Don Lemon Doomed, Facing Financial Ruin as Sexual Assault Case Goes to Trial

 "It’s shameful that the CNN attack machine is resorting to victim-blaming in order to detract from Mr. Lemon’s gross sexual misconduct."

Neon Nettle

"CNN’s Don Lemon is facing a massive legal nightmare amid an impending jury trial in a lawsuit from a Long Island bartender who claims he was physically, verbally, and sexually assaulted by the host in 2018.

"The ruling had been opposed by Lemon’s lawyers, who wanted a bench trial with no jury present.

“ 'Lemon will have to testify under oath in the near future, but it’s good to see that there’s finally some accountability happening,” Lemon’s accuser Dustin Hice said after the ruling, according to Fox News.

"Hice first sought $1.5 million from Lemon.". . .

Rand Paul Calls on Freedom Truckers to Come to America and ‘Clog Up Cities’

 Neon Nettle

"Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY) has called on trucker convoys to come to the United States and “clog up cities.”  "In an interview with The Daily Signal, Paul said:

I’m all for it.”

“Civil disobedience is a time-honored tradition in our country, from slavery to civil rights, to you name it.”

“Peaceful protest, clog things up, make people think about the mandates," he said.

“And some of this, we started,” the Republican explained.

‘The Exact Moment Racism Was Defeated In America’: Eminem Takes Knee At Super Bowl Halftime; Social Media Reacts

 The Daily Wire    "Rapper Eminem took a knee for about 50 seconds while performing at this year’s Super Bowl halftime show, sparking much social media reaction.

"Jake Coco mockingly captioned a photo of the rapper kneeling, “The exact moment racism was defeated in America.”

Rapper Eminem took a knee for about 50 seconds while performing at this year’s Super Bowl halftime show, sparking much social media reaction.

 "Left-wing celebrities like Rosie O’Donnell were pleased with Eminem, though. “That’s my guy,” she posted, quote-tweeting a left-wing account suggesting the rapper took a knee for former NFL quarterback Colin Kaepernick, who in 2016 sparked a racially-charged anti-police kneeling protest in the NFL."

Notably, back in 2017, Eminem rapped about the rape of conservative commentator and author Ann Coulter with a “Klan poster,” a “lamp post” and a “door handle,” among other objects, and called then-President Donald Trump a “b****.”

“And f*** Ann Coulter with a Klan poster. With a lamp post, door handle, shutter. A damn bolt cutter, a sandal, a can opener, a candle, rubber. Piano, a flannel, sucker, some hand soap, butter. A banjo and manhole cover,” Eminem raps in a song called “No Favors” by Big Sean.

“I’m anti, can’t no government handle a commando,” the rap continues. “Your man don’t want it, Trump’s A B****. I’ll make his whole brand go under.”

Snoop Dogg also performed during the halftime show. Back in 2020, the rapper called black conservatives like Candace Owens, Herman Cain, and Diamond & Silk members of the “Coon Bunch.”

Moreover, in a music video for his song “Lavender,” there is a mock presidential assassination of then-President Trump. And in another viral video posted in 2017, Snoop Dogg refers to Trump using the n-word and mocks his supporters, The Daily Wire reported.

Related: Eminem Raps About Raping Conservative Ann Coulter, Calls Trump a ‘B****’

Now even Democrats call for Hillary Clinton to be investigated

 More Democrats want Hillary Clinton investigated amid bombshell report | Daily Mail Online   "
A growing chorus of Democrats believe 2016 presidential candidate Hillary Clinton should be questioned by special advisor John Durham for her alleged role in the Russian secret server scandal in a poll conducted before bombshell revelations that her team spied on Donald Trump's campaign.

"In a poll last month, 66 percent of Democrats wanted Clinton questioned, a whopping 22 percentage points higher than how many in her party demanded a probe last October, according to TechnoMetrica Institute of Policy and Politics (TIPP) research. 

"The amount of Republicans demanding answers is also swelling, rising to 91 percent in January from 80 percent last October.  Among the independent crowd, those wanting the former secretary of state probed rose to 74 percent from 65 percent.". . .

One comment to this post:
The contents of the allegations are not surprising. Clinton destroyed subpoenaed information, discussed classified information using a non-government insecure server in her basement, colluded with Russia to find dirt to undermine a presidential candidate, and then launched a smear campaign accusing Trump of doing what she had done. That's just a partial list of what happened during the campaign cycle. What IS surprising is that something is actually making it to court. I don't think a Clinton will actually have any consequences. They are part of the Democrat elite class.l, but the fact this is actually making it to a judge is amazing. Odds are it'll never actually go to trial. Even if it does, it'll go to a leftist DC judge (yes, I know leftist and DC judge is redundant) and it'll either be dismissed or a sure win for the Clinton campaign. Otherwise, she'll throw somebody under the bus and he'll end up with a lot of money or some awesome land...

“They were the ones that did Russia, Russia, Russia. I mean, they destroyed my career, my reputation, cost me hundreds of thousands of dollars in legal fees with the Mueller investigation. So the media, they don’t want to touch this, because they’re complicit in it. They don’t want to have to be called before a grand jury and have to say where they got the fake story, and why they continue to peddle it,” she added.

Ex-DNI told Durham there is 'enough evidence to indict MULTIPLE people' in the Trump-Russia probe | Daily Mail Online How the liberal media outlets that relentlessly pushed 'Russian collusion' smear have totally ignored Durham's revelation that Hillary SPIED on Trump found no links or references to the latest revelations by Special Counsel John Durham in his probe into the origins of the Russia investigation on the New York Times, Washington Post, CNN, MSNBC, ABC, CBS. 

The story has even been picked up global news organizations, including The Times of London, but has seen little in comparison to the wall-to-wall coverage of the so-called 'dirty dossier' that turned out to be Democrat-funded opposition research used as a basis for the FBI to surveil Trump campaign aide Carter Page. 

JULIAN ASSANGE: Trump had no connection to Russia. When foreign companies, governments wanted a State Dept decision in their favor they donated to the Clinton Foundation

Trudeau's Government Goes Nuclear in Attempt to Crush Canadian Truckers


AfterMath - Home (

Trudeau's Government Goes Nuclear in Attempt to Crush Canadian Truckers (  "Well, he did it. Prime Minister Justin Trudeau had his “just watch me” moment like his daddy. Trudeau’s father declared martial law in 1970 to put down Quebec separatists. This time…it’s truckers. No, I’m not kidding. Justin Trudeau is afraid of truckers, so he decided to invoke the Emergencies Act to deal with the Freedom Convoy and their allies who are demanding an end to the COVID panic regime. The military won’t be deployed…yet. Civil liberties will not be violated…yet. And Trudeau even said the right to legal protest won’t be impeded…yet. The line from this government is that these measures are limited. They’re not. Sorry, you cannot say these are limited measures when you can seize people’s bank accounts without a warrant (via BBC):". . .

Mr Trudeau said the scope of the measures would be "time-limited", "reasonable and proportionate". The military will not be called to assist.

Without a court order, banks will be able freeze personal accounts of anyone linked with the protests. 

Sunday, February 13, 2022

Are Hillary/ Democrats the start of America's downhill slide?

John Durham Filing Suggests Clinton Operatives Spied on Trump in 2016 and in White House (   . . ."Their goal was to dig up damaging information that could then be used to build the “Russia collusion” narrative against Trump." "As Durham notes in the filing:". . .

. . ."Fox News quoted former Trump aides reacting to the news of Durham’s filing, claiming it vindicated their suspicions:

Former chief investigator of the Trump-Russia probe for the House Intelligence Committee under then-Rep. Devin Nunes, R-Calif., Kash Patel, said the filing “definitively shows that the Hillary Clinton campaign directly funded and ordered its lawyers at Perkins Coie to orchestrate a criminal enterprise to fabricate a connection between President Trump and Russia.”

“Per Durham, this arrangement was put in motion in July of 2016, meaning the Hillary Clinton campaign and her lawyers masterminded the most intricate and coordinated conspiracy against Trump when he was both a candidate and later President of the United States while simultaneously perpetuating the bogus Steele Dossier hoax,” Patel told Fox News, adding that the lawyers worked to “infiltrate” Trump Tower and White House servers.

 The Media Blackout of Durham's Bombshell Report – PJ Media 

. . .Republicans can do nothing as long as they’re in the minority. And even if they were to hold hearings after regaining the majority to try to get to the bottom of this swamp, it still wouldn’t be news.

For Democrats, it simply never happened, because it won’t be reported. This is especially true as long as Trump clogging up the White House toilet is repeated again and again as “breaking news.'. . . 

 John Durham Filing Suggests Clinton Operatives Spied on Trump in 2016 and in White House (  . . ."July 2016 also marks the point at which the Obama administration launched its investigation into supposed links between Trump and Russia, after Trump joked at a press conference about Russia looking for Hillary Clinton’s missing emails.

"In March 2017, after radio host Mark Levin noted evidence in the public domain that investigators had used wiretaps to eavesdrop on Trump associates, Trump claimed the government had his “wires tapped” and was attacked by the media.". . .

The Dirtiest Trick Gets Dirtier [Updated] | Power Line (

What all of this reflects is the determination of America’s establishment to destroy Donald Trump. Our establishment includes 200 or so major, super-respectable law firms like Latham & Watkins and Perkins Coie. Pretty much all of these firms, as members of the establishment in good standing, would happily have enlisted in the anti-Trump crusade. And I think most of them, like Latham and Perkins, would have facilitated criminal conduct if that would help the Democrats’ cause and cement their standing with our–sort of–ruling class.

Campaign trail tweets from 2016 show how Hillary Clinton pushed never-proven Trump-Russia claims | Daily Mail Online

Hillary Clinton campaign paid tech workers to dig up Donald Trump-Russia connections (

Durham makes allegations that make Watergate look like small potatoes - American Thinker 

 . . ."Joffe had a very specific assignment for the people working for him: He wanted them to mine internet data (and again, this was not public data) to “establish ‘an inference’ and ‘narrative’” that would tie then-candidate Trump to Russia. He told people that he was “seeking to please certain ‘VIPs,” meaning both Perkins Coie and the Hillary campaign.". . .

Hillary Clinton 2016 tweets show campaign perpetuating now-debunked Trump-Russia claims ( . . .:Just a day after Fox News first reported that Special Counsel John Durham alleged that lawyers from her campaign had paid to "infiltrate" servers belonging to Trump Tower, and later the White House, in order to establish an "inference" and "narrative" to bring to government agencies linking Trump to Russia.". . .

Dopers, Doping, And The Dopes In Charge Of Our Lives

Equally significant and bizarre, Biden says “There will no longer be” a Nord Stream 2 pipeline from Russia to Germany if Russia invades Ukraine. But Biden already approved it. He has no interest in saving Ukraine, except as a cash cow for his family. 

Dark Angel  "We live in a world of pretense, where we pretend that our enemies don’t exist and that our government will protect us from them anyway. We are surrounded by liars, cheats, and thieves – minds clouded by dope and doping.

"As American athletes compete for medals in Communist China’s Olympics, Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA)  administrator Anne Milgram has confirmed what we already know – that Communist China is working with Mexican criminal organizations to flood the United States with deadly drugs, killing tens of thousands of our people.

"One of the highlights of her interview on CNN was a warning to potheads and stoners that marijuana is now being laced with the deadly drug fentanyl.

"She should take a tour of the DEA Museum and its exhibit on Harry Anslinger, who ran the Federal Bureau of Narcotics (FBN) for more than 30 years and was a major critic of Red China’s role in drug trafficking.

"Sadly, the exhibit plays down the threat, saying, “After the war [World War II] America’s attention turned toward the Cold War and the spread of Communism. China, a source country for opiates, became a target for a so-called Communist narcotics offensive. The McCarthy scare reinforced Anslinger’s worries that Communists were ‘flooding the world with dope to corrupt the youth of America.’”

"It looks like DEA administrator Milgram is now beginning to understand the “so-called” communist source of the problem.

"But China was more than a “source country.”  Anslinger’s article, “The Opium of the Peoples’ Government,” describes in detail how the Chinese Communists pushed drugs on the Free World to demoralize the “bourgeoisie.”

"We have known this for decades. It still continues. This is a deliberate policy on their part.". . .