Thursday, February 17, 2022

Spying Isn’t Spying If Democrats Do It

 They reacted with arrogance to the latest John Durham report.

Tony Branco

The American Spectator | USA News and Politics   "Democrats howled in protest when Richard Nixon absolved himself of wrongdoing in the Watergate scandal by saying, “When the president does it, that means that it is not illegal.” But today’s Democrats, caught out in a political dirty trick far greater than Watergate, adopt the same arrogant posture. Spying isn’t spying if Democrats do it, they have implicitly said in response to the investigation by Department of Justice special counsel John Durham. He is establishing that it was the Obama administration and the Hillary Clinton campaign, not the Trump campaign and Putin, that colluded during the 2016 election.

"It is laughable to hear all the villains in this saga — from Hillary Clinton to John Brennan to Christopher Steele — prattle on about the purity of democracy after they assaulted it so egregiously in 2016. The Obama administration’s investigation into Trump-Russia collusion was a dirty trick from beginning to end. Its genesis traces to John Brennan, a virulent anti-Trump partisan who had no business running the CIA. He turned it into something approaching a branch office of Hillary’s campaign. It is no wonder, as Durham tells us in a recent legal filing, that one of her lawyers felt comfortable pitching anti-Trump propaganda to CIA officials.

"The FBI liaison to Brennan was Peter Strzok, the agent who infamously told his mistress that he was going to “stop” Trump. That Brennan and Strzok spearheaded the investigation into Trump-Russia collusion tells you all you need to know about its partisan origins. They would later solemnly spin their partisan fishing expedition as a “counterintelligence probe” into foreign interference in the election. Former FBI director James Comey even tried to spin it as an investigation into the campaign, not Trump — an obviously bogus explanation given that he never tipped Trump off to his alleged fears.

"Even at this late date, the media, to the extent that it acknowledges the Durham investigation, still casts the Obama administration’s blatant spying on the Trump campaign as proper and dutiful. The chutzpah of it all is breathtaking. Reporters continue to treat Trump as the villain, not the victim, in the story. Never mind that Durham’s findings show the spying on Trump to be even more extensive than anyone realized.

"Now we know why the denials of spying on Trump Tower were so lawyerly. Both the Obama administration and Hillary’s dirt-diggers targeted it for surveillance. Comey, who never directly denied Trump’s complaint, was able to intercept communications at Trump Tower through FISA warrants based on nothing more than Hillary’s campaign smears.

"Walter Duranty, the New York Times correspondent famous for his defense of Stalin, won prizes for overlooking the transgressions of Russian leaders. . ." 

‘He’s Really Good At Holding His Breath’: Cruz Drags LA Mayor Garcetti Going Maskless At Super Bowl


You knew the BEE wouldn't let this pass, didn't you?

"As the Super Bowl approaches, Los Angeles Mayor Eric Garcetti has instituted a citywide

"hold-your-breath" order to keep people safe during the big game.

" 'As I said earlier this week when reporters asked me why I wasn't wearing a mask at the NFC Championship game, I was holding my breath, so it was ok," said the Mayor to reporters. "There is a zero percent chance of infection if you're holding your breath. That's just science. That's why today I'm issuing a 'hold-your-breath' mandate. If everyone just holds their breath for 15 days, we'll get through this thing. We're all in this together!"

" 'Now 3... 2... 1... HOLD YOUR BREATH!' " . . .

Last Wednesday, asked about photos of him maskless with Los Angeles Lakers icon Earvin “Magic” Johnson, Garcetti stated, “I’ll take personal responsibility, and if it makes you and everyone else happy — or even the photographs with people where literally I’m holding my breath for two seconds — I won’t even do that,” Deadline reported.

“I wore my mask the entire game,” Garcetti protested. “When people ask for a photograph, I hold my breath and I put it here and people can see that. There is a zero percent chance of infection from that.”

He added, “I won’t pull it down for two seconds anymore — that’s easy. But to me, it is crystal clear that nobody has been endangered by that and I’m trying to model the good behavior of making sure we wear this (for the) entire game,” The Daily Mail noted.

This isn't hypocrisy. This keeps happening because the politicians who impose all these COVID rules and restrictions on everyone else see them as a useless joke, and that's why they ignore them in their own lives and end up saying darkly hilarious things like this to justify it:

Putin, Joe will make you just another "Corn Pop"


The genius of Rich Terrell

Putin will say, "Just kidding!" and Biden will be honored un-skeptically by himself and networks with an "N" in their name as being a world leader in the mold of JFK and FDR.

Wednesday, February 16, 2022

FLASHBACK: Biden NSA Pushed Collusion Hoax Using Misleading Info Got By Spying On Trump

 Weasel Zippers

Have At 'Em, Antifa! The New Free Speech

Ann Coulter

...So I guess we can forget that sonorous horse crap about the First Amendment protecting ideas that "society finds ... offensive or disagreeable." The left's new model is a public-private partnership to prohibit speech unacceptable to Joy Ann Reid....

"In 2017, as fear and loathing of Donald Trump seized the nation, a U.S. mayor got a four-star resort to cancel a conservative conference by threatening to withdraw police and fire protection. 

"With all the media blubbering about "attempts to DESTROY our democracy" and violations of "constitutional norms, " it's remarkable that this Howitzer blast to the First Amendment has received barely any attention, much less the front-page coverage it deserves, not even from the conservative press. 

"The banned conference, you see, was about immigration. 

"Wow, our elites really don't want Americans thinking about immigration! (Remember, kids: It's a right-wing conspiracy theory -- and racist, to boot! -- to think that liberals are using mass immigration to change the country.) 

"The sponsor of the conference was VDARE, a long-standing immigration website espousing ideas that are basically identical to Trump's 2016 immigration promises -- both before he made them and after he broke them. The main difference is that the arguments on VDARE are expressed in proper English, and the writers actually believe what they say.

" As the 2016 election demonstrated, these ideas are quite popular with a certain segment of voters. Not everyone, just enough to elect a president no one thought could ever be elected, who was loathed by the media, and who was outspent 2-to-1. 

"Named for Virginia Dare, the first European born on U.S soil, VDARE promotes the novel idea that U.S. immigration policy should benefit Americans. (Obviously, that includes white, Hispanic, Asian and black Americans -- whom, by the way, mass immigration hurts the most.) Naturally, therefore, it has been designated a "white supremacist" website by the country's largest hate group, the Southern Poverty Law Center.". . .

Tulsi Gabbard: 'Power Elite' Will 'Silence & Cancel Anyone Who Dares Question' Biden

 Neon Nettle

"Former Rep. Tulsi Gabbard (D-HI) has warned that America's "power elite" will "silence and cancel" anybody "who dares challenge or question" the agenda of Joe Biden and the Democrats.

"Speaking to USA Today, Gabbard blasted the Biden administration for its attack on podcaster Joe Rogan.

"Gabbard warned that the Democrats' effort pointed "to a bigger issue," which is “the power elite trying to silence and cancel people who dare to question the establishment narrative.”

"Gabbard stated:". . .

[RELATED] Tulsi Gabbard Warns of 'Dictatorship' If Elites Continue Propaganda and Censorship

Wondering about Durham and Hillary?

This first is an in-depth commentary by Andrea Widberg:

Two intriguing points about the Durham allegations - American Thinker  . . ." 

However, with the Durham revelations, my guess is that the Democrats will offer Hillary up as a sacrificial lamb for the party.  She'll be asked to take responsibility with the promise that she'll get no prison time.  Instead, she'll just retire from the public eye, having taken one for the party and protected both the Sainted Barack Obama and the current White House occupant.

"The problem with this theory is that it's hard to see Hillary going down quietly.  There's a
meme circulating that quotes Hillary saying that if she goes down, she'll take everyone else down with her.  In fact, she never said that, but it's just the kind of thing she'd do.

"What I'm reminded of when I look at the potential fight between Hillary and Obama over culpability is the divorce of a power couple I knew.  They were very, very rich, and if they'd cut the marital estate in half, each of them would still have been very, very rich.  However, by the time of the divorce, they hated each other.  Therefore, each was willing to risk having exposed horrible secrets about him- or herself if it meant he or she could publicize horrible secrets about the other.  You can read about the divorce here." . . .

Donald Trump Was Right All Along: Hillary Clinton’s Campaign Was Behind the Russian Collusion Hoax. (  . . ."Durham’s report must be considered if Hillary Clinton is indeed making another run at the Presidency in 2024.

"Word has leaked out that considering Biden’s dismal performance as President and his equally dismal ratings; there’s no chance that Biden will run for reelection in 2024.

"Since Biden’s VP Kamala Harris is even more unpopular and more incompetent than Biden, Hillary sees a gigantic hole to the Democratic nomination in 2024 that she could run a freight train through.

"And if Trump is looking to enter the 2024 Presidential race, and it sure looks like that’s his plan, the fireworks will visibly be on display during their respective 2024 presidential campaigns.". . .

Left-Wing Espionage: Trump Was Right - The American Spectator | USA News and Politics Read or listen to the article.

THEY KNEW!!! Former Nat Intelligence Director: Barack Obama AND Joe Biden Were Briefed On Hillary Clinton's Dirty Plan To Falsely Accuse Trump Of Ties To Russia (

Flashback: 2019 Media Chant ‘There Was No Spying’ on music (well done!) - Choice Clips (

Ex-Director of National Intelligence claims Biden and Obama KNEW ABOUT Hillary campaign plot to hack Trump servers: 'Enough evidence in Durham's Russia probe to indict MULTIPLE people'

 Daily Mail Online

  • John Ratcliffe told Special Counsel John Durham that there is 'enough evidence' to indict 'multiple people' connected to the origins of the Trump-Russia probe 
  • The former Director of National Intelligence met with Durham more than once
  • Ratcliffe's pointed Durham to a declassified CIA memo of Clinton approving looking into Trump's Russia ties as a way of distracting from her email scandal
  • The report was sent directly to then FBI Director James Comey and then-Deputy Assistant Director of Counterintelligence Peter Strzok
  • New bombshell reports now reveal Clinton paid people to hack servers at Trump Tower during the 2016 campaign and White House servers following the election
  • A poll taken before those reports came out show that now even Democrats want Clinton questioned over her role in the Russian secret server scandal   
  • 44% of party loyalists believed she should be interrogated last October, but the number jumped to 66% in a January polling

"From Bill Barr's confirmation hearing to indictments and the crumbling of the Steele dossier: The timeline of Durham's investigation leading up to bombshell Hillary claims"

California's problems jump out after a road trip

I am not surprised at all how many have already pulled up stakes from California.  History will look back on this time with a clearer lens than those living through the morass.  I'm waiting for trucker power to get here and force us back to life.  I hope it comes soon.  They just need to watch out for all the potholes

 American Thinker  "I just returned from a solo trip that gave me a break from California's mask and vaccine mandates.  I drove a lot through both Nevada and Idaho, spent five days in Idaho, and then made the return trip home.  Leaving hadn't solved any problems, but I had been too angry to stay in the San Francisco Bay Area.  The trip was illuminating — not just because it showed me a better world outside California, but because merely crossing into California reminded me how bad things are here.". . .

. . ."Driving further after that awful experience, I couldn't help contrast the consistently poor quality of the roadbeds with the 1,500 well tended out-of-state miles I drove.  There was also the ubiquitous roadside garbage.  Welcome home to California grunge — and this in a state where we pay a $0.70-a-gallon gas tax for highway maintenance, on top of high sales (10% or so depending on county) and income (top rate 12.3%) taxes.  Is there anything this high tax state does right?  Does all our tax money get sunk into teaching CRT, abetting homelessness, and promoting green energy?" . . .

Democrat Russia hoax was known in 2016 and reported on in 2018. Still none of them in prison.

Democrat Rep On Durham Filing: Clinton Was Looking For “Links,” “Making Stuff Up”…

Yowza: Joe Biden Reaches Blowout Territory in New Poll

Notice how the Bernie state of Vermont remains for Biden compared with Joe Manchin's state of West Virginia. TD

Guy Benson "We'll review some of the state-level numbers in a moment, but first, a look at President Biden's overall standing nationally – and my goodness, the results are grim for Democrats. Take all of this with grains of salt, per usual. It's just one poll, the subsamples in each state are relatively small (though the survey was quite large), margins of error, etc. But if these data points are generally in the ballpark, the party in power could be looking at a beatdown of historic proportions later this year: ". . .

. . ."How does one earn a rating that dreadful in any state? By garnering less than 70 percent support within his own party, and polling at 12 percent among independents. That's how. Does anyone think Sen. Joe Manchin is the least bit intimidated by pressure campaigns from outside leftists demanding that he vote the Biden line? Meanwhile, let's look at the president's standing in some crucial Senate states in the 2022 cycle:". . .More...

Lawn signs for conservatives

American Thinker  "Liberals think they're better than other people — so much so that they plant lawn signs in their front yards to illustrate that fact.

"The sentiments on these signs range from outright lies, HATE HAS NO HOME HERE (say the Trump-haters), to tautological nonsense like LOVE IS LOVE and SCIENCE IS REAL.

"Seems to me it's high time for normal, hardworking, America-loving folks to start displaying some lawn signage of their own.  The sentiments expressed on these signs should not signal virtue or moral superiority; their intent is merely to accurately reflect the real world, thereby causing pointy liberal heads to explode.  Since the American left is so fond of vandalizing or destroying that with which they disagree, a large Doberman on a chain may be a necessary adjunct to such signs, depending upon where you live.

"Liberal lawn signs often begin with the phrase, IN THIS HOUSE, WE BELIEVE.  To that I say, whaddaya mean, "we"?  Since when does everyone in a family share the same beliefs?  Don't any of these people have teenagers?

"So keep your lawn sign real and own it: IN MY HOUSE, I BELIEVE.  A house, however filled with love and inclusivity as it may be, is not a democracy.  The views on the lawn sign should be those of whoever is paying the mortgage.  Dissenting members of the household will simply have to wait until they've bought their own home to share their views.

"After establishing ownership of your home and your beliefs, start your conservative sign's list of bromides with a bang:". . .More...