Saturday, July 6, 2024

From their cold, dead hands…

 Diann Russell (

They’ll drag Joe’s rotting carcass over the finish line even if it kills them

. . ."
New York Times White House correspondent Katie Rogers reported later that the Biden family did not have a pow-wow about the future of Biden’s reelection campaign as NBC’s unnamed sources claimed. Instead, the family spent the morning in hair and makeup to prepare for the photo shoot.
"I read the updates on Twitter with a growing sense of amusement.
"If you want to know why the Biden family wants its senile patriarch to continue publicly humiliating himself on the world stage, the clue is in the phrase “photo shoot with Annie Liebowitz.”
"Do you think Jill Biden wants to give up the wealth, fame, and perks that being married to a Democrat president guarantees?
"How else could an unremarkable elementary school teacher like Jill ever have the chance to rub elbows with Hollywood stars or pose for celebrity photographers like Annie Leibowitz?
"According to the New York Times, Joe’s convicted felon son Hunter was especially influential in convincing old Joe to continue dragging his half-dead carcass to November:" . . .
"One of the strongest voices imploring Mr. Biden to resist pressure to drop out was his son Hunter Biden, whom the president has long leaned on for advice, said one of the people informed about the discussions, who, like others, spoke on condition of anonymity to share internal deliberations. Hunter Biden wants Americans to see the version of his father that he knows — scrappy and in command of the facts — rather than the stumbling, aging president Americans saw on Thursday night.
"No. That’s not why Hunter wants Daddy to stick this out. Nobody believes that.
"Without Joe in the White House, Hunter’s source of income dries up faster than spit on a summer sidewalk. Eastern European oligarchs will ignore his calls while Chinese officials send his emails to the spam folder.
"In short, Hunter and the rest of the Delaware hillbillies might have to get jobs." . . .

Much more daily at the Tunnel Wall. TD is three years older than Biden but still concerned for our nation.

Biden claims he ‘shut Putin down’

 Read the Full Transcript of President Biden’s ABC News Interview - The New York Times   "The conversation between the president and George Stephanopoulos lasted about 20 minutes and aired Friday night."


Biden claims he ‘shut Putin down’ - Washington Examiner  "During a curious exchange on his foreign policy, Biden told ABC’s George Stephanopoulos that he was responsible for the expansion of NATO as well as the man who “shut Putin down.”  Russian President Vladimir Putin launched a full-scale attack on Ukraine on Biden’s watch."

No word of correction from Stephanopolous on this. TD

“I’m the guy that put NATO together, the future,” Biden claimed. “No one thought I could expand it. I’m the guy that shut Putin down.  "No one thought could happen. I’m the guy that put together a South Pacific initiative with AUKUS. I’m the guy that got 50 nations out– not only in Europe, outside of Europe as well to help Ukraine.” 

"It’s not clear what he was referring to when he made the remarks about Putin as Russia ignored Biden and invaded Ukraine despite his threats. Putin remains in control of Russia and he has shown no signs of ending his war."   Putin responds to Biden: Russia can't be 'put down' and U.S. should learn respect

Putin says Biden is better for Russia than a Trump presidency

There's no spinning the debate result: Trump hit the jackpot


This article is the point of view of anti-Trump people, desperately hoping for a victory by the American left and with no concern for the elimination of our southern border. This is part of Obama and Reverend Wright's long-sought  "fundamental transformation" of America. TD


"Joe Biden face-planted in one of the highest stakes moments of his political life — igniting widespread concerns among Democrats about his fitness as a candidate.

"Debating former President Donald Trump with a raspy voice, wandering eyes, pallid complexion and a halting delivery, Biden’s performance was at times unintelligible. And though Trump blustered through his own answers with falsehoods, there was one defining issue: Biden’s age.

"Democrats are reeling. The first debate is in the books. The second — and last — won’t come until Sept. 10, and that’s assuming it even happens. We asked five POLITICO campaign reporters and editors for their takeaways from the first general election debate of the 2024 campaign." . . .

Foreign diplomats react with horror to Biden’s dismal debate performance | CNN Politics   . . ." 'It is a sad reality that Biden is old, and he is getting older. We saw it. I had difficulties understanding what he was saying, and I understand English pretty well,” said a second European diplomat.

"Trump ate him alive,” said an Arab diplomat.

" 'I was shell-shocked. I could not believe my eyes,” an Asian diplomat said of Biden’s performance.

"Biden’s debate flop was front-page news across Europe, with left- and right-leaning newspapers excoriating the president — even in France, where the country has its own elections coming up this weekend.

"The president’s debate performance also compounded already pronounced concerns about the policies Trump would likely enact if he wins in November. Trump on Thursday once again displayed his isolationist tendencies and his NATO-skeptic worldview that often alarmed US allies during his first presidential term. At the debate, Trump questioned continuing to fund Ukraine’s war against Russia and falsely claimed that the US had given more in aid to Ukraine than all other European countries put together.

"Trump even suggested that he had spoken to Russian President Vladimir Putin about his “dream” of invading Ukraine. He also attacked Biden over the Afghanistan withdrawal and argued it was the reason Putin invaded Ukraine in 2022." . . .

Tucker Carlson shares bombshell scoop on Joe, Jill and Obama from an 'unusually trusted source'...

  Revolver News 

Members of the Biden family privately LAMBASTED the President’s top advisors while at Camp David today, putting the blame on them for Biden’s poor performance at the debate. Biden’s family is now demanding Joe fire or demote his top campaign staffers


 "It’s astonishing—this family clamors for heads to roll when the “Big Guy” embarrasses himself on the debate stage, yet remains dead silent about the tragic loss of 13 Americans in Afghanistan or the full-blown invasion at the US border. They are a selfish and disgusting family.

"But the Bidens aren’t the only ones making moves on the political chessboard. According to Tucker Carlson, Obama is back at the drawing board with a clear plan: to oust Joe and Jill Biden. Tucker dropped a bombshell, citing an “unusually trusted source,” revealing Obama’s determined push to take down Mr. and Mrs. Biden.

Tucker Carlson:

From an unusually good source: Obama’s tweet supporting Joe Biden was disingenuous. In private, Obama is telling people Biden can’t win, and he is therefore in favor of an open convention. Obama will not say whom he supports, nor as of yesterday afternoon had he met personally with Biden to deliver the message. Relations between the Obamas and the Bidens have never been warm. At times they’ve been hostile. But recently they’ve deteriorated further, mostly due to Jill Biden. In the hours and days after the debate, she kept her husband cloistered away from anyone who might convince him to drop out. Jill Biden is the driving force behind her husband’s reelection campaign, just as she was in 2020, when other members of the family (including Biden’s sister Val) considered him too impaired to run. The next generation of potential Democratic candidates understands all this as an opportunity and they’re circling, particularly Gretchen Whitmer, who is promoting herself aggressively. . . 

Friday, July 5, 2024

Biden Behind the Scenes - 'Lost All Independence'

 Frightening Report Paints an Even Worse Pic of Biden Behind the Scenes - 'Lost All Independence' – RedState  

"The President is sharp as a tack; he really is!"

"At what point is enough enough for Democrats? 

"They've clearly shown they have no conscience, and they'll do anything to win, even putting up and keeping a man in office who has the problems that Joe Biden has. They shouldn't even be talking about him stepping aside — that should be a given. They should be talking about the 25th Amendment. 

"But they don't want to do that and they only are considering him stepping aside because they're afraid they're going to lose and then they'll be out of control. It has nothing to do with doing what's right here. They're just trying to run the percentages at this point — is it better to force him out, or are they in more trouble if they do it? 

"But now there's a new report from Axios that indicates that things are even worse than has been reported so far. 

"According to the report, staffers are miserable, and they feel like it's "Weekend at Bernie's" when it comes to Biden. 

The big picture: "Everyone is miserable, and senior advisers are a total black hole," a White House official told Axios. "Even if you're trying to focus on work, nothing is going to break through or get any acknowledgment" from bosses.

  • A high-ranking Democratic National Committee official told Axios: "The only thing that can really allay concerns is for the president to demonstrate that he's capable of running this campaign."
  • "Everything else feels like 'Weekend at Bernie's' by his inner circle to prop him up."

"Biden staffers are leaking that there are three aides who've created something of a bubble around Biden. The aides mentioned are Deputy Chief of Staff Annie Tomasini, the first lady's top adviser Anthony Bernal, and longtime aide Ashley Williams, who is part of Tomasini's staff." . . . 

Biden's Bizarre Claim: The First Black Woman President? (  "In a recent gaffe that has sparked widespread bewilderment and amusement, President Joe Biden made the startling claim that he is “the first black woman to serve with a black president.”

"This peculiar statement has once again raised questions about Biden’s propensity for verbal missteps and his ability to accurately convey facts.

"As the leader of the free world, Biden’s words carry significant weight, and his latest blunder has left many scratching their heads and wondering about the state of the Oval Office.

“ 'By the way, I’m proud to be, as I said, the first vice president, first Black woman, to serve with a Black president,” Biden said during an interview with Philadelphia’s Wurd radio station when referring to his vice president, Kamala Harris, and former President Barack Obama.

"This gaffe comes amidst growing calls for Biden to drop out of the race for another term in the White House; however, in a highly anticipated ABC interview Friday, Biden firmly rejected calls for an independent medical evaluation that would demonstrate his fitness to serve another term in office." . . .

Biden sounds exhausted, out of breath as first clips from George Stephanopoulos interview dribble out... - Revolver News   . . ."Biden stuck to the talking point of having a “bad night,” but if you’re explaining, you’re losing, as the old saying goes. Biden tried to blame his “bad night” on Trump lying 28 times,” but Stephanopoulos nailed him on this fake talking point, pointing out that Biden himself sounded awful and confused before President Trump even said a single word." . . .

California’s Latest Effort To Ban Plastic Bags Also Doomed To Fail

  Issues & Insights (

"The author of Assembly Bill 2236 probably said a little too much, admitting that her legislation was a battle in the California war on oil."

Ten years after Sacramento outlawed single-use plastic bags (with the help of a majority of voters two years later in a referendum), legislators have approved a ban on the multi-use bags that took their place, with each chamber passing a bill that, in identical language, prohibits “a reusable grocery bag sold by a store to a customer at the point of sale” from being “made from plastic film material.”

Stores would be allowed to provide customers who forget to bring their reusable bags – and those who refuse on principle to use them – with paper sacks. But they will have to be, beginning on Jan. 1, 2028, made “from a minimum of 50% postconsumer recycled materials.” The paper bags will have to cost at least 10 cents each.

Neither bill is law yet. But the ban will be in effect after the formalities of the legislative process are completed.

Sen. Catherine Blakespear, the Encinitas Democrat who authored Senate Bill 1053, said the state’s “original ban on plastic bags hasn’t worked out as planned, and sadly, the state’s plastic bag waste has increased dramatically since it went into effect.”

Maybe the volume “increased dramatically” because the thin single-use bags were replaced by heavier multi-use bags, which are at least four times thicker.

“The amount of plastic bag waste discarded per person (by weight) actually increased in the years following the law’s implementation to the highest level on record – proving the ban ineffective at reducing the total amount of plastic waste,” says a report compiled by multiple organizations, one of them the Naderite U.S. Public Interest Group.

Nevertheless, Blakespear said “we need to do better,” because “shockingly, some 18 billion pounds of plastic waste flows into the oceans every year from coastal regions alone. California must do its part to eliminate this scourge that is contaminating our environment.”

The media loses the game

 M.B. Mathews - American Thinker 

We are faced with the truth that the media, as it stands right now, is heavily biased to the Left. This isn't news, but it is a most painful, debilitating migraine before this election. Huge pockets of Americans watch only leftist news TV and they are getting shortchanged.  

"POTATUS (hat tip to BEEGE WELBORN of Hot Air) is suddenly persona non grata after his strabismus-inducing debate performance. Well, maybe not so suddenly. Everyone with a scintilla of firing neurons knew that Joe Biden was not all there. Excuses to the contrary fall on bored and jaded ears. The media made their Biden-bed and now that they are forced to lie in it, they pretend that we put the bedbugs in it. No, their own dirt attracted those bedbugs, so they have no excuse for blaming anyone else. They chose to be deaf and blind to Joe's obvious incapacities because they needed a progressive Democrat in the White House to be the rictus mask of Obama's team of hammer and sickle America-haters.

"What the media have done to America is beyond reprehensible. It sinks to evil. They deliberately hid POTATUS' frailties and his dementia. They deliberately ignored his inability to do the job. They deliberately gaslighted us by continuously lying about the border being closed and the economy doing well and EVs being environmental saviors, as though the environment needed actual saving. They deliberately lied about Trump's nonexistent crimes and the imaginary danger he posed to the American democratic process.

"Instead of blaming all the above on POTATUS Biden where it belonged, the media transferred blame to the one not-guilty party in this steaming, fetid oozefest, Donald Trump. The media never bothered to ask the right questions and they certainly never delivered the right answers or the truth about either Biden or Trump. Their irrational hatred for Trump and for conservatives in general prevented almost an entire industry from serving the American people by reporting the news, digging for news, and telling the whole truth instead of half-truths, when they bothered telling any truth at all." . . .

Were you there when he froze? - Silvio Canto, Jr.   "First, it was Russia Russia.  Then, it was the laptop and the 51.  Now it’s the debate.  Notice a pattern here?

"A few days ago, Carl Bernstein said that all of Joe Biden’s men, women and whatever other gender he’s got in his crew knew a lot more about President’s Biden’s condition than they let on.  In other words, Thursday night was not a debut performance.

"This is from Miranda Devine:

Carl Bernstein just let the cat out of the bag about the media conspiracy to hide Joe Biden’s long-running cognitive collapse from voters. . . . 

Islamists and leftists celebrate Independence Day in NYC by burning the American flag

 Andrea Widburg - American Thinker  "Even as young people across America are being prosecuted for daring to desecrate the “Pride” crosswalks proliferating in leftist cities, the Hamas/leftist crowd continues to revel in its constitutional right to free speech, which includes burning the American flag on Independence Day. During a New York protest, there were plenty of “Palestinian” flags, which stand for genocide and subjugation, but the only American flags were used as fire starters.

"The protest in New York’s Washington Square Park wasn’t large, but it was fervent. It also perfectly exemplified the coming together of Islamism and leftism in a toxic brew that, if allowed to grow unchecked, will destroy everything in its path:

A braying mob of around 100 anti-Israel protesters spent Independence Day burning American flags and chanting “Burn it down!” in Washington Square Park, part of a coordinated “Flood Manhattan for July 4th” demonstration.

At least one person was arrested, cops said, but they did not disclose the charges the alleged perpetrator was facing.


Keffiyeh-wearing photographers brought their lenses in close to capture the flag desecration as chants of “Free free free Palestine” and “Burn it down” echoed throughout the park.

"The above report, while accurate, is too dry. It doesn’t capture the passion driving these anti-American, antisemitic protestors:" . . .


Trump, Critics Unload on ABC's Biased 'Angry Man' Stephanopoulos Before Crucial Biden Interview

 Bob Hoge – RedState  "Former Bill Clinton aide and now ABC host/Democrat apologist George Stephanopoulos may wish he didn’t take on the assignment of interviewing Joe Biden in the president's desperate attempt to salvage his foundering campaign. Stephanopoulos’ own history has come back under the microscope—and it hasn’t been pretty. 

"GOP presumptive nominee Donald Trump took aim at the newscaster on social media Thursday, calling him “one of the worst and most vile Broadcasters in the business” and an “angry man”: . . . Donald Trump Truth Social

"He brought up Brian Ross, who was forced to part ways with the network in 2018 for reporting fake "Russia Collusion" news:

The meanest and most vicious Interviewer out there is George Slopadopoulos of FAKE NEWS ABC, one of the worst and most vile Broadcasters in the business — In fact, the home of disgraced “reporter” Brian Ross whose reporting on the Russia, Russia, Russia Hoax was so outlandish that ABC, after defending him at levels not seen before, was forced to put him, and their reputation, out to pasture.

. . ."George may regret taking on his assignment because as all eyes turn to him, the world is being reminded of what a truly partisan, dishonest hack he is. Whether his interview is enough to save Biden’s reelection campaign remains to be seen, but don’t count on Stephanopoulos to be an honorable seeker of the truth." . . .

Michelle: will she or won't she? No answers here.

Guilt ridden, America haters will poll higher for Michelle. TD

Michelle Obama's Team Shuts Down Presidential Rumors Again: 'She Will Not Be Running for President' | The Gateway Pundit | by Jim Hᴏft  "Despite being the top pick among potential Democrat presidential candidates, Michelle Obama has once again confirmed she will not be running for president

"The recent Reuters/Ipsos survey showed that if Joe Biden were to step aside, Michelle Obama would be the most likely candidate to defeat former President Donald Trump.

"The poll indicated that she would win over Trump with a 50 to 39 percent victory.

"However, the same could not be said for other potential Democrat contenders, all of whom Trump would best in a hypothetical race.

"Trump would outperform Vice President Kamala Harris (43 to 42 percent), California Gov. Gavin Newsom (42 to 39 percent), Michigan Gov. Gretchen Witmer (41 to 36 percent), Kentucky Gov. Andy Beshear (40 to 36 percent), and Illinois Gov. J.B. Pritzker (40 to 34 percent). The poll also suggested a tie between Biden and Trump, each securing 40 percent of the vote.

"Despite these favorable numbers for Obama, her director of communications, Crystal Carson, told Newsweek that the former first lady is not interested in running for president.

" 'As former First Lady Michelle Obama has expressed several times over the years, she will not be running for president,” Carson said.

"This statement aligns with an earlier declaration from her office to NBC News, which aimed to quell speculations.

“ 'Mrs. Obama supports President Joe Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris’ re-election campaign,” Carson said." . . .

Michelle Obama Hears the Calls and Sees the Polls. Will She Boot Biden From Presidential Race? – PJ Media  
. . ."The speculation is not without merit according to a new poll. 
"Kamala Harris is a better-known quantity. She's held political office. She's one of the least respected and worst vice presidents America has ever seen. 

After slipping into the San Francisco District Attorney's Office under the, ahtutelage of married Bay Area kingmaker Willie Brown, she won the race for California attorney general by highlighting her Indian background. She was awful. Eventually, when U.S. Senator Barbara Boxer, herself not a MENSA member, announced her retirement, Harris jumped into the race and defeated a fellow Democrat on a ballot that featured recreational pot use. Harris sent people to prison for pot use during her stints as DA and attorney general.  She changed her position when she ran for president. 

"Harris is incapable of speaking extemporaneously. When she speaks, it's with a nasally tone that invariably settles into lecture mode." . . .

Woke New Yorkers whine about 4th of July saying America 'doesn't deserve a birthday party' - but newcomers have a different view

  Daily Mail Online

"Patriotism among liberals is extremely low, with recent polling from Gallup showing only 34 percent of Democrats claiming they are extremely proud to be American"

. . ."While it was mostly the young complaining about the state of the Union, a few older adults expressed similar sentiment. 

" 'I feel like America is going through difficulty right now, mainly because of the upcoming election,' said 85-year-old retiree Gino Musso.

"Steven Johnson Jr., 54, assistant Principal at elementary school in Charleston, North Carolina, and a combat veteran said he thought the world was 'on fire'. 

'It's almost watching our democracy unravel right before our eyes. It is very terrifying.'

"Despite many feeling unpatriotic this Fourth of July, others said they are proud to be Americans.

" 'I'm feeling patriotic, I'm actually feeling more patriotic than I expected,' Alonso Mayorga, 22, said. 'We need to focus on the core values and get back to those.' 

" 'I think America, one of the best things about it, there are lots of problems but everyone is free to speak their minds about them,' said Sahil Sen, 21.

"A Buddhist monk was also very positive about the U.S.

 " 'America is peaceful, and free for everybody,' he said. 

"According to a new ranking from WalletHub, Virginia - home of America's capital city Washington D.C. - is the most patriotic of all 50 states. " . . .

A cure for those with woke guilt would be to return Joe Biden and Gavin Newsom to the highest office available. TD

Joe Biden and Adderall

Joe Biden Took 'Adderall' Drug Before State Of The Union? Internet Abuzz US President Was 'High' Due To... (Times Now )   "President Joe Biden's energy during his final State of the Union address in the 2024 election shocked many. The 81-year-old leader spoke at great length for a straight 68 minutes without any major gaffes. The POTUS recently scored several self-goals by either forgetting or mixing up different things in his press conferences and speeches.

"The contrast seen in Biden's before and during State of the Union addresses sparked a row with many questioning on social media whether the US President took 'Adderall', a prescription medication used primarily to treat Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) and narcolepsy. There is no credible report to suggest that the US President took such medications or, was he diagnosed with any of the disorders mentioned. However, users on social media including some prominent journalists suggested that Biden was 'high' during the SOTU.

" 'I heard a person on TV use the term "Cadaver in Chief" and I thought that was pretty accurate for the Adderall fueled rage which in no way, brought Americans together last night," a user wrote on X.

"Among the conservative well-known voices, Buzz Patterson, a columnist claimed that the President had a 'mental decline' and that he needed a cognitive test. "After last night’s angry, Adderall-fueled rant by Biden, it’s time to raise the question again. Why won’t he take a cognitive test. Trump took a cognitive test, why can’t Biden?" remarked Patterson." . . .

We go now to the leftist comfort channel, MSNBC for their anti-Trump/Fox takeFact checking Trump's Biden performance enhancing drugs debate claim ( Watch for terms applied for the purpose of inoculating you to conservative opinion of those critical of Democrats by using terms such as: "controversial", "with no evidence", ". . ."otherwise normal individual like Joe Biden".

"Why claims about Biden using performance enhancing drugs make no medical sense

The idea that drugs would improve Biden's cognitive functioning or debate performance is simply not supported by scientific evidence."
"This week we’ve watched a parade of Fox News hosts and conservative lawmakers argue with no evidence that President Joe Biden will be administered some sort of performance enhancing drugs prior to Thursday’s debate. “We anticipate that for this first debate he will be on something,” claimed Rep. Mariannette Miller-Meeks, an Iowa Republican. Controversial GOP Rep. Ronny Jackson of Texas, who served as the official White House doctor in the Trump administration, said Biden should be drug tested. “I’m going to be demanding on behalf of many millions of concerned Americans right now that he submit to a drug test before and after this debate, specifically looking for performance-enhancing drugs,” Jackson claimed on Fox News." . . .