Saturday, September 24, 2016



Clash Daily   "Black cop shoots black man, and it’s a ‘racial hate crime.’
"Post-BLM, the new normal is ‘white privilege’ and racial oppression against blacks, but is it true? ‘Truth’ doesn’t matter, apparently."


Here is a voice of reason:
"Watch Army veteran, A.D. Bell, talk about BLM and Charlotte:"

Obama Lied: He Knew About Hillary’s Email Server Because He Used A Pseudonym When Emailing Her

RedState  "President Obama stated unequivocally he had no knowledge of Hillary Clinton's use of a private email server during her tenure as Secretary of State. During an appearance on '60 Minutes' last October, the President was didn't parse words. He didn't issue a non-denial, denial. He flat out said "No" when asked if he knew of her server. Watch:"

. . . "We now know this to be a lie. Why? Because Obama sent emails to the address Hillary used, under a pseudonym. From Politico:"

Michelle Obama can’t hide her disdain for Melania Trump

M. Catharine Evans   "There is no sugarcoating Michelle Obama's venomous response to a question from Stephen Colbert on Tuesday night.  At the same time black mobs were beating up innocent white people in Charlotte, North Carolina, showing no mercy, Mrs. Obama, appearing on Colbert's late night show, went after Melania Trump."
. . . 
The disturbing visuals aside, when asked if she was stuck on a deserted island with a famous person, who it would be, Mrs. Obama answered, "Beyoncé...she's mine." 

. . . "We won't hear the media reporting on Michelle's cruelty and hate-filled facial expressions directed at successful white women who aren't Beyoncé.  This is a first lady who gives black power speeches to college students and whose daughter Malia was caught on video allegedly smoking dope, twerking, and beer-ponging  all with little mainstream interest.  Remember how the media went after the Bush twins?  Enough said."
Most concerning is the way so many in America adore this woman in spite of her anger.

Corrupt Obama Rushes Citizenship Processing to Make New Hillary Voters.

The man has turned America into a third-world country. I'm sure our free press will not let him get away with it.
"It’s amazing that this is allowed to happen, right under the noses of the American people on the eve of a highly contested presidential election."
Legal Insurrection  "Stacking the deck…"
"The Obama administration is working overtime to swear in as many new citizens as possible between now and the election. Critics are alleging that this is nothing more than an effort to create new Democrat voters.
"FOX News reports:
Email shows federal immigration bosses in OT push to swear in new citizens ‘due to election’
An internal Obama administration email shows immigration officials may be literally working overtime to swear in as many new “citizen voters” as possible before the Nov. 8 presidential election, a powerful lawmaker charged Thursday.
The email, from a U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services field office chief and part of a chain of correspondence within the agency, urges the unnamed recipient to swear in as many citizens as possible “due to the election year.”
“The Field Office due to the election year needs to process as many of their N-400 cases as possible between now and FY 2016,” reads the email, which was disclosed to by Sen. Ron Johnson, R-Wis., who chairs the Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs.
“If you have cases in this category or other pending, you are encouraged to take advantage of the OT if you can,” the email continues. “This will be an opportunity to move your pending naturalization cases. If you have not volunteered for OT, please consider and let me know if you are interested.”

FBI: Clinton IT aides described 'Hillary cover-up operation'

Washington Examiner

Hillary Clinton's team asked the IT aide to change the settings on the former secretary of state's server so all emails older than 60 days would be automatically deleted. (AP Photo/Evan Vucci, File)

"Employees at Platte River Network, the firm tapped to manage Hillary Clinton's emails in 2013, sent emails describing the 'Hilary [sic] coverup [sic] operation' after Clinton's staff asked them to begin wiping emails in Dec. 2014.
"The revelation came in 189 pages of FBI documents made public Friday evening amid controversy over the five immunity deals extended to aides involved in the case — including one that protected a key employee at Platte River from prosecution.
"The unnamed employee told FBI agents that his reference to the "cover-up" was a joke.
"His comment came in December 2014, just days after Clinton's staff handed 30,000 of her emails over to the State Department.
"Clinton's team asked the IT aide to change the settings on the former secretary of state's server so all emails older than 60 days would be automatically deleted." . . .
Political Cartoons by Glenn McCoy

Friday, September 23, 2016

Seattle Mariners Suspend Catcher For Rest Of Season Without Pay For Criticizing Black Lives Matter, Obama On Twitter…

Seattle Mariners Suspend Catcher For Rest Of Season Without Pay For Criticizing Black Lives Matter, Obama On Twitter…

Don't expect the people of Seattle to stand by him. They assault men in uniform there as well.


"Ridiculous. (CNN) – The Seattle Mariners have suspended Steve Clevenger for the rest of the MLB season after the catcher labeled the Black Lives Matter (BLM) movement and President Barack Obama “pathetic” on Twitter Thursday. Clevenger also also mocked the protests of sports stars kneeling during the US anthem and seemed to suggest all involved in […]

"Click Weasel Zippers Now To Read: Seattle Mariners Suspend Catcher For Rest Of Season Without Pay For Criticizing Black Lives Matter, Obama On Twitter… by ZIP"

Clevenger also also mocked the protests of sports stars kneeling during the US anthem and seemed to suggest all involved in protesting the death of Keith Lamont Scott at the hands of police in Charlotte, North Carolina, should be locked up like “animals.”
“Black people beating whites when a thug got shot holding a gun by a black officer haha s**t cracks me up! Keep kneeling for the anthem!” Clevenger tweeted Thursday.Another post stated: “BLM is pathetic once again! Obama is pathetic once again! Everyone involved should be locked behind bars like animals.”

Obama Vetoes Bill Allowing 9/11 Families To Sue Saudi Arabia

NY Times   Obama Vetoes 9/11 Bill, but Congressional Override Is Expected

Obama vetoes bill paving way for 9/11 families to sue Saudi Arabia, setting up a possible override

Photo published for Obama vetoes 9/11 bill

. . . "That step is not assured, though. The administration has begun courting lawmakers, particularly fellow Democrats, who may agree with the spirit of the legislation but could be swayed to Obama’s side by arguments about the potential geopolitical ramifications of the bill. 
"The legislation would revive a lawsuit brought by families of Sept. 11 victims against the Saudi government by clarifying a 1976 law governing the principle of sovereign immunity. The measure specifies that foreign governments could be held liable in American courts for terrorist attacks in the U.S. 
"The White House has warned that the legislation could prompt legal and economic retaliation from foreign governments. It has raised the specter of the U.S. government being sued in courts all over the world, and pointed to Saudi Arabia’s threat to sell off hundreds of billions of dollars in U.S. debt and other assets, though the effectiveness of that has been called into question." . . .


Ahmad Khan Rahami, Barack Obama & the Continued Idiocy Infecting America

"This is the “new normal,” because we ridiculed and ridicule people who think like me. And because we have idiotic hags like the “women” of “The View” and Barack Obama looked upon as actually saying something of worth and authority."
Debbie Schlussel


"I watched with boredom and anger muted by resignation, today, as Barack Obama babbled more nonsense and BS denials about the Islamic terrorist attacks in New York City, New Jersey, and St. Cloud, Minnesota over the weekend. The incompetent President stated absolutely that there “is no link” between the Minnesota attack and those in the tri-state area. Uh, YES. THERE. IS. Both terrorists, Ahmad Khan Rahami and Dahir A. Adan, have one very strong thing in common. ISLAM. They are both Muslims.
"But America continues to be in denial. American media outlets. American politicians. American “authority” figures. American institutions. All continue to cling to the political correctness that will be–and, actually, already is–the death of this country. And the death of us all.
"Islam is the only thing at play here–the only reason both of these men tried to murder Americans–with Adan stabbing people at the Crossroads Mall in St. Cloud and Rahami setting up explosives in Jersey and New York. It should be noted, by the way, that Rahami’s explosives were laced with shrapnel a la HAMAS, designed to do the most bodily harm possible. So, it’s a miracle nobody died." . . .

Crap & Trade: Calif. Gov. Jerry Brown helps save planet by regulating cow flatulence & manure

"Read more about Brown’s plan to fight climate change at"
Image result for cow farts cartoons

Doug Powers  "Many more California dairy farmers will be blaming the dog for their cows’ farts thanks to progs in state government hell-bent to make everything more expensive in the name of fighting “climate change”:
Gov. Jerry Brown signed a bill Monday that regulates for the first time greenhouse-gas emissions tied to dairy cows and landfills, an escalation of California’s efforts to fight climate change beyond carbon-based gases to include methane and other pollutants.
The move by the Democratic governor targets a category of gases known as short-lived climate pollutants, which have an outsize effect on global warming despite their relatively short life in the atmosphere. Environmentalists hope that tackling short-lived pollutants now would buy time to develop new and more affordable technology to reduce carbon emissions.
The legislation will require steep reductions in a variety of pollutants, including methane; HFC gases used in aerosols and air conditioning refrigerants; and soot, known as black carbon. It’s tied to $90 million in funding for the dairy industry and garbage collectors.
“This bill curbs these dangerous pollutants and thereby protects public health and slows climate change,” Brown said in a statement.
"Dairy farmers can expect more state bureaucrats show up at their farms to do some sniffing around:"
Image result for cow farts cartoons

Black Dallas police officer sues Black Lives Matter on behalf of ‘Christians, Jews and Caucasians,’ others


Sgt. Demetrick Pennie

"About two months ago, Dallas Police Sgt. and president of the Dallas Fallen Officer Foundation Demetrick Pennie garnered praise for helping to heal relations between police and the black community.
"He was reacting, in part, to a post by an NFL star.
"Following the slaying of five Dallas police officers that occurred after a particularly bloody week — police in other cities had killed two black men, Alton Sterling in Baton Rouge and Philando Castile in Falcon Heights, Minn. — Cleveland Browns running back Isaiah Crowell posted a disturbing illustration to Instagram.
"In graphic detail, it depicted a uniformed white police officer, arms twisted behind his back. A man dressed in black, wearing a necklace with an ankh and a pair of American flag suspenders, stood behind the officer with one hand clamped on his mouth. The other hand holds a knife, which has just slit through the officer’s throat. Blood is shown gushing out from an open wound.
"Its caption: “Mood: They give polices all types of weapons and they continuously choose to kill us.' ”. . .
Amid the backlash, Sgt. Pennie, who is black, invited Crowell to attend the funeral of Patrick Zamarripa, one of the five slain Dallas police officers, and to spend the day with him and other police officers in an attempt to find similarities, not differences.
Ultimately, the interaction seemed positive.
(The disturbing image can be found here.)
Crowell quickly removed the post, but not before the gears of the outrage machine began cranking. He apologized.
Crowell accepted the invitation (though, it should be noted, Cleveland’s police union made threats to pull police from providing security at Browns games if he didn’t go).

Why are out-of-state Charlotte rioters not being prosecuted for crossing state lines to engage in destruction and rioting?

"Noting the Soros funding of BLM, we also have Hillary Clinton as a (BLM) Black Lives Matter proponent, Barack Obama with BLM sympathies and invitations to the White House. On the other side of the ledger, we have Obama’s Department of Justice seemingly unconcerned that laws prohibiting the crossing of State lines to incite riots are being violated. Coincidental?"

James Longstreet   "The non-enforcement of the law has become sport in the past eight years.  Hidden under gimmicks such as “prosecutorial discretion” and other feigns, the Department of Justice and other such entities have seemed to turn their backs when full frontal execution of the law was required.  A curious disinterest for certain laws is in play.

"We receive a constant dose of stories revealing the non-enforcement of immigration law.
"In lockstep is the complete disregard for the laws on the books that are designed to quell situations such as Ferguson, Dallas, Baltimore, and now Charlotte.
"Two years ago, I authored an article for American Thinker titled, “The Anti Riot Act. One more law unenforced by this administration.”
"In a recent article in ZeroHedge, an official of the Charlotte Police Department notes that “70% of those arrested” have out of state identification.  This should pique the interest of federal authorities.  It doesn’t." . . .

Thursday, September 22, 2016

‘In Defense Of Looting’ BLM Leader DeRay Mckesson Supports Charlotte ‘Protest’, Blames Police

Weasel Zippers

"Here’s DeRay at Yale, teaching “In Defense Of Looting”, his workshop on justifying looting as a political tool."


"Here’s DeRay meeting with Hillary Clinton."


"The Democrats have endorsed the Black Lives Matter movement and should own its results."