Thursday, March 9, 2023

Is Chuck Schumer what Ben Franklin had in mind during 1776?


Tucker Carlson responds to Jan. 6 criticism from Schumer, McConnell - American Thinker  "Fox News host Tucker Carlson responded to criticism from Senate minority leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) and Senate majority leader Chuck Schumer (D-N.Y.) over releasing footage of the Capitol protests from Jan. 6, 2021.

"While speaking on the Senate floor, Schumer accused Carlson of "lying" and "manipulating" his audience by releasing the footage.  

"To say January 6 was not violent is a lie, a lie pure and simple.  I don't think I've ever seen a prime-time cable news anchor manipulate his viewers the way Mr. Carlson did last night.  I don't think I've ever seen an anchor treat the American people and American democracy with such disdain."

"Schumer pleaded for Fox News to prohibit Carlson from running a "second segment of lies.". . .

Poor Chuck Schumer - The Washington Post WebSure, "Schumer is an infamous demagogue. "There is no senator more partisan. And yes, the most dangerous place in D.C. is still between Schumer and a microphone. . . ."

Race-Based Hatred Permeates the Black Population -

  American Thinker  "For forty-five years (1964 to 2009), the United States experienced significant progress in race relations.  Thanks to the efforts of individual citizens in their communities throughout all regions of the country, this nation was well on its way to racial healing.  In 2008 only 18% of Americans were greatly concerned or worried about the state of race relations in the country as nearly 70% thought that relations between Whites and Blacks were very or somewhat good.

"In 2009, the most divisive and societally destructive president in American history, Barack Obama, came into office determined to reverse this trend by manipulating the Black citizenry into abandoning racial harmony by utilizing malicious demonization of the White population.  He succeeded in fanning the dying embers of racism into a potential national conflagration. 

"Thanks to Obama and the media’s incessant drumbeat that so-called “white supremacy” is a

major threat to minorities, in particular Blacks, a Washington Post poll in May of 2022 revealed that three quarters of Blacks are worried that they or someone they love will be attacked by a white person -- while the reality is that Blacks perpetrate the vast majority of interracial crime.  And nearly as many, 70 percent, believe that half or more of all White people “hold white supremacist beliefs.” 

"A Rasmussen poll taken in February of 2023, exposed the inevitable and disturbing reality that only 54% of Blacks think it’s ok to be White.  Race based hatred and discrimination now appears to pervade the bulk of the Black population.  This same mindset is also pervasive within far too many of the nation’s private and government institutions.". . .

MSNBC’s Joy Reid Smears: “If It Ain’t White, It Ain’t Right in DeSantistan”…  . . ."Reid continued to lash out at DeSantis. “There's the legislation that goes directly after journalists. Anonymous sources would be deemed inherently fake,” Reid falsely claimed. “Unsurprisingly the law would also make it easier to sue journalists if politicians don't like what they report.' ” . . .

Hating Whitey and Other Progressive Causes - Kindle edition by Horowitz, David. Politics & Social Sciences Kindle eBooks @

AbramsX: The U.S. Army’s New Tank Looks Like a Lethal Game Changer

 M1 Abrams (

 'While most pieces of military equipment within the U.S. armed forces have been replaced over time by newer and more advanced technologies, the Army’s M1-Abrams Main Battle Tank (MT) is the exception. For nearly four decades, the U.S. military has fielded the Abrams family of tanks, upgrading each successive armored vehicle with the latest capabilities and technologies. More recently, the tank’s manufacturer General Dynamics Land Systems is striving to develop yet another more advanced and innovative Abrams family variant – AbramsX.". . .

Why the Left Is Pro-Mask

 Understand the Left's support for mask-wearing and you will understand the Left.

Dennis Prager The world’sCheck out these benefits for still wearing your face mask: most trusted evaluator of medical studies, the Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews, has just released as close to a conclusive report on the effectiveness of masks against respiratory viruses such as COVID-19 as we are likely to have for the foreseeable future. The report assessed data from 78 different studies, including 11 new randomized controlled trials involving 610,872 participants.

"Cochrane concluded, in the words of one of the authors, Dr. Tom Jefferson of Oxford University, “There is just no evidence that they (masks) make any difference. Full stop.”

"Among the reasons for that assessment was Cochrane’s conclusion that states and countries with mask mandates fared no better than states and countries without.

"Moreover, Dr. Jefferson’s conclusions were not limited to cloth and surgical masks. Regarding N95 masks, Jefferson said the same thing: “Makes no difference—none of it.”

"As for the early COVID-19 studies that policymakers cited to justify mandates for mask wearing, Jefferson said: “They were convinced by nonrandomized studies, flawed observational studies.”

"For example, PolitiFact, one of the so-called “fact-checkers” whose primary function is to declare whatever differs from the Left as “false,” declared in 2021 that studies “have consistently found that mask mandates cause sharp declines in coronavirus case rates.”

"Bret Stephens, one of the two or three non-Left columnists at the New York Times, wrote this about the Cochrane study: “Mask mandates were a bust. Those skeptics who were furiously mocked as cranks and occasionally censored as ‘misinformers’ for opposing mandates were right. The mainstream experts and pundits who supported mandates were wrong. In a better world, it would behoove the latter group to acknowledge their error, along with its considerable physical, psychological, pedagogical and political costs.”. . .. . .

"So why, even despite the science, does the Left insist on wearing—and forcing others to wear—masks? I will offer four reasons."  Here...

CNN Praises Taliban For Wearing Masks During Attack | Babylon Bee  "Wow! In the midst of the battle and bloodshed, these noble desert knights of Islamic superiority are wearing masks! Bravo!" said Brian Stelter. "TV anchor and world-renown polemicist Don Lemon was also quick to weigh in. "All things considered, we ought to be praising the COVID-safe masks these majestic mujahideen warriors are wearing," he said. "

Wednesday, March 8, 2023

Traitor Republicans Exposed: Look To Who Is Complaining The Loudest About J6 Secret Footage To Know Which 'Republicans In Name Only' Need To Be Booted

 Traitor Republicans Exposed (

"I cannot begin to count the amount of times I have seen conservatives claim "the two parties are the same," in reference to Democrats and Republicans, and in all fairness those people are both right and wrong.

"They are right that there are a significant amount of "Republicans In Name Only" (RINOs) that will side with democrats on some critical topics, with just one example being illegal immigration, (remember Bush and McCain!), so they are party of the "uniparty."

The uniparty should not be confused with bipartisanship, as the latter views working together as a means to an end, while the uniparty sees different political parties working together as the end in-and-of itself.

"Where they are wrong is Republicans are against killing unborn babies, where Democrats fight for the "right" to kill the unborn. Republican are against illegal immigration, Democrats encourage it. Republicans want small government, Democrats support big government.

"The fundamental differences go on and on and on. Whiles RINOs eventually expose themselves as members of the uniparty, by then they have usually been able to do a fair amount of damage beforehand, then it takes time until their next reelection before the bums can be booted out, or forced retire and declare they would not be running for reelection.

"Examples: Liz Cheney, Jaime Herrera Beutler, Peter Meijer, Tom Rice, Adam Kinzinger, John Katko, Fred Upton, Anthony Gonzalez.

"So while after the 2022 midterms there are less RINOs, there are still way too many within the Republican party which need to be booted out in subsequent elections.". . .

Los Angeles Prosecutor Wins $1.5 Million in Retaliation Lawsuit Against D.A. George Gascón

 Los Angeles Prosecutor Wins $1.5 Million in Retaliation Lawsuit Against D.A. George Gascón (

The prosecutor union VP said “there were as many as 16 other civil suits pending against the district attorney.”

"A Los Angeles County jury awarded prosecutor Shawn Randolph $1.5 million in a retaliation lawsuit against George Soros-backed Los Angeles District Attorney George Gascón.

"Randolph, who headed the juvenile division, claimed Gascòn assigned her to the parole division because she pushed back against his progressive and lenient policies, especially not trying juveniles as adults no matter the circumstance.

"Randolph’s legal team, led by civil attorneys Greg Smith and Beth Corriea, argued that she believed Gascón’s policies violated laws pertaining to victims’ rights and that limitations on the types of felonies prosecutors could file against teens would lead them to bring charges that did not accurately represent the alleged conduct of certain defendants.

“ 'We have a 30-year veteran complaining that there are ethical violations and Marsy’s Law violations, and you have an administration that wants their policies followed no matter what,” Smith said during his opening statement.

“ 'I’m grateful to have a forum where what’s happening in the district attorney’s office can be heard in a fair manner,” Randolph said outside the courtroom, describing Gascón’s conduct as an “epic failure” in leadership.". . .More...

15 Days to Flatten the Truth -

  Ann Coulter

You couldn’t get the truth about a worldwide pandemic that led to catastrophic responses from public health authorities, but at least MSNBC’s doctors were “diverse”!

 "It made news this week when The Lancet, a once-respected medical journal, finally admitted that there’s such a thing as “natural immunity” with COVID. (Is it too much to hope that, in another three years, The Lancet will cease referring to women as “bodies with vaginas”?)

"Several months into “15 days to flatten the curve,” actual experts, like the Great Barrington Declaration scientists, began screaming from the rooftops about natural immunity. They argued — correctly, as it turns out — that we should protect the vulnerable while allowing those not at risk to go about their lives, get COVID and acquire immunity.

"Millions upon millions of wrecked lives later (including 170,000 excess non-COVID deaths), the people who lied to us for their own selfish motives — getting on TV, high ratings for their panic porn, the joys of bossing other people around — are quietly admitting the truth.

"Contrary to hysterical warnings in 2020 that “people you know” will die from COVID and “it’s definitely not just the flu,” I still don’t know anyone who knows anyone who died from COVID. For most people, it was “just the flu.”

"How could the truth about natural immunity be suppressed for so long? At least there weren’t repeated studies during our COVID hell proving the strength and durability of immunity from a prior COVID infection.

"Oh, except these:". . . More here...

‘He’s gone’: Joe Rogan says he’d vote Trump over Biden, slams his cabinet as ‘sideshow of diversity’ News Forum | Posts on Tuesday, March 7, 2023

 ‘He’s gone’: Joe Rogan says he’d vote Trump over Biden, slams his cabinet as ‘sideshow of diversity’ (

Tucker Carlson releases exclusive Jan. 6 footage, says politicians, media lied about Sicknick, 'QAnon Shaman'   Original Article  
"Tucker Carlson released never-before-seen footage from the Jan. 6, 2021 riots at Capitol Hill that appear to dispel several narratives pushed by the Democrat-controlled House Select Committee and the legacy media. House Speaker Kevin McCarthy granted "Tucker Carlson Tonight" an exclusive first look to over 40,000 hours of security camera footage from the Capitol Building that were hidden from the public for over two years. On Monday, Carlson offered the first glimpses of footage involving key figures from that day. Carlson concluded the footage proves that lawmakers and the media were "lying" about the events that took place on Jan. 6.
Conservative America | Facebook
Tucker Releases Clips That Blow Up the
Jan. 6 Narrative  Original Article
Tucker Carlson released some of the promised Jan. 6 video footage on Monday and it dealt with a variety of subjects that he said showed that we hadn’t been told the truth about what had happened on that day. The first video and contradiction concerned the people at the Capitol. While there were people who were hooligans who broke in, the majority didn’t according to Carlson, coming in after the doors were opened and didn’t do destructive things inside the Capitol, walking peacefully like tourists through the building. Carlson pointed to the “QAnon Shaman” — Jacob Chansley, who got four years for his involvement in the events on Jan. 6.

Panic in D.C.: Garland Tells Whopper of
a Lie, Proving Why Tucker's J6 Coverage
Was So Important
   Original Article
"We’ve been seeing quite a lot of panic in D.C. with all kinds of freakouts in reaction to Tucker Carlson’s Jan. 6 video coverage. Adam Kinzinger has been melting down all day, even going on CNN, then getting schooled by former U.S. Ambassador to Germany Ric Grenell. Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer lost his mind on the Senate floor and was flipping out so much, he’s demanding that Fox head Rupert Murdoch stop Tucker Carlson from going on with more Jan. 6 coverage. Nothing says “saving democracy” by trying to stop the speech of your political opponents. Schumer out and out lied on the Senate floor"

Kevin McCarthy Defends Releasing January
6 Tapes, Torches CNN Reporter To Their Face
  Original Article
House Speaker Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) slammed a CNN reporter during a brief interaction with reporters in which he answered questions about releasing footage from the January 6 riot at the U.S. Capitol to Fox News host Tucker Carlson. “Because of the footage that you gave Tucker Carlson, last night he went on and said this was a mostly peaceful chaos as he said, he downplayed Brian Sicknick’s death, said it was not related to January 6, that this was not an insurrection,” CNN’s Manu Raju said. “Do you regret giving him those [tapes] so he could whitewash the events of that day?”

Chuck Schumer Calls for Censoring Tucker Carlson Over J6 Coverage  Original ArticleHouse Speaker Kevin McCarthy (R-Calif.) released 44,000 hours of previously unseen footage of the Capitol riot to Tucker Carlson, triggering the left, which has so carefully crafted a bogus narrative that the riot was an insurrection, or, as Biden likes to claim, “the worst attack on our democracy since the Civil War.” Now that we’re starting to see footage that the anti-Trump J6 committee didn’t want us to see, that narrative is falling apart — and the answer to that, apparently, is censorship. On Tuesday, Sen. Chuck Schumer (D-N.Y.) literally called for Fox News CEO Rupert Murdoch to stop Tucker Carlson from releasing the politically inconvenient footage.

Chuck Schumer to Fox News: ‘Tell Carlson Not to Run a Second Segment’ of January
6 Video Footage  Original Article   

Sen. Chuck Schumer (D-NY) stated Tuesday that Fox News should prevent Tucker Carlson from airing more January 6 video footage of “lies” Tuesday evening. Carlson released footage Monday that alleged Democrats knew Capitol Police officer Brian Sicknick had not been murdered during the riot but mislead the public about his death, and that Ray Epps lied to the committee about when he left Capitol grounds. In addition, Carlson allegedly debunked the January 6 Committee’s claim that Sen. Josh Hawley (R-MO) had run away from the Capitol in fear. It also showed police escorting Shaman Jacob Chansley inside the Capitol.

They’re on to Him: a Shockingly Low Percentage of Americans Think Old Joe Biden Is Really Running Things

 On June 19, 2021, Biden told reporters: “I’ll take your questions, and as usual, folks, they gave me a list of the people I’m going to call on.”


PJ Media  "In previous administrations throughout the history of the United States, the question didn’t even come up. Harry Truman had a sign on his desk proclaiming “The Buck Stops Here,” and no one doubted that it did. When Secretary of State William Seward wrote to President Abraham Lincoln politely offering to take over the heavy lifting of actually being the commander-in-chief, Lincoln just as politely replied that he would handle things, and he did. Nobody ever wondered if Theodore Roosevelt or Dwight D. Eisenhower were really in charge.

"But questions have swirled around Old Joe Biden’s cognitive abilities and thus his ability to discharge the duties of the office he ostensibly holds ever since he began pretending to be president. And now a new poll has shown that a majority of Americans don’t really think Old Joe is running things at all. In other words, a majority of Americans are able to see what’s right in front of their faces.

"This came in the context of a Rasmussen poll that focused on what Americans thought of Biden’s advanced age. Rasmussen Reports noted on Friday that “although more voters now think President Joe Biden is healthy enough to do the job, a majority agree that his age disqualifies the 80-year-old for a second term in the White House.”

"This is odd, as it’s Biden’s obviously deteriorating cognitive abilities, not his age in itself, that show that he shouldn’t seek a second term (and shouldn’t have sought a first); nevertheless, “the latest Rasmussen Reports national telephone and online survey finds that 30% of Likely U.S. Voters are Very Confident that Biden is physically and mentally up to the job of being President of the United States. Another 21% say they are Somewhat Confident in Biden’s capability, while 10% are Not Very Confident and 37% are Not At All Confident.”

"This means that just over half of the 1,000 U.S. Likely Voters surveyed think Old Joe is both physically and mentally capable of performing the duties of the presidency, which is astounding given the recent evidence of both his physical (falling yet again while climbing the steps of Air Force One) and mental (forgetting the name of the person to whom he was singing “Happy Birthday”) decline. Not only that, but Rasmussen states that “these findings are a clear improvement from October 2021 when 50% were Not At All Confident in Biden’s ability to do the job.” This surge is astounding. Is Joe notably improving?". . .Cat's Out of the Bag, Most People Know Biden Isn't In Charge – PJ Media

How can these Democrats ever again be trusted?

 Both CNN and HuffPost are guilty of filling their coverage with lies and smears. Yet, both propaganda press outlets are boosted by YouTube because they are willing to disparage Carlson’s legitimate reporting on the Capitol riot.   Thomas Lifson

Tucker Carlson Exposes Jan. 6 Committee as Crude Liars - The American Spectator | USA News and Politics  . . . The video shown on Fox News on Monday shows Officer Brian Sicknick after his murder rather vigorously directing the protestors, in almost traffic-cop fashion, inside the Capitol without any signs of a “bloody gash” or impairment. Carlson pointed out that an “electronic bookmark” showed that House staffers watched this video, yet their bosses kept pushing the lie that the mob murdered Sicknick, who actually suffered a stroke and died the next day.
"Democrats who knew better lied about a policeman’s death to advance their narrative. As Charles Hurt of the Washington Times told Carlson, “These people are truly sick.”
"Carlson administered the only known cure for their disease: sunlight. People who operate in shadows and darkness cry foul when others push large numbers away from benightedness toward enlightenment.  
"The Carlson segments did not make heroes out of goats.

YouTube Censors Tucker Carlson’s J6 Vids With Fake Fact Checks (

"YouTube is trying to sideline Fox News host Tucker Carlson’s bombshell reporting on new footage from inside the Capitol on Jan. 6, 2021, by couching searches for his program’s recent segment with news alerts from corrupt corporate media outlets.

"After reviewing more than 40,000 hours of unreleased video from Jan. 6, Carlson’s team found that Capitol police gave a guided tour to the infamous “Q-Anon Shaman”; that suspected undercover federal agent Ray Epps lied to Congress about his whereabouts on the afternoon of the chaos; and that the Capitol police officer Democrats claimed was murdered by protest participants was in seemingly good health and walking around the congressional complex that afternoon.

"Searching the Google-owned platform for evidence of these newly uncovered truths, “Tucker Carlson,” or any variation of the host’s name combined with “January 6 Videos,” however, returns a blue “developing news alert” that tops the search result page. The alerts vary in article content but always offer users the opportunity to click their way to a corporate media website.

"One alert for this particular news item suggests users read a CNN article titled “What to know about the Tucker Carlson January 6 footage” which questions the validity of the footage Carlson aired. The CNN write-up falsely accuses Carlson of trying to “downplay the violence” at the Capitol, and carries water for Democrats and the Jan. 6 Committee on topics such as the circumstances of Capitol police officer Brian Sicknick’s death.". . .

Tucker Carlson debunks the Democrat hoax of the deadly insurrection – Part Deux  ..."In a democracy, whenever there is peril, you look to law enforcement for protection. If the ‘insurrection’ narrative is to be believed, then those allowing the insurrection to occur should have been punished, especially the top law enforcement officials and their superiors, one of whom happens to have been House Speaker Nancy Pelosi.". . .

The video shown on Fox News on Monday shows Officer Brian Sicknick after his murder rather vigorously directing the protestors, in almost traffic-cop fashion, inside the Capitol without any signs of a “bloody gash” or impairment. Carlson pointed out that an “electronic bookmark” showed that House staffers watched this video, yet their bosses kept pushing the lie that the mob murdered Sicknick, who actually suffered a stroke and died the next day.

Tucker Carlson Is A 'Demonic Sycophant' and A 'Grifter' – PJ Media  "Tucker Carlson has pierced the Left’s Jan. 6 “insurrection” balloon, and leading Leftists are reacting in the ways you’d expect. Chuck Schumer called for Tucker to be prevented from showing any more Jan. 6 footage, and Fox News apparently heeded the call, as Carlson didn’t air any new footage during his Tuesday show. Nonetheless, considerable damage has already been done, and the Leftist establishment is reeling, raging at Carlson for daring to knock down the house of cards they had so carefully constructed over the last two years.". . .

Justin Bieber Death Hoax: Fake Report Claims Baby Singer 'Died in a Car Crash'

 Justin Bieber Death Hoax: Fake Report Claims Baby Singer 'Died in a Car Crash' (

"Canadian pop star Justin Bieber has once again been declared dead, in a hoax report on the internet.

"Global Associated News, a website that has developed a reputation for dealing in such false reports, made this claim:

"Justin Bieber died in a single vehicle crash on Route 80 between Morristown and Roswell. He was pronounced dead at the scene by paramedics responding to the vehicle accident and was identified by photo ID found on his body. Alcohol and drugs do not appear to have been a factor in this accident - January 12, 2014"

" 'Highway Safety Investigators have told reporters that Justin Bieber lost control while driving a friend's vehicle on Interstate 80 and rolled the vehicle several times, killing him instantly. The vehicle was believed to have been traveling at approximately 95mph in a 55mph zone at the time of the accident."

"However, the singer is alive and well and revealed his 21st tattoo, the image of a jester's face on his right forearm, in an Instagram photo.

"The list of celebrities affected by similar hoaxes is growing all the time, and includes Reese Witherspoon, comedian Bill Cosby, Robert Pattinson, Denzel Washington, Adele, Justin Bieber and Lady Gaga.". . .

Ralph Gallagher posted:  Fake.....Trying to get you to cancel Conservative Bloggers..

Tuesday, March 7, 2023

Meet Ray Epps, Part 2: Damning New Details Emerge Exposing Massive Web of Unindicted Operators at the Heart of January 6


 "It would be one thing if Epps’s repeated calls on January 5 to “go into the Capitol” had simply amounted to bluster. But Epps followed through on his stated mission to shepherd others inside. In clips 4-6 of the above compilation, we see Epps actively orchestrate elements of the very first breach of the Capitol barricades at 12:50 p.m, while Trump still had 20 minutes left in his rally speech.

"It is noteworthy that this Ray Epps breach occurs just one minute after Capitol Police began responding to reports of two “pipe bombs” located at DNC and GOP headquarters, respectively. Rather conveniently, the already-handicapped Capitol Police thus had still-fewer resources with which to respond to the barricade breach in question.

"While the “pipe bombs” turned out to be a dud, the Ray Epps breach proved fateful. Today, the official stories told by the New York Times, the Wall Street Journal, and the US Justice Department all depict the apparent Ray Epps-orchestrated 12:50 p.m. initial breach of metal barricades as the “Big Bang” event of January 6.

"In large part, this description is hardly an exaggeration. Indeed, it was the 12:50 p.m. breach of the Capitol grounds, in conjunction with a handful of suspicious individuals ripping down fencing and signage, that set in motion the conditions allowing for 1/6 to turn from a rally into a riot. 

"In this report, we will blow open this network of still-unindicted key operators who appear to have been at work either with or around Ray Epps during the initial Capitol grounds breach. You, dear reader, will be scandalized — though perhaps unsurprised — to learn that none of the actors covered in this report have received attention in the mainstream press, despite their active and indispensable roles in the events of 1/6."