Saturday, September 28, 2024

Democrat Sen. Wyden's Bill to Destroy the Supreme Court

 M. Dowling (  

As always, Democrats want all the power of government, and they will destroy whatever they don’t like.


"Far Left Senator Ron Wyden (D-OR) sponsored legislation to destroy the Third Co-Equal Branch of government because they don’t like recent decisions.

"The bill would stack the Court, adding six Justices. The Court would undergo audits, putting them under the authority of Congress. They would no longer be a co-equal branch of government, but another politicized entity.

"Wyden’s bill is called the Judicial Modernization and Transparency Act. It would expand the court over 12 years. A president could appoint one nominee in the first and third years of a term in office.

"The bill would also require a ruling by two-thirds of the high court and the circuit courts of appeals, rather than a simple majority, to overturn a law passed by Congress.

"Another measure would allow a two-thirds vote of the court to force a fellow justice to recuse from a case.

"The Justices would be mandated to report all their personal and professional business.

The legislation would also require Supreme Court nominees to be automatically scheduled for a vote in the Senate if their nominations have lingered in committee for more than 180 days. It would prevent the minority from having a no vote." . . .

With Millions of new citizens let in by Biden-Harris who know nothing-NOTHING about our Constitution or system of government, and given prizes and gifts from Democrats, America will no longer be the nation we have cherished. Multiply The Squad by several hundred thousand.

Some of The Squad in Congress

The Democrats’ Joy Of Hating America – ( 
. . ."Another purpose was to “rub the right’s nose in diversity,” which lines up perfectly with what the American left has been up to for several decades, because the right unabashedly, and sincerely, loves this country, and that triggers the other side.

"The Democratic Party, Kamala Harris now its titular chief, unleashed illegal immigration after Donald Trump nearly closed the spigot. The lawlessness returned on Jan. 20, 2021, when the new president, Joe Biden, used executive orders to begin rolling back Trump’s border security policies. They were too successful for the left’s refined tastes, so Biden had to kill them." . . .

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