Saturday, September 28, 2024

Over 425,000 Illegals in the US Have Criminal Backgrounds: Report

 Anthony Gonzalez (

"In a shocking revelation, recent data from Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) has exposed the alarming criminal backgrounds of hundreds of thousands of migrants currently residing in the United States. 

"This information, obtained from ICE’s “non-detained docket,” paints a disturbing picture of the potential threats posed by illegal immigrants who have been released into American communities.

"According to the report, ICE is currently monitoring 425,000 illegal immigrants with criminal convictions who are not in federal custody. Even more concerning, an additional 222,000 migrants have pending criminal charges against them. 

"These figures underscore the magnitude of the issue and raise serious questions about public safety and the effectiveness of current immigration policies.

"Among the most alarming statistics is the number of violent offenders who have been allowed to enter and remain in the country.

"The report indicates that over 13,000 convicted murderers are among those released into the U.S., with nearly 2,000 more facing pending homicide charges, as reported by Florida Voice News.

"This unprecedented number of potentially dangerous individuals roaming free in American neighborhoods has sparked outrage among law enforcement officials and concerned citizens alike." . . .

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