Saturday, September 28, 2024

Canada is fining the Amish $300,000 for not downloading a COVID app

 Andrea Widburg - American Thinker

"Trudeau mandated that the COVID app was for the good of Canadians. Therefore, all Canadians must get with the program. Those who didn’t made themselves enemies of the loving state and they must pay. By defying the government’s love, they’ve lost the privilege to have freedom of conscience and religion."

"A month ago, news broke that, up in Canada, Justin Trudeau’s government is fining the Amish community $300,000 ($222,660 American dollars). Their crime? They didn’t download the government’s COVID app. The twist, of course, is that the Amish don’t have smartphones. They eschew all modern technology. This story has made almost no headlines, but it’s important because it’s a preview of coming attractions if Kamala becomes president. This is what leftists do. Acting for your own good, they destroy you.

"As anyone who has watched either Witness or Weird Al Yankovich’s brilliant Amish Paradise knows, the Amish lifestyle does not embrace modernity. To hark back to another American pop culture moment, the Amish have “no phone, no lights, no motor car, not a single luxury. Like Robinson Crusoe, it’s primitive as can be.” This is not because the Amish are victims. They have embraced a lifestyle of pre-modern simplicity because their faith calls upon them to live this way." . . .

If you watch Kamala, her message—her “joy” and “vibes”—is the same as Trudeau’s. I’m the embodiment of a loving government. Just do what I say. But if you don’t, look at what happened to Donald Trump and everyone near him. And don’t believe that we won’t do it to you, too.

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