Friday, January 1, 2010

Obama’s Unilateral Concession Emboldens Putin

Pajamas Media "Those who feared that U.S. President Barack Obama had “pulled a Chamberlain” when he visited Moscow over the summer and offered unilateral concessions on the missile defense shield his predecessor had promised to Eastern Europe have seen their concerns disturbingly realized in recent days." Forgotten is that Chamberlain saw the error of his ways and declared war on Hitler, however belatedly and after the damage was done.

Early Show's Adoration Of The Obama

Newsbusters "Diabetic or not, you might want to have a dose of insulin handy while watching this morning's video clip. The Early Show's review of the past year was one sicky-sweet adoration—in overtly religious terms—of Barack Obama." Please refer to my comments in the sidebar of the home page of the Tunnel Wall.

Remember the Duke 88?

InsideHigherEd "...a department chairman jokingly explained the faculty's ideological imbalance by noting, "If, as John Stuart Mill said, stupid people are generally conservative, then there are lots of conservatives we will never hire." It seems rather unlikely that Duke's curriculum lacks a sufficiently "progressive" nature."

Its a Wrap: The Most Underreported Stories of 2009

Big Government "This year saw the birth of the tea party movement, the rise of administrative radicalism, and a suppression of information unlike ever before seen. Were it not for the new penny presses, blogs and the investigative citizens who author them, much of this information would be six feet under. When the media goes state and becomes nothing more than an echo chamber for the government, the task of sharing truth falls to the original keepers of liberty: the American people." That's us, folks.

EXCLUSIVE: Oops! Wikipedia Pronounced Rush Limbaugh Dead

RadarOnline "Folks (like us) who happened to take a look at Limbaugh’s biography, saw this: Rush Hudson Limbaugh III (...born January 12, 1951, died December 30, 2009) is an American radio host and conservative political commentator." Wikipedia is known for their leftward slant; perhaps it was wishful thinking.

Rush Limbaugh felt pains similar to heart attack

MyWay news "On the radio show Thursday, guest host Walter E. Williams described Limbaugh's pains as similar to the feeling of a "heart attack coming on." He said doctors haven't confirmed whether the 58-year-old had a heart attack, and more exams were planned Thursday. Williams said any information about the cause of the pain would have to come from Limbaugh himself."

Thursday, December 31, 2009

The Next Time You Fly...Watch Out For The Radical Christian Bombers!

Wikio As portrayed on "Law & Order", Christians are just as terrible as jihadists.

Kossacks Display Hate by Rejoicing in Rush Limbaugh Hospitalization

Newsbusters "...the Daily Kos has gained the reputation in the mainstream media for somehow being composed of "reasonable progressives" in stark contrast to their Democratic Underground cousins whom even many in the MSM will admit are flat out loons. However..."

Waterboard Abdulmutallab!

PowerlineBlog "Fifty-eight percent (58%) of U.S. voters say waterboarding and other aggressive interrogation techniques should be used to gain information from the terrorist who attempted to bomb an airliner on Christmas Day. A new Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey finds that just 30% oppose the use of such techniques, and another 12% are not sure."

Awards for the Year's Worst Reporting

MediaResearchCenter "“Mary Jo wasn’t a right-wing talking point or a negative campaign slogan....We don’t know how much Kennedy was affected by her death, or what she’d have thought about arguably being a catalyst for the most successful Senate career in history....[One wonders what] Mary Jo Kopechne would have had to say about Ted’s death, and what she’d have thought of the life and career that are being (rightfully) heralded. Who knows — maybe she’d feel it was worth it.” — Discover magazine deputy web editor Melissa Lafsky..."

Houston: Rocket launcher, jihadist writings found in apartment -- no charges filed

Jihad Watch "Rocket launcher? Check. Jihadist writings? Check. But no worries -- the Feds found no ties to terrorism!"...."Houston police said they did a thorough investigation and did not find any ties to terrorists or a terrorist network. What a relief!"

FOUAD AJAMI: A Cold-Blooded Foreign Policy

WSJ "No despot fears the president, and no demonstrator in Tehran expects him to ride to the rescue."