Wednesday, November 27, 2019

The Danger of Elizabeth Warren

Shame on sour grapes Hillary Clinton for opening the door to ending the Electoral College.
. . . Then there was Warren’s response to an endorsement by an obscure, fringe activist group calling itself “Black Womxn For.” “Black trans and cis women, gender-nonconforming, and nonbinary people are the backbone of our democracy…,” she tweeted November 7th. . .
Selwyn Duke  "Senator Elizabeth Warren, one-time Indian and beer drinker, would make a very dangerous president. This isn’t just because of her policies, which include ending the Electoral College, banning fracking everywhere, regulating a naturally occurring gas (CO2), being radically pro-abortion, decriminalizing illegal border crossing, and free health care for illegal aliens. It’s not only her complete phoniness, which is in one way actually reassuring: it informs that the aforementioned policies are surely as pliable as her family history narrative. No, it’s also because she’s frightfully out of touch with reality in a largely unrecognized way, one common to leftists.
"Approximately 25 years ago, I attended a local feminist conference concerning how our “patriarchal” society supposedly hobbled girls’ academic performance. Because I’d articulately refuted the speakers’ thesis using facts and reason during the commenting period, some of the organizers approached me afterwards, suspicious, wondering what organization I represented (only myself). The group, perhaps four middle-aged women, remained civil, but the arrows shooting from their eyes betrayed their thinly veiled feelings. Anyway, uninterested in my thoughts, they quickly begged out of the conversation by offering to mail me literature on their positions. I said, jokingly, sure, “as long as you don’t send a hit squad to my house.” The response?
"Very seriously and sternly they replied, “We don’t do things like that.” They didn’t get that it was a joke (and, mercifully, I didn’t get the literature).
"But perhaps those feminists graduated from the Patsy Schroeder School of Comedy. To wit: Engaging in demagoguery during a 1990s budget battle, the Democrats claimed the elderly would have to eat dog food to afford medicine if the GOP prevailed. Radio host Rush Limbaugh then spoofed this in a GOPAC speech, claiming he’d bought his mother a new can opener so “she can get the dog food easier when she has to eat it.”
"Taking this seriously, liberal congresswoman Patsy Schroeder (D-Colo.) appeared on the House floor the next day and emotionally exclaimed that “this is what it’s come to! …Rush Limbaugh actually said he's going to buy his mother a can opener so she can have dog food. Wow!” The point?" . . .

The List Of 31 Democrats (With Phone Numbers) In Vulnerable Districts Who Support Bogus Trump Impeachment

100%FedUp  "Investigative journalist Paul Sperry created a list of Democrat House members who won elections in vulnerable districts, yet took the risk of supporting the radical Democrats in their efforts to undo the 2016 election results by agreeing to move forward with bogus impeachment proceedings.
"Every one of these 31 Democrats who supported the impeachment circus in districts that lean Republican, need to held accountable for their actions at the ballot box in 2020.
"Here is the list of vulnerable Democrat lawmakers who need to be sent home from the U.S. House of Representatives in 2020. We’ve included the phone numbers of these vulnerable Democrats, so Americans can let them know how they feel about how them dragging our President through a bogus impeachments circus:" .  .  .

Tom O’Halleran (D-Ariz.) (202) 225-3361
Lucy McBath’s (D-Ga.). (202) 225-4501-
Lauren Underwood (D-Ill.)  (202) 225-2976
Cheri Bustos (D-Ill.). (202) 225-5905
Abby Finkenauer (D-Iowa)  (202) 225-2911
Dave Loebsack (D-Iowa)  (202) 225-6576
Cindy Axne’s (D-Iowa)  (202) 225-5476
Jared Golden (D-Maine)  (202) 225-6306
Former CIA analyst, Elissa Slotkin (D-Mich.)  (202) 225-4872
Haley Stevens (D-Mich.)  (202) 225-8171
Angie Craig (D-Minn.)  (202) 225-2271
Collin Peterson (D-Minn.)  (202) 225-2165
Susie Lee’s (D-Nev.)  (202) 225-3252
Chris Pappas’s (D-N.H.). (202) 225-5456
Jefferson Van Drew (D-N.J.) (202) 225-6572
Andy Kim (D-N.J.)  (202) 225-4765
Josh Gottheimer (D-N.J.)  (202) 225-4465
Mikie Sherrill (D-N.J.) (202) 225-5034
Xochitl Torres Small (D-N.M.) (202) 225-2365
Max Rose (D-N.Y.) (202) 225-3371
Sean Patrick Maloney (D-N.Y.)  (202) 225-7944
Antonio Delgado (D-N.Y.)  (202) 225-5614
Anthony Brindisi (D-N.Y.)  (202) 225-3665
Kendra Horn(D-Okla.)  (202) 225-2132
Matt Cartwright (D-Pa.)  (202) 225-5546
Conor Lamb (D-Pa.)  (202) 225-2301
Joe Cunningham (D-S.C.)  (202) 225-3176
Ben McAdams (D-Utah)  (202) 225-3011
Elaine Luria’s (D-Va.)  (202) 225-4215
Former CIA agent, Abigail Spanberger (D-Va.) (202) 225-2815
Ron Kind (D-Wis.) (202) 225-5506

Tuesday, November 26, 2019

(Updated, 11-27) Video of 6-Foot-2, 220-Pound Transgender Crushing Female Athletes Shows How Unfair Trans Movement Is to Women

Update: Transgenderism and the Olympics  "Next year’s Tokyo Summer Olympics may spell the swift death of the transgender movement as a dominant politically-correct touchstone. Biological men, self-identifying as women, are poised to make a clean sweep of the Women’s Olympics, triggering a very public debate on this third-rail subject. That firestorm, pitting pro-women feminists against extreme pro-transgender progressives, will begin July 24th, just as the Presidential sweepstakes moves into its sprint to the finish line." . . . Full article here

It doesn’t take an expert in anatomy and physiology to recognize that no matter how much estrogen you pump into a post-pubic male — no matter how much a man “feels like” a woman — there are simple biological realities that we cannot ignore.
Western Journal  "More than familiar with controversy, the animated adult comedy “South Park” is catching heavy flak once again this season — this time for the airing of an episode poking fun at the transgender movement.

"Playing on the absurdity of a recent cultural push to include transgender women — better known as men — into women’s athletics, creators Trey Parker and Matt Stone pulled out all the stops with their comically outlandish depiction of a hulking, Randy Savage-esque transgender woman’s attempt to “kick some f—ing a–” in a women’s strength competition.
"The proverbial salting of open wounds did not stop there, however, with the episode also happening to coincide with the first day of “Transgender Awareness Week,” according to LGBT athletics blog Outsports.
"Yet, despite the expectedly ridiculous nature of the episode, and the incessant whining of the LGBT community in response, “South Park” seems to have accomplished the goal of any good satire: to make people reflect on the culture.
This episode has done just that, effectively bringing an overwhelming amount of social media attention to an undeniable trend that has seen hulking transgender women dominating women’s sporting events in recent years.
"And this trend finds no better example than that of Hannah Mouncey — whose story made waves for the second time in just over a year in light of “South Park’s” supposedly “transphobic” romp." . . .

The hand of Obama in American culture and politics

Obama’s Deadly School Discipline Policy  . . . "Why does this matter? Remember in 2011, when Barack Obama and his Department of Education were on a socially engineered crusade to artificially manufacture public school safety through race politics? Recall they launched their Supportive School Discipline Initiative that was championed as a national model for discipline reform. Yet, this misguided intervention into local school policy is why the Department of Education should be shut down. Through forced compliance to receive federal funding, this junk science kept many miscreants in the school instead of finding an alternative placement somewhere else and an effective tracking system. States also followed by revising their laws to reduce suspensions and expulsions." . . .

Obama Chides Biden over Failure to Connect to Iowa Voters: ‘You Know Who Really Doesn’t Have It? Joe Biden’  "President Barack Obama reportedly took a swipe at his former vice president Joe Biden during a recent meeting with a Democratic presidential candidate, saying that Biden “really doesn’t have it” in establishing a bond with the electorate, especially in Iowa." . . .

Here Are The Obama-Era Operatives And Former Journos Behind A Covert Propaganda Outfit   "A small cadre of former journalists and Obama-era operatives is creating a Russian-style propaganda outfit designed to mimic real local news and activate left-leaning voters ahead of the 2020 election.
"Tara McGowan, a digital producer for Obama for America in 2011, is raising $25 million from wealthy liberals to create a media company called Courier Newsroom that is designed to deliver information favorable to Democrats. Courier is rolling out newspapers in swing states to counter what McGowan believes is right-wing spin on Facebook and across the digital domain.
Courier Newsroom does not [alert] readers that the publication is actually a liberal project." . . . 

Obama Warned He Would Intervene To Stop Bernie Sanders: Report

One adviser said that while they personally had no knowledge of this, the threat of a Sanders nomination would likely be cause for action.“I can’t really confirm that,” the adviser said, regarding the possibility of Obama trying to stop Sanders. “He hasn’t said that directly to me. The only reason I’m hesitating at all is because, yeah, if Bernie were running away with it, I think maybe we would all have to say something. But I don’t think that’s likely. It’s not happening.”This aversion to Sanders would be in line with Obama’s recent comments. At an Obama Foundation Summit event in October, Obama took aim at political “wokeness” and cancel culture.“This idea of purity and you’re never compromised and you’re always politically woke, and all that stuff, you should get over that quickly,” Obama said.
"Obama also had some disparaging things to say about his old partner, Joe Biden.
"The former president has been meeting with hopefuls in his Washington, D.C., offices for months, “Ostensibly the meetings are for the aspiring candidates to gain some wisdom from the last Democrat to win an open presidential primary and the presidency, but they also allow Obama to collect his own intelligence about what he and his closest advisers have made clear is all that matters to him: who can beat Donald Trump,” Politico writes." . .  .

Liberal Media Scream: CNN frets media not anti-Trump enough

. . . “It’s astounding — that in a media environment where 90% of evaluative comments about President Trump on broadcast news top 90% negative, two cable channels devote 24 hours a day to deriding Trump, and Stelter dedicates his show every week to besmirching any media figures favorable toward Trump — that he could still see a world of journalists lacking adequate disdain toward Trump.”  Media Research Center Vice President of Research Brent Baker 
Washington Examiner  "This week’s Liberal Media Scream features CNN’s promotion of host Jake Tapper’s special, “All the President’s Lies.”
"On Sunday, CNN Reliable Sources host Brian Stelter wondered to Tapper: “Do you think journalists are going to look back years from now and regret not doing even more to speak out about this lying and deceit?' ”

"Stelter added: “Clearly, this prime time special is a way to address how ridiculous it’s gotten.”
"Tapper said, “I think some journalists will.' " . . .

Impeachment Democrats Really Don’t Understand What They Are Doing

Rich Terrell; good things do come from California
Impeachment Democrats Really Don’t Understand What They Are Doing  . . . "Do you get the feeling that our “woke” friends, the kind that have been saying #ByeByeElise, have absolutely no clue about this?
"Of course not, because nobody on the Democratic side has been telling the “woke” kiddies that the way to get rid of Trump is to appeal to the American people and beat him fair and square at the ballot box.
"Instead they prefer the shortcut: impeachment. There was the Nixon effort; the Reagan Iran-Contra effort; the Trump collusion-Ukraine effort. Then there were the elections that the Democratic candidate failed to concede: Gore in 2000, and Clinton in 2016.
"It’s tempting to think they do this because they are evil, but I rather think it is because they are stupid: fin de siècle idiots that don’t know any better.
"If the Democrats impeach and remove Donald Trump and then elect Elizabeth Warren in 2020, do they not see that the people that voted for Donald Trump will think they have nothing left to lose?
"No. They really don’t. Because they were so busy building a social justice portfolio for their college applications that they never took any classes in civics."

Nancy Pelosi's worst nightmare slowly comes to life

"I think what we're starting to see, you know, is when the impeachment inquiry was first announced and [Democrats] started to do these depositions, a lot of people were asking, 'Can Nancy Pelosi peel off any Republicans?'" Bade asked "But I increasingly think the question is becoming does [Nancy Pelosi] lose more Democrats? Because Republicans have really unified behind the president, and although two Democrats voted against the impeachment inquiry rules that they voted on a couple of weeks ago, we are hearing behind-the-scenes there are moderates getting cold feet. And it comes back to these ads and people being afraid for being punished for voting to impeach the president."
Kellyanne Conway: Trump Impeachment Efforts Are Adam Schiff’s ‘Ego Trip’
“And you know what’s important to them? The president meeting — receiving a foreign leader yesterday [meaning Monday], applauding Conan the dog that was there when al-Baghdadi, the world’s most-wanted terrorist, was taken out and detonating his suicide vest to kill his own children — this animal. And yet the media was criticizing the way the president received Conan the dog, much the way they criticized the way he took out al-Baghdadi, what he had to say afterward.”
 Adam Schiff: The Sacrificial Lamb  . . ."There is no longer a question as to whether the Democrats will lose in their quest to upend 2016, the only remaining unknowns are where, when, and how badly. And, of course, who is to take the blame? If the buzz around Washington is to be believed, it’s Adam Schiff." . . .

Nunes: CNN, The Daily Beast ‘Are Going to Run for Cover’


CNN's Zucker by Nitwit
"Monday on Fox News Channel’s “Hannity,” Rep. Devin Nunes (R-CA), the ranking Republican on the House Intelligence Committee, vowed to challenge CNN and The Daily Beast in federal court for reportage that tied him to a meeting with the Ukrainians.
"Nunes told host Sean Hannity that he predicted those two outlets would “run for cover.” However, he pledged to continue his quest until those outlets were held to account." . . .
 I’m going to track them down and I’m going to hold them accountable because this has gone on for too long, and this is the only way we’re going to be able to get retribution and be able to seek fairness and transparency in the media is by holding them accountable.”
. . .
He can't get a break: The POTUS is attacked for welcoming the hero dog Conan to the White House. The Zuckerlings let no minor thing pass, even when our hero dog is honored by the White House.

“And if the answer is, ‘I’m busy impeaching the president,’ they’ll recognize that [move] as [Democrat] Adam Schiff’s ego trip — and not a serious exercise.”
. . . “And you know what’s important to them? The president meeting — receiving a foreign leader yesterday [meaning Monday], applauding Conan the dog that was there when al-Baghdadi, the world’s most-wanted terrorist, was taken out and detonating his suicide vest to kill his own children — this animal. And yet the media was criticizing the way the president received Conan the dog, much the way they criticized the way he took out al-Baghdadi, what he had to say afterward.' ” . . .

"Frozen II": "Wokeness" sucks the joy out of childhood

The Radical Politics of Frozen II; "Disney typically contents itself with selling a sort of mushy be-nice liberalism, but Frozen II may presage a turn to storylines that celebrate extremism." ("Woke Disney" , following the path of the "woke" ‘Charlie’s Angels’ ") 

. . . "Worse, it draws attention to a major gap in the script, which is that Kristoff is singing this song to kill time because the writers have forgotten to give him something to do. When the sisters go off to dig into the family’s hidden past, they not only abandon Kristoff, they do so without even thinking about it. (The witty move would have been for the girls to break out Taylor Swift’s “I Forgot That You Existed.”) I can hear a dozen Jezebel writers high-fiving each other: “Yes! At last, a male character is reduced to window dressing!” That’s two-wrongs-make-a-right reasoning. The first movie painstakingly forged a bond between Anna and Kristoff; the second wastes all that effort and makes Kristoff irrelevant.
"I’ll avoid spoiling the third act, which involves a rip-off of Superman’s Fortress of Solitude for Elsa, a bit of borrowing from the old Frosty the Snowman TV special, and an extremely questionable decision by Anna. But it appears the writing staff are a gang of eager progressives who are so blinded by guilt about America’s past that they didn’t see the huge problem they created for themselves. Sometimes the Left’s enthusiasm for making amends for ancient iniquity looks like random punishment directed at innocent living people. Disney typically contents itself with selling a sort of mushy be-nice liberalism, but Frozen II may presage a turn to storylines that celebrate extremism. Are you ready for Woke Disney?"

The Radical Politics of Frozen II 
Every so often someone tells me, “Cool it, man, you’re reading waaaay too much into this kiddie cartoon.” Or superhero movie. Or whatever. Frozen II pretty obviously is breathtakingly radical. (And also a bad movie; the two don’t necessarily go together.) I didn’t include any spoilers in my review, but I see Slate has published a spoiler-laden essay in contemplation of the cartoon’s (utterly bizarre) storyline and how it brings in themes of colonialism and reparations. I largely agree with Slate‘s writer, who seems somewhat taken aback by how breathtakingly far-left the movie is. A Disney movie that’s to the left of a Slate essayist is . . . something.  
I mention the Slate piece in case anyone thought my piece was unsupported by the content of the film.

Frozen 2’s Bizarre Storyline About Reparations, Explained

"This post contains spoilers for Frozen 2including the ending."
"When Frozen debuted in 2013, it threw audiences for a loop by having a damsel-saving “act of true love” take place between two sisters. Given the franchise’s history—and Disney’s recent trend of subverting its own princess tradition—savvy viewers would be right to go into Frozen 2 expecting another curveball. But the wildest of guesses couldn’t have predicted that directors Chris Buck and Jennifer Lee, the creative duo behind the first film, would make their sequel about … reparations?! As my postcolonial studies professors loved to say, let’s unpack this." . . .

20 Impeachment What-Ifs

Victor Davis Hanson Quoting"The Democrats might have had a more persuasive case for impeachment if only…
1) Donald Trump had cut off all military assistance to Ukraine.
2) Donald Trump got a Ukrainian prosecutor fired by leveraging U.S. aid.
3) Barack Obama earlier had not vetoed lethal military aid to Ukraine in fear of Russian reactions.
4) Ukraine was not a notoriously corrupt country.
5) There was a special prosecutor’s report finding Trump legally culpable.
6) There was direct or written evidence that Trump had committed a high crime.
7) Joe Biden as Vice President had not spearheaded the Obama administration’s Ukraine policy.
8) Joe Biden’s son was not given obscene compensation by Ukrainian interests to influence U.S. aid policy to Ukraine.
9) Joe Biden had not bragged on tape that as VP that he got fired a Ukrainian prosecutor who, per the prosecutor’s own account, was likely looking into his son’s activities by leveraging even non-military U.S. assistance to Ukraine.
10) Ukraine was the first or second partisan inquiry into purported suspect presidential activity rather than the 20th or more partisan attempt.
11) There was a not an upcoming election in less than a year.
12) There was bipartisan congressional support and majority public opinion for 
13) Both Joe Biden and Barack Obama had not described their own earlier quid pro quos with Russians and Ukrainians on tape that were never investigated.
14) The whistleblower, as promised, had come forward to testify, explained his charges and motivations, and faced cross-examination.
15) Adam Schiff’s staff or staffer had not secretly conferenced with the whistleblower before he made his formal complaint.
16) The Democratic House leadership in July 2019 had not agreed to start impeachment proceedings well before the Ukraine drama.
17) The media’s coverage of the Trump administration had been 60 percent negative rather than 90 percent negative.
18) Robert Mueller’s prior 22 months of presidential investigations had not come up empty.
19) Adam Schiff had posed as a Peter Rodino–like sober, judicious and fair inquisitor.
20) Donald Trump had sent the country into recession, or sent thousands of troops into an unpopular war abroad.
End quote

New Low: CNN Accuses Trump Of Literally Using 'Mind Control' To Get Votes

One News Page

Monday, November 25, 2019

Time to Support the Iranian Protestors


"Rather than repeat Barack Obama’s appeasing silence in 2009, and his ignoring explicit calls for support from the beacon of liberty, we need to be bold in our support for the protestors, and even bolder in actions that will back up our words."

"While we continue to waste our attention on the carnival attraction known as the impeachment hearings, protests against the mullahcracy have engulfed major cities in Iran. Rather than repeat Barack Obama’s appeasing silence in 2009, and his ignoring explicit calls for support from the beacon of liberty, we need to be bold in our support for the protestors, and even bolder in actions that will back up our words.
"The precipitating event that has intensified long-running protests has been a 50% increase in fuel prices. This blow to everyday people’s budgets comes a year after President Trump withdrew the US from the Iran deal, and imposed tougher sanctions on the regime, reducing revenues from the sale of oil. But it’s the actions of the mullahs that are to blame. They took Obama’s bribes to sign the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action, and have squandered them on developing missiles, spinning centrifuges, and financing jihadists in Lebanon, Syria, Yemen, and Iraq under the noses of American troops.
"For Iran, this geopolitical jihadist adventurism is nothing new. Indeed, for 40 years it has been at the heart of Iranian foreign policy. The architect of the revolution, the Ayatollah Khomeini, proclaimed, “We shall export our revolution to the whole world. Until the cry ‘There is no god but Allah’ resounds over the whole world, there will be struggle,” i.e. jihad.  His successors have been true to that goal, one dismissed by our foreign policy savants who blame Israel or the sins of colonialism instead of recognizing this 14-century-long religious motive documented in Islamic law, doctrine, and long record of invasion, conquest, colonizing, slaving, raiding, and occupation. True to Khomeini’s words, for forty years the mullahs have shed the blood of Americans with impunity." . . .
Obama Abandoned Iranians When They Fought For Freedom—Trump Must Not Do The Same  "In recent years, Iran has become even more committed to destroying its perceived enemies—starting with America—and Iranian citizens are paying the price. Most recently, respected civil rights attorney Nasrin Sotoudeh has been jailed for representing women who protested the country's compulsory hijab law.
"Iran's rulers have plunged the country into economic crisis with their international wars. But despite violently cracking down on spontaneous anti-government demonstrations, smaller protests and strikes have continued. The U.S. must support these protests, because past American meddling in Iran is partly to blame for this state of affairs." . . .

Obama Betrayed Iranian People; Trump Stands with Them  
 "As a long-time Iranian, I can tell you that the support of the US and President Trump is invaluable to the ordinary Iranians: they feel helpless and alone in the face of the monsters who have been oppressing them for so long.On Persian social media outlets and apps such as Telegram, which is extremely popular among Iranians, people are cheering the US support. People are asking the US to support them in other ways as well, in addition to helping them bypass the internet-blocks and shut-downs that the Iranian regime recently implemented.
2009: The Death of Neda Those brave souls in the Green Revolution stand tall above Obama.
Neda Soltan

Shocking! No NFL Teams Interested in Signing Colin Kaepernick

PJ Media  "Although experts and coaches gave Colin Kaepernick positive feedback about his physical condition and throwing ability after the workout he held in front of several NFL teams one week ago, none of it has resulted in any actual offers.
"Larry Brown Sports reports that zero (0!) teams have "reached out to Kaepernick to bring him in for a private workout or interview since last Saturday." The approach toward him "has been no different in the wake of Kaepernick’s workout than it has been over the past three years."
"A lot of teams are struggling because of a tornado of injuries. However, despite those issues, not one single team thinks that Kaepernick adds enough to justify all the media buzz and the "political distractions."
"Although Kaepernick will undoubtedly present himself as a victim -- boy, do those NFL teams hate African American men or what?! -- he has only himself to thank for this. What's more, I'm not sure he's truly bothered by it -- although he will undoubtedly pretend to be. As Stephen A. Smith explained last week, Kaepernick's decision to move his workout from an official NFL field to a high school football field proves that he doesn't actually want to play." . . .