Saturday, September 11, 2021

9/11 - 20 Years Later


9/11 JUMPERS is a video which was quickly banned by the American and international media  Some on the American left - the "intelligentsia" - felt those victims deserved their fate, calling them "Little Eichmanns".

Remembering 9/11 and Biden's debacle - American Thinker  . . . "America is twenty years post 9/11 — twenty years in Afghanistan, over two thousand military personnel dead, and billions of United States dollars spent.  What did America get in exchange?  Nothing!  Now President Biden, incomprehensibly, after his ignominious retreat from Afghanistan with Americans and allies abandoned behind enemy lines, is talking about our Afghanistan partners.  Something is terribly wrong with this picture.  Whether traitorous or just plain corrupt, Biden has betrayed twenty years of sacrifice, the dead and maimed sacrificed for nothing, taxpayer billions up in smoke, and billions more in cash and weapons in enemy hands."

9/11, Twenty Years Later - Brian Stewart, Commentary Magazine  A new book highlights the enduring failure of liberalism’s approach to terrorism

Afghan Fallout: Biden Blows Up His Entire Case For Being President

Tony Branco

 Issues & Insights  "For most of the past week, in the fires of the worst foreign policy crisis of his young administration, the president who won the White House on a promise of competence and compassion has had trouble demonstrating much of either.”

"That’s not us saying that. This is how the New York Times described the Afghanistan debacle, which is as sure a sign as any of how much trouble President Joe Biden is in right now.

"But we’d go further than the Times. Biden’s backers – and Biden himself – didn’t just portray Joe as competent and empathetic. They said he was experienced, thoughtful, trustworthy, and had sound judgment. That he’d unite the country, and restore America’s standing in the world. That he was, unlike Donald Trump, presidential. It was the basis of Biden’s entire presidential campaign, in fact.

"As a reminder, here’s what 70 so-called Republican national security officials said when endorsing Biden in August 2020: “We believe Joe Biden has the character, experience, and temperament to lead this nation. We believe he will restore the dignity of the presidency, bring Americans together, reassert America’s role as a global leader, and inspire our nation to live up to its ideals.”

"Who can say any of that now with a straight face?". . .  Looks like Bruce the Boss can:

Lessons We Didn’t Learn from What We Were Forbidden to Say ›

  American Greatness

Twenty years after the jihadist terrorist attacks that redefined our country and triggered a global techno-security system with endless mission creep, we hand our security to the Taliban and China? 

"America has not learned the lessons of 9/11. The lessons were lost as they were being


"Foreign pressure on political leaders in Washington, intellectual laziness or dishonesty in the intelligence community, and political correctness-turned-wokeness made it so.

"American society repeated those unlearned lessons as the global pandemic spread from China.

"The unlearned lesson goes like this: Trust your instincts about who was responsible for crimes perpetrated against you. Ask tough questions to find out who was behind them, and ruthlessly hold those top enablers accountable. Suspect those who deny the obvious and who discourage honest inquiry. Resist those who abuse their authority and erode constitutional rights in a misguided quest for “security” and “safety.” If you see something, say something loudly and ceaselessly.

"In both man-made cataclysms, powerful foreign interests imposed extraordinary pressure to prevent the American public from demanding that the obvious funders and state sponsors be held accountable. 

"Those “America Last” interests imposed forms of censorship and self-censorship. They did it to prevent the people from asking unwelcome questions and discussing inconvenient truths.

"The Trump Administration showed uncommon courage in stomping the establishmentarianism of both political parties by holding the Chinese Communist Party responsible for the pandemic. But it was stomped on in return—not by the Chinese regime as much as the president’s political opponents at home. Within months (and sometimes within days, as a chronology of the narratives proves), American leaders in journalism, politics, health, and science began echoing the Chinese party line. ". . . 

You said you wouldn't forget — but you do over and over again -

 American Thinker  
. . . "You forgot why you were in Afghanistan in the first place because you are back to square one.  The danger that brought you to Afghanistan has resurrected itself.  Sure, the Taliban will prevent al-Qaeda and ISIS from reforming, and they have no interlocking relationships.  If you believe that, you are as ignorant and senile as President Joseph Biden.   

"You forgot in your colleges and universities that teach nothing about civic virtue but are mired in a cesspool of accusations characterizing your history as a story of rapacious oppression and exploitation.  Their notions of critical thinking are simply an assault on all that is good and decent about your country.  Your college and university administrators and their anti-American agendas are the enemy's front-line arsenal in attacking your society.  

"Your children are no longer taught how to think, but what to think.  Guardians of correct thought sit on powerful university committees to enforce not intellectual diversity, but intellectual conformity to an approved anti-American script." . . .

You forgot when you elected Barack Hussein Obama, not once, but twice ...

You forgot when you elected Ilhan Omar...

You forgot when you elected Rashida Tlaib...

You forgot when you elected Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez,...

9/11 - 20 Years Later; Biden’s Afghanistan Speech Fails to Fool America

> Stilton's Place: 9/11 - 20 Years Later (

"Saturday marks the 20th anniversary of the fateful 9/11 attacks on our nation. For most Americans, it will be a day of mourning and contemplation. But not for all Americans; it seems likely that for Joe Biden and members of his administration the date is simply an annoyance on the calendar to be given lip service and then forgotten.

"Unlike in Afghanistan, where 9/11 will mark the seating of a new government comprised of Taliban war chiefs and the Al Qaeda terrorists who, 20 years after their initial attack, brought the US to its knees (and got an $85 billion windfall in weaponry from Joe Biden with which to renew terror attacks on the world).". . . 

The American Spectator

Biden’s remarks served as the latest instance of the president digging his heels in on Afghanistan in the face of an unprecedented wave of criticism from traditional allies in the Democratic Party and the media. In fact, Biden has appeared more resolute and defensive the louder his critics became, appearing convinced that voters and history will ultimately reward him for ending the war despite the chaotic withdrawal.… The drawdown of the war in Afghanistan represents the most significant failure Biden has confronted in his presidency — one where he repeatedly failed to meet his lofty promises and flawed predictions.

The post's author then concludes his post with this statement: 

. . . "According to the same ABC/Washington Post poll noted above, 60 percent of Americans disapprove of Biden’s handling of the Afghanistan pullout and 53 percent blame his bungling for the deaths that occurred during the August 26 terrorist attack. Combined with Biden’s disgraceful abandonment of Americans to the tender mercies of the Taliban, this is unlikely to fade in voter memories as readily as some arcane Beltway debate over the debt ceiling. Even before the withdrawal fiasco, millions were unhappy with the outcome of the 2020 election and anxious for another crack at the Democrats. Biden’s deadly Afghanistan blunders have provided them with infinitely greater motivation."

. . . "Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) told a gathering of Kentucky voters last week,

The president is not going to be removed from office. With a Democratic House, a narrowly Democratic Senate, that’s not going to happen.… We’re trying to hold down the damage until next year and I do think we’re likely to see a typical midterm reaction to a new administration.… Only twice in American history — only twice — has the president gained seats in Congress two years into the first term. Typically, there is some buyer’s remorse two years in.… So, look, there isn’t going to be any impeachment, but I think they [the Democrats] have a very good chance of having a very bad election next year.

 As the Nation Readied to Remember 9/11, a Major University Student President Wished 'Death to America' – RedState  A Democrat voter, one is forced to assume. 

Followed by a smiley emoji, her morning message went thusly:

One would like to think that, for just one day, the perpetual victimhood brigade who cannot let a moment pass by without demanding the spotlight for their latest petulant delusional whine would step back. But no. Enter one Jenn M. Jackson, Ph.D. (so her Twitter bio says), published author and self-defined “Abolitionist+Writer+Prof Genderflux all pronouns.

 University of Kansas student body president shares ‘Death to America’ tweet | The College Fix

Biden Blasts Americans on Eve of 9/11: 'We Have Witnessed Violence in America Against Muslims - True Followers of a Peaceful Religion' (VIDEO)   "Did Obama write Biden’s 9/11 message?

"Joe Biden lashed out at Americans in a pre-recorded video released Friday on the eve of the 20th anniversary of the 9/11 terror attack.

Friday, September 10, 2021

‘We Have Won’: Fort Hood Jihad Murderer Congratulates Taliban

 PJ Media  "Nidal Malik Hasan, who was at the time a major in the U.S. Army, in November 2009 opened fire at Fort Hood while screaming “Allahu akbar,” murdering 14 people and injuring 43. Now he is now on death row at Fort Leavenworth in Kansas, and he is having a good month: Hasan is thrilled that the Taliban have taken over Afghanistan.

"It was revealed Wednesday that on August 18, Hasan wrote a letter addressing the Taliban, crowing “WE HAVE WON” and adding: “Congratulations on your victory over those who hate for the Laws of All-Mighty God to be supreme on the land. I pray to Allah that He helps you implement Shariah Law full, correctly and fairly.”

"Hasan asked his attorney, retired Army Col. John Galligan, to get his letter to the Taliban. Galligan, who has dealt with this monster for a long time, said: “I’m not at all surprised by Maj. Nidal Hasan’s recent statement — he’s always been consistent in the terms of his support for the governments to be rooted upon Sharia law. Given the Taliban victory in Afghanistan and President Biden’s apparent capitulation on many fronts, Nidal Hasan and I are anxious to see what, if any, action will be taken with respect to the individuals still incarcerated at Guantanamo.”

"Indeed. But the strange case of Nidal Malik Hasan shows that Biden isn’t the first to have capitulated. In fact, Hasan’s career trajectory neatly encapsulates much of the failure and wishful thinking that has characterized our response to the 9/11 attacks. As is detailed in Arab Winter Comes to America, Hasan rose through Army ranks even as he justified jihad suicide bombing and spouted hatred for America, and he did so with extraordinarily positive recommendations.". . . 

A product of liberal fear of seeming racist; a "woke" PC choice; selected, I would guess, by a military with little courage or convictions and intimidated by this silly culture we must live under. TD

Kamala Harris May Want to Think Twice Before Talking about Medical Decisions to Do with One's 'Own Body'

 Kamala Harris May Want to Think Twice Before Talking about Medical Decisions to Do with One's 'Own Body' (

"Vice President Kamala Harris is a particularly tone-deaf person, but it seems she has been particularly bad this week. On Thursday, the same day President Joe Biden announced particularly stringent vaccine mandates, Harris gave an impassioned address about "the rights of women to make decisions about their own bodies," calling it "not negotiable."

Kamala Harris: "The right of women to make decisions about their own bodies is not negotiable. The right of women to make decisions about their own bodies is their decision, it is their body." Video
Lila Rose  
: an unborn baby is not a woman's body. Go look at a biology textbook, and stop imposing your anti-science, anti-morality, oppressive, pro-abortion agenda on millions of children and their families.

'If I were a Democrat they'd be calling it a hate crime': Larry Elder slams the left for failing to call 'angry, ugly' attack by a woman in a gorilla mask racist because he's a Republican

 Larry Elder slams Democrats for ignoring attack by woman in gorilla mask | Daily Mail Online  "California governor hopeful Larry Elder has slammed Democrats for not calling attack on him a hate crime after a white woman in a gorilla mask was filmed throwing an egg at him on a campaign stop Wednesday.On Thurday night, the GOP candidate told Fox News' Tucker Carlson Tonight host Jesse Watters that he encountered the 'very angry and ugly scene' while he was touring a homeless encampment in Venice Beach.'If I were a Democrat, obviously, this would be called systemic racism, they'd be calling it a hate crime. I don't like to play that game,' he said."

Biden-led military raises the white flag


Exclusive — Rep. Nancy Mace: All House Democrats Voted Against Survey of Weapons Left in Afghanistan (    ..."Mace stated, “Every single House Democrat voted against what I would say is a very common-sense amendment. If you care about our country [and] our national security here and abroad, then you would care to know what we left behind, but they all voted against it. It’s just so unbelievable to me that that’s where we are as a country.”

" 'They’d rather spend your money figuring out how to do social and environmental justice spending [and] socialist program spending than to figure out what we did in Afghanistan, what we left behind, and what our national security risks are,” she noted."...

The US Military Abandoned Women and Children at the Airport Gate (   "The Taliban — yes, The Taliban — guarded one family for hours. Waiting for the U.S. military to open the gate. That’s all they had to do. The Taliban can take the military any time they want it, so it’s not as if openly the gate presents special hazard.". . . 

Most of the 25 Democrat members of the House Oversight Committee come from very safe districts, as befits a committee with the power to investigate and embarrass those responsible for screw-ups. People like Squad members Ocasio-Cortez, Pressley, Tlaib. Can't ask too many embarrassing questions when Democrats hold the White House.

Quid Pro Joe, Postal Workers Use Leverage from 2020 Mail-in Ballot Fraud to Gain Exemption From Vaccine Mandate -

 The Last Refuge  "The United States Postal Service (USPS) workers will be exempt from the mandatory vaccine requirements of all federal workers.  The most logical reason for the Biden carve-out is the blackmail and leverage carried by the USPS for their role in the 2020 mail-in ballot fraud.   Quid pro Joe.

WASHINGTON POST – U.S. Postal Service workers were not included in Biden’s executive order requiring all federal employees to get vaccinated against the coronavirus, according to a White House official speaking on the condition of anonymity to discuss not-yet-public portions of the president’s plan. The postal workers would be strongly encouraged to comply with the mandate, the official said. 

The move exempts a massive chunk of the federal workforce — 644,000 employees and growing as the agency ramps up seasonal hiring — that interacts daily with an equally large swath of the public.  One of the Postal Service’s powerful unions, the American Postal Workers Union, in July criticized the administration’s efforts to require federal workers to be vaccinated and demanded that postal leadership collectively bargain on the issue. (read more)

"On a positive note, this unilateral exemption provides massive support for any lawsuit against the Biden administration over the forced vaccination order.  The DOJ cannot claim ‘public health’ as a reason for the mandate and simultaneously claim the USPS carve-out is unrelated."...

Biden breaks his promise, announces vaccine mandate for federal employees, contractors, and large employers - American Thinker  "Last December, President-elect Biden promised no mask or vaccine mandates:. . . "  "

"He used threatening language against governors who might stand in his way.  

Leslie Eastman:

Biden made a chilling verbal attack on the duly elected governors:

"If these governors won't help us beat the pandemic, I'll use my power as president to get them out of the way.". . . 

 When it's Trump: When it's Biden:

Biden Brings in Islamic Activists to Investigate U.S. Military for 'Extremism' -

"Is that the kind of extremism expertise that the Department of Defense really needs?" 

  Daniel Greenfield / Sultan Knish  "A decade ago, Hina Shamsi was fighting on behalf of the Holy Land Foundation whose leaders had been convicted of providing material support to Hamas.

"As the head of the ACLU’s National Security Project, Shamsi, a Pakistani citizen, had fought fiercely for the Islamic terrorists at Guantanamo Bay. “We all must pledge — not one person more in Guantanamo, not in our names,” she recently declared.

"But now the Pakistani advocate for Islamic terrorists has a new job: going after our soldiers.

"Shamsi is one of the terror lawyers who appears on a list of partners for the Biden administration's crackdown on "extremism" in the military. The only kind of extremism that Shamsi appears to be an expert on is the Islamic kind and her expertise has been in denying it.

"Furthermore, at least as of 2017, Shamsi had described herself as a Pakistan citizen with permanent legal residency in America." . . .

Names of Four Mayors Removed From Controversial Resolution Pushing CRT in Public Schools After Document Exposed

Rufo pointed out that the U.S. Conference of Mayors still endorses the Marxist racial theory, but because it is so deeply unpopular with most Americans, most politicians do not want to be associated with it.

  American Greatness  "The mayors of four major cities seemed to back away from sponsoring a resolution supporting critical race theory (CRT) in public K-12 schools after their support for the deeply unpopular ideology was made public on social media.

"The resolution, which was adopted by the U.S. Conference of Mayors, initially listed the following four mayoral sponsors: Louisville, Kentucky, Mayor Greg Fischer; Boise, Idaho, Mayor Lauren McLean; Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot; and Portland, Oregon, Mayor Ted Wheeler.

"According to the resolution, the “basic tenants” of CRT are: the “recognition that race is not biologically real, but it is socially constructed…”; “acknowledgment that racism is a normal feature of society and is embedded within systems and institutions…”; “rejection of popular understandings about racism, including claims of meritocracy, colorblindness, and arguments that confine racism to a few bad apples…”; and “recognition of the relevance of people’s everyday lives to scholarship, embracing the lived experiences of people of color … and rejecting deficit-informed research that excludes the epistemologies of people of color…”

"The resolution concludes by stating that “the nation’s mayors support the implementation of CRT in the public education curriculum to help engage our youth in programming that reflects an accurate, complete account of BIPOC [Black, Indigenous, (and) People of Color] history, and that the U.S. Conference of Mayors supports access to equitable programs that reflect history, decrease achievement gaps, and better ensure that BIPOC students receive resources that ensure their success upon the completion of their primary education.' ”. . .