Wednesday, March 2, 2016

Donald Trump Is The Next Barack Obama

"The difference between Donald Trump and Barack Obama amounts only to whatever difference may exist between each emperor’s set of cronies."

But just know that if Trump or any other is the Republican candidate he will have my vote!  Never mind who is our candidate - just vote against the Democrat, something about four million voters who stayed home in 2012 did not do! If you can't contribute anything else at least vote against Hillary.

Donald Trump Is The Next Barack Obama

The Federalist   "The Obama years have brought America to the brink of transformation from constitutional republic into an empire ruled by secret deals promulgated by edicts. Civics classes used to teach: “Congress makes the laws, the president carries them out, judges decide controversies, and we citizens may be penalized only by a jury of our peers.”

"Nobody believes that anymore, because no part of it has been true for a long time. Barack Obama stopped pretending that it is. During the twentieth century’s second half, both parties and all branches of government made a mockery of the Constitution of 1789. Today’s effective constitution is: “The president can do whatever he wants so long as one-third of the Senate will sustain his vetoes and prevent his conviction upon impeachment.”
"Obama has been our first emperor. A Donald Trump presidency, far from reversing the ruling class’s unaccountable hold over American life, would seal it. Because Trump would act as our second emperor, he would render well-nigh impossible our return to republicanism." . . . 
Tell me if this next statement is not true:
Today, nearly all the rules under which we live are made, executed, and adjudicated by agencies such as the Environmental Protection Agency, the Occupational Safety and Health Administration, and countless boards and commissions. Congress no longer passes real laws. Instead, it passes broad grants of authority, the substance of the president’s bureaucracy decides in cooperation with interest groups.
Ergo, the seething anger toward Republicans from those who would be their voters. Everywhere Obama goes, he sows anger among those he governs. The Tunnel Dweller

Hat tip to Ronbo at The Freedom Fighters Journal


Tuesday, March 1, 2016

Open Thread: Super Tuesday Results…Update: Trump Takes GA, MA, TN, AL And VA…Update: Cruz Takes Texas And Oklahoma, Arkansas Goes To Trump…

Weasel Zippers

Screen Shot 2016-03-01 at 9.15.42 PM
We’ll be keeping you updated on Super Tuesday results as they come in here. We’ll update the above pic as the info comes in . Expect all states to be called for Hillary within seconds of polls closing, except Vermont.
Here’s a link to the results. In some of the states you have to get at least 20% to get any delegates at all.
Rubio wins Minnesota, so he can claim he won at least one, Cruz second, Trump third.
Here’s the estimated delegate count at this point by the NY Times:

LIVE RESULTS: Super Tuesday

Legal Insurrection
"Welcome to our Super Tuesday live blog. Be sure to refresh your browser for the latest updates. If you have questions, please post them in the comment section below, and I’ll do my best to answer them for you.
"Twelve states are in play and approximately 600 delegates up for grabs. 1,237 delegates are required to clinch the GOP nomination (baring any convention shenanigans, which we’ll worry about if they become an issue).
"Less than 4% of total delegates have been allocated in early state primaries and caucuses. The current delegate breakdown:

super tuesday live blog results

The media, the angry, and Donald Trump

Certainly there is anger toward the Republicans, but it's roots for me are in the contemptible actions of Barack Obama. The man has submitted himself to America's enemies from Russia to every corner of the Middle East. He has sided with every evil force that hates America around the world and in the very streets of our nation, and against those who would keep us safe. 
He alone has had the authority to bring peace to the violence in our cities and condemn those whose racist (yes, I meant to use that word. Recall the knock-out game?) burning and vandalism, especially against businesses and citizens has terrorized those who would speak out.
Yet, Republicans seem to be so docile in standing against those who side with Mr. Obama - the press, Hollywood and academia for example - and against our society, our nationhood and American culture. 
Yet none of our guardians in Congress dares to speak out against this . TD
However, here is a hopeful headline.  "Obama's bid to break Supreme Court deadlock with White House talks ends in failure as Republicans refuse to back down"

Left-leaning* Politico: The media's Trump reckoning: 'Everyone was wrong'  *If you don't believe my saying they lean left, go to their political cartoons and see who the cartoonists dislike.
. . . "Now all these journalists, and more, are coming to grips with their mistaken assessments. And some, too, are freaking out." . . .

Trump, the Times, and the off-the-record tapes  . . . "
Others, including Mitt Romney and arch-critic Rich Lowry, have joined in the cacophonous calls to #ReleaseTheTape.
"All of this is ridiculous in my eyes.  First and foremost, Donald Trump has never made a secret of his approach to life lying in taking strong negotiating positions.  In November of last year, Henry Scanlon laid out for American Thinker readers the strategy Trump is following:" . . .
New York Times won't release off-the-record tape of Trump  The New York Times is refusing to release an audio recording from an off-the-record meeting with Donald Trump where some speculate the front-runner talked about immigration.
The audio recording may include audio of Trump that raises questions about whether he plans to follow through on his promises regarding immigration, Buzzfeed News reported Monday.
. . . "The most optimistic analysis of Trump as a presidential candidate is that he just doesn’t believe in positions, except the ones you adopt for strategic purposes when you’re making a deal. So you obviously can’t explain how you’re going to deport 11 million undocumented immigrants, because it’s going to be the first bid in some future monster negotiation session," columnist Gail Collins wrote.
Political Cartoons by Gary Varvel

Hillary's Five-Point Plan to Beat Trump

The go to attack for the left is to call opposition an ------ist. (Enter your choice of demonization in the blanks)

Rush Limbaugh

. . .  "Anyway, Hillary Clinton plans to enlist Bill Clinton and Barack Hussein O to attack Trump.  Here is her five-point plan as published in the New York Times.  Number one: attack Trump's explosive temper and ability to run the country.  Number two: highlight the Republican front-runner's sexist and bigoted attitudes to turn female votes against him. 
. . . 
"Let me translate.  No matter who the Republicans choose we're gonna keep calling them the same names.  They're all racists.  They're all sexists.  They're all bigots.  They're all homophobes.  And it doesn't matter who they nominate.  That's what we're gonna call it."

The immigration pot still boils

Once again Obama gives his dissenters his middle finger

Top border chief to agents who object to Obama amnesty: ‘Look for another job’
Mr. Kerlikowske, though, said Mr. Judd and fellow agents who object to Mr. Obama’s policies should be ushered out.

President Obama looks towards Mexico as he tours the Bridge of America Cargo Facility in El Paso, Texas, on May 10, 2011, as he visited the U.S.-Mexico border to speak about immigration reform. (Associated Press) **FILE**

"Customs and Border Protection Commission R. Gil Kerlikowske told Border Patrol agents who object to President Obama’s amnesty policies that it’s time to “look for another job,” saying Tuesday that agents have to follow the orders of their superiors.
"Mr. Kerlikowske was objecting to testimony last month from the Border Patrol labor union chief, who said under Mr. Obama agents have been told to restore the discredited “catch-and-release” policy from a decade ago." . . .
"Sadly, the single most egregious congressional promoter of open borders is GOP Senator Marco Rubio. As a key member of the notorious 'immigration reform' Gang of Eight committee, Rubio's amnesty plan was hatched, not only to give mass amnesty to illegals, but was done through daily lies about its contents," said the open letter.
. . . "But the support of immigration critics has gone to Sen. Ted Cruz and Trump, who has built his campaign on erecting a southern border wall. Trump last weekend, for example, won the backing of Alabama Sen. Jeff Sessions, one of the Senate's harshest critics of illegal immigration and the president's policies on the issue.
"The letter lists 30 victims and how they died allegedly at the hands of illegal immigrants. Two examples:" 
— Jim and JoAnne Binger – Daughter, Brittany 16, raped and viciously murdered. Illegal crushed her face with rock. Brittany was their only surviving child.
— Carrie and Lou Ruiz – Daughter, Felicia 16, stabbed over 39 times by an illegal alien who fled and remains free.
If Mr. Obama admits tens of thousands of Syrian "refugees" this problem will likely pale by comparison. 

Clinton chief John Podesta attacks State Dept. watchdog

Shades of Ken Starr, who was utterly trashed and destroyed by Clinton people.  Watch for all this to happen again as Hillary's oppo research attacks not only her Republican opponent but the investigators of her emails. 

The Hill

"John Podesta, the chairman of Hillary Clinton’s presidential campaign, says there are “serious questions” about the integrity of the State Department Office of Inspector General (OIG).
"The OIG is locked in an increasingly contentious fight with Clinton’s campaign on a host of issues, including her use of a private email account during her time as secretary of State.
"It has also reportedly subpoenaed the Clinton Foundation for documents related to charity projects and is investigating close Clinton aide Huma Abedin’s work as a “special government consultant” while she worked at State. "A source within the OIG contacted The Hill claiming that the office has grown increasingly partisan, accusing it of having an “anti-Clinton” bias.
"Told by The Hill about the remarks, Podesta described the source as a “whistleblower” whose comments called into question the integrity of the OIG investigations.
“ 'This person’s account is highly troubling, and is cause to ask serious questions about the independence of this office,” Podesta said of the source. The Clinton campaign says it does not know the identity of the source.
"An OIG official strongly disputed the source’s account.
“ 'Partisan politics play no role in OIG’s work,” the spokesman said Monday." 

In Front of Tiny Crowd, Chelsea Condemns 'Racist, Homophobic, Sexist' Republicans

Somehow Chelsea seemed to me to be a kinder, gentler Clinton with some of the class that her parents lacked. I could not picture her ever firing, say, the White House travel office people with the command, "Fire their a**es!", then prosecuting them for good measure. But now she presents a more Hillary-like quality, all to indicate the Democrat Party tends to bring out the worst in people. TD

Weekly Standard  "Only 75 people came out to hear Chelsea Clinton condemn the Republicans for being racist, homophobic, and sexist. Clinton called this election the most important one of her lifetime.

"Chelsea Clinton's mother, Hillary Clinton, is of course the Democratic frontrunner."

" 'While it's important to have a president who knows when to stand her ground and give no purchase to the racist, homophobic, sexist rhetoric and policy ideas that are coming out of the Republican side, it's also important to have a president who knows how to find common ground," Chelsea Clinton said.". . . 

Monday, February 29, 2016

The Hollywood Presidential race

The genius of the Jimmy Kimmel Show:

Political Cartoons by Ken Catalino

Obama and the Jews; a prophecy from 2008

The Chicago Jewish News
cover image of Barack Obama at the Wailing Wall

By and large, this article discusses much Jewish support for Obama and appreciation for his working with Jews. Tet, peeking through the cracks shows some troubling -for Israel- indicators.
. . . "Jewish criticism of Obama - aside from the lunatic fringe that still harps on his middle name, Hussein, and supposed Muslim "credentials" - centers on four factors: his positions on Israel, several of his foreign policy advisors, his foreign policy inexperience and his apparent willingness as president to talk to the Iranian regime. His domestic agenda is little mentioned in these debates.
Emily Soloff
Emily Soloff
Emily Soloff, area director of the nonpartisan American Jewish Committee, said that is natural since "the Jewish community is passionate about many things but particularly about Israel." . . .
"In addition, she said, "Jews are well educated, they're readers, there are many Jewish bloggers, all of which means the amount of information that comes out about a candidate, there is tremendously more information coming out than there has been in the past."
"In such an environment, "people tend to shrei (Yiddish for yell) a little bit louder to get their voices heard," she said. "In terms of this election, Obama's youth and his newness also has put him under greater scrutiny than candidates who have been in the public eye for much longer and have longer records of action as well as words."

"Even former Israeli cabinet minister Natan Sharansky has expressed his concerns, telling a Shalom TV interviewer that Obama has no record on foreign policy and that an Obama presidency would be a "risk" for Israel.

"Closer to home, Jewish criticism of Obama - aside from the lunatic fringe that still harps on his middle name, Hussein, and supposed Muslim "credentials" - centers on four factors: his positions on Israel, several of his foreign policy advisors, his foreign policy inexperience and his apparent willingness as president to talk to the Iranian regime. His domestic agenda is little mentioned in these debates.
Emily Soloff
Emily Soloff
Emily Soloff, area director of the nonpartisan American Jewish Committee, said that is natural since "the Jewish community is passionate about many things but particularly about Israel. People for whom Israel is the issue or the primary issue look with a magnifying glass at everything a candidate says or does. The nature of campaigning in America makes it difficult for any candidate to hold up to that kind of scrutiny."
In addition, she said, "Jews are well educated, they're readers, there are many Jewish bloggers, all of which means the amount of information that comes out about a candidate, there is tremendously more information coming out than there has been in the past."
In such an environment, "people tend to shrei (Yiddish for yell) a little bit louder to get their voices heard," she said. "In terms of this election, Obama's youth and his newness also has put him under greater scrutiny than candidates who have been in the public eye for much longer and have longer records of action as well as words."
Even former Israeli cabinet minister Natan Sharansky has expressed his concerns, telling a Shalom TV interviewer that Obama has no record on foreign policy and that an Obama presidency would be a "risk" for Israel.
Closer to home, Rabbi Victor Weissberg, a local Israel activist and chair of To Protect Our Heritage PAC, which works to promote a closer alliance between the United States and Israel, said Obama is "flawed., a local Israel activist and chair of To Protect Our Heritage PAC, which works to promote a closer alliance between the United States and Israel, said Obama is "flawed." . . .
And how did all this work out since then?

Comically Incorrect dreams of a Hillary presidency

The racial soap opera that has been this Democrat legacy continues

We have not heard the last of this lady and her perpetual victimhood

The "eternally racially-aggrieved Ms. Harris-Perry" leaves MSNBC
. . . "After having her show pre-empted two weeks in a row for somethng inconsequential called "election coverage," MSNBC hostess and tampon fashion model Melissa Harris-Perry walked off her own show and described her mistreatment entirely in racial terms. Which she backed down from shortly after a presumed conversation with MSNBC's evil, moustache-twirling, whip-wielding legal department.

"After a short cooling off period, Ms. Harris-Perry and MSNBC were able to arrive at a new business arrangement based on the network's appreciation of her unique talents and contributions. Specifically, she has agreed to never again try to enter their studios, in return for which MSNBC won't release attack dogs on her or blast her with a fire hose." . . .

obama, obama jokes, political, humor, cartoon, conservative, hope n' change, hope and change, stilton jarlsberg, melissa harris-perry, MSNBC, bobble head, black history month

Legal Insurrection got snarky with this intro: It was nice knowin’ ya, Melissa Harris-Perry...and your Tampon earrings.

The email she sent to her staff is here.
. . . "We’ve written about Melissa Harris-Perry on a number of occasions:
"Twitchy has compiled some reactions to this news:" . . .