Tuesday, March 1, 2016

Hillary's Five-Point Plan to Beat Trump

The go to attack for the left is to call opposition an ------ist. (Enter your choice of demonization in the blanks)

Rush Limbaugh

. . .  "Anyway, Hillary Clinton plans to enlist Bill Clinton and Barack Hussein O to attack Trump.  Here is her five-point plan as published in the New York Times.  Number one: attack Trump's explosive temper and ability to run the country.  Number two: highlight the Republican front-runner's sexist and bigoted attitudes to turn female votes against him. 
. . . 
"Let me translate.  No matter who the Republicans choose we're gonna keep calling them the same names.  They're all racists.  They're all sexists.  They're all bigots.  They're all homophobes.  And it doesn't matter who they nominate.  That's what we're gonna call it."

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