Tuesday, March 1, 2016

In Front of Tiny Crowd, Chelsea Condemns 'Racist, Homophobic, Sexist' Republicans

Somehow Chelsea seemed to me to be a kinder, gentler Clinton with some of the class that her parents lacked. I could not picture her ever firing, say, the White House travel office people with the command, "Fire their a**es!", then prosecuting them for good measure. But now she presents a more Hillary-like quality, all to indicate the Democrat Party tends to bring out the worst in people. TD

Weekly Standard  "Only 75 people came out to hear Chelsea Clinton condemn the Republicans for being racist, homophobic, and sexist. Clinton called this election the most important one of her lifetime.

"Chelsea Clinton's mother, Hillary Clinton, is of course the Democratic frontrunner."

" 'While it's important to have a president who knows when to stand her ground and give no purchase to the racist, homophobic, sexist rhetoric and policy ideas that are coming out of the Republican side, it's also important to have a president who knows how to find common ground," Chelsea Clinton said.". . . 

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