Saturday, July 13, 2019

Black Pastors Call on Nike to Sever Relationship with Colin Kaepernick

Breitbart Sports

"The Coalition of African American Pastors (CAAP) called on Nike Thursday to end its relationship with former NFL quarterback Colin Kaepernick, who has a prominent endorsement deal with the athletic company.
"Rev. William Owens, president of CAAP, said his organization is responding to Nike’s decision to pull an athletic shoe celebrating the Betsy Ross flag after Kaepernick expressed objections to it.

Colin Kaepernick’s views on America and the flag are fringe opinions, not shared by any of us … especially the African Americans who marched against segregation with Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.
. . .

'So Dishonest’: Vice President Pence Blasts CNN After Visiting Migrant Shelters

Breitbart  "Vice President Mike Pence visited migrant shelters in the McAllen, Texas, area Friday and blasted CNN on Twitter following the stops, particularly for its “dishonest” coverage of his trip.
“ 'CNN is so dishonest,” the vice president tweeted late Friday. “Today we took reporters to a detention facility on the border for families and children and all told us they were being treated well.”
CNN is so dishonest. Today we took reporters to a detention facility on the border for families and children and all told us they were being treated well.
"His tweet came in reaction to CNN, which reportedly showed video of a large group of crowded migrants, all of which were men who shouted “no shower!” to cameras. While the prime-time show Anderson Cooper 360 aired Pence’s interview with CNN senior White House correspondent Pamela Brown, it split the screen, only showing the sizable group of male migrants and “none of the footage of Pence visiting with children,” Fox News reported."

Antifa Leader Exposed: You won’t believe who he hangs around with!

magAMedia  . . . "Birds of a feather. Seems Maxine hangs out with Antifa leader, Joseph “Jose” Alcoff quite often. Interesting since Antifa had cause millions of dollars worth of damage in California, and is on its way to being listed as a domestic terrorist organization." . . .

“Let’s make sure we show up wherever we have to show up. And if you see anybody from that Cabinet in a restaurant, in a department store, at a gasoline station, you get out and you create a crowd. And you push back on them. And you tell them they’re not welcome anymore, anywhere. We’ve got to get the children connected to their parents,” Waters said at the Wilshire Federal Building
 Revealed: Antifa Leader Relied On Anonymity To Push Radical, Violent Communist Agenda
  • The Daily Caller News Foundation has determined that an influential Antifa leader uses aliases to spread radical and often violent rhetoric while concealing his actual identity.  
  • Joseph “Jose” Alcoff works with congressional Democrats as part of his day job as a manager with a DC-based advocacy group. But he spreads socialist and communist propaganda when going by the name “Jose Martin.” 
  • Identifying as “Chepe,” Alcoff advocates for the violent overthrow of the government and for the murder of the rich. He has relished the mainstreaming of Antifa’s militant tactics in the Trump era.
  • A 2017 book identified Chepe as an organizer behind Smash Racism DC, the Antifa group that mobbed Fox News host Tucker Carlson’s home in November and ran Ted Cruz out of a restaurant in September. 
"Alcoff rose to prominence in Antifa circles as Chepe during the Occupy Wall Street protests in 2011, where his leadership earned him the title “King Communist,” a co-host of the progressive podcast Radio Dispatch joked in 2012."

‘Helping People Avoid Justice’: Border Patrol Reacts To Clinton’s Advice To Illegal Aliens

She was nearly our President but we were saved by the Electoral College.

All GIF images added by TD
Political Insider  "National Border Patrol Council President Brandon Judd blasted Hillary Clinton for publicly coaching illegal immigrants how to avoid apprehension from Immigration and Customs Enforcement agents.

“ 'I’m amazed that somebody that somebody that ran for president of the United States — that was willing to promise to uphold the laws of the United States, the Constitution of the United States — is now actively helping people avoid justice,” Judd, who leads the Border Patrol’s union of nearly 20,000 members, said Friday on Fox News.
"Judd’s comments follow a tweet Clinton sent Thursday. The former first lady and Democratic presidential candidate published an image that contained a list, written in Spanish, of recommendations for illegal aliens to follow in order to avoid apprehension and deportation from ICE agents.
"The instructions advised illegal aliens “not to open the door” for agents and to report their badge number, type of vehicle they are driving, and where they were seen.
"Clinton’s tweet was in response to President Donald Trump’s planned immigration raids. ICE agents are expected to target roughly 2,000 illegal immigrants across 10 U.S. states Sunday, the first day of an ongoing operation by the agency to apprehend and deport undocumented immigrants. The deportations target aliens who have ignored court orders to leave the country.
“ 'These people have already been ordered deported. They’ve already exhausted all their appeals processes through the court system. They’re not supposed to be here. They’re illegally here, and she’s helping them to continue to break the law,” Judd said Friday. “I don’t understand how the Left continues to move further and further left to what the American public wants.”
"The union leader explained the only people being targeted are those who entered the country illegally, exhausted their due process after being found ineligible to claim immigration judge ordering them to leave.
asylum or amnesty, and continue to live in the U.S. despite an
“ 'This is not a raid where we’re going out into the streets and grabbing anybody that we can. We’re specifically targeting those individuals that have defied an order of deportation by a judge here in the United States,” Judd said, adding that not going after those who defy court orders sends a message to foreign nationals that it’s OK to disobey the country’s immigration laws." 

Clintons mass-booed at Billy Joel concert

Monica Showalter  "Is time finally up for the Clintons?
"Sometimes it's the little things, such as booing in a stadium, that tell the story.
"Apparently, Bill and Hillary Clinton got booed big. According to Fox News:
After singer Billy Joel dedicated a song to the former first couple and flashed them up on the screen at Madison Square Garden, initial cheers turned to boos from the audience.
The former first lady has been under scrutiny for years as she criticized President Trump and attempted to lay out the reasons she thought were behind her loss to him in the 2016 election. Former President Bill Clinton, on the other hand, faced fresh criticism surrounding his relationship with Jeffrey Epstein, who on Monday was indicted on sex trafficking charges.
"It's surprising, given how untouchable the Clintons have been up until now. They've committed scandal after scandal -- and nothing ever happens to them,  . . ."

Shop Owners Begin Installing Spikes To Prevent Beto O'Rourke From Perching On Tables, Countertops

This has to be true because it's on the internet.

Babylon Bee: the most trusted name in news

"U.S.—Owners of coffee shops, cafes, and other eateries across America have begun placing Beto O’Rourke-deterring spike strips on tables and countertops to discourage the Democratic presidential candidate from leaping onto surfaces to deliver inspiring grassroots campaign speeches. 
“ 'We were getting a lot of complaints from customers,” said Hannah McClary, owner of the Cheesecake Nook in Brookings, New Hampshire. She claimed that Beto had left footprints in customer’s desserts on more than one occasion. McClary and other shop owners shared a concern that O’Rourke’s habit of roosting on eatery surfaces could lead to even more unsanitary situations like nest-building and molting. 
"In response to the growing concern of Beto and other pests alighting on establishment surfaces, bird control spike manufacturer Bird-X released a larger model of their popular stainless-steel pigeon deterrent spikes that have a contemporary stylish look that fits in well with modern cafe decor. “Our Beto Control Spikes® are a 100% effective, maintenance-free, and permanent solution to pest candidate infestation. Install Beto Control Spikes® on common speech-delivering surfaces such as counter edges, ledges, window sills, fireplace mantels, chimneys, or anywhere Beto-roosting and nesting are a problem,” said Bird-X CEO Phil Larson.
"Beto Control Spikes® are available in a variety of sizes, are easy to install, require no maintenance and can easily solve the growing problem of troublesome candidates who have an innate desire to perch where people eat."

Friday, July 12, 2019

TV Ignores Conservative Authors Of No. 1 Book In The Country, While Putting Liberal Author Of No. 3,421 Book On Major Tour

Daily Caller  "E. Jean Carroll’s book accusing President Donald Trump of rape has sold almost no copies, despite major coverage while a book critical of the Justice Brett Kavanaugh proceedings is the top seller on Amazon with no such treatment.

"Carroll’s book, “What Do We Need Men For?” is ranked #3421 on Amazon. It sold only 1,900 copies in its first week, according to BookScan data.
"By comparison, “Justice on Trial” is the #1 book on Amazon, selling 4,500 pre-orders on Amazon before it was even released July 9, the book’s publisher, Regnery, told the Daily Caller News Foundation. The book by Mollie Hemingway and Carrie Severino documents the rush to judgment and flawed narrative surrounding Christine Blasey Ford, who accused Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh of an attempted sexual assault.
"The 1,900 BookScan total for Carroll’s book includes bookstores as well as Amazon. It covers the week of June 30 to July 6; Carroll’s book was released July 2. It does not appear anywhere in the BookScan list of top 50 nonfiction books." . . .
. . . "That includes NBC, which sat on evidence that Michael Avenatti had pressured a woman to make false accusations against Kavanaugh until after the confirmation hearings." . . .
. . . "Carroll also claimed that CBS’ former chief executive, Les Moonves, assaulted her." . . .
. . . "But from the beginning, Carroll’s story constantly changed. She told CNN’s “New Day” that she was not raped, and told CNN host Alisyn Camerota she didn’t think it would get attention that she accused a sitting president of rape." . . .  

E. Jean Carroll loses more credibility ... and CNN tries to cover it up, twice  . . . "In any case, the worst element was the end when she said rape is "sexy." CNN knew that was a problem and darted to the commercial. Then they cut that part off from their posted YouTube. Obviously, they're looking for another means of taking down Trump, refusing to let facts go where they may. They may just be getting themselves into another Avenatti dilemma for it."
Believe E. Jean Carroll at your own risk   In an interview with Jimmy Breslin, Carrol responded
. . . The only reason why you are on earth is because you're walking around with like a big old clutch purse of lust frenzied sperm.  That's what guys are. 
 Who put Anderson Cooper in this mess?

More venting over the US Women's soccer team

They COULD Have Been Heroes  "As patriots, we want to root for anyone who is wearing the American flag on their jersey. But I’ve gotta confess – some of the women on the U.S. Soccer team have made that very hard to do, and I actually found myself rooting for them to lose. " . . .


. . . "Specifically, Levin called out Meagan Rapinoe and her “foul mouth,” saying she “has trashed our country” and “trashed the president” while representing the United States on the world stage: “I’m supposed to be rooting for her? I’m not rooting for her.”
“I like getting behind our teams when they’re playing on the international forums and so forth, but this team embarrassed us.”
The host added that the other finalist team from the Netherlands “was more respectful to our flag and more respectful of our country” than were Rapinoe and Allie Long, whose postgame celebration dance on Sunday drew criticism for their treatment of the American flag" . . .

Alex Morgan taunts the British
Some of the toughest criticism against the team was leveled by former soccer players like Clare Rustad, who played on the Canadian women’s national soccer team from 2000 to 2008.  . . . “ 'This was disgraceful from the United States,” she said during a panel discussion on The Sports Network. “I would have hoped they could have won with humility and grace but celebrating goals 8, 9, and 10 the way they were doing is really unnecessary.”
"Network host Kate Bei agreed, adding that given how many wins Rapinoe “has scored countless goals on the international stage,” it was unacceptable for her to keep “celebrating like she had her first.' ”  . . .
Comment: Congratulations on embarrassing America in front of the world, ladies …
Hating America is good marketing  . . . "But facts and logic do not matter in this bamboozle. Like Colin Kaepernick before her, Rapinoe wants product endorsements. For a minor sports star, the way you do that is to attract attention by generating controversy.
Have you all seen me?
"She has ticked off all the little boxes to tick off real Americans to gain sympathy among the anti-American crowd.
"None of them would ever leave the country like James Baldwin and other black people of means did when Jim Crow laws were on the books.
"Indeed, if America were as evil as she said it is, why is she playing on its team? Surely France could use her services.
"I am at a loss to explain this anti-American phenomenon among those who benefit most from America. Kaepernick for example was raised by a wealthy white couple. The elitists and people who want to be elitist are the biggest ingrates in the world. They won the lottery by being born American." . . .

More Ocasio-Cortez photo-op fakery

But she is, after all, the darling of the US Women's soccer team. What does that tell you about them?  Wow! No wonder! This explains the love affair between all these geniuses.

Thomas Lifson  . . . "Reality has no necessary relationship to the visual message the ingenue creates. The now-notorious picture of her weeping, her face in her hands, as she gazed upon… an empty parking lot is a good example. (A bit of united hilarity is provided by leftwing hit site as it declared the pictures “false” and a “conspiracy theory” because of another picture they provide which also shows …an empty road that leads to a detention center. I’m not making this up.)
"Yesterday, Ocasio-Cortez’s demand for a phony photo op was so egregious that even her committee chairman, Elijah Cummings, pointed out that it was not necessary."
. . . 
I'll give her this much: she has mastered the concerned-and-sad look. I wonder how long she practiced it in front of a mirror?
"Ocasio-Cortez is steadily alienating other Democrats, including the vitally important Congressional Black Caucus. Chairman Cummings did not argue with her on the swearing in, but you can be sure he was not pleased."

Catfight intensifies: Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez ignites explosion of fury from her fellow Democrats  . . . "These people have seen enough of Ocasio-Cortez in Congress, picking and backbiting and politically-correctnessing all of them to have had enough. Like Republicans, they absolutely hate her. And as a defensive measure, they're now rallying around House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, who has their back." . . .

House Dem blasts 'juvenile' Ocasio-Cortez, chief of staff: 'Ignorance is beyond belief'
. . . "Rep. William Lacy Clay, D-Mo., added to the mounting Democratic criticism of Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, D-N.Y., slamming her "inappropriate" suggestion that House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., is singling out the New Yorker and her "squad" of fellow freshman because of their race.
"Speaking to Fox News on Thursday night, Clay hammered Ocasio-Cortez's suggestion.
"It was such a weak argument to say she was being picked on and that four women of color were being picked on by the speaker," he said." . . .

AOC and these women bond. Like high schoolers in their locker room
Rich Terrell

USWNT Player Ashlyn Harris During Victory Parade: ‘Hide Your Kids, Hide Your Wife…I’m Comin’ for Y’all B*tches’

Role models for our kids.


"Another member of the U.S. Women’s National Team has been seen in an expletive-laden rant on video, this time it’s goalkeeper Ashlyn Harris who was on video dropping f-bombs during Wednesday’s World Cup celebration parade in New York.

"Like team co-captain, Megan Rapinoe, Harris also seems to have a habit of using thoroughly foul language she proudly displays on video. 

""A compilation video of Harris and her teammates celebrating during the World Cup parade shows Harris constantly addressing the camera as “bitch,” and liberally using the guttural phrase “motherf***er,” SBNation reported.
"In one short segment, Harris yells, “Hide your kids, hide your wife, and lock your f***in’ doors because we got the key to the motherf***in’ city, and I’m comin’ for all y’all bitches.' ”  
"In other segments Harris yells, “You’re f***ing welcome for this content, bitch!” and “This content’s f***ing gold, bitch!” along with video of star Alex Morgan twerking — as well as Harris yelling for Rapinoe to “get her ass in the f***ing locker room.”
"Some of the language seen on her Instagram account include:
  • “We’re on a float, bitch!”
  • “And it f***ing begins, my friends!”
  • “Are you not entertained, bitch?” (borrowing from Russell Crowe’s line in “The Gladiator”)
  • “That is the motherf***in’ T.”
  • “It’s getting sloppy. It’s getting f***ing sloppy!”
  • “Pay us, bitch.”
"Sadly, SB Nation seemed to think that this misbehavior was amusing and encouraged Harris to keep it up. The sports site called her antics “phenomenal.” And they saluted Harris saying, “Thank you so very for this tremendous content, Ashlyn. It is an American treasure, and we all salute you.' ”

We must warn you of the content of this video, but we need to see this soccer team's members as they are: 

Is There Anything to a Lawsuit Accusing Donald Trump of Raping a 13-Year-Old Girl with Bill Clinton’s Billionaire Sex Buddy?

National Review  "As if Donald Trump didn’t have enough legal problems and bad juju, now he has another headache to deal with: a lawsuit filed yesterday in federal court in New York accusing him (along with billionaire Jeffrey Epstein) of raping a 13 year old girl in 1994 at a party at Epstein’s place. The allegations are quite lurid, and reek of similar underage-sex-slavery charges made against Epstein. The lawsuit itself is not that likely to go very far; it appears to be a rehash of a suit previously dismissed in California. The statute of limitations has long since run out, requiring the “Jane Doe” plaintiff to offer creative arguments for why she should be able to bring this up now.

"That said, there’s no statute of limitations in politics. Is there anything to this? We know, on the one hand, that nasty truths come out about political figures every campaign season. As a thrice-married admitted adulterer, Trump’s history doesn’t inspire a lot of confidence in this area, from bragging about bedding married women to his comments to Howard Stern about watching Paris Hilton’s sex tape to his weird habit of commenting on the sex appeal of his own daughter to embracing convicted rapist Mike Tyson to defending Bill Clinton himself in his sex scandals in the 1990s, just to pick a few examples. We know, on the other hand, that bogus sex scandals follow just about everyone who makes it to the national level in politics. Offhand, I believe Mitt Romney may have been the only major party nominee the past 25 years who never had anybody in the press try to shop a sex scandal story (real or bogus) about him. Voters mostly gave the benefit of the doubt to Ted Cruz and Marco Rubio when flimsy sex stories were run against them in the primaries. Trump’s great wealth and messy public personal life make him a big target for this sort of thing. Sometimes, we have to just look at the facts we have and use our judgment.

"Trump’s statement at the time about the original lawsuit was a blanket denial, which extended as far as questioning whether the plaintiff even existed: " . . .

Miley Cyrus Hates Being Called ‘Wife’; Says She’s Still Attracted to Girls

News Punch

"Pop star Miley Cyrus says she doesn’t like being called a “wife” and is still attracted to girls, despite being married to actor Liam Hemsworth. 
"In an interview with Vogue, Cyrus said, “Do people really think that I’m at home in a fucking apron cooking dinner? I’m in a hetero relationship, but I still am very sexually attracted to women.”
“ 'I definitely don’t fit into a stereotypical wife role. I don’t even like that word,” she added.
"The singer also revealed that her parents don’t use the “husband” and “wife” labels.
“ 'They were always partners. That’s why I like that word,” she said, “‘Husband and wife’ sounds like a cigarette commercial from the 50s to me”.
" reports: A couple of years ago, Cyrus attempted to re-brand herself by going back to a more wholesome image."

Miley Cyrus Says She Will Not Have Children Until Earth Is Fixed And ‘Fish Can Live In Water’  . . . “ 'When [Mother Earth] is angry, don’t f*** with her,” Cyrus started. “That’s the way I feel women are like right now. The earth is angry.' ” . . .
Any reason she has for not raising children is OK with many of us.

Related;  10 Disney Stars Who Went Crazy (And 10 Who Turned Out Fine)