Saturday, July 13, 2019

'So Dishonest’: Vice President Pence Blasts CNN After Visiting Migrant Shelters

Breitbart  "Vice President Mike Pence visited migrant shelters in the McAllen, Texas, area Friday and blasted CNN on Twitter following the stops, particularly for its “dishonest” coverage of his trip.
“ 'CNN is so dishonest,” the vice president tweeted late Friday. “Today we took reporters to a detention facility on the border for families and children and all told us they were being treated well.”
CNN is so dishonest. Today we took reporters to a detention facility on the border for families and children and all told us they were being treated well.
"His tweet came in reaction to CNN, which reportedly showed video of a large group of crowded migrants, all of which were men who shouted “no shower!” to cameras. While the prime-time show Anderson Cooper 360 aired Pence’s interview with CNN senior White House correspondent Pamela Brown, it split the screen, only showing the sizable group of male migrants and “none of the footage of Pence visiting with children,” Fox News reported."

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