Saturday, March 2, 2019

A Right Hook in Berkeley Revives Debate Over Campus Speech

Bryan Bernys, the head of the Campus Leadership Program at the Leadership Institute, accused the Berkeley campus of encouraging “a culture that fosters this type of horrible behavior toward anyone or anything that you disagree with.”
NY Times  . . . "The episode was only a faint echo of the brawl at the Berkeley campus in February 2017 when a group clad in black clothing and carrying sticks smashed windows, threw rocks at the police and stormed a building in response to a planned speech by the right-wing writer Milo Yiannopoulos, causing around $100,000 in damage.
"In an interview Mr. Williams said he and the students he was seeking to train had made signs supporting President Trump and criticizing Jussie Smollett, the actor who has been charged in connection with his own assault in Chicago. One of the signs said, “This is MAGA country,” Mr. Williams said.
"Two men are seen in multiple videos of the episode approaching Mr. Williams, who begins filming them. One man points to the signs and accuses Mr. Williams of “encouraging violence.”
"A man is then seen pushing Mr. Williams, showering him with expletives and delivering a powerful right hook to his face." . . .

The arrest came on the same day that officials decided to reopen the investigation, which had concluded a week earlier  . . . "Williams, 26, who is not a student but is a field representative for the conservative group The Leadership Institute, was approached by two men who, he said, reacted with antagonism to the signs. One of them is said to have punched Williams several times. The recruitment table was knocked over and signs were ripped, according to a UC-Berkeley alert on its website. Williams told Fox News last week that his attacker also threatened to shoot him."

Zachary Greenberg: 5 Quick Info You Have to Know   . . . "Greenberg is now dealing with felony accusations. Right here’s what you must know:"
"1. UC-Berkeley Launched Greenberg’s Identify & Stated He was Booked Into the Jail
"2. The College Beforehand Revealed a Potential Suspect was Recognized & Stated He Wasn’t a Scholar
"3. Greenberg Is Accused of Punching the Conservative Activist
"4. Greenberg As soon as Labored for the College" (I have no idea what that just meant. TD)
"5. Conservative Activists & the President’s Son Raised Considerations In regards to the incident"

More here:
. . . 2. Greenberg Once Worked for the University

. . . "Some conservative activists were unhappy with how long it took to make an arrest. On February 26, 2019, Charlie Kirk, founder and president of Turning Point USA, wrote on Twitter, “This attacker has not yet been arrested or charged with a crime. A hate crime was committed on campus at UC Berkeley and the attacker walks free. If the attacker was wearing a MAGA hat there would have been a nationwide manhunt for him. Outrage!”
"The president’s son, Donald Trump Jr., also weighed in, writing on February 21: “When a liberal like Jussie cries wolf and fakes an attack he receives unmatched coverage, sympathy & support creating a tsunami of attention. When a conservative student literally gets punched in the face and it’s caught on video it barely makes a ripple.' ” . . .

The Devolution of Man

National Review

"You too may have noticed an uptick in the number of ads celebrating “girl power” during this year’s Super Bowl. To judge from my television, the idea entails women’s engaging in traditionally male-dominated activities such as beating the hell out of thugs in movies or tossing around a football in commercials. Because, as everyone in the real world knows, the average female is keenly interested in violent contact sports." . . .
. . . "So say the experts at the American Psychological Associa­tion, which newly defines “traditional masculinity” as a pathological state. “For some men,” the association explains, “sexism may become deeply engrained in their construction of masculinity.” . . . 

Sexism? You mean like this?

Feminism Seems Intent on Signing Its Own Suicide Note

"One Bad Social Experiment"

"Like trained seals, progressives took to the airwaves and their social media feeds to applaud and take aim at anyone with the gall to suggest that the increasing number of victories of trans-women over biological women may prove this direct competition to be a questionable idea.
"Hardly surprising considering establishment media headlines like ABC News’ “Transgender teens outrun track and field competitors but critics close behind” were par for the course when the very same concerns arose last spring as Miller and Yearwood medaled in the girl’s 100-meter at the State Open Finals.

"Just as they were when professional trans athlete Rachel McKinnon was crowned a women’s cycling World Champion last Fall. Or when trans female Mack Beggs won two consecutive women’s high school wrestling championships. Or when a top-ranked NCAA track and field athlete switched from male-identified to female-identified in the middle of his collegiate career and kept competing.
"Or when… You get the point." . . .

 . . ." Progressives are employing their typical empathy traps and cries of bigotry to force Americans, in nearly every facet of their lives, into participating in a series of experiments to test their latest baffling hypothesis: Gender is a social construct detached from biological sex. Men can be women and women can be men.
"Make no mistake, the experiment is a gigantic disaster." . . .

John Wayne, Frank Capra, and C.S. Lewis—Haters All!

American Greatness

"I first saw that bumper-sticker slogan almost 20 years ago, pinned to the office bulletin board at the newspaper where I worked. It struck me as a little strange, much like what Jon Stewart called a “moment of zen.” Isn’t it mean to tell people they suck? Yet my progressive media colleagues who embraced the slogan certainly didn’t think of themselves as “mean.” They didn’t see themselves as a Mobius strip or a dog chasing its tail either, though such they really may have been.

"No, what the journalist who posted that slogan meant was: “Other people suck. The people I disagree with, the ones I disapprove of. They suck. They’re mean. Not like me. I’m not mean. I’m ‘woke.’”

“ 'Woke” hadn’t been coined yet, but when the word finally did appear, it walked right into that “Mean People Suck” meme and made itself at home. We’ve been watching the antics of “woke” people who aren’t “mean” and don’t “suck” for quite a while now. The best way to bring one out is to wear a MAGA hat in public. The results can range from hilarious to obnoxious to frightening.

"Another way to bring them out is to criticize the “march of progress.” Commit your thought crime to paper, and you can make the woke wax wroth even from beyond the grave. That’s what John Wayne did in giving an interview to Playboy magazine in 1971. The movie star best known for such classic Westerns as “Stagecoach,” “The Searchers,” and “True Grit” is now known in progressive circles as a bigot, a hater, “a total piece of shit,” because of the sentiments he expressed to Playboy. Sentiments such as:
Movies were once made for the whole family. Now, with the kind of junk the studios are cranking out—and the jacked-up prices they’re charging for the privilege of seeing it—the average family is staying home and watching television. I’m quite sure that within two or three years, Americans will be completely fed up with these perverted films.

Friday, March 1, 2019

They Got Him! UC-Berkeley said Friday that it has arrested the suspect in the recent violent attack against a conservative on campus

The marriage proposals will come rolling in for him now, along with adulation and hero worship. Can you visualize the "Free Hank" protest signs now? Infantile leftists supported cop-killers, so why not this simpleton who accused the conservative of encouraging violence, then punching him?  TD

Campus Reform  "The school identified the suspect as Zachary Greenberg. This is the first time that UC-Berkeley has publicly named the suspect who on Feb. 19 was caught on video punching Hayden Williams, a conservative and employee of Campus Reform's parent organization, in the face. At the time, Williams was helping conservative groups recruit new members. 
"Today, an Alameda County Superior Court Judge issued a warrant for the arrest of the suspect in the matter involving a February 19 assault on Sproul Plaza. Zachary Greenberg was arrested by the University of California Police Department (UCPD) on the warrant and booked into jail at 1 p.m. UCPD will formally present the case to the Alameda County District Attorney’s Office for consideration of the filing of criminal charges. Once the matter is presented and reviewed by the District Attorney’s Office, additional information will be made available regarding a charging decision," UC-Berkeley said in a statement Friday.
. . . " Greenberg's arraignment is scheduled for Monday at 9 a.m. local time. His bail was set at $30,000. Jail records show that Greenberg was charged under California Penal Code 245(A)(4) F, which is classified under assault and battery.". . .
. . .
"'Berkeley is no stranger to anti-conservative violence. During a number of violent riots that broke out in early 2017 in response to appearances by several conservative speakers such as Milo Yiannopolous, a Diablo Valley College ethics professor named Eric Clanton smashed at least one person upside the head with a bike lock.

"Clanton later took a plea deal which entailed the dropping of all three felony charges against him."

Maybe Greenberg saw how lightly Clanton got off and figured he'd slide away to be a hero on top of that.  Bike lock prof draws blood, gets off free!

UPDATE: March 3: Out on bail.  "The Glenn E. Dyer Detention Facility confirmed to Campus Reform on Saturday that 28-year-old Zachary Greenberg is out on bail after being arrested Friday on assault charges. The facility said that Greenberg posted bail at 7:30 p.m. local time Friday, but did not say how much was posted. Jail records on Friday indicated that Greenberg's bail was set at $30,000." No information on who posted bail for him. 

Boeing Signs $15.7 Billion Vietnam Orders on Trump's Visit


"Vietnam’s Bamboo Airways and VietJet Aviation JSC signed deals to buy 110 aircraft from Boeing Co. during President Donald Trump’s visit to Hanoi for a summit with North Korean leader Kim Jong-Un.

"Bamboo agreed to purchase 10 787-9 Dreamliners worth about $3 billion, while VietJet’s order is for 100 737 Max planes valued at $12.7 billion, Boeing said Wednesday. VietJet’s 100-plane commitment was unveiled at the Farnborough air show last year. The accords were signed in the presence of Trump and Vietnam’s President Nguyen Phu Trong

"Vietnam’s airlines are expanding their fleets as rising incomes and the region’s growing economies are spurring many to fly for the first time, boosting demand in the Asia Pacific, whose air-travel market is projected to surpass that of North America and Europe combined. Demand in Vietnam is also expected to climb after U.S. regulators last month gave their approval to the nation’s air-safety system, making its airlines eligible to begin direct flights to the U.S. and codeshare with American carriers." . . .

The photo above should please Obama friend Bill Ayers and the other sixties leftists: our President standing under the image of they had cheered for; the man whom they once hoped to see victorious over America.  TD

Schiff, Cummings, and the deep state

Rich Terrell
ADAM SCHIFF: Deep State Agent, Serial Leaker and Traitor to the Republic
"How does a lifelong Russophobe get appointed to the most powerful House chairmanship except by purposeful and cynical design." [?]

SOTN Editor’s Note: What follows is an exposé titled “The Most Dangerous Politician In America” on Rep. Adam Schiff, the current Chair of the House Intelligence Committee.  This highly radioactive back story has been published exclusively by SOTN and is considered only the tip of the iceberg regarding Schiff’s unbridled treachery and seditious MO.  But first, here’s another inconvenient development for Grand Inquisitor Schiff."
Why did Adam Schiff have a secret meeting with Glenn Simpson, the Fusion GPS founder who lied to Congress?

3 Things AOC Can Learn from Margaret Thatcher

Intellectual Takeout

"Alexandra Ocasio-Cortez (AOC) hit the American political scene like a nuclear-tipped cruise missile. She upended a veteran incumbent in the primary and easily won the general election, becoming, at 29, the youngest woman in Congress. She enthusiastically defended “Democratic Socialism” and turned her “Green New Deal” into a political litmus test. She has three million Twitter followers. When she showed up for the State of the Union address, every camera followed her. She is being called the new face of the Democrat Party and an eventual presidential candidate.

"AOC has had a spectacular start. But does she have staying power? If she wants to be around for a couple of decades, then she must read Charles Moore’s official biography of Margaret Thatcher, Margaret Thatcher: From Grantham to the Falklands, for there are three things the veteran politician can teach the fledgling AOC." . . .
. . . Paradoxically, Margaret Thatcher may have had an easier path to power than AOC does. Since British politics excluded women from positions of power in the 1960s, Thatcher could work away acquiring knowledge and skills relatively unnoticed. That gave her the time to become the formidable opponent in parliamentary debates, a crucial litmus test for leadership positions. 
"AOC, on the other hand, has started near the top. Her tweets and interviews are front page news. Admittedly, she has great social media skills, something which Margaret Thatcher never had to be concerned about. But will the constant spotlight prevent her from mastering policy and process? 
"AOC will also face plenty of temptations to leave Capitol Hill. She could probably get a high-paying gig at MSNBC just for asking. Time will tell if she has what it takes for a long political career – and if she has the strategic patience of Margaret Thatcher."
It also helps if you don't think like an adolescent. TD

Media bias? Check out two ‘news’ items in the same subject

Tony Branco
Thomas Lifson  "This goes beyond the  "glass half-full/glass half-empty" metaphor.  Apparently, there really are two alternative universes. Check out two articles on economic growth." . . .
First the Wall Street Journal Editorial Board writes:
. . .
"Wow! That sounds great! With data like this, everyone must be happy.

Yet, in the alternative universe of the NBC-Universal/Comcast empire, [anti-conservative] John Harwood of CNBC writes:
. . .
"I guess Harwood thinks record low unemployment, rising average wages, and other indicators of major prosperity are meaningless. In his universe, nobody is better off than under Obama."

The Mainstream Media Brilliantly Summed Up by a Single Cartoon:

Civil war? The Greatest Constitutional Crisis Since the Civil War

" .  Conrad Black
All those who legitimately oppose or dislike the president, including traditional high-brow Republicans who find him distasteful, should join in the condemnation of this largely criminal assault on democracy, and then, if they wish, go out and try to beat him fair and square, the good old-fashioned way, in a free election. But they must abide by the election’s result.

"The most immense and dangerous public scandal in American history is finally cracking open like a ripe pomegranate. The broad swath of the Trump-hating media that has participated in what has amounted to an unconstitutional attempt to overthrow the government are reduced to reporting the events and revelations of the scandal in which they have been complicit, in a po-faced ho-hum manner to impart to the misinformed public that this is as routine as stock market fluctuations or the burning of an American flag in Tehran.
. . .
"Large sections of the media colluded with the Democratic campaign and produced the doctrine that anything was justifiable, no matter how dishonest, to destroy the incoming president’s reputation and damage him in public opinion polls to legitimize attempts to remove him from office. Large sections of the media deliberately deluged the public with stories they knew to be false about the new president and referred to him in terms of unprecedented vituperation in what purported to be reportage and not comment." . . .

Is a Second Civil War Coming? "Civil wars are horrendous and bloody affairs. That's why we should avoid them.  They happen when two sides cannot settle on who runs the country.  When they can't reconcile the matter through elections, the country falls apart.  When one side does not accept the election results, we have a countdown to a civil war. " . . .

America's Second Civil War Has Already Begun "In an excellent article by Jeff Lukens here on American Thinker, he asks the question, “Is a second civil war coming?”  In reply, I say that America’s second civil war has already begun.  Its opening shots were fired by Barack Obama when he stated, “We are five days away from fundamentally transforming the United States of America.' ” . . .

Tony Branco

‘Morning Joe’ mainstay claims Trump could start a civil war: ‘I'm not speaking hyperbole’ "The morning show panel was discussing comments made by Trump’s former attorney Michael Cohen, who on Wednesday said he's worried that if the president doesn't win re-election, there will not be a "peaceful transition of power."
"Deutsch seemed to agree with Cohen, but took the prediction to an extreme next level." . . .
If there is a civil war it will not likely be Trump people who do it. Expect it to come from those with masks who are rioting in the streets and assaulting conservative supporters with their bats and bike locks. They have been the ones willing and eager to use any form of violence. As seen here:

Violent Angry Moron Leftist Idiot ID’d in Berkeley Attack on Conservative; a Warrant is Being Sought 
. . . "If the warrant is granted, Dan explained, the UCPD will “immediately arrest” Angry Moron.

"Victim Hayden had been recruiting for Turning Point USA. While sitting at a table with signs such as “This is MAGA Country” and “Hate crime hoaxes hurt real victims,” Angry Moron started an argument. Angry Moron began to shove him, ultimately threatening to shoot him. A witness videoed AM sucker-punching Hayden.
"So who are the tolerant ones again (here)? How about the bullies (here)?

"Watch the unbelievable video below (WARNING: Language). And hopefully, you can find some solace in the fact that AM has been identified and will — barring breathtakingly bizarre idiocy — be arrested.

"Though — I must admit — the Berkeley campus is no stranger to breathtakingly bizarre idiocy." . . .