Thursday, December 13, 2012

Susan Rice withdraws name from Secretary of State consideration. Accusations of racism to begin in 3...2...1...

Via Weasel Zippers: "Susan Rice Withdrawing Her Name From Consideration For Secretary Of State – Update: MSNBC Hack Andrea Mitchell First To Play The Race Card: Will Hurt GOP Because They “Forced A Woman Of Color Out”…"

Susan Rice drops out of running for secretary of state, cites 'very politicized' confirmation process "“I didn’t want to see a confirmation process that was very prolonged, very politicized, very distracting and very disruptive because there are so many things we need to get done as a country and the first several months of a second term president’s agenda is really the opportunity to get the crucial things done.”

"Rice noted that President Obama’s second-term agenda included “comprehensive immigration reform, balanced deficit reduction, job creation.”
"She added, “And to the extent that my nomination could have delayed or distracted or deflected or maybe even some of these priorities impossible to achieve, I didn’t want that and I much prefer to keep doing what I’m doing which is a job I love at the United Nations.” "

Rep. Barbara Lee ✔
 Disappointed Amb. Rice, such a well qualified woman of color, would be denied a fair shot @ Sec State based on unfounded political attacks.

The civility of Obama supporters

Watch how the left observes every rally by conservatives through a microscope to see any trace of "incivility". Yet here is flagrant violence by the left that goes excused by liberals and their media lapdogs.
What on earth will it take for the American population to grow sick of the division brought into this nation by Obama and the Democrats?

Michelle Malkin has posted this related series of reports:

“There Will Be Blood”: Union Violence in the Age of Obama "Today’s column sets the Democrats’ call for blood in the context of Obama-era union violence and incitement. He helped build that."
Obama voter, right?
"On the floor of the Michigan legislature on Tuesday, Democratic state Rep. Douglas Geiss thundered: “We’re going to pass something that will undo 100 years of labor relations, and there will be blood. There will be repercussions!” Geiss referenced the Battle of the Overpass, a violent 1937 incident between the United Auto Workers and corporate security officers for the Ford Motor Company. Dozens of union activists were beaten.

"But Geiss wasn’t crying victim. This was clearly a signal to the brass-knuckled Big Labor bosses, whom Obama egged on during his Monday visit to the state. Obama inveighed against right to work with his usual class warfare dog-whistle. The thugs heard it loud and clear.  (Emphasis added.)

"New tone, same as the old tone, part 999,999,999."

Clint Tarver
Update on ‘the hot dog guy’   "A fund started to help Tarver replace his equipment that had an original goal of $2,000 is now up to over $25,000.
Play the video below to see and hear all the attention the network nightly newscasts have devoted to Clint’s story and others.
"Here’s a brief update to Michelle’s post about Lansing, Michigan hot dog vendor Clint Tarver, who had been hired by Americans for Prosperity to serve hot dogs outside their now shredded tent during Tuesday’s union protest near the Capitol Building."

Union violence in the age of Obama  Steven Crowder assaulted by Michigan union man at anti-right-to-work protest

When thuggery is OK   "Civility is one of the most absurdly abused of our political values. It is always centrally important to our functioning as a democracy — right up until the time someone proposes crossing the unions. Then, it goes from “can’t we all get along?” to “nothing to see here.” Then, out come the Hitler signs, the accusations of dictatorship, the huge inflatable rats, the sit-ins, the threats and even the fists, and all anyone can think to say is, “Isn’t it a shame someone had to go and get the unions angry?”"
"The same standards will never be applied to the unions. Not that they would abide by them. Too much is at stake. For them, the Wisconsin and Michigan fights are fundamentally about power. They need the coercive power of the state to force as many people as possible to become members and cough up dues. And they need the dues to fund the election of politicians who will protect their interests. By inserting worker choice into the equation, right-to-work risks crimping the whole enterprise.
"So they will fight and claw — civility be damned." Rich Lowry
Political Cartoons by Bob Gorrell
Michigan’s Modest Labor Reform  "To hear the Democrats tell the tale, you would think that Governor Rick Snyder and Michigan’s Republican-controlled legislature had abolished unions. In fact, the legislation merely prohibits unions from forcing workers to pay dues to them as a condition of employment, which is why such measures are called “right-to-work laws.” The law imposes no limitation on unions’ ability to organize, to engage in collective bargaining, or to strike. It merely forbids them to take money out of the pockets of workers who do not wish to join them."

Obama's Tacit Approval of the violence in Michigan   "Obama's implied consent has been evident throughout his presidency. I don't ever recall his position regarding the unprosecuted Black Panther polling incident. If only a journalist would ask him to weigh in. And now, nary a one dare ask him to opine on the Michigan politicians and union officials with their harsh dialogue and suggestions of coming violence. Obama should know fomenting when he hears it, shouldn't he?"

'There Will Be Blood'  Big Labor shows its ugly face in Lansing.   "Obama went on to laud Big Labor: "You only have to look to Michigan--where workers were instrumental in reviving the auto industry--to see how unions have helped build not just a stronger middle class but a stronger America." By all means, let's look. Here's a report from"....
Political Cartoons by Michael Ramirez

Wednesday, December 12, 2012


Ann Coulter  "Republicans have been forced into a Hobson’s choice of either letting the Bush tax cuts expire for everyone or agreeing to a tax hike on the top 2 percent of income earners (not to be confused with “the rich,” who have already made, inherited or married their money).

"If Republicans object to the Democrats’ hitting job creators with a tax hike, three things will happen: Taxes will go up for everyone; Republicans will be seen as the “party of the rich”; and the inevitable economic collapse will be blamed on Republicans."
Political Cartoons by Chuck Asay
...."Hollywood movies used to be subject to an excise tax, but, for no reason whatsoever, rich Hollywood liberals have been relieved of excise taxes on their products since the 1950s.

"Reynolds suggests that, for “extra fun,” Republicans “could show pictures of David Geffen’s yacht and John Travolta’s personal Boeing 707 on the Senate floor.”
"Republicans can’t block the Democrats from raising taxes on “the rich” without themselves being responsible for raising taxes on the middle class. But they can at least force liberal fat cats to start paying their fair share."

New Army Manual Orders Soldiers Not To Criticize Taliban, pedophilia, "anything related to Islam" or "advocate for women's rights"

Atlas Shrugs  "The new U.S. military handbook for troops deployed to the Middle East orders soldiers not to make derogatory comments about the Taliban or criticize pedophilia, among other Islamic things.
"Mass beheadings, gendercide, gassing of girls' schools, mass slaughter of non-believers and less than devout Muslims, attacks on US soldiers, acid attacks on women, brutal burka enforcement ..... must not be criticzed. So speaketh the caliph in the White House. He is stalking these anti-humans for peace, after all."
Judicial Watch covered the story here: "The soon-to-be-released Army handbook is still being drafted, but a mainstream newspaper got a sneak preview and published an article that should infuriate the American taxpayers funding the never-ending war on terror. The manual is being created because someone with authority bought the theory that cultural insensitivity is driving insider attacks on U.S. troops in Afghanistan.
"More than three dozen insider attacks have killed 63 members of the U.S.-led coalition this year, according to the article, and some blame “American cultural ignorance.” The bottom line is that troops may experience social-cultural shock and/or discomfort when interacting with Afghan security forces, the new military handbook says. “Better situational awareness/understanding of Afghan culture will help better prepare [troops] to more effectively partner and to avoid cultural conflict that can lead toward green-on-blue violence.” "
What do we do with Taliban caught making racist, sexist and homophobic remarks?

This was NOT, repeat, NOT the work of the TEA Party

Dana Loesch interviews Hot Dog vender after unions thugs destroyed his equipment yesterday
"Hot Dog vender Clint Tarver normally has the top spot in Lansing, Michigan, across from the Capitol building selling hot dogs for his livelihood. But yesterday he was under the big white tent serving up hot dogs for Americans for Prosperity, that is until union thugs collapsed the tent and then trampled on everything under the tent, destroying both the tent and the contents inside the tent. Not only that, but when he came back later to clean up the destruction (pictured above) he was repeatedly insulted by union members telling him he was on the wrong side and calling him “nigger” and “uncle Tom”."
Who are the racists now, MSNBC?


American Thinker  "Of all the Presidents in my lifetime, I don't recall a Commander in Chief that seems to purposely mislead. Yet this President often orates with well crafted phrases that can only be explained as contrived to this purpose.
"The circumstances are virtually always similar. He speaks to a large crowd in which there is no chance for rebuttal or honest questioning. The audience can be as large as a national television audience, as in the State of the Union. The larger the audience, the better. Even if retraction or clarification ensued, which never seems to occur, those given the false impression far out weighs those who possess the accurate explanation. What a game he plays.

The Great Betrayal of 2012

The Great Betrayal of 2012 " It looks all but certain that another man named John is about to betray conservative American voters. Last summer, John Roberts fell for the statesman trap and failed to strike down Obamacare. Now it appears that John Boehner is about to follow him into infamy by agreeing to raise taxes in return for an empty bowl of promised spending cuts. I hope Mr. Boehner sees the light, but that now appears remote. He is too intoxicated with dreams of approval from the liberal establishment."

Must read! We Have a Problem -- A Real Problem

Consider these words carefully:
Neal Boortz  .... "Sure … all of those are problems and all are difficult to deal with … but they pale to insignificance to the problem I’m bringing up here."

"I think that it is truly time for us – those of us capable of thinking clearly and, perhaps, just a bit outside the box – to consider the possibility that somehow we have found ourselves with a president who is not all there. Yes. I mean that. This president was never vetted by the media; that would have been racist. He is a man with an admitted history of drug use. Those portions of his past that he has not chosen to write about are shrouded in dark mystery. And --- now think about this --- for perhaps the first time since they started issuing security clearances, we have a president who simply could not qualify for one. If Obama were being hired to work in the White House, instead of occupying it, the FBI would simply recommend against a security clearance and the job would go away. Isn’t it funny how a history with drug abuse and associations with known and convicted domestic terrorists and crime figures can screw up a good day?

"The wor[d], I think, that I’m looking for here is “psychosis.” In this case I believe we have a man – a president – with an obsession bordering on psychosis for punishing wealthy people for what he sees as the crime of becoming wealthy."....

From the Tunnel Dweller: And Democrats are the enablers of this man along with a lapdog press and an idiot electorate. (All emphases mine in the above.)
Finally, this excellent article-in my opinion- ends with these words:
All of this shows that Obama’s concern is not so much with increasing tax revenues as it is with punishing high-achievers whom Obama feels obtained their wealth through dishonesty, exploitation and oppression. If you follow the news as closely as I do you will see that many low-information Americans out there will echo this sentiment. Obama is probably aware that increases in tax rates seldom result in the revenues wished for. He cares not. It’s about retribution and punishment, not dealing with our deficit and spending problem.

What will our government do to us next? 526,421 family farms threatened by new death tax

Washington Examiner
"If President Obama and Senate Democrats do not act, the federal government will begin taking more than half the value of family farm estates exceeding $1 million beginning next year. This summer, Majority Leader Harry Reid and Senate Democrats passed legislation (S.3412) on a party-line vote that allows Washington to take up to 55 percent, a huge increase over today's top rate of 35 percent, and drop the tax's exemption from $5.1 million to $1 million. The lower exemption -- combined with soaring farm real estate values -- could put more than 420,000 additional farm estates at risk from the death tax."

Forget corporate greed. It's my government's greed I fear!

Leading economic indicator

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

UPDATED: Violence and anger over the Michigan Right-to-Work Law

UPDATE: Networks Skip Union Violence in Mich., Insist Protesters Are Simply 'Voicing Their Anger'  (Video)"This is quite a contrast for World News. On March 21, 2010, anchor Diane Sawyer fretted about Tea party protesters marching against ObamaCare: "Opponents of the bill have been out today, and some of them pulled out all the stops. Protesters roaming Washington, some of them increasingly emotional, yelling slurs and epithets."
"That, it should be reminded, was a peaceful protest."

Weasel Zippers has it covered from several angles Below:

Michigan Governor Rick Snyder Signs Right-To-Work Bill Into Law…  "At a news conference at the George W. Romney Building steps away from the state Capitol, Michigan Gov. Rick Snyder (R) announced that he’d signed the contentious right-to-work measures that have sparked protests in the state.
"Before dozens of reporters assembled inside a conference room on the building’s second floor, Snyder defended his move as one that would lead to ”more jobs coming to Michigan.” "

Classic: Michigan Union Teacher Poses In Front Of Misspelled “Synder” Sign During Right-To-Work Protest…

Video: After Union Goons Destroy Conservative Group’s Tent, Teamster Thug Cuts Up Tent And Hands Out Pieces As Souvenirs…  Video of attack on AFP’s tent here.

Union Thug Attacks Conservative Activist Steven Crowder… …

Meanwhile, our president-of-all-the-people has this to say:  "President Barack Obama sharply criticized efforts in Michigan to make the state the second right-to-work state in the Midwest in speech Monday in Redford, Mich.
" “What we shouldn’t do–I just gotta say this–what we shouldn’t be doing is trying to take away your rights to bargain for better wages and working conditions,” Obama said in the speech, which was meant to be on fiscal cliff issues. “We shouldn’t be doing that.”
" “You know, these so-called right-to-work laws don’t have to do with economics, they have to do with politics,” Obama continued. “What they’re really talking about is giving you the right to work for less money.”".