Thursday, December 13, 2012

Susan Rice withdraws name from Secretary of State consideration. Accusations of racism to begin in 3...2...1...

Via Weasel Zippers: "Susan Rice Withdrawing Her Name From Consideration For Secretary Of State – Update: MSNBC Hack Andrea Mitchell First To Play The Race Card: Will Hurt GOP Because They “Forced A Woman Of Color Out”…"

Susan Rice drops out of running for secretary of state, cites 'very politicized' confirmation process "“I didn’t want to see a confirmation process that was very prolonged, very politicized, very distracting and very disruptive because there are so many things we need to get done as a country and the first several months of a second term president’s agenda is really the opportunity to get the crucial things done.”

"Rice noted that President Obama’s second-term agenda included “comprehensive immigration reform, balanced deficit reduction, job creation.”
"She added, “And to the extent that my nomination could have delayed or distracted or deflected or maybe even some of these priorities impossible to achieve, I didn’t want that and I much prefer to keep doing what I’m doing which is a job I love at the United Nations.” "

Rep. Barbara Lee ✔
 Disappointed Amb. Rice, such a well qualified woman of color, would be denied a fair shot @ Sec State based on unfounded political attacks.

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