Thursday, December 13, 2012

The civility of Obama supporters

Watch how the left observes every rally by conservatives through a microscope to see any trace of "incivility". Yet here is flagrant violence by the left that goes excused by liberals and their media lapdogs.
What on earth will it take for the American population to grow sick of the division brought into this nation by Obama and the Democrats?

Michelle Malkin has posted this related series of reports:

“There Will Be Blood”: Union Violence in the Age of Obama "Today’s column sets the Democrats’ call for blood in the context of Obama-era union violence and incitement. He helped build that."
Obama voter, right?
"On the floor of the Michigan legislature on Tuesday, Democratic state Rep. Douglas Geiss thundered: “We’re going to pass something that will undo 100 years of labor relations, and there will be blood. There will be repercussions!” Geiss referenced the Battle of the Overpass, a violent 1937 incident between the United Auto Workers and corporate security officers for the Ford Motor Company. Dozens of union activists were beaten.

"But Geiss wasn’t crying victim. This was clearly a signal to the brass-knuckled Big Labor bosses, whom Obama egged on during his Monday visit to the state. Obama inveighed against right to work with his usual class warfare dog-whistle. The thugs heard it loud and clear.  (Emphasis added.)

"New tone, same as the old tone, part 999,999,999."

Clint Tarver
Update on ‘the hot dog guy’   "A fund started to help Tarver replace his equipment that had an original goal of $2,000 is now up to over $25,000.
Play the video below to see and hear all the attention the network nightly newscasts have devoted to Clint’s story and others.
"Here’s a brief update to Michelle’s post about Lansing, Michigan hot dog vendor Clint Tarver, who had been hired by Americans for Prosperity to serve hot dogs outside their now shredded tent during Tuesday’s union protest near the Capitol Building."

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