Monday, December 6, 2021

Before Rittenhouse There Were Roof Koreans: How Civilians Defended Koreatown from Racist Violence During the 1992 LA Riots

. . ."The Roof Koreans were spontaneous self-defense forces organized by the Korean community of Los Angeles, primarily centered in Koreatown, in response to violent and frequently racist attacks on their communities and businesses by primarily black looters and rioters during the Los Angeles Riots of 1992. Despite their best efforts, over 2,200 Korean-owned businesses were looted or burned to the ground during the riots. It is chilling to imagine how many would have suffered the same fate had the Koreans not been armed.

"Standing on the rooftops of Koreatown shops they and their families owned, clad not in body armor or tactical gear, but instead dressed like someone’s nerdy dad, often smoking cigarettes, but always on alert, the Roof Koreans provide a stirring example of how free Americans of all races can defend their own communities without relying upon outside help.

The Koreans of Los Angeles were the ultimate marginalized minority group. They were subject to discrimination and often victimized by the black community of the city. Due to language barriers and other factors, they lacked the political clout of other minority groups, such as the large Mexican community of Los Angeles County. This in spite of their clear economic success in the city beginning in the 1970s and 80s." . . .

Would today's press have treated the Koreans as they did Rittenhouse?  Joy Reid of MSNBC would be apoplectic, I'd say.

The Most Disgusting, Obsessive Take on Bob Dole's Death Goes Forth

 RedState  . . ."Now, for those of us who are sane, we have no desire to inject modern political disagreements into the death of a war hero and incredible public servant. Clearly, Bob Dole is not a man at all defined by anything that’s happened in Washington over the last half-decade.

"But then there’s Mehdi Hasan, who is neither sane nor has the self-control to hide that fact. The far-left MSNBC host and former Qatari mouthpiece just couldn’t help himself. Today, he put out the following tweet, which, as of now at least, is the most disgusting take on Dole’s passing I’ve seen." . . .

 Trump supporters & rightwingers seem to think it is somehow a disrespectful attack by me on the late Bob Dole to point out he was a Trump supporter. That’s kind of a revealing self own.

Btw here’s their hero Trump after another Republican war veteran died:

Joe DiGenova predicts big shakeup at CNN as 'robber baron' major shareholder of new owner won't hesitate to build 'good journalism'

Will CNN then be worthy of anyone's trust?

Thomas Lifson  . . ."I don't have any inside knowledge of Malone, nothing like what a player like Joe DiGenova might have.  But I do see an opportunity for CNN to add hugely to its shareholder value  by aggressively seeking the center, rather than being just another Democrat propaganda outlet — one less popular than MSNBC.  If the new entity formed to run the former Warner and Discovery media properties heeds Malone's strategy — as DiGenova believes they will — it could signal sea change in American media.  The so-called "mainstream" media have functioned to completely block conservative opinions, relegating them to a ghetto that can be dismissed by the majority of Americans who do not read conservative websites  or watch Fox News, much less Newsmax or OANN.  If CNN, which is a constituent part of the MSM, starts presenting both sides, it would legitimize stories like the Hunter Biden laptop that the media otherwise is able to suppress.  It could, in other words, tear down the wall surrounding the conservative ghetto.  In essence, a giant red pill would be dissolved in the water supply of the MSM-heeding public.". . .

But for now...Jake Tapper, who works for CNN, which buried the truth about the Cuomos for a long time, is out campaigning for Democrats and against Republicans, no matter what the facts are.

. . ."CNN was a major contributor in spreading the Russian collusion lies.  There was no Woodward or Bernstein reporting and investigating these lies.  The media were too busy participating as they campaigned for the thoroughly corrupt Hillary." .  .  .

If true, say goodbye to the fun with CNN. Like this:  CNN Reports On 'Deadly Boat Accident' At Pearl Harbor

. . ." 'We do not need to investigate this any further, or talk about it ever again, as it was an accident," said the local Police Chief in a press conference. "Any talk of motive is unhelpful at this time. I think what's really important is allowing our Pearl Harbor community to heal.' " . . . 

Oh...and then this from Russia Today:  CNN insists ‘a car’ killed six people at Wisconsin Christmas parade;  

Amid outrage from conservatives, the Washington Post last week deleted a tweet calling the incident a “tragedy caused by a SUV,” but CNN is standing its ground. In a tweet on a memorial event in Waukesha on Sunday, the liberal network said the city was “marking one week since a car drove through a city Christmas parade.”

Now, about Donald Trump holding his coffee cup with two hands..

Sunday, December 5, 2021

Sen Bob Dole 1923-2021

"Bob Dole War Injury - Why Bob Dole Always Carries A Pen In His Right Hand - What we dedicate today is not a memorial to war, rather it's a tribute to the physical and moral courage that makes heroes out of farm and city boys ..."

The Who2 Blog   "Us military officer during wwii, kansas house of representatives member, l. Bob dole, a former longtime senator and the 1996 republican presidential nominee, announced thursday that he has been diagnosed with stage 4 lung cancer. Bush at the capitol in 2018. Bob dole has announced that he has been diagnosed with stage 4 lung cancer. What we dedicate today is not a memorial to war, rather it's a tribute to the physical and moral courage that makes heroes out of farm and city boys . . .".

. . ."Wow! This is Dole the year he turned 20, standing next to an artillery piece. He had enlisted in the Army the year before, and obviously spent some time bulking up. Look at those legs! He was 192 pounds, according to the photo caption, and most of it muscle.

"Dole had been a three-sport athlete in high school. He thought he might go home after the war and become a doctor, but the Nazis had other plans". . .

. . . "Charging a german position in northern italy in 1945, dole was hit by a shell fragment that crushed two vertebrae and. Dole also ran for president as the republican candidate against bill clinton in the 1996 election. Bob dole (right) speaks in the white house rose garden in 2007 alongside president george w. In world war ii, dole sustained an injury while storming a german machine gun nest that left him paralyzed from the neck down. Former kansas senator and presidential candidate bob dole announced that he has been diagnosed with stage four lung cancer." . . .

"(For many more photos of young Bob Dole, see the Robert and Elizabeth Dole Archive at the University of Kansas.)"

Running against Bill Clinton, Dole found it necessary to shake hands with a man who said he "loathed the military"

Dave Barry's 2021 Christmas Gift Guide

Miami Herald  "The holiday season is a time when people all around the world pause from their hectic daily lives to participate in cherished holiday traditions that have been handed down from generation to generation, no matter how stupid they are. 

"Take, for example, the Yule Goat. We are not making the Yule Goat up. It is an actual holiday tradition over in Sweden, a foreign nation that is also known as “Denmark,” or, for short, “The Netherlands.” According to Wikipedia, the Yule Goat — in Swedish it’s the “Gävle Goat” — dates back to ancient pagan festivals, but in 1966, “the tradition got a whole new life after someone came up with the idea to make a giant straw goat.”

" Ha ha! What a fun idea “someone” had! Make a giant goat statue out of a highly flammable material, during a time of year when people are consuming a lot of alcohol! What could possibly go wrong?" . . .

The holiday season is a time when people all around the world pause from their hectic daily lives to participate in cherished holiday traditions that have been handed down from generation to generation, no matter how stupid they are. Take, for example, the Yule Goat. We are not making the Yule Goat up. It is an actual holiday tradition over in Sweden, a foreign nation that is also known as “Denmark,” or, for short, “The Netherlands.” According to Wikipedia, the Yule Goat — in Swedish it’s the “Gävle Goat” — dates back to ancient pagan festivals, but in 1966, “the tradition got a whole new life after someone came up with the idea to make a giant straw goat.” Ha ha! What a fun idea “someone” had! Make a giant goat statue out of a highly flammable material, during a time of year when people are consuming a lot of alcohol! What could possibly go wrong?

YOUR FACE ON A REAL POTATO   "Technology has given humanity many wonderful gifts: space travel, Instagram, the George Foreman Grill ... the list goes on and on. But until recently, there is one gift that technology could not give us, and it is something that we, as humans, have ardently desired for literally thousands of years: The ability to put a photograph of our face on a potato." . . .Read more 

CHICKEN HELMETS $7.49 from Suggested by John Lobert of Simpsonville, South Carolina  Read more

Read more

Levin shreds ‘sick’ propaganda by Joy Reid, ‘Constipated News Network’ and ‘gossips’ at ‘The View’

“The greatest threat we face in this country right now is the American media and the Democrat Party who are at war with our culture and our society and constitutional system.”

BPR  "Lawyer, author, and “The Mark Levin Show” host Mark Levin had some strong words for MSNBC and CNN, and in particular MSNBC host Joy Reid.

"Levin’s comments weren’t on his own show, however. On Monday, as a guest of Fox News‘ Sean Hannity on his show, “Hannity,” Levin took the opportunity to thunder against much of the media for the way it has handled the trial of Kyle Rittenhouse. Rittenhouse was recently acquitted of murder and other charges when his lawyers made a successful case for self-defense.

"Levin’s first targets appeared when Hannity played a clip of ABC’s “The View.” Levin immediately blasted the hosts, saying “First of all, why do we care what they say on The View? They have a collective IQ of negative 17. They’re like a bunch of [gossips].”

"Levin went on to say that we are experiencing a breakdown of law and order and that this breakdown has “been institutionalized by the Democrat Party and their media. It’s been institutionalized by them. And the media is so racist now. We don’t have a free press. We have a tyrannical press.”

"As he worked himself up in his denouncements, Levin also had some strong names to hurl at MSNBC and CNN, calling them “MSLSD [presumably a take on the hallucinogenic drug LSD] or CNN, what I call the Constipated News Network.' ”. . .

Report: ‘Serious Talk’ Joy Reid Could Be Gone From MSNBC

SOURCE: There is serious talk all the way up the chain at Comcast about Joy Reid's future at MSNBC.

On the Oxford High shooter

 The Oxford High School tragedy and the free fall of morality

After all, isn’t “equity” the new buzz word? Equal outcomes!  But what good is equality if we are all equally rotten?  It is simply immoral groupthink on steroids that we are being prodded into accepting as the norm.

Typical comment over at WaPo:  "There are violent or depressed kids everywhere in the world. Lots of them play violent video games. Only in America are they allowed to act on their fantasies, because they have such an easy access to guns. Ban the guns, stop the massacres."

Parents of Michigan school shooter Ethan Crumbley appear 'sullen and show no remorse' as they are held in jail after their son 'killed four students and injured seven others'

'I'm not going to get into specifics, but I think where they were and how they were, seems to support the position they were hiding and they weren't looking for surrendering at that point,' he said. 'Given that they were hiding in a warehouse in Detroit, it certainly raises my eyebrows.' 

. . ."Both Crumbleys pleaded not guilty to all four charges of involuntary manslaughter - one for each Oxford High School student who was killed Tuesday. Each count is punishable by up to 15 years in prison along with a $7,500 fine and mandatory DNA testing. 

"CNN terminates Chris Cuomo 'effective immediately' "


Chris Cuomo Loses Cool After Being Called 'Fredo'

Tucker Carlson is Wrong on Chris Cuomo and Brotherhood  
Christ also said, in Matthew 10:37, “He that loveth father or mother more than me, is not worthy of me; and he that loveth son or daughter more than me, is not worthy of me.”

CNN’s Brian Stelter On Cuomo Firing: He Caused ‘So Many Headaches’ For CNN, Staffers ‘Very Unhappy’   "So why is Stelter only saying that now?"

 ‘Too-da-loo, Fredo’: Chris Cuomo And CNN Slammed After Network Fires Host Following Scandal  . . ."Former CNN host Chris Cuomo, who was fired on Saturday night, was mocked online, and his former employer was slammed for a variety of reasons following the announcement." Among the comments in this post:

Mollie Hemingway, The Federalist: “So whatever Chris Cuomo did, it was worse than peddling Russia collusion lies like @jaketapper does, and worse than @JeffreyToobin’s at-work self-pleasuring. Because they’ve both kept their CNN jobs.”

Chris Cuomo Releases Statement Responding To CNN Firing Him

Cuomo's termination comes after CNN 'retained a respected law firm' to review the case

'This is not how I want my time at CNN to end': Chris Cuomo speaks out after being fired for penning his brother's sexual assault rebuttals - and is forced to deny NEW sexual misconduct allegation from ex-colleague

According to some estimates, Cuomo had an annual salary of $6million.

His 9pm show, Cuomo Prime Time, was CNN's highest rated broadcast. It drew an average of 774,000 viewers during November, when it ranked No. 25 among all cable TV news programs - right behind Anderson Cooper's show.

However, the network saw a 19 percent bump after Cuomo was suspended Tuesday and Cooper filled in. The network has not indicated who will be his permanent replacement.

Cuomo's shocking downfall came less than a week after the New York Attorney General's Office released transcripts and exhibits on Monday, showing that the TV host had played a more intimate role in his older brother's political affairs than initially thought by the network and the public.  

Pete Buttigieg: Families Buying Electric Cars “Never Have to Worry About Gas Prices Again”

South Bend's loss is America's gain!

Legal Insurrection

“The people who stand to benefit most from owning an EV are often rural residents who have the most distances to drive, who burn the most gas, and underserved urban residents in areas where there are higher gas prices and lower income”

Biden Energy Secretary Pete Buttigieg recently offered some very comforting words to American families who are struggling with higher gas prices. Just buy an electric car.

Never mind that electricity isn’t free, or the fact that electric cars are still significantly more expensive than gas-powered vehicles. Talk about being out of touch. . . .

. . ."Never mind that electricity isn’t free, or the fact that electric cars are still significantly more expensive than gas-powered vehicles. Talk about being out of touch.

Maureen Breslin reported at The Hill:

Buttigieg: Families who buy electric vehicles ‘never have to worry about gas prices again’

Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg stressed in a new interview that families who buy electric vehicles (EVs) “never have to worry about gas prices again.”

While speaking on MSNBC’s “The Sunday Show With Jonathan Capehart,” Buttigieg noted that Democrats’ proposed social spending package includes incentives to make it more affordable to buy an electric vehicle.

Buttigieg said that families would essentially have a “$12,500 discount” in transportation costs, adding that “families who own that vehicle will never have to worry about gas prices again.”

“The people who stand to benefit most from owning an EV are often rural residents who have the most distances to drive, who burn the most gas, and underserved urban residents in areas where there are higher gas prices and lower income,” Buttigieg said.

“They would gain the most by having that vehicle. These are the very residents who have not always been connected to electric vehicles that are viewed as kind of a luxury item,” he added.

"This video is cued to start at the 4:33 mark, so just press play:

. . ."If you watched to the end, you saw the ‘journalist’ ask Buttigieg for baby pictures, because that’s what journalists do when they view politicians as friends and allies.

"On the tax credit point made by Buttigieg, Ed Morrissey of Hot Air notices a problem:

Where does one start with this nonsense? Let’s start at the “discount,” given as a point-of-sale tax credit similar to that passed in 2009 in Barack Obama’s stimulus plan. Even with the more robust figure, five thousand dollars higher in Joe Biden’s BBB plan, it still doesn’t bridge the gap for car buyers. In a Quartz analysis one year ago cited at Car and Driver, the difference between an average gas-powered vehicle and an EV is $19,000, even if it’s narrowing recently, and repair costs are still higher…

The Biden gas pump is killing the family budget   When Biden took office, the United States had become a net exporter of petroleum products, a remarkable public policy achievement for a nation that had been dependent on foreign oil production for so long. But Biden quickly gave away that economic and strategic advantage. 

For Biden and his environmental extremist allies, consumers must be made to suffer for their fossil fuel consumption sins.

  Biden’s Green New Deal = China First

The US Department of Transportation tweeted this out on purpose: (Showing typical teenager conversation)

Saturday, December 4, 2021

Biden's Counterterrorism Ignores Jihadi Threats

 The Middle East Forum   "Like his former boss Barack Obama, Joe Biden began his presidency by using the executive branch to treat his critics as "domestic terrorists." When it comes to counterterrorism, the Biden administration is proving to be the third Obama term.

"Within months of his inauguration, Obama directed the Department of Homeland Security away from Islamist terrorism and towards "right-wing terrorism." Biden is doing the same, but even more aggressively and with both the DHS and Department of Justice.

"On April 7, 2009, Obama signaled a shift away from the counterterrorism policies he inherited in an unclassified assessment titled "Rightwing Extremism: Current Economic and Political Climate Fueling Resurgence in Radicalization and Recruitment." It was prepared by the DHS's Extremism and Radicalization Branch, which had been focused on al-Qaida under the first DHS Director, Tom Ridge.". . .

                           Attorney General Merrick Garland, above with Biden and Obama in 2016, is                                 helping refocus American counterterrorism policy on right-wing extremism.

Also, appropriately: The Obama administration purged terms like "jihad" and "Islamist" from government lexicon.

That Oxford school shooter's parents captured

 U.S. Marshals Capture 'Missing' Parents of Suspected Michigan School Shooter  "Late Friday, the U.S. Marshals joined the search for James and Jennifer Crumbley after they failed to show up at an arraignment Friday morning. The Michigan couple are the parents of student Ethan Crumbley, who stands accused of the Oxford High School shooting that killed four students and wounded seven others, including one teacher, on November 30.

"As my PJ Media colleague, Megan Fox, reported, the “lawyers for the parents said they had not fled from the order to turn themselves in but left town for their own safety.” The lawyers also claimed that the Crumbleys would return for their arraignment; however, that did not happen. In their absence, Oakland County Prosecutor Karen McDonald charged each parent with four counts of involuntary manslaughter—a felony that carries a 15-year sentence, according to Michigan officials. It seems likely that additional charges will be added at a later date since the U.S. Marshals are now involved." . . .

Photos and videos in this article:  Parents of school shooter Ethan Crumbley, 15, WEEP in court as they plead not guilty to involuntary manslaughter charges and judge sets bail at $500K   ..."The prosecutor revealed that James, who - like his wife - had a prior criminal history, bought the murder weapon from a retailer with his son there on November 26. He stored the 9mm handgun in an unlocked drawer in his bedroom, McDonald said.

"The next day, Jennifer posted about the Christmas present to Instagram with the caption: 'Mom & son day testing out his new Xmas [sic] present.' Jennifer's Instagram account has since been taken down.  

"Two days later, on November 29, McDonald said a teacher at Oxford High School observed Ethan searching ammunition on his cell during class and reported it to school officials."...

. . ."She also revealed that on the morning of the shooting, a teacher found a chilling note on Ethan's desk, which featured disturbing drawings depicting a semi-automatic gun, a bullet, a shooting victim and a laughing emoji.

"According to the prosecutor, the note included the words 'blood everywhere,' 'thoughts won't stop, help me,' 'my life is useless' and 'the world is dead.'

"Jennifer and James were immediately summoned to the school to discuss their son's worrying behavior. A school counselor was able to obtain the note with the drawings, but McDonald said by then its contents had been 'altered.'   

"The doodles of the gun and the bullet-ridden figure were 'scratched out,' as well as Ethan's writings." . . .

In this article: "Michigan school shooter's parents have criminal histories including charges of DUI and passing bad checks" 

. . ."Under Michigan law, an involuntary manslaughter charge can be pursued if prosecutors believe someone contributed to a situation where the probability of harm or death was high. 

" 'The parents were the only individuals in the position to know the access to weapons,' McDonald said Thursday. The gun, which Ethan's father, James Crumbley, had just purchased four days before the rampage, 'seems to have been just freely available to that individual.' 

" 'These charges are intended to hold the individuals who contributed to this tragedy accountable and also send the message that gun owners have a responsibility. 

"'When they fail to uphold that responsibility, there are serious and criminal consequences.' 

"Ethan has been charged as an adult with two dozen crimes, including murder, attempted murder and terrorism, for the shooting on Tuesday. " . . .

Joe Biden Confronted Over Child Molesting Claims At CSPAN LIVE Event

 Neon Nettle  "Ex-Vice President Joe Biden was confronted at an event in New York being streamed in Live TV over his infamous 'inappropriate behavior' with touching young girls.

"Howard Caplan attended the event at Global Institute of Long Island University, which featured speaker Joe Biden.

"Caplan took the opportunity to call out the former Vice President regarding the viral videos of him groping young girls." . . .