Sunday, December 5, 2021

Pete Buttigieg: Families Buying Electric Cars “Never Have to Worry About Gas Prices Again”

South Bend's loss is America's gain!

Legal Insurrection

“The people who stand to benefit most from owning an EV are often rural residents who have the most distances to drive, who burn the most gas, and underserved urban residents in areas where there are higher gas prices and lower income”

Biden Energy Secretary Pete Buttigieg recently offered some very comforting words to American families who are struggling with higher gas prices. Just buy an electric car.

Never mind that electricity isn’t free, or the fact that electric cars are still significantly more expensive than gas-powered vehicles. Talk about being out of touch. . . .

. . ."Never mind that electricity isn’t free, or the fact that electric cars are still significantly more expensive than gas-powered vehicles. Talk about being out of touch.

Maureen Breslin reported at The Hill:

Buttigieg: Families who buy electric vehicles ‘never have to worry about gas prices again’

Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg stressed in a new interview that families who buy electric vehicles (EVs) “never have to worry about gas prices again.”

While speaking on MSNBC’s “The Sunday Show With Jonathan Capehart,” Buttigieg noted that Democrats’ proposed social spending package includes incentives to make it more affordable to buy an electric vehicle.

Buttigieg said that families would essentially have a “$12,500 discount” in transportation costs, adding that “families who own that vehicle will never have to worry about gas prices again.”

“The people who stand to benefit most from owning an EV are often rural residents who have the most distances to drive, who burn the most gas, and underserved urban residents in areas where there are higher gas prices and lower income,” Buttigieg said.

“They would gain the most by having that vehicle. These are the very residents who have not always been connected to electric vehicles that are viewed as kind of a luxury item,” he added.

"This video is cued to start at the 4:33 mark, so just press play:

. . ."If you watched to the end, you saw the ‘journalist’ ask Buttigieg for baby pictures, because that’s what journalists do when they view politicians as friends and allies.

"On the tax credit point made by Buttigieg, Ed Morrissey of Hot Air notices a problem:

Where does one start with this nonsense? Let’s start at the “discount,” given as a point-of-sale tax credit similar to that passed in 2009 in Barack Obama’s stimulus plan. Even with the more robust figure, five thousand dollars higher in Joe Biden’s BBB plan, it still doesn’t bridge the gap for car buyers. In a Quartz analysis one year ago cited at Car and Driver, the difference between an average gas-powered vehicle and an EV is $19,000, even if it’s narrowing recently, and repair costs are still higher…

The Biden gas pump is killing the family budget   When Biden took office, the United States had become a net exporter of petroleum products, a remarkable public policy achievement for a nation that had been dependent on foreign oil production for so long. But Biden quickly gave away that economic and strategic advantage. 

For Biden and his environmental extremist allies, consumers must be made to suffer for their fossil fuel consumption sins.

  Biden’s Green New Deal = China First

The US Department of Transportation tweeted this out on purpose: (Showing typical teenager conversation)

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