Sunday, December 5, 2021

Levin shreds ‘sick’ propaganda by Joy Reid, ‘Constipated News Network’ and ‘gossips’ at ‘The View’

“The greatest threat we face in this country right now is the American media and the Democrat Party who are at war with our culture and our society and constitutional system.”

BPR  "Lawyer, author, and “The Mark Levin Show” host Mark Levin had some strong words for MSNBC and CNN, and in particular MSNBC host Joy Reid.

"Levin’s comments weren’t on his own show, however. On Monday, as a guest of Fox News‘ Sean Hannity on his show, “Hannity,” Levin took the opportunity to thunder against much of the media for the way it has handled the trial of Kyle Rittenhouse. Rittenhouse was recently acquitted of murder and other charges when his lawyers made a successful case for self-defense.

"Levin’s first targets appeared when Hannity played a clip of ABC’s “The View.” Levin immediately blasted the hosts, saying “First of all, why do we care what they say on The View? They have a collective IQ of negative 17. They’re like a bunch of [gossips].”

"Levin went on to say that we are experiencing a breakdown of law and order and that this breakdown has “been institutionalized by the Democrat Party and their media. It’s been institutionalized by them. And the media is so racist now. We don’t have a free press. We have a tyrannical press.”

"As he worked himself up in his denouncements, Levin also had some strong names to hurl at MSNBC and CNN, calling them “MSLSD [presumably a take on the hallucinogenic drug LSD] or CNN, what I call the Constipated News Network.' ”. . .

Report: ‘Serious Talk’ Joy Reid Could Be Gone From MSNBC

SOURCE: There is serious talk all the way up the chain at Comcast about Joy Reid's future at MSNBC.

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