Sunday, January 9, 2011

As Arizona Shooting Story Unfolds, Media Already Blaming Tea Party/Sarah Palin

Big Journalism  "Then, when this hack finally noticed that the killer’s book list included the Communist Manifesto and Hitler’s Mein Kampf, Sullivan tried to back track a bit saying that Loughner was, “Not exactly a Tea Party purist.”
"Not exactly a Tea Party purist? Not a Tea Partier at all, more like.
 "But Sullivan wasn’t the only left-wing media figure to immediately connect this crime to those on the right and to assign a conservative political motive to the killer’s actions."
I have been to a TEA Party rally, met TEA Partiers and fully share their concerns. These are American people who are very concerned over the direction this country is being taken by socialist influences and they are being smeared by the demagoguery of the left with the full cooperation of Hollywood and the press. This is all beginning to remind me of the Reichstag fire.
 TW utterly condemns this terrible shooting and prays for the victims of it.
Arizona Massacre Exposes: Tea Party Is Afforded Less Benefit Of The Doubt Than Radical Islam!  "To this day apologists on the left still will not bring themselves to conclude that Major Hasan was a Jihad terrorist animated by radical Islam.
"On the other hand, the blood hasn’t even been mopped up yet in Tucson, and disgusting opportunists on the Left have already declared the Arizona massacre an official act of the Tea Party:"

Saturday, January 8, 2011

The earnest hope of leftisis is that the Giffords shooter will turn out to be a TEA-Partier

Watch for headlines like this: "Did the Tea Party or Sarah Palin incite Jared Loughner to shoot Gabrielle Giffords?"  "Liberal websites are quickly accusing Sarah Palin and the Tea Party of creating the environment that set off a crazed lunatic like Loughner. Even old liberal warhorse Jane Fonda has indicted Sarah Palin with absolutely no evidence to support her accusations. ....
"However, a quick look at Loughner’s YouTube channel offers no basis for such conclusions. In fact, if anything, it seems to indicate extreme left wing influences."

This remark from  "Jared Loughner called for a return to the gold standard, a common demand of Tea Party activists."

The Crazed Internet Rantings of Jared Loughner  "I guess you want to blame a movement or radical belief for what happened, so that there's someone to blame bigger than just one shooter or that the madness makes a little sense, but after poring over the digital remnants left behind by Jared Loughner across the Internet, the one thing I feel like I can say about the 22 year old is that he seems to be someone desperately needing mental health care."  Tucson Weekly

Top 25 Left-Wing Films: #8 – ‘Norma Rae’ (1979)

Big Hollywood "Set in the Deep South, director Martin Ritt’s “Norma Rae” is yet another Hollywood entry that gushes over the selfless virtues of Big Labor and demonizes both the corporation and the individuals who would prefer not to be forced into the Borg Collective. White collar management is naturally made up of bullies who tap phones and work an old man literally to death and the “exploited workers” themselves who oppose being community-organized are motivated primarily by racial bigotry and the ignorant belief that unions are nothing more than a New York, communist conspiracy run by the Jooooozzzz…"

Time Reporter Betrays Constitutional Ignorance in Bemoaning GOP 'Cult of the Constitution'

photo: Swampland
Newsbusters  "The latest lefty to demonstrate his constitutional ignorance, Time Magazine's Washington correspondent Alex Altman, decried the "Cult of the Constitution" in a headline yesterday.
Altman began by lamenting the decision to not read parts of the Constitution that, well, are no longer parts of the Constitution. "The bipartisan recitation omitted several critical passages," he noted, "including the three-fifths compromise."
"But the three-fifths provision and all the passages omitted from the reading are, unlike everything that remains, irrelevant to the 112th Congress. The existing Constitution governs the legislature, and provisions scrubbed from the document, obviously, do not.
"And that seems to be where the fundamental misunderstanding occurs. Altman does not seem to realize that the Constitution is not a list of suggestions. It's not a nice-sounding essay that lists our founding principles. It's not just "a remarkable document…worthy of veneration [and] study," as he dubs it. It is quite simply the law, and it dictates the limits of Congress's power."

MSNBC's Jansing Dismisses as Complicated New House Requirement to Justify Legislation's Constitutionality " Neither Jansing nor Beschloss noted the conservative counter-argument would be that children born stateside to illegal immigrants are not "subject to the jurisdiction" of the United States, as the 14th Amendment requires and that section five of the 14th Amendment stipulates that "Congress shall have the power to enforce, by appropriate legislation, the provisions" of the 14th Amendment, including, logically, defining those persons who fall outside the jurisdiction of the United States ... .

Obama staff shakeup in full swing

Reuters  "The mid-term realignment could give Obama fresh thinking from his inner circle as he grapples with newly emboldened Republicans in Congress while pushing a jobs and recovery agenda seen as vital to his 2012 re-election chances."
I believe this is a move to the more pro-business center to help Obama's re-election in 2012. But never forget this man is a true leftist supported by Che Guevara groupies and former 60's radicals.

New Plastic Bag Tax Coming to a Store Near You

Heritage  "This is just the latest effort by the radical environmental left to punish their fellow citizens who are merely trying to make ends meet on a day-to-day basis. In D.C., residents and visitors have been dealing with a careless and unnecessary nickel tax on bags for two years now imposed by the City Councilman Tommy Wells (D)* and the leftist Anacostia Watershed Society.

* Emphasis added

Gates Outlines ‘Don’t Ask’ Repeal Process  "At a Pentagon news conference with Navy Adm. Mike Mullen, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, Gates updated reporters on the department’s plan for implementing repeal of the so-called “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” law, which has been in effect since 1993 and remains in effect until the process is complete.
"“Our goal here is to move as quickly, but as responsibly, as possible,” Gates said. “I see this as a three-step process. The first is to finalize changes in regulations [and] policies [and] get clearer definition on benefits.”"
One could be somewhat more comfortable with this if the movement did not have as it's main support those who "loathe the military" (to quote Bill Clinton).

Friday, January 7, 2011

Gardening Grandma Arrested for Failure to Prune  "On April 3, 2002, Kay Leibrand* surrendered to the police. She was fingerprinted. They took her mug shots. The 61-year old grandmother and software engineer was told that she had broken the law. She might go to jail or perhaps she would get off with just a fine. On May 30, 2002, she was arraigned. Her crime was allowing street-side xylosma bushes to grow more than two feet high."
Palo Alto; Pelosi/Democrat country. game pieces
*Kay Leibrand's website;  "In the last few years it has become increasingly common for schools to institute a "zero tolerance" policy against students possessing weapons, real or replicas, at school. It is a reasonable attempt to ensure the safety and the perceived safety of school staff and students. Often the penalty for a student who is found to have a weapon is suspension or expulsion. One particular case was in the national news. A student was found carrying a piece from the game Clue. It was a gun! The principal acted quickly and following the weapon policy to the letter, sent the student home."
Clue game pieces pictured; see the gun?

Mike Luckovich on Mark Twain

Issa to business: Tell me what to fix

Politico ""Is there something that we can do to try to ease that [regulatory] burden and stimulate job creation?" he added. "Is there a pattern emerging? Is there a consistent practice or regulation that hurts jobs? Until you have all the facts, you really can't make a lot of determinations and judgments."
"At the same time, Issa is getting his cue from and a voice to a chorus of largely disgruntled industry groups and companies that have collectively groaned about regulations in the pipeline and on the books."

Obamacare Waivers Go To Allies

Judicial Watch  "In the latest of many scandals to rock the administration that promised change and a new level of transparency, a disproportionately high number of Obamacare waivers are being granted to the president’s allies in a secretive process."

ObamaCare Rewards Friends, Punishes Enemies "In a speech at the University of Iowa last March, the president heralded health-care reform as "a new set of rules that treats everybody honestly and treats everybody fairly." Determining whether that is true will be another task for House Republicans. They have an obligation to look into this matter, and Mr. Obama can hardly object. It was former Supreme Court Justice Louis Brandeis, whom the president frequently quotes, who wrote in 1913 that sunlight "is the best of disinfectants."" Karl Rove

Repeal Doesn’t Increase the Deficit

Heritage  "Only someone so out of touch with reality that they could claim that “deficit reduction” has been their “highest priority” while simultaneously adding more than $1 trillion a year to the debt could possibly claim that repealing Obamacare would add to the debt. But that is exactly what Pelosi wants us to believe. Also on Tuesday she claimed that repealing Obamacare would do “very serious violence to the national debt and deficit.” Nothing could be further from the truth."


Democrats and the CBO's ObamaCare numbers  "The crucial thing to understand is that the CBO is just a calculator: It only adds and subtracts the numbers Congress gives it. For example, a bill -- to be called ObamaCare -- that has $857 billion in expenses over the first ten years; approximately $500 billion in tax increases, in addition to approximately $500 billion in Medicare cuts over the same period, will give you a savings of $143 billion. This is what the CBO tells you. However, the CBO will not be there to make sure that the planned Medicare cuts indeed take place or that the tax increases will be enacted."