Saturday, January 8, 2011

The earnest hope of leftisis is that the Giffords shooter will turn out to be a TEA-Partier

Watch for headlines like this: "Did the Tea Party or Sarah Palin incite Jared Loughner to shoot Gabrielle Giffords?"  "Liberal websites are quickly accusing Sarah Palin and the Tea Party of creating the environment that set off a crazed lunatic like Loughner. Even old liberal warhorse Jane Fonda has indicted Sarah Palin with absolutely no evidence to support her accusations. ....
"However, a quick look at Loughner’s YouTube channel offers no basis for such conclusions. In fact, if anything, it seems to indicate extreme left wing influences."

This remark from  "Jared Loughner called for a return to the gold standard, a common demand of Tea Party activists."

The Crazed Internet Rantings of Jared Loughner  "I guess you want to blame a movement or radical belief for what happened, so that there's someone to blame bigger than just one shooter or that the madness makes a little sense, but after poring over the digital remnants left behind by Jared Loughner across the Internet, the one thing I feel like I can say about the 22 year old is that he seems to be someone desperately needing mental health care."  Tucson Weekly

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