Friday, January 7, 2011

Gardening Grandma Arrested for Failure to Prune  "On April 3, 2002, Kay Leibrand* surrendered to the police. She was fingerprinted. They took her mug shots. The 61-year old grandmother and software engineer was told that she had broken the law. She might go to jail or perhaps she would get off with just a fine. On May 30, 2002, she was arraigned. Her crime was allowing street-side xylosma bushes to grow more than two feet high."
Palo Alto; Pelosi/Democrat country. game pieces
*Kay Leibrand's website;  "In the last few years it has become increasingly common for schools to institute a "zero tolerance" policy against students possessing weapons, real or replicas, at school. It is a reasonable attempt to ensure the safety and the perceived safety of school staff and students. Often the penalty for a student who is found to have a weapon is suspension or expulsion. One particular case was in the national news. A student was found carrying a piece from the game Clue. It was a gun! The principal acted quickly and following the weapon policy to the letter, sent the student home."
Clue game pieces pictured; see the gun?

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