Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Al Sharpton Hypocrisy: Build the Ground Zero Mosque, But Glenn Beck Can’t Pray at Lincoln Memorial

Big Peace "Circumventing and distorting Dr. King’s imagery? This coming from a man who incited two violent riots resulting in the deaths of nine people?"
Sharpton can’t really care about Dr. King’s legacy; he has made a career of using bigotry and divisiveness, all to promote… Al Sharpton. While someone who truly cared about Dr. King’s teachings would build bridges across ethnic divides, Sharpton burns them. Although to his credit, Sharpton is a master at it.

Medical Care Facts and Fables

Thomas Sowell "We hear a lot about how wonderful it is that the Canadians or the British or the Swedes get free medical treatment because the government runs the system. But we don't hear much about the quality of that medical care.
"We don't hear about more than 4,000 expectant mothers who gave birth inside a hospital, but not in the maternity ward, in Britain in just one year. They had their babies in hallways, bathrooms and even elevators."

3 primaries pose key test for 'tea party'

Washington Times "Tuesday marks the final major test of "tea party" power in the primaries, as challengers try to capitalize on anti-incumbent sentiment in Alaska, Arizona and Florida, and incumbents hope to avoid becoming the latest victims in what's been a rough year for officeholders."


Neal Boortz "This story about the mosque at Ground Zero isn't going away anytime soon .. much to the dismay of Barack Obama and the Democrats. Every day that we talk about the Ground Zero mosque is a day that Democrats don't get to tell you how the Republicans are going to take away your Social Security. There's the added difficulty that the Mosque controversy can't be blamed on George Bush ... though I'm sure Obama's folks are looking for a story line that might make that fit. In the meantime stories like this will continue to keep the mosque front(sic) of mind."

CNN Compares Ground Zero Protestors to Nazi Sympathizers
"Take a peek at this picture on CNN.com as of 2:30pm eastern time."

Monday, August 23, 2010

Julian Assange, collateral rapist

Blackfive "Update: According to a Swedish newspaper, "
Aftonbladet also quoted a woman who it said made the accusation of molestation as saying: “The accusations against Assange are, of course, not orchestrated by the Pentagon or anybody else. Responsibility for what happened to myself and the other girl lies with a man who has a skewed attitude to women and a problem taking no for an answer.” The newspaper did not identify the woman."

Cracks in the Iranian Monolith

MICHAEL LEDEEN "A few weeks ago, according to official and private reports, the Iranian air force shot down three drones near the southwestern city of Bushehr, where a Russian-supplied nuclear reactor has just started up. When the Revolutionary Guards inspected the debris, they expected to find proof of high-altitude spying. Instead, the Guards had to report to Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei that the air force had blasted Iran's own unmanned aircraft out of the sky."   See the next Jihadi Bloopers Show.

Mark Halperin ‘Shocked’ That Vacationing Obama Doesn’t See ‘Day to Day Damage’ Of His Ground Zero Mosque Endorsement

Big Journalism "What, him worry?" (video)

Why won't any Republicans condemn the "Obama is a Muslim" myth?

Slate "Search for Christ on the White House Web site and the first item you'll find is the president's remarks at an Easter prayer breakfast. He didn't just welcome his "brothers and sisters in Christ," but also talked at length about why Christ's resurrection and the power of redemption meant so much to him. Previous presidents may have attended church, but Obama was doing something more. He was witnessing. Different churches may have different practices, but the ones I've attended don't usually greet such expressions of faith with scorn. The usual response is to say Amen."

Dem Strategist on Obama: “He Is a Walking Radioactive Disaster”

Gateway Pundit "His poll numbers are so morose that Democrats are planning ways to avoid his shadow, while Republicans plot strategies aimed at tying Obama to every incumbent member of Congress they can."

Cook Political Report "...Report's current outlook is for a Republican net gain of 35 and 45 seats, with the odds of an outcome larger than that range greater than the odds of a lesser outcome. A turnover of 39 seats would tip majority status into Republican hands. At this point, only 214 House seats are Solid, Likely or Lean Democratic, while 181 seats are Solid, Likely or Lean Republican, and 40 seats are in the Toss Up column."
Don't take too rosy an outlook or anything short of that will be cast as a Democrat moral win.

Anti-Semitic Incident at Ground Zero Mosque Counter Protest (updated)

Big Peace "...freedom of speech gets the best of one Ground Zero Mosque supporter and the dominoes fall from there:"....
"First the out-of-the-blue Israel hatred, then one of the pro-Ground Zero Mosque attendees attempts to flag the police on the videographer who expresses disagreement with Israel hatred, then the Israel-haters chant “bigots go home.” Ahh, the deep thinking and open-mindedness of the left."
World Magazine

Obama's Freaky Fridays

Le·gal In·sur·rec·tion   "Friday document dumps are a routine political tactic, but Obama's tactic of dropping political bombshells just as he is leaving town is a bit much."

Another Friday, Another Document Dump From June 18, 2010:  "Every Friday for the last three weeks the Clinton Library has released tens of thousands of documents from Obama nominee Elena Kagan's time in the Clinton White House. Today's batch was no different: 80,000 plus were released today just before 5 pm, and initial reviews are still in progress."