Showing posts sorted by relevance for query alyssa milano. Sort by date Show all posts
Showing posts sorted by relevance for query alyssa milano. Sort by date Show all posts

Saturday, April 25, 2020

Biden sexual assault allegation roils #MeToo movement

"When I pulled away, the anger kind of emanated from him," Reade said in an interview with POLITICO. "He pointed his finger in my face and said, 'You're nothing to me. You're nothing.'"

Some worry about inadvertently advancing the political fortunes of a president who has been accused of sexual assault himself.

"In 2017, actress Alyssa Milano became one of the early advocates for the #MeToo movement when she tweeted, “If you’ve been sexually harassed or assaulted, write ‘me too’ as a reply to this tweet.” Legions of women went public with their stories in response.
"Two-and-a-half years later, Milano took to Twitter again — this time, to explain her self-described “silence” over sexual assault allegations against presumptive Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden made by ex-Senate aide Tara Reade.
“ 'I just don’t feel comfortable throwing away a decent man that I’ve known for 15 years in this time of complete chaos without there being a thorough investigation,” Milano said in an interview to which she linked. The backlash was swift: Progressives and feminists accused Milano of being a hypocrite and turning her back on Reade because she supported Biden." . . .
Biden is in the hot seat now, according to this Politico article. Now we wait to see what CNN will report on this:
When Milano explained this month why she had been silent about Reade’s allegations, before several traditional outlets reported on them, she said, “I’m sure that mainstream media would be jumping all over this as well if … they found more evidence.” Her remarks sparked a fight with another high-profile advocate for victims of sexual misconduct.
 Actress Rose McGowan, who accused Weinstein of rape, tore into Milano on Twitter, saying, “You are a fraud. This is about holding the media accountable. You go after Trump & Kavanaugh saying Believe Victims, you are a lie. You have always been a lie. The corrupt DNC is in on the smear job of Tara Reade, so are you. SHAME.”
. . . "Afterward, she said, she was stripped of most of her duties, and later given a month to find another job at the instruction of Kaufman, who denies her account, along with Toner and two others in the office. No other Biden staffers have corroborated the assault and harassment allegations to the media.
Then, the friend said, Reade told her that she was physically assaulted by Biden. The friend said she told Reade not to report the sexual assault to the police because it would have ruined her career. After the story broke, Reade filed a police report.
Lucy Flores, a former Nevada lawmaker who accused Biden of inappropriately touching her in a creepy way, said she’s not surprised that his supporters, like Milano, are standing by him. She said she blocked the actress on Twitter last year for Milano’s statements of support for Biden that indicated she doubted her. Flores said she did not consider Biden’s touching of her sexual. 

Thursday, October 19, 2017

Monica Lewinsky tweets '#MeToo'

Alyssa Milano on #MeToo campaign: 'We are going to be vocal until this stops'

. . . "As of this morning, 1.4 million and counting tweets included the hashtag, along with more than 13 million posts, comments and reactions on Facebook.
"Milano called herself a "vessel" for the millions of women and men now publicly acknowledging they have faced sexual abuse or harassment. She said it is her mission to make sure the movement becomes more than just a hashtag.
" 'I really want this to be about the everywoman’s voice. This is your movement, women," Milano said. "This is your time and if I can be the vessel and hold the bullhorn for you guys to shout as loud as humanly possible then I’m honored to do so."
"She added, "Let’s fix this problem.' " . . .
Image result for monica lewinsky cartoons

MSN News  "Monica Lewinsky raised eyebrows over the weekend when she tweeted the hashtag #MeToo, marking herself as a victim of sexual harassment or assault.

"Lewinsky, who carried on an affair with then-President Bill Clinton while a White House intern in the 1990s, did not go into details about her experience.
"Several women have accused Clinton of sexual misconduct, dating back to his tenure as governor of Arkansas. Clinton has only admitted to having consensual relations with Lewinsky and Gennifer Flowers.
"The #MeToo hashtag gained traction after actress Alyssa Milano asked Twitter users to respond with that message if they had been subject to unwelcome advances.
"The social media outcry has followed a series of accusations of sexual misconduct against film producer Harvey Weinstein. A number of actresses, including Ashley Judd, Gwyneth Paltrow and Rose McGowan, have accused Weinstein of sexual abuse, assault and in the case of British actor Lysette Anthony, rape."
Image result for monica lewinsky cartoons

Saturday, March 30, 2019

"Hollywood Erupts After Georgia Heartbeat Bill Passes: ‘F*ck This’ "

Breitbart  "Hollywood threatened Georgia with a boycott if the state passed a bill that limited abortions to the first six weeks. Peach State lawmakers passed the bill and left-wing celebrities are erupting.

"As Breitbart News reported Friday, Hollywood has lined up to warn the state that they would take their business out of Georgia if the “Heartbeat bill,” H.B. 481, passed, a bill that would ban abortion after a heartbeat could be detected in a fetus.
"In a letter written by actress-turned-activist Alyssa Milano*, stars threaten to “do everything in our power to move our industry to a safer state for women if H.B. 481 becomes law.”
"Ben Stiller, Amy Schumer, Rosie O’Donnell, Debra Messing, Alec Baldwin, Sarah Silverman all signed the letter.
"After the Georgia House voted to pass H.B. 481 Friday, Milano simply said, “Fuck. This.”

*I still recall the image of actress Alyssa Milano, getting some great publicity by choosing the ideal place to sit in the Kavanaugh hearings. Her self-righteous glare giving her plenty of coverage at the expense of the Judge and his family. 

Her seat was established with the TV cameras in mind. How do we know? She had an anti-Kavanaugh slogan on the back of the object in her hand: (Left)

Friday, May 15, 2020

Nearly 100 celebrities outspoken against Kavanaugh are silent on Biden, study finds

Fox News

"Many A-list Hollywood stars were big supporters of the #MeToo movement, speaking out against the confirmation of Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh in 2018 after he faced accusations of sexual assault -- but a new study has found that nearly 100 celebrities who made their voices heard on Kavanaugh have been silent on Tara Reade's sexual-assault allegation against former Vice President Joe Biden -- or they've come to his defense.

"NewsBusters found 95 of the country's high-profile entertainers showed a drastic change in the way they treated Kavanaugh versus the way they treated Biden, the Democrats' presumptive presidential nominee.
"Names included in NewsBusters' report included Lady Gaga, Ellen DeGeneres and several Hollywood actresses associated with the Time's Up organization such as Jessica Chastain, Brie Larson, Natalie Portman and Julianne Moore, noting how none of them "have offered a word of support" to Reade.
" 'Alyssa Milano, a #MeToo activist who drew plenty of attention during Kavanaugh's confirmation as she attended the high-profile hearings on Capitol Hill, has been the most vocal about calling for "due process" for the former vice president, whom she had endorsed.
"Despite major backlash on social media, including from her former "Charmed" co-star Rose McGowan, Milano penned an op-ed trying to explain why she was still supporting Biden, describing herself as "living in the gray as a woman" and noting nuances in her shifted position.
"NewsBusters pointed out tweets made by Bette Midler and Debra Messing, who were outspoken supporters of Kavanaugh accuser Christine Blasey Ford but have since given the cold shoulder to Biden's former Senate staffer." . . . More...

#MeToo: Then and Now, an Epic Farce   "The new #MeToo:" . . .

Democratic National Committee: We believe Joe Biden.
DMIC (Democrat Media Industrial Complex): Me too.
Hollywood (the head of the DMIC snake): Me too.
Democrat women: Me too.
Democrat men: Me too.

Tuesday, March 26, 2019

Flashback: 50 Hollywood Stars Who Accused Trump of Treason, Collusion with Russia


"Left-wing Hollywood stars have spent the past two years spreading wild conspiracy theories about President Donald Trump and Russian “collusion,” with a slew of celebrities calling him a “traitor,” a “puppet,” a “thug,” a “urine-lapper” for Putin and predicting that he will be “in chains” soon.

"Many Hollywood stars made these accusations following Trump’s press conference with Russian President Vladimir Putin in Helsinki, Finland. Others accused Trump of treason for no apparent reason at all.

"Yet, according to the Attorney General William Barr’s letter to Congress Sunday, special counsel Robert Mueller found no evidence whatsoever of the Trump campaign colluding with Russia during the 2016 election." . . .

George Costanza of Seinfeld
Trump wants to investigate SNL but not Russia. How does anyone - ANYONE - takes this small, pathetic comrade seriously?
Johnie Wayne Bergant responds with proportionate venom:

Alyssa Milano got some cheap publicity with her "death stare" at Judge Kavanaugh
My considered opinion: Milano is a trained actress, always aware of where the camera is. Knowing how a photographer would compose the photos of Judge Kavanaugh with his wife beside him, I strongly maintain she positioned herself so she would be there between them, assuming the pose of an angry accuser. Shame on Alyssa Milano as she relishes seeing this picture enlarged and carried by paid protesters whom she knows will cheer for her just as they cheer for the beloved wife of Bill Clinton. The Tunnel Dweller.

Friday, November 27, 2020

My Response to an Olive Branch from Alyssa Milano


“‘I remember you. You were the one glaring at Justice Brett Kavanaugh during his hearings. You were the one that called conservatives every name in the book and didn't sensor your words in the least. No way you'd be offering an olive branch had your party lost ... How about NO,’ one person reacted.

She knows a great camera position

"Among the many Hollywood celebrities who hotly opposed Donald Trump, Alyssa Milano has been one of the most consistent. Now, as she believes that the election of Joe Biden is a 
fait accompli, she is offering an olive branch. How should we respond?" . . .

"Not surprisingly, the responses to her olive branch were mixed.

"Fox News reported that, “Trump supporters were quick to react to Milano's offering on Monday, and a majority did not meet her with kind words in return. Several balked at the star's approach, calling it a ‘joke’ after her several outcries for Trump to be ripped from office.

. . . “3 questions for you: 

“1) For what past comments can you now apologize? 

“2) Can you have a civil conversation with pro-life Christians? 

“3) Would you have accepted an olive branch from Trump supporters Nov 2016?”

. . . "As for my three questions, let’s say Biden wanted to make peace with Trump. He would have to apologize for laying the blame for more than 200,000 COVID deaths at Trump’s feet. Conversely, Trump would have to apologize for exaggerated or false charges against Biden.

Then the writer discusses at more length each of the questions he posed.....

David Limbaugh: Democrats Want Unity Only on Their Terms  . . . "Trump's opponents -- the media, Democrats, never-Trump Republicans -- have never given him a moment's rest, never a benefit of the doubt, never an atom of cooperation or bipartisanship. They haven't just served as the loyal opposition, resisting his agenda like the minority party is expected to do. They have never let him govern. From the time he stepped on the political stage, they've harassed, investigated, bullied, impeached and censored him.

"The media has tormented Trump, ignored and distorted his accomplishments, and shown him in a 100% negative light for his entire term. Never in my lifetime have I seen such one-sided coverage." ..

.I've never believed that this incessant hatred toward Trump was just about Trump. The left has villainized every Republican president in recent memory and, for several generations, has defamed all Republicans as heartless bigots.

. . . "It is the Democrats (and their policies) who are divisive. Through rank identity politics, they stir people against one another on the basis of their skin color, gender, and economic circumstances. Republicans aspire to racial colorblindness and an end to the manufactured tension over gender politics." . . .

Friday, January 3, 2020

Hollywood Leftists respond to Soleimani's death by attacking America

Andrea Widburg "Hollywood has distinguished itself during the Trump era by flinging itself headlong into high altitude Trump Derangement Syndrome. With news that President ordered the targeted assassination of one of the world’s most prolific terrorists when the latter landed on Iraqi soil, Leftist Hollywood celebrities have reacted predictably.
"The award for most over-the-top reaction has to go to Rose McGowan, who gave Iran a groveling apology. In true Hollywood fashion, she called America under President Trump “a terrorist regime,” an interesting point from a woman who’s been unfazed by Iran’s deadly contempt for its own citizens and its brutal repression of women and homosexuals:" . . .
. . . 
"Alyssa Milano, showing her fealty to the Democrat primary candidates, retweeted their pronouncements on the targeted strike, all of which echoed Rep. Chris Murphy to the effect that America should never kill bad guys because other bad guys might get mad:
"Several celebrities were very excited that President Trump, in 2011, predicted that Obama would start a war with Iran to get reelected. Alyssa Milano, who can always be counted on to come out against Trump, was one of those:
. . . 
"The Hollywood left never disappoints. Because it's still early in California as this post goes up, we can expect that Hollywood celebrities will provide us with more amusement today as they make other over-the-top pronouncements about President Trump's decisive response to Iran's targeted attack against America." . . .

Death Star Trump slays constellation of terrorists, leaving Democrats stamping their feet and wagging their fingers "Following that sleazy little Benghazi redux act, President Trump came down down like a slaying angel on terrorists across the Middle East, fat comfortable ones who'd always gotten away with what they've always gotten away with, counting on U.S. fear and appeasement to Iran. Ace of Spades has a magnificent list of how many turned into grease spots on the desert floor. In the ruins of the airstrikes, the terrorists now know that when Trump said 'this is not a warning, it is a threat,' it meant their best course of action was to run screaming for the hills, not thumb their noses, posture for the press about being unafraid, and plot another one. The other message they took from the glowing rubble is that the era of Jimmy Carter and Barack Obama is over." . . .

Biden Scolds Trump for Recklessly Escalating Tensions with Iran by Killing Soleimani

Friday, November 26, 2021

Alyssa Milano Mocked An Army Vet, Then James Woods Destroyed Her

Off the Wire

"Hollywood leftists have completely lost their minds in the Donald Trump era.

"But conservative actor James Woods provides a breath of fresh air.

"Now Woods just humiliated Alyssa Milano with one devastating tweet." . . .

. . ." Brian Kolfage, the triple amputee who started the campaign, also saw his business get targeted by leftists on Facebook.". . . 

After Raiding His Home, Dragging Him on One Limb in the Rain, and Indicting Him on Two BS Charges – Feds Now Take Away Brian Kolfage’s Pain Meds – All Because He Built a Wall on the Southern Border

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Alyssa Milano Boasts About Her Past Abortions and the Joy They Brought Her

PJ Media

"In the neverending debate about abortion we often hear from the left how abortion is such a difficult, private decision—that we’re even having a public debate on the issue is somehow degrading or anti-woman or something silly like that. However, abortion as a political wedge issue has made the once “safe, legal, and rare” mantra of the left outmoded, and now abortion has become a symbolic act of pride for liberal women to prove their left-wing feminist bona fides. In 2015, the Shout Your Abortion social media campaign was launched to give women the opportunity to share their abortion experiences online without "sadness, shame or regret" with the goal of "destigmatization, normalization, and putting an end to shame."
"For the left, abortions are something to be proud of, and left-wing actress Alyssa Milano, who recently called for a sex strike to protest heartbeat bills, is still trying to prove herself a left-wing feminist icon by revealing that she had two abortions within months of each other back in the early nineties." . . .

Saturday, December 5, 2020

LA Boutique Owner Skewers California Progressive Hypocrites with Savage Window Display

Diogenes' Middle Finger

"RS -Fraser Ross, owner of trendy Los Angeles boutique Kitson L.A., had at least $400,000 in damages to his stores during the weeks of rioting and looting loosely disguised as Black Lives Matter protests back in May and June, and he, like countless other retailers in California, has been severely affected by the state’s strict coronavirus lockdowns. Using the platform he has – huge shop windows on Robertson Boulevard in Los Angeles, and social media – he’s calling out the Hypocrites of 2020 and ironically naming people like California Gov. Gavin Newsom and Hunter Biden the “People of the Year.”

One sample here:

"What would a list of Hypocrites of 2020 be without Alyssa Milano: Milano’s window highlighted her hypocrisy in calling 911 to report a “man with a gun” in her backyard, who turned out to be a neighbor shooting squirrels with a BB gun, while at the same time advocating to #DefundThe Police.

"Milano’s window also featured a stuffed squirrel."


Saturday, August 24, 2019

Bob And The Burning Research Lab

Mike Adams  "Last year, I spoke on the issue of abortion at Calvary Chapel in Chino Hills, California. During the Q&A, a young woman asked a question about rape and abortion. In the process of explaining my opposition to a rape exception to an abortion ban, I said that I believe we live in a world of tradeoffs, rather than a world of problems and solutions. Upon seeing the exchange in a video posted on YouTube, Bob submitted the following question:
We live in a world of trade-offs.” Indeed we do. So answer me this. There’s a science lab that’s burning down, and inside is a 10-year-old child, and next to him is a container full of 100 fertilized human embryos. You can save either the embryos or the child, but not both. What value do you put on life? Is it quantity alone? Or is it something else? 
"This is a common pro-choice hypothetical, which Bob has taken from Ellen Goodman without attribution. As a thought experiment, it tends to intimidate pro-lifers. However, it should not be intimidating at all because it rests on the faulty assumption that our value as humans is contingent upon the intuitive emotional reactions and moral judgments of other humans. Here is the argument in a nutshell: " . . .

Alyssa Milano Boasts About Her Past Abortions and the Joy They Brought Her
Pictured at right: I envision this being the last thing Milano's babies saw as they died. TD
These Hollywood people are endorsing Milano's stance.
"The letter signers vow to “do everything in our power to move our industry to a safer state for women if H.B. 481 becomes law.' ”
As a result, so many babies will endure the William Wallace death depicted in Braveheart.

Alyssa Milano Boasts About Her Past Abortions and the Joy They Brought Her

But first, this: Billboard Will Be Tribute to Chickens Killed in Truck Crash  “ 'PETA’s billboard will let travelers know that the best way to prevent such tragedies is to keep smart, sensitive chickens off the road in the first place by going vegan.' ”

PJ Media
"In the neverending debate about abortion we often hear from the left how abortion is such a difficult, private decision—that we’re even having a public debate on the issue is somehow degrading or anti-woman or something silly like that. However, abortion as a political wedge issue has made the once “safe, legal, and rare” mantra of the left outmoded, and now abortion has become a symbolic act of pride for liberal women to prove their left-wing feminist bona fides. In 2015, the Shout Your Abortion social media campaign was launched to give women the opportunity to share their abortion experiences online without "sadness, shame or regret" with the goal of "destigmatization, normalization, and putting an end to shame."
. . . 
“Fifteen years after that first love had fizzled, my life would be completely lacking all its great joys,” she said. “I would never had been free to be myself — and that’s what this fight is all about: freedom.”
Milano said her reasons for having abortions are “real” — as are the reasons of all other women. “They are ours — and they none of your f**king business.”
"If it’s not our business, why is she boasting about her abortions? If it’s not our business, why is she trying to prove herself by announcing she had the abortions in the first place? Her attitude about how much better her life is because she had them is bad enough, but using it to shore up her feminist credentials seems contradictory to her claim that it’s no one else’s business." . . .

Friday, December 13, 2019

Out Heroding Herod

The American Catholic

"News that I missed, courtesy of The Babylon Bee:"
 NEW YORK, NY—At a special ceremony Thursday, Planned Parenthood posthumously awarded Herod the Great with its highest honor, the organization’s coveted PPFA Margaret Sanger Award.
Planned Parenthood gives the award out to individuals who advance the pro-abortion agenda, and baby-murdering King Herod was the obvious choice.
“Herod fought bravely for women’s rights by slaughtering all the male babies under two years old,” said a Planned Parenthood spokesperson. “He was thousands of years ahead of his time, realizing the progressive value of destroying our kids the moment they become inconvenient millennia before it was popular. Yes, we do wish he had slaughtered the daughters too, but we’re willing to overlook that as this brave women’s rights warrior advanced the pro-abortion agenda significantly.”
King Herod was not available to accept the award, as he is dead. But his ideological successor, Alyssa Milano, accepted it in his honor. “If Herod were here, I know exactly what he would say,” Milano said in her acceptance speech. “He would remind us all that it was his kingdom, his choice.”
 "Go here to read the rest.  Herod of course is a piker to Planned Parenthood.  They exceed his body toll on their slowest day of the year."
Featuring the great actor Peter Ustinov.

Thursday, September 27, 2018

Posts about today's Ford-Kavanaugh hearings

Political Cartoons by Tom Stiglich

After Kavanaugh’s Stand, Republicans Abandon Him at Their Peril  . . . "But even when you express your anger, it must be expressed with reason, and in a hearing that reason has to be laden with evidence. That’s what Kavanaugh did. He countered Ford’s accusation with his own denial, but he went well beyond he said/she said. He constantly reminded the committee that Dr. Ford’s named witnesses could not place him at the party. He went through calendars showing that it was improbable that he would have been at the party that Dr. Ford described. He showed time and again that there was no corroborating evidence supporting Dr. Ford’s allegations. This was powerful. This was true."
That’s what Brett Kavanaugh did today. He fought with passion, evidence, and compassion. And absent any new, substantiated revelations, he united the conservative movement. Any Republican who abandons him now will abandon the electorate that put them in power.
Kavanaugh’s Impassioned Rebuttal To Accusations Of Sexual Abuse May Have Just Saved His Nomination  . . . "Kavanaugh was on the verge of tears nearly every time he mentioned his family — as he should be. And by wearing his heart on his sleeve, Kavanaugh may have just saved not just his nomination, but his reputation." . . .

Actress Alyssa Milano Tries To Shame Sen. Susan Collins By Recalling Her Response To Al Franken Allegations
Although these two stories are somewhat similar in that they both involve sexual harassment or assault, it’s not a 1-1 comparison. To make such a claim, as Milano appears to be doing, is intellectually dishonest.
CNN's Tapper Argues There's 'No Contemporaneous Corroborating Evidence For Any Of The Charges' Against Kavanaugh

"Stolen Valor Blumenthal Vouches For Kavanaugh Accuser’s Credibility"

Dems already fundraising off Ford-Kavanaugh hearing

It’s jiu-jitsu time on the Kavanaugh accusations  "As desperate people intoxicated by early success are wont to do, the Democrat opponents of Judge Kavanaugh's appointment to the Supreme Court have overplayed their hand.  We've seen something very like this happen before."
Political Cartoons by Pat Cross

Saturday, April 25, 2020

Hollywood "victim" advocates and Joe Biden fans, we wait to hear from you. Alyssa Milano? Gloria Allred? Joy Behar?

This newly discovered video is of the mother of Tara Reade calling Larry King about the matter in 1993.  She called from "San Looees Obeespo", CA.

Andrea Widburg: A 1993 Larry King show supports Tara Reade’s claim that Biden assaulted her
Ryan Grim, to whom Reade told the story about her Mom’s embarrassing call to Larry King, repeated the story to Katie Halper, who had first broadcast Reade’s allegations. One of Halper’s listeners managed to find a Larry King show from August 1993 during which a woman identified as “a caller from San Luis Obispo,” asked for advice about help for her daughter, who had been victimized by a “prominent senator,” but had been unable to get anyone to act on her complaint. Reade has since confirmed that the voice belongs to her mother:
CNN avoids on-air coverage of Biden accuser Tara Reade nearly one month after making assault claim 
"Biden has made three separate appearances on the liberal network since Reade came forward. Between the two interviews with CNN anchor Anderson Cooper during individual virtual town halls and a separate interview with anchor Brooke Baldwin, the former vice president was never asked about the alleged incident."

"CNN has continued its bizarre on-air blackout of Tara Reade nearly one month after she came forward accusing former Vice President Joe Biden, the Democrats' presumptive presidential nominee, of a sexual assault in 1993.
"Reade, a former staffer for the then-senator, spoke out about the alleged assault during a podcast interview on March 25. She previously came forward last year with claims of inappropriate touching as a wave of women made similar allegations against the former vice president around the time he entered the 2020 presidential race.
"For nearly three weeks, the mainstream media largely avoided Reade's allegation. The tides began to shift following Rich McHugh's report in Business Insider the Friday before Easter that Reade had filed a criminal complaint against Biden.
"The New York Times, The Washington Post and NBC News published their first reports on Easter Sunday. ABC News and CBS News followed suit that Monday and Tuesday. CNN waited until Friday to issue its first report about the allegation on its website.
"Meanwhile, there has been no mention of Reade's claim on-air." . . .

CNN Slammed For Treatment Of Biden Sexual Assault Allegations After Old Larry King Clip Surfaces

“ 'I remember it being an anonymous call and her saying my daughter was sexually harassed and retaliated against and fired, where can she go for help? I was mortified.' ”

Is This the Mother of Joe Biden's Accuser Talking to CNN in 1993?  . . . "Journalists have largely buried this story. ABC, NBC and CNN have not reported on it AT ALL. CBS, PBS and MSNBC have offered very minimal coverage. How long will journalists keep covering up this explosive story?
"For more on how journalists have (or have not) covered Tara Reade, go here
"UPDATE: 7:12 p.m. Eastern. The Daily Caller News Foundation’s Mary Margaret Olohan published a story that not only featured both The Intercept’s original item and our video, but a statement from Reade:

Reade reminded the DCNF that she had told reporters that her mother called the Larry King show about her alleged assault.
“I just heard audio, my mother died and hearing her voice made me cry. She was such a good mom and always watching out for me even now,” she said, adding that the video proves what she has been saying: “that I was forced out and wanted to come forward in 1993.”