Friday, January 3, 2020

Hollywood Leftists respond to Soleimani's death by attacking America

Andrea Widburg "Hollywood has distinguished itself during the Trump era by flinging itself headlong into high altitude Trump Derangement Syndrome. With news that President ordered the targeted assassination of one of the world’s most prolific terrorists when the latter landed on Iraqi soil, Leftist Hollywood celebrities have reacted predictably.
"The award for most over-the-top reaction has to go to Rose McGowan, who gave Iran a groveling apology. In true Hollywood fashion, she called America under President Trump “a terrorist regime,” an interesting point from a woman who’s been unfazed by Iran’s deadly contempt for its own citizens and its brutal repression of women and homosexuals:" . . .
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"Alyssa Milano, showing her fealty to the Democrat primary candidates, retweeted their pronouncements on the targeted strike, all of which echoed Rep. Chris Murphy to the effect that America should never kill bad guys because other bad guys might get mad:
"Several celebrities were very excited that President Trump, in 2011, predicted that Obama would start a war with Iran to get reelected. Alyssa Milano, who can always be counted on to come out against Trump, was one of those:
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"The Hollywood left never disappoints. Because it's still early in California as this post goes up, we can expect that Hollywood celebrities will provide us with more amusement today as they make other over-the-top pronouncements about President Trump's decisive response to Iran's targeted attack against America." . . .

Death Star Trump slays constellation of terrorists, leaving Democrats stamping their feet and wagging their fingers "Following that sleazy little Benghazi redux act, President Trump came down down like a slaying angel on terrorists across the Middle East, fat comfortable ones who'd always gotten away with what they've always gotten away with, counting on U.S. fear and appeasement to Iran. Ace of Spades has a magnificent list of how many turned into grease spots on the desert floor. In the ruins of the airstrikes, the terrorists now know that when Trump said 'this is not a warning, it is a threat,' it meant their best course of action was to run screaming for the hills, not thumb their noses, posture for the press about being unafraid, and plot another one. The other message they took from the glowing rubble is that the era of Jimmy Carter and Barack Obama is over." . . .

Biden Scolds Trump for Recklessly Escalating Tensions with Iran by Killing Soleimani

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