Showing posts sorted by date for query alyssa milano. Sort by relevance Show all posts
Showing posts sorted by date for query alyssa milano. Sort by relevance Show all posts

Saturday, March 30, 2019

"Hollywood Erupts After Georgia Heartbeat Bill Passes: ‘F*ck This’ "

Breitbart  "Hollywood threatened Georgia with a boycott if the state passed a bill that limited abortions to the first six weeks. Peach State lawmakers passed the bill and left-wing celebrities are erupting.

"As Breitbart News reported Friday, Hollywood has lined up to warn the state that they would take their business out of Georgia if the “Heartbeat bill,” H.B. 481, passed, a bill that would ban abortion after a heartbeat could be detected in a fetus.
"In a letter written by actress-turned-activist Alyssa Milano*, stars threaten to “do everything in our power to move our industry to a safer state for women if H.B. 481 becomes law.”
"Ben Stiller, Amy Schumer, Rosie O’Donnell, Debra Messing, Alec Baldwin, Sarah Silverman all signed the letter.
"After the Georgia House voted to pass H.B. 481 Friday, Milano simply said, “Fuck. This.”

*I still recall the image of actress Alyssa Milano, getting some great publicity by choosing the ideal place to sit in the Kavanaugh hearings. Her self-righteous glare giving her plenty of coverage at the expense of the Judge and his family. 

Her seat was established with the TV cameras in mind. How do we know? She had an anti-Kavanaugh slogan on the back of the object in her hand: (Left)

Tuesday, March 26, 2019

Flashback: 50 Hollywood Stars Who Accused Trump of Treason, Collusion with Russia


"Left-wing Hollywood stars have spent the past two years spreading wild conspiracy theories about President Donald Trump and Russian “collusion,” with a slew of celebrities calling him a “traitor,” a “puppet,” a “thug,” a “urine-lapper” for Putin and predicting that he will be “in chains” soon.

"Many Hollywood stars made these accusations following Trump’s press conference with Russian President Vladimir Putin in Helsinki, Finland. Others accused Trump of treason for no apparent reason at all.

"Yet, according to the Attorney General William Barr’s letter to Congress Sunday, special counsel Robert Mueller found no evidence whatsoever of the Trump campaign colluding with Russia during the 2016 election." . . .

George Costanza of Seinfeld
Trump wants to investigate SNL but not Russia. How does anyone - ANYONE - takes this small, pathetic comrade seriously?
Johnie Wayne Bergant responds with proportionate venom:

Alyssa Milano got some cheap publicity with her "death stare" at Judge Kavanaugh
My considered opinion: Milano is a trained actress, always aware of where the camera is. Knowing how a photographer would compose the photos of Judge Kavanaugh with his wife beside him, I strongly maintain she positioned herself so she would be there between them, assuming the pose of an angry accuser. Shame on Alyssa Milano as she relishes seeing this picture enlarged and carried by paid protesters whom she knows will cheer for her just as they cheer for the beloved wife of Bill Clinton. The Tunnel Dweller.

Saturday, March 16, 2019

Our Bankrupt Elite

Matthew Continetti at NR

Actress Lori Loughlin (left) appears at a hearing at the federal courthouse in Los Angeles, Calif
. . . "Lessons? Here are two. First the good news: We are shocked by the actions of these parents precisely because there is so little corruption in America. If the problems were as systemic as some on the Internet believe, they would hardly raise such an outcry. Denizens of countries where bribery is a way of life look at us and say, “Amateurs.”

"The second lesson is not as comforting. Operation Varsity Blues is further evidence of the bankruptcy of American elites. For over a decade now, the legitimacy of elites in politics, foreign policy, central banking, journalism, religion, and economics has crumbled as reality failed to match their rhetoric. Education is the latest sphere where elites have betrayed our country’s institutions and our country’s people by using wealth and connections to rig the rules of the game.

"The scandal also points to the flagrant hypocrisy of Hollywood liberalism. No class is more moralistic, more hectoring, more obnoxiously activist than the Hollywood Left. They barrage Americans with displays of their virtue, their calls to humanitarianism, their paeans to multiculturalism and feminism, their slanders of President Trump, Vice President Pence, Republicans in general, and conservatives in particular. And they have great sway in national politics. A Democrat’s future depends on the beneficence of Hollywood donors — donors who were well represented among the individuals charged in Operation Varsity Blues.

"The entertainment-industry liberals talk a good game. But look at their actions. . ."

Read also: Justice for Smollett versus justice for Loughlin

I still recall the image of actress Alyssa Milano, getting some great publicity by choosing the ideal place to sit in the Kavanaugh hearings. Her self-righteous glare giving her plenty of coverage at the expense of the Judge and his family. TD

Sunday, January 6, 2019

The 20 Most Annoying Liberals of 2018

PJ Media  These are just honorable mentions; imagine who the top choices are!
"Picking the most obnoxious liberals in a time when liberalism is defined by hypocrisy, pettiness, hatred of middle America, and scolds screaming, “That’s not funny” is like picking the hairiest monkey out of the zoo. With that in mind, here are the 20 most obnoxious liberals of 2018.

"Honorable Mentions: Antifa, Joy Behar, John Brennan, Chris Cuomo, Lena Dunham, Whoopi Goldberg, Kathy Griffin, Chelsea Handler, Kamala Harris, LeBron James, Jimmy Kimmel, Shaun King, Ezra Klein, Sally Kohn, Sheila Jackson Lee, Rachel Maddow, Alyssa Milano, Michael Moore, Tariq Nasheed, Rosie O’Donnell, Nancy Pelosi, Kirsten Powers, Jorge Ramos, Chuck Schumer, the Southern Poverty Law Center, Eric Swalwell, George Takei, Shannon Watts, Juan Williams, Montel Williams, Vox" . . .

 And the finalists are......

Saturday, October 6, 2018

‘A different time’: Milano drastically changes her tune on Bill Clinton, stealthily scrubs adoring tweet

What about your goddess Hillary, destroyer of those who dared speak out against her husband, accusing him?

BizPacReview "Like a big, fat sore thumb, Bill Clinton stands out amid the left’s weaponization of the #MeToo movement.
"Actress/Activist Alyssa Milano, who says she was the victim of a traumatic sexual assault as a 19-year-old, has been a leading voice in protests against Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh and was surprisingly asked about Clinton in an appearance Thursday on CNN.

“You are a fan of Bill Clinton, anchor Chris Cuomo noted. “Should Kavanaugh receive the same benefit of the doubt?”
“ 'No, and I don’t think Bill Clinton should have gotten that benefit of the doubt hindsight,” Milano said. “I think that as a nation, we were in a different time. I think that women were continually being silenced. And I think we gave him the benefit of the doubt and we probably should’ve investigated the allegations against him as well.” . . . 

My considered opinion: Milano is a trained actress, always aware of where the camera is. Knowing how a photographer would compose the photos of Judge Kavanaugh with his wife beside him, I strongly maintain she positioned herself so she would be there between them, assuming the pose of an angry accuser. Shame on Alyssa Milano as she relishes seeing this picture enlarged and carried by paid protesters whom she knows will cheer for her just as they cheer for the beloved wife of Bill Clinton. The Tunnel Dweller.

Friday, September 28, 2018

Alyssa Milano's 'Death Stare at Judge Kavanaugh

Her icy glare aside, Milano also attracted considerable attention on social media due to the outfit she wore while attending the hearing.
"Her icy glare aside, Milano also attracted considerable attention on social media due to the outfit she wore while attending the hearing.  
"Hollywood actress Alyssa Milano took social media by storm after she attended the Senate Judiciary Committee hearing for Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh on Thursday.
"As Kavanaugh was giving his testimony during the hearing, many Twitter users took note of Milano seated behind him, and of her facial expression as the actress focused her "death stare," as some people put it, on the man.

She apparently loves the camera as much as any other liberal, maybe almost as much as Obama. TD

"Despite the fact that taking videos and photos were prohibited during the hearing, Milano continued taking pictures and tweeting during the proceedings, prompting guards to confiscate her phone.
"Alyssa Milano, an American actress and #MeToo activist, drew attention on social media after she attended the Senate Judiciary Committee hearing for Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh on Thursday.
"Milano attended the hearing as a guest of Democrat Senator Dianne Feinstein, wearing a black pinstriped dress, which, as USA Today noted, “some deemed ‘disrespectful’ and ‘revealing.’”
"A number of Twitter users concurred with this assessment, blasting the actress for her choice of clothes and her conduct." . . .
She can bask in adoration at the next Hollywood self-praise gala.

Thursday, September 27, 2018

Posts about today's Ford-Kavanaugh hearings

Political Cartoons by Tom Stiglich

After Kavanaugh’s Stand, Republicans Abandon Him at Their Peril  . . . "But even when you express your anger, it must be expressed with reason, and in a hearing that reason has to be laden with evidence. That’s what Kavanaugh did. He countered Ford’s accusation with his own denial, but he went well beyond he said/she said. He constantly reminded the committee that Dr. Ford’s named witnesses could not place him at the party. He went through calendars showing that it was improbable that he would have been at the party that Dr. Ford described. He showed time and again that there was no corroborating evidence supporting Dr. Ford’s allegations. This was powerful. This was true."
That’s what Brett Kavanaugh did today. He fought with passion, evidence, and compassion. And absent any new, substantiated revelations, he united the conservative movement. Any Republican who abandons him now will abandon the electorate that put them in power.
Kavanaugh’s Impassioned Rebuttal To Accusations Of Sexual Abuse May Have Just Saved His Nomination  . . . "Kavanaugh was on the verge of tears nearly every time he mentioned his family — as he should be. And by wearing his heart on his sleeve, Kavanaugh may have just saved not just his nomination, but his reputation." . . .

Actress Alyssa Milano Tries To Shame Sen. Susan Collins By Recalling Her Response To Al Franken Allegations
Although these two stories are somewhat similar in that they both involve sexual harassment or assault, it’s not a 1-1 comparison. To make such a claim, as Milano appears to be doing, is intellectually dishonest.
CNN's Tapper Argues There's 'No Contemporaneous Corroborating Evidence For Any Of The Charges' Against Kavanaugh

"Stolen Valor Blumenthal Vouches For Kavanaugh Accuser’s Credibility"

Dems already fundraising off Ford-Kavanaugh hearing

It’s jiu-jitsu time on the Kavanaugh accusations  "As desperate people intoxicated by early success are wont to do, the Democrat opponents of Judge Kavanaugh's appointment to the Supreme Court have overplayed their hand.  We've seen something very like this happen before."
Political Cartoons by Pat Cross

Tuesday, January 30, 2018

Democrats And Leftists Will Be Giving At Least Six Separate Responses To Trump’s State Of The Union Address

Weasel Zippers

"Gee, they really are desperate, aren’t they?
In case you have an insatiable desire for liberal hand wringing, Democrats and leftists have scheduled at least six individual responses to President Donald Trump’s state of the union address Tuesday night.
Democratic Rep. Joe Kennedy (yes, those Kennedys) will be giving the Democratic Party’s official response immediately following the conclusion of the president’s speech, right from the heartland in Kennedy’s home state of Massachusetts.
¿No habla inglés? No problemo. Virginia Del. Elizabeth Guzman will give the Democrats’ official Spanish-language response, although it’s not clear how her message will differ from Kennedy’s.
The rock star declares:

Millionaires plan People's State of the Union speech  "Fox News reported, "A group of Hollywood elites, progressive groups and social activists are planning a People’s State of the Union as a public alternative on the eve of President Donald Trump’s first State of the Union address.' "

"The news channel listed the celebrities as Michael Moore (net worth $50 million), Mark Ruffalo (net worth $20 million), Alyssa Milano (net worth $10 million), Rosie Perez (net worth $8 million), and Whoopi Goldberg (net worth $45 million).

"Now granted, we have a billionaire president, but the people elected him to speak for them.

"No one elected Michael Moore dog catcher." . . .

Saturday, January 6, 2018

The 20 Most Annoying Liberals of 2017 (15th Annual)


The 20 Most Annoying Liberals of 2017 (15th Annual)

"Honorable mentions: Bill Clinton, Cher, Ta-Nehisi Coates, Stephen Colbert, Carmen Yulín Cruz, Lauren Duca, Lena Dunham, Keith Ellison, Jill Filipovich, Al Franken, Kirsten Gillibrand, Al Gore, Al Green, Kamala Harris, Chris Hayes, Jemele Hill, Eric Holder, Jesse Jackson, Van Jones, Tim Kaine, Steven King, Rachel Maddow, Bill Maher, “Chelsea” Manning, Chris Matthews, Alyssa Milano, Ed Murray, Tariq Nasheed, Keith Olbermann, Barack Obama, Nancy Pelosi, Ben Rhodes, Linda Sarsour, Chuck Schumer, Starbucks, Brian Stelter, George Takei, Neil DeGrasse Tyson, The View, Joan Walsh, Wil Wheaton, Montel Williams, Sally Yates, Mark Zuckerberg (2016 list)"
. . . 
"13) Sheila Jackson Lee / Maxine Waters: Both of them are embarrassingly dumb for members of Congress, yammer on about impeaching Trump and blame racism for every problem in their lives. They're basically indistinguishable idiots; so why not let them share a slot on the list?"
. . . 
"Defining Quote: "Whether we realize it or not, most men hate women." -- Sally Kohn"
. . . 

Monday, December 18, 2017

Muslim “Feminist” Beloved By The Left “Supervised” Sexual Assault Of Other Muslim Women

DC Whispers  "Linda Sarsour has become something of a feminist celebrity here in the United States in recent years, most notably because she is Muslim and for her willingness to repeatedly attack Donald Trump publicly. This celebrity has allowed her to raise tens of millions of dollars for her Arab American Association, travel the world giving interviews and leading “feminist” marches like the ones that followed Mr. Trump’s inauguration early last year. Third-tier celebrities like Alyssa Milano have repeatedly applauded Sarsour’s efforts. 
"Well, guess what? Apparently Linda Sarsour is no feminist but rather a stooge working for Muslim men who see her as merely a tool to further enact anti-women/anti-gay/anti-American policies here in the United States. Sarsour’s duplicity even goes so far as her allegedly overseeing the mistreatment of women she worked with by Muslim men who Sarsour then defended as “God-fearing.' ”  .

. . . Fathelabab recounts how she came to Sarsour after being repeatedly sexually assaulted by a Muslim man who lived in the same building as the Arab American Association. Sarsour called her a liar, saying that the Muslim man was God-fearing, told her to stop complaining and threatened to write her up for disciplinary action.Sarsour further regularly body-shamed Fathelabab, saying that “something like this didn’t happen to women who looked like me” and threatened legal action against Fathelabab if she went public with the story. . . .
Linda Sarsour accused of enabling sexual assault  "Arab-American activist Linda Sarsour has been accused by a former employee of enabling sexual assault and harassment against her.

"Sarsour, who forever endeared herself to feminists for inspiring the Women's March on D.C., has now put women's rights activists in the uncomfortable position of either supporting her or throwing her under the bus.
. . . 
"The pretzel logic it takes for feminists to embrace a woman whose religion excuses and even promotes unwanted sexual advances from men would be mystifying if we didn't know better.  A faith that denies women personhood, identifying them as property and sexual objects, cannot be compatible with feminism under any circumstances.
. . . 
"Sarsour needn't worry.  This story – with the exception of Fox News and a couple of other outlets – has already disappeared down the rabbit hole.  Asmi Fathelbab becomes perhaps the first woman who was sexually assaulted to be disbelieved and, moreover, whose story has been deliberately squelched to advance the political agenda of feminists.  Inconvenient facts like this will not disturb the narrative of a heroic Arab-American woman battling oppression and the white male hierarchy. "

Thursday, October 19, 2017

Monica Lewinsky tweets '#MeToo'

Alyssa Milano on #MeToo campaign: 'We are going to be vocal until this stops'

. . . "As of this morning, 1.4 million and counting tweets included the hashtag, along with more than 13 million posts, comments and reactions on Facebook.
"Milano called herself a "vessel" for the millions of women and men now publicly acknowledging they have faced sexual abuse or harassment. She said it is her mission to make sure the movement becomes more than just a hashtag.
" 'I really want this to be about the everywoman’s voice. This is your movement, women," Milano said. "This is your time and if I can be the vessel and hold the bullhorn for you guys to shout as loud as humanly possible then I’m honored to do so."
"She added, "Let’s fix this problem.' " . . .
Image result for monica lewinsky cartoons

MSN News  "Monica Lewinsky raised eyebrows over the weekend when she tweeted the hashtag #MeToo, marking herself as a victim of sexual harassment or assault.

"Lewinsky, who carried on an affair with then-President Bill Clinton while a White House intern in the 1990s, did not go into details about her experience.
"Several women have accused Clinton of sexual misconduct, dating back to his tenure as governor of Arkansas. Clinton has only admitted to having consensual relations with Lewinsky and Gennifer Flowers.
"The #MeToo hashtag gained traction after actress Alyssa Milano asked Twitter users to respond with that message if they had been subject to unwelcome advances.
"The social media outcry has followed a series of accusations of sexual misconduct against film producer Harvey Weinstein. A number of actresses, including Ashley Judd, Gwyneth Paltrow and Rose McGowan, have accused Weinstein of sexual abuse, assault and in the case of British actor Lysette Anthony, rape."
Image result for monica lewinsky cartoons

Wednesday, June 21, 2017

Hollywood YUUUGE Loser in Georgia Sixth

"In actuality, I submit that what angers them most is that Trump is not interested in them.  He is interested in the actual working class, which they disdain. " . . .
Image result for hollywood trump haters cartoons

PJ Media  "As a resident of Hollywood, CA, I didn't exactly see crying in the streets, but I did "feel their pain," as the saying goes.

"According to (where else?) Variety, the local entertainment industry went in big time in support of Jon Ossoff, the jejune sometime documentarian, in his quest to win the election in Georgia's sixth congressional district.
Rosie O’Donnell [ je suis shockay], Jane Fonda, Jessica Lange, Sean Daniel, Connie Britton, Sam Waterston and Kyra Sedgwick are among those who have donated to Democrat Jon Ossoff’s campaign, while others have been participating in phone banks to get out the vote and a few, like actress Alyssa Milano, have volunteered to go door to door in the suburban Atlanta district.
"Will these moral narcissists talk with Ossoff again, now that he has lost by a solid margin, more than predicted, failing to do any better than Hillary against their Public Enemy #1  (Donald J. Trump) despite having by far the largest war chest in American congressional history, nine times bigger than his opponent's?

"I would think not.  These celebs have better things to do behind the walls of their twenty-million-dollar mansions, especially now that, thanks to Trump, although they would never acknowledge it in a million years, their already fat stock market portfolios have grown roughly 17% since Donald was elected." . . .
"Their boy . . . Ossoff lost more substantially than expected in an upscale part of Georgia elitists should win. Enough of the Trump bashing.  Start thinking about how to make the country better.  Come up with some policies that make sense. Then maybe you'll start winning again."