Monday, February 22, 2010

Toyota: Democrats 'not industry friendly'

Politico "Upwards of 8 million cars have been recalled in the U.S. and worldwide, amid reports of Toyota's vehicles accelerating rapidly. The problems have turned political, as the company has shuttered some American factories, potentially resulting in layoffs."

White House: If GOP Filibusters, We’ll Pass Health Reform Via Reconciliation

The Plumline "Update II: A new batch of polls shows that it may make political sense for Dems to pass the public option via reconciliation." More here: House Republican Leader John Boehner: Obama’s Health Care Proposal Jeopardizes Summit

Re: More on Yoo and Bybee

Commentary "It is not as if the Justice Department came up with the idea of closing Guantanamo, treating terrorists as ordinary criminals, or engaging in a vendetta against the Bush administration. These ideas were all part of Obama’s campaign rhetoric and his professed agenda from the earliest days of his administration. So rather than a rogue Justice Department, we have one that facilitates and enables the Obami’s worst instincts." Jennifer Rubin.

American Journalists MIA on Global Warming

Pajamas Media "Where are the American journalists who should be covering the collapse of the man-made warming scare — the biggest hoax in human history? The public, shoveling snow amid blizzard winds, wants to know. The stock market, laboring under the threat of trillion-dollar energy taxes, urgently needs to know. "

White House Accused of Federal Crime in Specter, Bennett Races

InfidelBloggers "For the second time in five months, the Obama White House is being accused -- by Democrats -- of offering high ranking government jobs in return for political favors. What no one is reporting is that this is a violation of federal law that can lead to prison time, a fine or both..."

Sunday, February 21, 2010

Did Israel Just Acquire a New Bombing Capability?

Noah Pollak , Commentary "The Israeli Air Force has not had a long-range bombing capacity. But this new drone not only can easily reach Iran but also can loiter over the country for hours with a full payload."

Realities of War

Max Boot "Conversely the surge strategy of 2007, which placed our troops in more exposed Combat Outposts and Joint Security Stations in Iraqi neighborhoods, incurred more casualties in the short run but saved American (and Iraqi) lives in the long run by actually pacifying Iraq. That strategy is also our best bet in Afghanistan. That’s something that Gen. McChrystal realizes and that Stateside naysayers fail to grasp." Emphasis added.

Targeting Your 401(k)

Wall Street Journal "If Democrats want to improve the prospects for American retirees, their first priority should be removing barriers to economic growth. Anger over the drop in 401(k) balances is one reason that voters who belong to the "investor class" swung to Democrats in greater than usual numbers this year. Their mandate is for policies that improve those returns, not strip them of tax benefits."

Are congressional Democrats talking about confiscating IRA and 401(k) investment accounts? "No. There's no plan to seize these accounts. One House witness at a committee hearing proposed to allow some people to trade their old accounts for a new type that would be less risky." We will research this more and post any more information as we find it.

Blame Americans First/ Democrats lose patience with democracy.

Weekly Standard "What’s the clearest sign the Obama agenda is in trouble? That’s easy: the string of jeremiads in the pages of the New York Times, Washington Post, and other outlets of fashionable opinion. Unable to tout the administration’s successes, and worried about Republican ascendancy, liberals have assigned responsibility for the mess they’re in neither to their program nor to their methods but to larger, structural faults in American politics and society. Beginning with you." Matthew Continetti

The Tragic Truth of War

Victor Davis Hanson "When an enemy finally gives up, it is for a combination of reasons — material losses, economic hardship, loss of territory, erosion of civilian morale, fright, mental exhaustion, internal strife. But we forget that central to a concession of defeat is often the loss of the nation’s soldiers — or even the threat of such deaths."

"Ron Paul wins CPAC straw poll.. if that's the final result .. I WILL NEVER VOTE FOR HIM "

Infidel Bloggers "His election if such a calamity ocurred would be the rebirth of progressivism just as Obama's absurd excesses have given life to everything to their right."