Monday, March 15, 2010

Media Reality Check: A Year of Spin for Liberal ObamaCare

Newsbusters "Yet whether or not liberals’ dreams are ultimately realized, they have had a huge advantage throughout the process. Over the past twelve months, journalists have continually stacked the deck in favor of a big government takeover of health care. A review of the worst spin:"...

‘Will and Grace’ Star: Leno ‘Insane’ for Appealing to Red State Viewers

BigHollywood "Once upon a time it was a comedian’s job to mock the president, no matter his or her party affiliation. That’s not always the case anymore. Leno is one of the few comics around willing to tweak Obama – just like he tweaked Presidents Bill Clinton and George W. Bush before him. He does so without malice, and with an eye toward making us laugh and keeping the president humble. Leno’s approach isn’t Red State or Blue State. It’s that of a comedian who realizes appealing to both sides of the ideological aisle makes good business sense."

House and Senate Cloakroom: March 15– 21, 2010

Heritage "The Budget Committee will meet Monday to start marking up a shell of a Reconciliation Bill. The Rules Committee will then meet as early as Wednesday to hollow out whatever the Budget Committee passed and then insert a new bill from Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s (D-CA) office. The Majority is still planning to use the “Slaughter Rule” that would allow the House to pass the Senate health care bill without voting on it. Final votes are expected to stretch into the weekend." House Democrats release bill for Budget markup Monday "House Democrats on Sunday night set into motion what they hope will be the final steps on healthcare reform."

Obama’s Weak Missile Defense Nominee

Heritage "When President Barack Obama first nominated long time missile defense critic Philip Coyle to be associate director for national security and international affairs at the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy back in October, we immediately noted that this nomination signaled a major shift in our ballistic missile defense policy."

Sex, Violence and Hate: the Top 10 Most Disgusting Attacks on Conservative Women

Culture and Media Institute "The message that rang through loud and clear was that perspectives from conservative women were not appreciated or welcomed, and if a woman stepped out of line, she deserved whatever treatment she received."

Matt Damon’s Bush-Bashing, Anti-American Iraq War Movie Bombs at Box Office

Gateway Pundit "When will Hollywood learn that just because they hate America does not mean that we hate America?" Green Zone Bombs . "Green Zone, starring Matt Damon and directed by Paul Greengrass, tries to rewrite the history of the war, claiming that the CIA, the Bush administration and the Army knew all along that Saddam lacked stockpiles of WMDs, and that Sunni insurgents were admirable patriots targeted by evil American death squads. Seriously."

Sunday, March 14, 2010

Gitmo's Indefensible Lawyers

WSJ "...the Amnesty International brochure was better than the Manchester Manual. It cued detainees that the abuses at Abu Ghraib "were not an aberration." The brochure told them that images from the Iraqi prison were consistent with "numerous allegations of torture and ill-treatment reported from detention centres in Afghanistan, Iraq and at Guantanamo Bay." The message to the detainees was clear: If you want to claim you are being tortured, here is a vast menu of examples from which to choose."

California unemployment and Oklahoma’s growth – it’s the ‘Grapes of Wrath’ in reverse

True Slant "The Joads have spent a few generations in California and may be wondering if they left a little too much behind on that dusty farmland that their Okie forebears squatted. And with more than 1 in 4 people jobless in Imperial, the county that abuts San Diego County in southern California, the ones going east to destinations like Oklahoma City just might be making the right bet."

The tea-party movement will change the GOP.

Michael Barone "The Republicans for the last two decades have been a party whose litmus tests have been cultural issues, especially abortion. The tea partiers have helped to change their focus to issues of government overreach and spending. That may be a helpful pivot, given the emergence of a millennial generation uncomfortable with crusading cultural conservatism.It’s not clear whether the tea partiers’ influence on Republicans will last as long as the anti-war cohort’s imprint on Democrats has. But their concern — the fact that government spending is on a trajectory to increase far beyond revenues — seems likely to persist. In which case a spontaneous movement that no one predicted and that no one person led could end up, again, reshaping one of our great political parties."

Forget About the Economy… Statist Obama & the Radicals in Congress Plan to Revamp Education System Next

Gateway Pundit "President Barack Obama unveiled his plan for a sweeping overhaul of the nation’s school system Saturday, proposing changes he says would shift emphasis from teaching to the test to a more nuanced assessment of judging school and student progress."

Saturday, March 13, 2010

More Economic Suicide: Obama Administration Bans Offshore Drilling For 3 Years

Gateway Pundit "Obama’s Secretary of Energy recently announced a three-year offshore drilling ban. Investor’s Business Daily reported, via Planet Gore: 'Our secretary of energy pushes bio-refineries and windmills to oil executives at an energy conference as the administration announces a three-year offshore drilling ban. This is a policy for economic suicide.' "

Scrambling for votes, Democrats face uphill climb to pass healthcare reform

The Hill "Pelosi is clearly down in the vote count. Thirty-four House Democrats are either firm no votes or leaning no, according to The Hill’s whip list. Dozens more are undecided."