Friday, June 25, 2010

Garbage In, Garbage Out: The Media As Propagandists

BigJournalism "My Mother’s Intuition tells me there something more at play here than just trying to sell newspapers or juice up their Internet traffic. Judging from these two reports on the study, it would appear that this idea of the SAT being racist is a movement sweeping across the nation. In truth it isn’t and in fact, both stories have many of the elements of classic propaganda techniques. Here are a few choice excerpts from the GMU treatise, which relies on the work of Edward Filene, who created the Institute for Propaganda Analysis:"...Interesting reading.

Propaganda techniques "These techniques are designed to fool us because the appeal to our emotions rather than to our reason.The techniques identified by the Institute for Propaganda Analysis are further refined by Aaron Delwich in his website, Propaganda where he "discusses various propaganda techniques, provides contemporary examples of their use, and proposes strategies of mental self-defense." By pointing out these techniques, we hope to join with others who have written on this topic to create awareness and encourage serious consideration of the influence of contemporary propaganda directed at us through the various media and suggest ways to guard against its influence on our lives."

Federal Government Punishes Arizona – Cancels Conventions in State

Gateway Pundit  " “It is very troubling when the federal government becomes involved in a boycott against our state,” Giffords said in a written statement. “Although I personally disagree with the immigration law, it came about because of growing frustration over the federal government’s unwillingness to secure the border. The federal government’s participation in this boycott only adds to that frustration.” "  Jim Hoft

The McChrystal Mess: Two from Victor Davis Hanson

Victor Davis Hanson "If one really wishes to warn the public about a growing crisis in Afghanistan brought on by ignorance, egos, and duplicity in the administration, one surely does not talk to the likes of Rolling Stone. The proper way is to send warnings in private channels up the chain of command to the Pentagon and then to the White House. And when one feels the level of ignorance is overwhelming the chances of success, then one resigns and goes public to warn the nation. One cannot otherwise have it both ways."

A McChrystal Endnote   "...It is one of ironies of our present warped climate that Petraeus will face far less criticism from the media and politicians than during 2007–8 (there will be no more “General Betray Us” ads or “suspension of disbelief” ridicule), because his success this time will reflect well on Obama rather than George Bush. It is a further irony that Obama is surging with Petraeus despite not long ago declaring that such a strategy and such a commander were failures in Iraq. And it is an even further irony that he is now rightly calling for “common purpose” when — again not long ago, at a critical juncture in Iraq — Obama himself, for partisan purposes on the campaign trail, had no interest in the common purpose of military success in Iraq."

General Betray Us Ad Removed By

Screen shot of the ad posted at Weasel Zippers

Will Obama listen to anybody?

Washington Examiner "...In other words, Obama is forging ahead with the very policy the judge just ruled unconstitutional. And the chief executive is challenging the thousands of Gulf Coast oil industry employees to try and stop him in the appeals court. This response is the latest evidence of a disconcerting pattern with this president and his cronies in the executive branch and Congress: Their "progressive" ideological agenda comes first; everything else, including the will of the people and the letter of the law, is at most an obstacle on the road to "change we can believe in." "
Photo from Weasel Zippers

McChrystal No Loss for Conservatives

Linda Chavez "McChrystal's first mistake was to vote for Barack Obama. McChrystal told Rolling Stone that although he had voted for Obama, his first meeting with the president didn't go well. In a thinly disguised reference to "sources familiar with the meeting," Rolling Stone quotes its source -- unmistakably McChrystal -- as describing the president as "uncomfortable and intimidated" in a roomful of military brass. Well, what did he expect? He voted for a man who not only had zero military experience but no executive experience whatever -- and one, moreover, who positioned himself as the anti-war candidate during the Democratic primaries. And it is not as if Obama was running against a Republican with similarly unimpressive credentials. How could anyone whose top priority was the U.S. military pick Barack Obama over war hero John McCain?"

Obama's Impressive Choice  "There was only one choice that could have vindicated presidential authority over the military while ensuring the continuity of operations in Afghanistan -- and Obama made it. Gen. David Petraeus is the intellectual architect of modern counterinsurgency strategy. He is revered by American troops and trusted by Afghan President Hamid Karzai. Most urgently, Petraeus knows how to show deference to civilian control of the military without abandoning his own military views." Michael Gerson
The McChrystal affair has revived doubts about Barack Obama's qualities as a war president   "It is ingenious—far more so than the refusal of Mr Bush to believe the experts who told him the Iraq war was lost. But winning a war can require a single-minded will as well as a subtle brain. Mr Obama has the latter; whether he has the stubbornness to stick to an unpopular war remains to be seen."

Last Man Standing " "The United States must overcome the 'trust deficit' it faces in Afghanistan and Pakistan, where many believe that we are not a reliable long-term partner... The United States must look for a way out of the war in Afghanistan. There's got to be an exit strategy."
"- President Obama's "new" Afghanistan Strategy March, 2009"
Posted by Greyhawk, in Mudville Gazette

The U.S. Department of Illegal Alien Labor

MIchelle Malkin "President Obama's Labor Secretary Hilda Solis is supposed to represent American workers. What you need to know is that this longtime open-borders sympathizer has always had a rather radical definition of "American." At a Latino voter registration project conference in Los Angeles many years ago, Solis asserted to thunderous applause, "We are all Americans, whether you are legalized or not."
"That's right. The woman in charge of enforcing our employment laws doesn't give a hoot about our immigration laws -- or about the fundamental distinction between those who followed the rules in pursuit of the American dream and those who didn't."

OH YEAH ... OBAMA IS REALLY CONCERNED ABOUT THE MEXICAN INVASION  "...But what about Harold Hurtt? Well, he's a vocal supporter of the "sanctuary city" idea. In sanctuary cities police won't question people about their legal status. You can be stopped for some traffic violation with no driver's license or any identification at all .. and no ability to speak English .. and the sanctuary city cop is not allowed to try to determine whether or not you're in this country illegally. Can't even ask.
"And this is the type of guy Obama puts in a high-profile immigration role.
"Amnesty's coming folks. Maybe by Executive Order. Wait for it!"

Harry Reid's high-stakes climate bill gamble

Politico "Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.) is planning a high-risk, high-stakes strategy for bringing climate and energy legislation to the floor ahead of the August recess.
"The gamble: yoking a bipartisan, fast-track measure to overhaul offshore drilling rules with a broad, contentious bill capping greenhouse gas emissions that otherwise would have almost no chance of passage on its own."

Sign a political petition? Supreme Court says the public can know.

CS Monitor "Supporters of the recently adopted domestic partnership law fought the petition drive. Some threatened to obtain the names of petition signers and make them public on the Internet to facilitate “uncomfortable” discussions between petition signers and gay-rights activists."

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Attacks on the Electoral College Gain Momentum

NRO  "You won’t hear about it in the mainstream media, but the Electoral College is on the verge of being eliminated. One important legislative vote could occur Thursday. Two others could occur in the upcoming days and weeks."

Look at a night-time satellite photo of the US. If the Electoral College is eliminated, our presidents will be chosen by the brightly lit areas. Those in less-lit areas, such as Iowa, Nebraska, Utah, etc., will be castoffs and can forget about candidates giving them a second thought.  The Electoral College is a safeguard against a movement, faddish candidate that does not transcend the entire nation. This should have worked against someone like Obama, but I suggest he was a politically correct aberration. TD

California Lawmakers Push for First-in-the-Nation State Boycott of Arizona

FoxNews "The Democratic state lawmakers on Wednesday unveiled a resolution that would impose several restrictions against Arizona. The measure calls for California to issue a travel advisory on visits to its eastern neighbor, halt state investment there and urge Major League Baseball to reconsider letting the state host the 2011 All-Star Game. "

The FCC Internet Takeover

JUST WHAT WE NEED .. MORE GOVERNMENT REGULATIONS!  "The FCC voted [June 18th] to begin the process of creating regulatory framework to govern Internet services. Now .. a few things to consider: •Proposed regulation of high-speed Internet service providers by the U.S. government could cost the economy at least $62 billion annually over the next five years and eliminate 502,000 jobs, according to a study released by New York Law School. "...

Tell Congress to Stop the FCC Internet Takeover "We must get Congress to step in and STOP the FCC's Internet takeover now, because the FCC has launched secret meetings to strong-arm and coerce Internet companies into accepting net neutrality regulations or face even more devastating reclassification into a public utility!"
"Please fill out the form below to urge Congress to step in and stop the FCC."  Americans For Prosperity

Obama’s Leadership Vacuum

Heritage "More than two years ago, then-presidential candidate Hillary Clinton launched a campaign ad that took direct aim at Senator Barack Obama's inexperience. It painted the picture of a telephone ringing in the White House at 3 a.m. and asked the question, when there is a crisis in the world and your children are safe and asleep, "Who do you want answering the phone?"
"Now, two years later, there are several crises confronting America, that telephone is ringing, and President Obama isn't quite sure what to do about it."

Whether He Likes It or Not, Obama Must Command "With Gen. McChrystal gone, it may be time to consider other changes in personnel. And it may be time for Obama to embrace a word he has been reluctant to utter: victory. His duty is to set a course that will produce success, to install the people who can achieve that goal and to give them the backing they need.
"We didn't need this, and Barack Obama didn't, either. But he wanted the job, and now he must command."  Michael Barone