Thursday, June 24, 2010

Obama’s Leadership Vacuum

Heritage "More than two years ago, then-presidential candidate Hillary Clinton launched a campaign ad that took direct aim at Senator Barack Obama's inexperience. It painted the picture of a telephone ringing in the White House at 3 a.m. and asked the question, when there is a crisis in the world and your children are safe and asleep, "Who do you want answering the phone?"
"Now, two years later, there are several crises confronting America, that telephone is ringing, and President Obama isn't quite sure what to do about it."

Whether He Likes It or Not, Obama Must Command "With Gen. McChrystal gone, it may be time to consider other changes in personnel. And it may be time for Obama to embrace a word he has been reluctant to utter: victory. His duty is to set a course that will produce success, to install the people who can achieve that goal and to give them the backing they need.
"We didn't need this, and Barack Obama didn't, either. But he wanted the job, and now he must command."  Michael Barone

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