Friday, June 25, 2010

Garbage In, Garbage Out: The Media As Propagandists

BigJournalism "My Mother’s Intuition tells me there something more at play here than just trying to sell newspapers or juice up their Internet traffic. Judging from these two reports on the study, it would appear that this idea of the SAT being racist is a movement sweeping across the nation. In truth it isn’t and in fact, both stories have many of the elements of classic propaganda techniques. Here are a few choice excerpts from the GMU treatise, which relies on the work of Edward Filene, who created the Institute for Propaganda Analysis:"...Interesting reading.

Propaganda techniques "These techniques are designed to fool us because the appeal to our emotions rather than to our reason.The techniques identified by the Institute for Propaganda Analysis are further refined by Aaron Delwich in his website, Propaganda where he "discusses various propaganda techniques, provides contemporary examples of their use, and proposes strategies of mental self-defense." By pointing out these techniques, we hope to join with others who have written on this topic to create awareness and encourage serious consideration of the influence of contemporary propaganda directed at us through the various media and suggest ways to guard against its influence on our lives."

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