Sunday, July 18, 2010

Lt Colonel Allen West: NAACP and Liberal Racism

Atlas Shrugs "Let me make one thing very clear, my Mother, Elizabeth Thomas West, was a lifetime membership holder with the NAACP. Therefore growing up in our home I clearly understood the mission and vision for this organization. It was a mission and vision that enabled me to have the pride in myself and the heritage of my parents, grandparents, and extended family. It was a mission and vision that, to me, fostered a desire to excel beyond the standard and have a commitment to excellence regardless of skin color.
"However, something has happened to that mission and vision, something horrific and inconsistent with the principles and values I recalled emanating from the "ole school" black community."

Think Progress Ripped Content From Tea Party Video To Create Fraudulent Racism Claim

Big Government It seems that Think Progress used a clip from this video, a video entitled “Proof that the Tea Party is not racist.” The guys at SharpElbows.Net thwarted this infiltrator, heavily documenting his attempt to mingle with Tea Party protesters in Saint Louis. Think Progress misrepresented everything this video and the Tea Party stands for, and against.
"If staffers, including editor-in-chief Faiz Shakir should not be terminated for this behavior, I’d like to know why."

Caught on Camera: Union Goon Hits, Shoves and Harasses GOP Supporter at Rally

Breitbart TV "You can see him using his left hand to knock a camera out of one of the volunteers hands at 8 seconds and again at 12 seconds. He returns later and shoves or hits the cameraman several more times."

The End of the Post Racial Presidency

DICK MORRIS AND EILEEN MCGANN   "Now, Obama is letting his supporters strip away his image of a post-racial president by their increasingly racial rhetoric and his support for radical black activists."

Introducing The Obama Bumper Sticker Removal Kit

Newsbusters "Did you buy into Hope and Change a few years ago only to now feel embarrassed by what's adorning your wheels? If so, the folks at have a fabulous solution that's not only effective, but also darned funny.
"It even works on a Prius (video follows with commentary):"

Tea Partiers Easily Put On The Defensive. Stop it!

American Thinker "News Flash! The liberal mainstream media vehemently desire to "crush" the Tea Party Movement. They want us to fail! It is foolish to pander to our enemy. The liberal media will distort, lie and do whatever to divide and conquer us. Brothers and sisters, we can not fall for it. God bless." Lloyd Marcus

Saturday, July 17, 2010

Scott Brown's Financial Regulation Failure

Le·gal In·sur·rec·tion "But Scott Brown failed to see the forest for the trees on financial reform. Whatever good the financial legislation accomplishes could have been accomplished without another impenetrable behemoth, sprinkled with lobbyist-induced goodies, which expands government for the sake of expanding government, and which constitutes a cure which is worse than the disease."

Friday, July 16, 2010

White House Linked to Fraudulent Racist Tea Party Video

Gateway Pundit "Both the NAACP and CAP are part of a new coalition of left side groups. Their new effort to replace the Coffee Party is called ‘One Nation’ and is a mash up of over 170 member groups that reads like a who’s who on the left.
"The NAACP racist claim and now this effort are all part of the game plan this new group is going to bring forward.
"Pure Alinsky tactics of trying to isolate and name call somebody into a defensive mode to give them a leg up to push their own agenda."

Terrorist Abetting Lawyer Gets 10 Years

Sweetness and Light "Judge Koeltl, who praised the work Ms. Stewart had done throughout her career and said he had received an unprecedented 400 letters supporting her, ruled that she had lied and abused her position.
But what seemed to weigh heavily on the judge’s decision were statements Ms. Stewart made to the press after her first sentencing that she could do 28 months “standing on my head” and that she would do it all again. Those comments, the judge said, indicated “a lack of remorse” and that “the original sentence was not sufficient.”
"How wonderfully fitting. Ms. Steward was hoisted on her own petard IED."

Hezbollah at the Border

Human Events  "State Department documents examined by Human Events raise concerns that Hezbollah has already used these long-established narco-terror relationships to establish terror cells in the United States."  Connie Hair

Country Reports on Terrorism 2008  "Of particular concern was evidence of Hezbollah influence in Mexico, which is the gateway into the United States for drug cartels. Myrick’s letter warns that tattoos have been found on drug gangs in U.S. prisons showing the influence of Iranian-directed Hezbollah terrorists."