Thursday, July 29, 2010

Federal judge issues injunction against parts of Arizona's immigration law

American Thinker "If this decree is allowed to stand, then I demand that Florida become a "sanctuary state" in regards to drilling for oil. Why not? We could be richer than Kuwait in a matter of months! Scofflaws are to be held in a higher esteem by judges than those who would dare to enforce the laws.

"We have just witnessed dyslexic liberal logic at its finest folks. Judge Bolton has decided that actual enforcement of federal laws somehow interferes with the federal government's prerogative to ignore federal law."

The DISCLOSE Act is just another example of the Democratic majority’s endless hide-and-seek hypocrisy.

NATIONAL REVIEW ONLINE  "GOP senator Mitch McConnell put it more starkly during Tuesday’s debate before the Senate cloture vote on the bill: The DISCLOSE Act, he said, is a “transparent attempt to rig the fall elections.” At bottom, McConnell diagnosed correctly, this is a jobs-protection bill for entrenched incumbents more interested in protecting their hides than protecting the Constitution. While the cloture vote fell three votes short of the needed 60 on Tuesday, Schumer vowed to resurrect the issue “again and again and again until we pass it.”" Michelle Malkin

Obama's appearance on 'The View' cements his status as celebrity

American Thinker   "Allow me to make two very important observations: First, Barrack(sic) Obama ran for president as a celebrity and was covered by most media as a celebrity. And second, John McCain ran for president as a politician and was covered by all media as a politician. While McCain was campaigning as a politician for a public office, Obama was on tour seeking status for a position, which necessarily goes with being a celebrity. And remember, celebrity status and position trumps a politician and public office almost every time!"  Neil Braithwaite

With Friends Like These, Who Needs Keith Olbermann?

Ann Coulter "It's like watching Hitler hysterically denounce Poland for being mean to Nazi Germany while Polish TV commentators defend Poland by saying, "There are mistakes on both sides." "....
"We also have evidence of liberals' proclivity for violence in the form of mountains of arrest records. Liberal protesters at the 2008 Republican National Convention were arrested for smashing police cars, slashing tires, breaking store windows, and for possessing Molotov cocktails, napalm bombs and assorted firearms. (If only they could muster up that kind of fighting spirit on foreign battlefields.)
"There were no arrests of conservatives at the Democratic National Convention."

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Wikileaks: Enemies of the State

Big Hollywood "Look, we don’t need him to tell us that war sucks. No one wants to see our troops or innocent civilians dead. But we fight to eradicate an evil- and in this case it’s an evil that this douchebag is helping. Remember that the U.S. doesn’t send suicide bombers into crowded restaurants, or behead journalists, or fly planes into buildings. We are waging a war against scum – and yet Julie chooses to thwart us instead.
"It makes me wonder that if Julie had secret documents that harmed our enemies – would he share those?"

Arizona Boycott Flops, Stats Show

Le·gal In·sur·rec·tion "Arizona's tourism industry has a target on its back, but the widespread boycotts over the state's immigration law might not be hitting the mark. Recent data compiled by a market research group show hotel bookings across the state -- as well as in tourism hot spots Phoenix and Scottsdale -- have been on the rise the past two months. The numbers could dispel warnings from local officials that Arizona stands to lose a fortune and dampen the chances that cities and organizations will be able to compel the state to reverse its immigration law by choking its economy with a sanctions-style business boycott."

Obama's Terror Pal Rashid Khalidi Calls for Funding for Next Jihad War Convoy Flotilla, "Audacity of Hope"

Atlas Shrugs  “Rashid Khalidi... reportedly has signed an appeal for funds to outfit a ship–to be named The Audacity of Hope–that will challenge the Israeli blockade of Gaza in September or October."....
"Just before Khalidi moved to Columbia, at a dinner honoring Khalidi, Obama saluted the rabidly anti-Israel professor for “offer[ing] constant reminders to me of my own blind spots and my own biases.” "

From Rev. Wright to the Sherrod Affair

Victor Davis Hanson "Does anyone grasp that this obsession with racial identity in an increasingly multiracial society is outright insanity, both politically and culturally? It is not as if we should be so bored with war, recession, national security leaks, and a world on the brink to turn to race relations.
"Let me go back a few months, and elaborate how we got here in just 18 months to national hysteria that now breaks out at any given moment over any given otherwise minor incident."

 Race Bait Reality Check "Last week, Obama surrogates at the National Association to Agitate Colored People (NAACP) took over the effort to stir that pot. The NAACP calculus is simple: If they can coerce the Tea Party into defending itself against spurious charges of racism, they distract the movement from focusing on the abject failure of Barack Obama's policies."

The New Racial Mess   "The more the president appeals to his base in racial terms, the more his appointees identify themselves as members of a particular tribe, and the more political issues are framed by racial divisions, so all the more such racial obsession creates a backlash among the racially diverse American people.
"America has largely moved beyond race. Tragically, our president and a host of his supportive special interests have not."  Victor Davis Hanson

Eat the Rich, Exalt the Bum!

Jason Mattera "The left’s idea is trickle-down, too, though. It just uses the brute force of government to command where the trickling down is going to occur. There’s no such thing as bottom up prosperity. If you think there is, go to the very bottom of the bottom—your local smelly bum—and see how many jobs he can provide you and your family."

Democrats Target Free Speech in Senate Vote Tuesday

Human Events "Democrats are likely to desert the sinking DISCLOSE Act ship after Sen. Susan Collins (R-Maine) announced late Monday she would not vote for cloture on the bill which needs 60 votes to sidestep committee and go directly to the floor for debate."


Neal Boortz "There are a few things you might find interesting about the Mexican invasion of the United States. First: The majority of Mexicans still in Mexico think that the Southwest United States belongs to them anyway. They believe that what now comprises Texas, New Mexico, Arizona, and most of California was illegally taken from them. We, therefore, are the illegals. Not them. They even have a name for the brave Mexicans who cross the border to reclaim what is rightfully theirs. They are called Reconquistadores. "

Monday, July 26, 2010

Wikileaks, Insignificant

Max Boot "The Wikileakers should certainly be castigated for their cavalier treatment of classified documents, which may make our troops’ jobs harder and more dangerous. Their enablers in the mainstream media should also come in for censure. Whoever provided the information to them should be prosecuted to the full extent of the law. But at the same time, we should recognize this disclosure for what it is: an unsuccessful attempt to damage the war effort. I doubt that anyone will remember this episode a year from now; what will count, as always, will be the outcome on the battlefield. Win, and a thousand missteps are forgiven; lose, and even the biggest tactical victories fade into insignificance."

No real bombshells in Wikileak Afghan docs "Anyone who gave that anti-American nutcase Julian Assange  - an Australian by birth - access to those documents should be arrested, tried, convicted, and sent to jail for a very long time. Untold damage is being done simply because no one knows what use of this information will be made by the enemy. What intelligence can they glean from its contents? Certainly the Taliban can figure out some of our weaknesses by reading through these documents. For that reason alone, Assange himself should be relentlessly pursued and arrested. It is highly likely that this irresponsible release will result in additional American casualties." American Thinker.