Tuesday, July 27, 2010

From Rev. Wright to the Sherrod Affair

Victor Davis Hanson "Does anyone grasp that this obsession with racial identity in an increasingly multiracial society is outright insanity, both politically and culturally? It is not as if we should be so bored with war, recession, national security leaks, and a world on the brink to turn to race relations.
"Let me go back a few months, and elaborate how we got here in just 18 months to national hysteria that now breaks out at any given moment over any given otherwise minor incident."

 Race Bait Reality Check "Last week, Obama surrogates at the National Association to Agitate Colored People (NAACP) took over the effort to stir that pot. The NAACP calculus is simple: If they can coerce the Tea Party into defending itself against spurious charges of racism, they distract the movement from focusing on the abject failure of Barack Obama's policies."

The New Racial Mess   "The more the president appeals to his base in racial terms, the more his appointees identify themselves as members of a particular tribe, and the more political issues are framed by racial divisions, so all the more such racial obsession creates a backlash among the racially diverse American people.
"America has largely moved beyond race. Tragically, our president and a host of his supportive special interests have not."  Victor Davis Hanson

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