Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Another Victory on the Road to Repeal

Heritage "Last month at a town hall in Hayward, Calif., a constituent asked Rep. Pete Stark (D-CA) about Obamacare: “If this legislation is Constitutional, what limitations are there on the federal government’s ability to tell us how to run our private lives? … If they can do this, what can’t they?” Stark, a long-time advocate of government-run health care, gave an honest yet troubling answer: “The federal government can, yes, do most anything in this country.” "
"Yesterday a federal court in Virginia agreed with the logic, but not the Constitutional understanding, of Stark’s view of federal government power. In the first substantive legal ruling on President Barack Obama’s health regulation law, U.S. District Court Judge Henry Hudson held that the Commonwealth of Virginia raised a valid substantive theory to challenge Obamacare and that its democratically passed Virginia Health Care Freedom Act provided it standing to challenge the federal individual mandate."

Backdoor Amnesty

Investors.com "Polls show Democrats have decisively lost the debate over granting amnesty to illegals. But has that stopped them? Hardly. Using the federal bureaucracy as their agent, they plan to do it anyway. This is what happens when big government becomes so powerful that those who run it feel they can do whatever they want — no matter what the Constitution allows or the people prefer."

JournoList, Shame of a Nation: Ripping the Veil from ‘Objectivity’ to Reveal the Partisan Hacks Beneath

Big Journalism "So rather than decrying the JournoList as a bad thing, I choose to celebrate it for further illuminating the true state of things. The Mainstream Media is exceedingly, socially, and politically liberal. It has been for years, and its high-time the charade was finally ended. Only the emergence of an equally biased, right-wing media exposed the list, and only that same new media can continue to break down the left-wing media’s faux-fairness front to reveal them for what they really are. In the balance that might one day exist between left-media and right-media, a better quality of journalism will emerge – one where sloppy, selective, dishonest reporting is instantly revealed by the opposition."

Top Ten Most Left-Biased Working Journalists "Each of the ten entires is a 500 or more word essay detailing various instances of bias and the history of the journalists I chose as the top ten most left-biased journos. The entries are chock full of links to the examples of bias and the series really caused quite a lot of interest."

USA Interactive Terror History Map: Mosques, Court cases and Jihadi Activity

Atlas Shrugs "The IPT's new interactive terror history map highlights cases of terror plots, terror financing and other radical activities in the United States during the past 20 years. Some of them are infamous, including the case of Fort Hood shooter Nidal Malik Hasan and the Hamas-supporting Holy Land Foundation for Relief and Development, both in Texas."

Rep. Maxine Waters Charged with Violations by Ethics Committee

National Legal and Policy Center "Both Rep. Waters’ and Rep. Rangel’s ethics hearings are expected to take place during the midterm election season. The prospect of public, trial-like hearings may mean more political trouble for the Democratic Party, which was already facing an uphill battle to keep its majority in the House."

Monday, August 2, 2010

Democrats Disillusioned

Thomas Sowell "President Obama would rather have an issue with which to win the Hispanic vote than have a bipartisan bill that would simply take control of the borders. Such a bill would help the country, but that obviously takes a back seat in an election year. Even some members of Obama’s own party are uneasy with such cynicism."

Our Divisive President "Rather than being a unifier, Mr. Obama has divided America on the basis of race, class and partisanship. Moreover, his cynical approach to governance has encouraged his allies to pursue a similar strategy of racially divisive politics on his behalf."

Jamal Greene: Why Am I a Conservative?

Gateway Pundit "As a young educated black male I wanted to show the other face of the Conservative Movement: Me. There are many of us out here. Thanks to Glenn Beck for having them on his show. As a young educated black I constantly face down the stereotype that all blacks are Liberal and vote democrat. I am a member of the Tea Party, so the liberal media lies about the tea party being racist are completely untrue."

Why I am a Conservative "I am a Conservative because I understand that 2+2=4, no matter what the State says. I am a conservative because I believe it is immoral to steal from one man and give to another. I consider it theft for the government to seize the assets, through taxation and regulation, of private business ventures and use the funds as a piggy bank for social experiments."
Jamal Greene is a writer over at the Philadelphia County Conservative Examiner.

A Personal Message to Wikileaks

Blackfive "Late last week, just four days after the documents were published, death threats began arriving at the homes of key tribal elders in southern Afghanistan. And over the weekend one tribal elder, Khalifa Abdullah, who the Taliban believed had been in close contact with the Americans, was taken from his home in Monar village, in Kandahar province’s embattled Arghandab district, and executed by insurgent gunmen.
"The violence may just be beginning."

Report: Taliban seeking revenge against informants after Wikileaks doc dump "...Which, ironically, turns these people into the same sort of collateral damage vis-a-vis Julian Assange that Assange’s ilk typically lay at the feet of the United States: Innocents cut down in the course of pursuing some alleged greater good."

UK: Heroic Sniper Sues Army Is Forced to Leave Britain Because of Jihadist Threats, Sues Army For Failing To Protect Him "The soldier received huge media coverage when it was reported he had shot dead several Taliban fighters at a range of 1.5 miles during his tour of Afghanistan. The publicity, which he says he never agreed to, meant that police feared he could be the victim of a reprisal attack by British-based Islamists and he was forced to leave the country with his family."

Arizona Sheriff: ‘Our Own Government Has Become Our Enemy’(Updated)

CNS News "What’s very troubling is the fact that at a time when we in law enforcement and our state need help from the federal government, instead of sending help they put up billboard-size signs warning our citizens to stay out of the desert in my county because of dangerous drug and human smuggling and weapons and bandits and all these other things and then, behind that, they drag us into court with the ACLU,” Babeu said."

Arizona Sheriff Babeu on Team Obama: “They Don’t Want to Achieve Border Security” (Video)
"Whether it’s purely for political reasons because they’re setting us up because they just put up this sign for our citizens to stay out. They dragged us into court at a time when we need help and partnered with the ACLU.“

"Sheriff Babeu received death threats from the Mexican mafia in early July for cracking down on illegal immigration."

10 More Reasons Dems are Toast (his words, not mine)

Daily Beast "Well, Democrats “can spin, they can sing, they can dance naked in the streets saying it’s about Bush, but he’s not on the ballot this year,” responds Rep. Greg Walden (R -OR). Voters know whose hands are at the helm now. And with the elections less than 100 days away, here are the 10 telling signs that blaming bad times on Bush is not a winning strategy:" Mark McKinnon


Nealz Nuze "Now you have to love this bit of nonsense. Once again we're seeing how valuable our system of government education is to the Democrats. After all, you could never pull this off with an educated electorate."....
"Again .. not to belabor the point ... but you can't get away with this if the voters are truly educated and informed."

Ariz. governor considers changing law

Washington Times "."Basically we believe (the law) is constitutional but she obviously pointed out faults that can possibly be fixed, and that's what we would do," Brewer told The Associated Press. She said she's talking to legislative leaders about the possibility of a special session, but said no specific changes had been identified."

"Thus ... the memo ... pretty much all the evidence you need to show that the Democrats fully intend to grant amnesty .. "Back-Door Amnesty" if you will - to illegals. Hopefully you are not shocked." Neal Boortz 

Arizona "National Review digested the memo and points out three examples of the proposals made to grant administrative amnesty:"...Neal Boortz, commenting on the above memo.