Monday, August 2, 2010

Jamal Greene: Why Am I a Conservative?

Gateway Pundit "As a young educated black male I wanted to show the other face of the Conservative Movement: Me. There are many of us out here. Thanks to Glenn Beck for having them on his show. As a young educated black I constantly face down the stereotype that all blacks are Liberal and vote democrat. I am a member of the Tea Party, so the liberal media lies about the tea party being racist are completely untrue."

Why I am a Conservative "I am a Conservative because I understand that 2+2=4, no matter what the State says. I am a conservative because I believe it is immoral to steal from one man and give to another. I consider it theft for the government to seize the assets, through taxation and regulation, of private business ventures and use the funds as a piggy bank for social experiments."
Jamal Greene is a writer over at the Philadelphia County Conservative Examiner.

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