Thursday, December 29, 2011

Occupy-Linked Group Releases Survival Guide For Violent Revolution; Look out Rose Parade, They're Coming!

Big Government   ...."The 15 page document is available here via Scribd. The excerpt below is the foreword for the document. As website Zerohedge notes, one or two hacks of system critical financial institutions could easily produce widescale chaos, setting the stage for any number of significant events of this nature."
"Perhaps also of note, New York Times best selling author Michael Thomas was predicting violence on behalf of the Occupy movement in a December 26 opinion item at the Daily Beast, though there’s nothing to suggest the two developments are at all linked."

What's with those "Guy Fawkes" masks?
After appearing in internet forums, the mask was worn by participants in real-life protests and has become widespread internationally among groups protesting against politicians, banks and financial institutions, such as the "Occupy" protests.
"The mask portrays a white face with a subtle smile, a wide moustache upturned at both ends, and a thin vertical pointed beard. It is often accompanied by a black cape and a black conical hat."

ABC News: How Did Guy Fawkes Become a Symbol of Occupy Wall Street?

[Nov 5th] is Guy Fawkes Day. In Great Britain, Guy Fawkes Day — and its post-meridian counterpart, Bonfire Night — have been celebrated every Nov. 5 for centuries, since soon after Fawkes’ death in 1605.
"In the lead-up to today, a Guy Fawkes mask spawned by the 2006 movie “V for Vendetta”
has become the accessory of choice at Occupy Wall Street and similar protests around the world."
"So who was Guy Fawkes, and how did he become a symbol of protesters more than 400 years after his death?"

Occupy Pasadena Protesters Look to Ruin the Tournament of Roses New Years Day Parade
"There is a time and place for protests, the New Years Day Tournament of Roses Parade happens not to be one of them. I will say this, that if these fools mar this event in front of millions of onlookers, they will permanently seal their fate.
"How pathetic is it that cities have to pay more money by beefing up law enforcement to deal with these menaces? Pasadena police had to ramp up for Occupy the Rose Parade protesters. You know when police must ramp up for events, when there are terror concerns. You make the comparisons."  
At least OWS won't need porta-potties.  TW chooses neither to link to this protest site nor show their flyer, which you can see for yourself online. Consider this my personal protest against #OWS.

Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Ann Coulter: Only One Candidate Is Right On The Two Most Important Issues

Ann Coulter   "In the upcoming presidential election, two issues are more important than any others: repealing Obamacare and halting illegal immigration. If we fail at either one, the country will be changed permanently."
"But capitulate on illegal immigration, and the entire country will have the electorate of California. There will be no turning back.
"Similarly, if Obamacare isn't repealed in the next few years, it never will be."
"That leaves us with Romney and Bachmann as the candidates with the strongest, most conservative positions on illegal immigration. As wonderful as Michele Bachmann is, 2012 isn't the year to be trying to make a congresswoman the first woman president."

Hamas Leader Haniyeh Agrees to Obama’s ’67 Border Plan – Says Goal Is Destruction of Israel

Gateway Pundit

"This month at a ceremony marking the 24th anniversary of the founding of Hamas, terror leader Ismail Haniyeh said that Hamas’ long-term “strategic” goal is the elimination of Israel… in stages."

Hamas leader: Goal is 'eliminating all of Israel'

Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Obama Issues Statement Praising Fake Holiday Concocted By A Violent Felon And Black Supremacist That Liberals Love To Pretend Is Real…

"Just because Kwanzaa was made up by a racist black nationalist who was convicted of torturing two women who were part of his group “United Slaves,” because he thought they were hiding nonexistent “crystals” of poison meant to kill him, doesn’t mean it’s not a legitimate holiday, right? Or how about the fact that actual Africans have never heard of Kwanzaa? I could go on and on but I’m preaching to the choir."

Statement by the President and First Lady on Kwanzaa —

A look at the history of "Kwanzaa"
"Kwanzaa practitioners of 30 years ago were dashiki-wearing "cultural nationalists" who sported huge Afros or bald heads and latched onto things African with a spiritual hunger. In a humorously candid admission in 1978, Karenga said he created Kwanzaa with such Afro-centric people in mind.
" "People think it's African. But it's not. I wanted to give black people a holiday of their own. So I came up with Kwanzaa...."


White liberals and black radicals: a match made in...well...  "As Ann Coulter has pointed out in her inimitable, incisive way, the only people who pretend to take Kwanzaa seriously are white liberals."
...."Picture a young black couple coming home from Christmas shopping and opening the mail."
"Look, honey, Che and Courtney sent us a Kwanzaa card."
"What the heck is a Kwanzaa card?"
"I don't know. Maybe they've gotten into some kind of New Age thing. They're funny like that."
"Well, don't invite them to our Christmas party. They might feel out of place."


Victor Davis Hanson: Obama Derangement Syndrome?

Victor Davis Hanson  "So how does one distinguish natural political opposition from a psychotic state? In other words, when will we know that popular opposition to Obama’s worldview and a dislike at the way he seeks to divide the country degenerate into the paranoid venom that was unleashed against Bush?
"Here are some things to watch on the national scene to warn us:"
1) Assassination Talk

Watch it when opposition to Obama evokes thoughts of assassination and is not countenanced by the conservative community. In other words, be on guard for the conservative equivalents of a Gabriel Range’s Death of a President — a docudrama imagining a hit on Barack Obama. Especially important is to note any positive reaction to such hatred, like a first-place award from the Toronto Film Festival.

Keep reading...

In the Liberal-Conservative Debate, Where’s the Common Sense?

Barry Rubin  ..."Only due to reforms, largely backed by Democratic presidents before most of us were born, was the balance corrected. The modern prosperity and progress of America has been due to a combination of Founding Fathers’ constitutionalism, largely free capitalism, and a government able to carry out reasonable levels of regulation.
Obama’s proposed solution:
 The masses unite to control
 the monster.

"A proof of that fact is that few conservatives sought to roll back all the pre-1952 innovations. And the same applies to such later initiatives as civil rights along racial and gender lines or the main and much needed environmental legislation following the discovery of just how much America’s water and air had deteriorated.
"Yet the governmental machine just kept going beyond the point of reasonable balance. More and more; further and further. The books of regulations grew and grew, strangling the society, trying to perfect ever-smaller faults at an ever-higher price. When was the turning point? The War on Poverty and Great Society of the 1960s? The ascension of Obama in 2009? The precise date isn’t so vital. What’s important is that things just went too far."
"And with Obama, the radicals-pretending-to-be-liberals took over."....

"So let’s be non-ideological serious people. Have the Department of Education, the Department of Energy, and all of the other bureaucrats and red-tape worked or not? Was the taxpayers’ money well-spent or thrown away? Are alleged good intentions and worthy causes just covers for sophisticated corruption and theft? Patriotism was once the last refuge of scoundrels. Today, that’s been replaced by claiming to save the environment, benefit the poor and downtrodden, and impose social justice through the redistribution of wealth (i.e., gimme!)."  Emphasis added.

EXCLUSIVE from Big Government blog: Ron Paul in 2009–‘I Wouldn’t Risk American Lives’ to End the Holocaust
 Jeffrey Scott Shapiro   ..."And so I asked Congressman Paul: if he were President of the United States during World War II, and as president he knew what we now know about the Holocaust, but the Third Reich presented no threat to the U.S., would he have sent American troops to Nazi Germany purely as a moral imperative to save the Jews?”
"And the Congressman answered:"
No, I wouldn’t. I wouldn’t risk American lives to do that. If someone wants to do that on their own because they want to do that, well, that’s fine, but I wouldn’t do that.”
"Paul then looked at me, and I politely thanked him for his time. He smiled at me again and nodded his head, and many of his young followers were also smiling, and nodding their heads in agreement. Clearly, I was the only one in the room who was disturbed by his response."

Most of the world would do as Paul might: not lift a finger to help the Jew. Roosevelt did not because he had a voting public that would not. But his own administration turned away a ship full of Jewish refugees fleeing Hitler, sending them back into a terrible fate when he could have saved them.
Even today, Arabs who invade Israeli homes and knife families to death in their sleep have outspoken defenders here in this country. And, I suggest they make up the Obama base.
But there are surely many others as well, though I can tell you first-hand that among those who many call "bible-thumpers" there is near unanimous support for defending Israel. TD

Video: Ron Paul Just May Be Lying About Those Old Newsletters  ..."This is rather like Obama’s defense on the Jeremiah Wright problem, isn’t it? Except, that in Ron Paul’s case he’s claiming that he wasn’t the man in the pulpit, and didn’t listen to the words coming off his own pen. So it’s even less plausible than Obama’s take on Rev. Wright.
"How is Ron Paul different from any other politician caught in a trap? How is this defense materially different from Anthony Weiner’s “I wuz hacked!” defense? Ron Paul, the only man we’re told can save America, was either lying about the newsletters in 1995-96 when he promoted them, or he’s lying about them now because they’re a problem for his campaign. And if he’s lying about them now, then his best defense is that he incompetently managed a newsletter but now wants to manage the executive branch of the federal government.

Since we're discussing Ron Paul...

Video included: The man is a Truther, but he won’t admit it because he knows it would sink his presidential run.  "Paul’s resilient strength in the polls is one of the more disturbing sidebars in the GOP primary. He has a few good ideas on economics, but in no way do those make up for his foreign policy. He discounts entirely the role that beliefs and ideologies play in our enemies’ thinking and ambitions. He constantly blames US foreign policy for 9-11, putting him in the same league as Ward Churchill and Rev. Jeremiah Wright, possibly even to the left of Dennis Kucinich. Paul is not even being honest about his true beliefs concerning 9-11, that moment of “glee” he describes above. Pay close attention to how he answered this question about 9-11 just a few weeks ago."

Paul is that guy in every car pool who, as he was expounding, the other riders would look sideways at each other and try to change the subject with something like, "so how'd them Cowboys do last Sunday?"

Byron York: 'Mischief' voters push Paul to front of GOP race   "Given Paul's views on the Fed, the gold standard and social issues, not to mention his isolationist foreign policy, the polls have left some politicos wondering whether Republican voters have somehow swerved off the rails. But there's another question that should be asked first: Who are Ron Paul's supporters? Are they, in fact, Republicans?"....
" "Paul is doing the best job of getting those people who aren't really Republicans but say they're going to vote in the Republican primary," explains Smith. Among that group are libertarians, dissatisfied independents and Democrats who are "trying to throw a monkey wrench in the campaign by voting for someone who is more philosophically extreme," says Smith."

Tony Branco
Trust me, I didn't find this Paul cartoon by going through Google. The general thrust of Google is anti-conservative, -Republican. You can be sure of that when you search any political topic and, of course, this cartoon did not show up in a search of "ron paul cartoons".

Monday, December 26, 2011

Merry, er, happy holidays from the Obamas

Hat tip to The Astute Bloggers

Segregation in the Name of Diversity

Prof. Mike Adams at Townhall.  "Unfortunately, the incident showed that having separate centers is not enough for some minority students. Some want to see racially segregated classrooms, too. Specifically, some diversophiles want to make sure that opponents of the African American Center are stuck teaching all-white classes. Telling black students not to take classes from professors who oppose African American Centers simply spreads segregation from the centers to the classroom. Why would black students want to punish a professor who says he wants more racial integration by ensuring he only teaches whites? This is a perversion of diversity. It’s perversity. It shows that the African American Center has been teaching racism, not eradicating it. And this is simply a disgrace to the entire university."
Mike Adams is a criminology professor at the University of North Carolina Wilmington and author of Feminists Say the Darndest Things: A Politically Incorrect Professor Confronts "Womyn" On Campus.

Problems are Caused by Racial Separatism, not Immigration   "That is right, a Mexican racial supremacist group significantly comprised of illegal aliens has been systematically intimidating, harassing, and murdering Americans because they object to their culture, customs, and most important, their skin color; apparently, it is the wrong shade of brown. The progressives-invented stereotype of shoeless peasants escaping oppressive poverty to fill low-paying jobs picking crops, as restaurant workers, and as nannies is clearly propaganda."

Thomas Sowell and Victor Davis Hanson on Newt and Barack

Thomas Sowell: Gingrich vs. Obama   ..."A president who has pulled the rug out from under our allies, whether in Eastern Europe or the Middle East, tried to cozy up to our enemies, and has bowed low from the waist to foreign leaders certainly has not represented either the values or the interests of America. If he continues to do nothing that is likely to stop terrorist-sponsoring Iran from getting nuclear weapons, the consequences can be beyond our worst imagining.
"Against this background, how much does Newt Gingrich's personal life matter..."

Victor Davis Hanson: Barack Obama is a myth, our modern version of Pecos Bill or Paul Bunyan. What we were told is true, never had much basis in fact — a fact now increasingly clear as hype gives way to reality."I could go on, but we know only that we know very little about Barack Obama, and what we do know is quite different from what is alleged. All presidents have mythographies, but they also have a record and auditors that can collate facts with fiction. In Obama’s case, we were never given all the facts and there were few in the press interested in finding them.  (Both above via Neal Boortz)

How can anyone hope to defeat Obama when his smiling face is in every celebrity magazine, and adoration of his policies is on most TV programs; when Republicans are treated as suspects to be grilled by the press?

The protector of American security; Has Obama lost Iraq to Iran?

American Enterprise Institute; 
 John McCain on Iraq: Losing the peace  “I believe that history will judge this president’s leadership with the scorn and disdain it deserves.”
Where was this John McCain during the 2008 campaign? He said then that we had nothing to fear from a President Obama.

Iraq--It's not over  ...."But after losing 126,000 Americans in the war to end all wars, the American public was sick of foreign entanglements. Let Europe and the rest of the world take care of itself, people said; we want our boys home.
"So at last troops did come home, and in less than two decades Pershing was proved right. The Americans who returned at Anzio, Cassino, and Omaha Beach paid in blood for their countrymen’s desire to not to be bothered with a war’s aftermath."

"We’ve left Iraq in a bottle with three scorpions–with no help from us except kind words." --Arthur Herman
After U.S. Withdrawal, Iraqi Political Standoff Raises Concern of 'Unraveling'  " "This is a clear sign that the fragile political accommodation made possible by the surge of 2007, which ended large-scale sectarian violence in Iraq, is now unraveling," they said.
"The senators claimed the Obama administration's decision not to leave a small residual force in Iraq "precipitated" the dispute.
" "If Iraq slides back into sectarian violence, the consequences will be catastrophic for the Iraqi people and U.S. interests in the Middle East, and a clear victory for Al Qaeda and Iran," the senators said. "A deterioration of the kind we are now witnessing in Iraq was not unforeseen, and now the U.S. government must do whatever it can to help Iraqis stabilize the situation." "

From THE INSTITUTE FOR THE STUDY OF WAR:   Iraq After the U.S. Withdrawal  by Ramzy Mardini
"The Obama administration had three years to push Iraqis toward genuine national reconciliation, the most critical component in securing a stable Iraq over the long term. The White House failed to leave behind a representative government that respects the concept of power-sharing and the rule of law under the Iraqi Constitution. Instead, the central government headed by Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki is riddled with sectarian and authoritarian elements that were bound to capitalize and expand after the departure of U.S. forces from Iraq." More here: Iraq's Post-Withdrawal Crisis, Update 2

This is what world affairs influenced by the Bill Ayers-60's "Peace" movement looks like. More killings and upheaval with not an ounce more respect for the US.

Obama and "Green" energy

Solyndra: Politics infused Obama energy programs    "Linda Sterio remembers the excitement when President Obama arrived at Solyndra last year and described how his administration’s financial support for the plant was helping create hundreds of jobs. The company’s prospects appeared unlimited as Solyndra executives described the backlog of orders for its solar panels.
"Then came the August morning when Sterio heard a newscaster announce that more than a thousand Solyndra employees were out of work. Only recently did she learn that, within the Obama administration, the company’s potential collapse had long been discussed.
"“It’s not about the people; it’s politics,” said Sterio, who remains jobless and at risk of losing her home. “We all feel betrayed.” "

Solyndra scandal timeline: "Key events in the rise and fall of the bankrupt solar company. Click on the icons to see the relevant Solyndra documents."

MORE PROOF THAT THE OBAMA GANG IS THE MOST CORRUPT ADMINISTRATION OF ALL-TIME:    "The documents reviewed by The Post, which began examining the clean-technology program a year ago, provide a detailed look inside the day-to-day workings of the upper levels of the Obama administration. They also give an unprecedented glimpse into high-level maneuvering by politically connected clean-technology investors." (emphasis in the original)

Powerline covers this also.

Revealed: Solyndra Was About Politics and Only Politics  "Why Solyndra?  "Top Obama bundler George Kaiser made multiple visits to the White House in the months before the company was granted a $535 million loan from the government. And top Solyndra officials also made numerous visits — 20 — to the White House, according to logs and reporting by The Daily Caller. Solyndra officials in the logs included chairman and founder Christian Gronet and board members Thomas Baruch and David Prend. The company secured the $535 million loan despite the fact that it was widely known Solyndra was in deep economic trouble and had negative cash flows since its inception."

Now it only remains for us to see how or if this will all be covered by ABC, CBS, CNN, PBS and any source with the letters N,B and C in their name. Remember however, that the press is heavily invested in the success of the Obama administration.
During the 2008 campaign, the network morning shows acted as cheerleaders for the Democratic field. This time around, they are providing far more hostile coverage of the various Republicans who are running, while treating Obama’s re-election campaign to the same personality-driven coverage that was so helpful to the then-Illinois Senator four years ago.
Above quote from the Media Research Center article excerpted here: How the Network Morning Shows Are Trashing Republicans and Trumpeting Barack Obama in Campaign 2012