Tuesday, January 11, 2022

The Mandate Madness of King Joe

 Vaccine mandates are not constitutional because they force citizens to do something they do not want to do.  DonSurber


Will SCOTUS stop the vax mandates? What if it doesn't? - American Thinker

. . ."Waiting until the 2022 elections are over in the hopes that Republicans win is not the best solution.  First, we might not win.  If we do, the majority might not be robust enough.  In any case, we can never be sure Republicans in the majority will vote as a unified party.  Even if they present a solid bloc, after their repeated failures in repealing Obamacare and providing alternatives that they had over eight years to prepare for, how can we ever trust Republicans to follow through on any legislation to combat vaccine mandates?". . .

. . ."The people we should model ourselves after are the police officers, health care workers, and members of the military who have stood up to their superiors for what they know is wrong and didn't forget about the little guy. 

"If the Supreme Court lets us down, remember Obama's mantra: "We are the ones we've been waiting for."

"If we don't do our part to stop the madness, government will be unrestrained in doing just about anything in the interest of public health, and free will, as we know it, will cease to exist.  No joke." 

Don Surber: The vax opinion I want  . . ."No. How about just plain no?

"The mandates are so fundamentally wrong that the Court must dispense with the legal niceties and just say no.

"Hell no.

"Nothing in the Constitution gives the president or Congress or this court the power to force a grown-ass man to be vaccinated. The word health does not appear in the Constitution, nor should it because the government was not set up to protect our health. The Constitution created a government to protect our God-given rights.

"The Declaration of Independence set down the foundation on which our Constitution stands." . . .

Pfizer CEO: Our Vaccines Offer ‘Limited, If Any Protection’ (townhall.com)

Pfizer CEO: “Two doses of the vaccine offers very limited protection, if any. 3 doses with a booster offer reasonable protection against hospitalization and deaths. Less protection against infection.”

Monday, January 10, 2022

Why the Left Cannot Let Go of Jan. 6

 Question: If the left is so terrified of Trump it feels it must prevent him from even running again, by imposing a criminal conviction, what does that say about the left's belief in American democracy? What does that tell us about the left's trust in the people?

Why the Left Cannot Let Go of Jan. 6 | Intellectual Takeout   . . ."Why cannot our liberal media let it go? Why does the distortion and hysteria about Jan. 6 seem to grow with each retelling?

"Now, undeniably, as I wrote in a column the next morning, Jan. 6 was "The Worst of Days for Trump & Trumpists."

"The worst of the day's events for Trump came when a segment of a friendly crowd of 50,000 he just addressed concluded its march down the Mall to the U.S. Capitol by smashing its way into the building and invading and occupying the Senate and House chambers.

Members of Congress were forced to flee and hide. A protester, an Air Force veteran, was shot to death by a Capitol cop. Vice President Mike Pence, who was chairing the joint session, was taken into protective custody by his Secret Service detail. Doors were broken open. Windows were smashed, and the building was trashed ...”

"What Americans watched was a mob occupation and desecration of the temple of the American Republic." I added, "And the event will be forever exploited to discredit not only Trump but the movement he led and the achievements of his presidency." That last line understated what an obsession Jan. 6 has become for the nation's establishment and media elite.

"The left cannot let go of Jan. 6. Indeed, it has fixated upon, exploited, and exaggerated the riot to discredit and destroy the Trump presidency in the history books and to prevent Donald Trump from ever running or being elected president again." . . . 

HOURS AGO Kevin McCarthy says he'll strip Ilhan Omar, Adam Schiff and Eric Swalwell of their committee assignments if Republicans take back the House.

 Politico  Here's his plan: House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy said he plans to kick three Democrats off their committee assignments if Republicans win back the majority next year.

"In an interview with Breitbart, the GOP leader said his party would move to strip Reps. Adam Schiff (D-Calif.) and Eric Swalwell (D-Calif.) from their posts on the House Intelligence Committee, and remove Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-Minn.) from her spot on the House Foreign Affairs Committee." . . .

. . ."How he sees it: The California Republican has vowed to retaliate against Democrats after Speaker Nancy Pelosi took action against two of his party’s members last year. All three of the lawmakers McCarthy named are lightning-rod figures for the GOP, most notably Schiff, the Intelligence Committee chair who led multiple House investigations focused on Donald Trump.

“The Democrats have created a new thing where they’re picking and choosing who can be on committees. Never in the history [of Congress] have you had the majority tell the minority who can be on committee.”  — House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy to Breitbart.

Woman Tries Cancelling American Airlines Pilot Over Sticker

Louder With Crowder  "Imagine being such a horrible lifeform you would try getting someone fired over a sticker. That's not a code word for something else: literally, just a sticker like you might have on your laptop. If you could imagine that, you might be Dana Finley Morrison, someone who, as per her Twitter bio, prides herself on being passionate about "reality TV, feminism, and doing the right thing." The right thing in this case--at least according to her brain--is whining to American Airlines that one of their pilots has a tiny "Let's Go, Brandon" sticker on his luggage. Which she spotted while the pilot was standing around minding her own business like Dana should have been doing." . . .

American Airlines issues groveling apology for pilot with Let's Go Brandon sticker on his case | Daily Mail Online but it has created an OFFICIAL BLM badge for staff to wear

This was noticed and commented on:   . . ."Others were also quick to point out the company's hypocrisy concerning its policies on politically charged pieces of flare.

 " 'You guys have no problem with your employees sporting Democratic party, BLM, or rainbow regalia while they're on the job,' one user wrote. 'Why should this be any different?' "

UPDATED: Manhattan's 'hug-a-thug' DA Alvin Bragg surprised by ‘push back’ — defends policies

 Manhattan's 'hug-a-thug' DA Alvin Bragg surprised by ‘push back’ — defends policies (bizpacreview.com)  "New Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg has expressed surprise at the push-back from law enforcement and other city officials regarding his January 3 memo outlining the new guidelines he is instituting in the DA’s office in his borough, saying, “This is going to make us safer. It’s intuitive. It’s common sense.”

"Former federal prosecutor Trey Gowdy begs to differ, however, calling his proposed policies “dangerously stupid” during his broadcast of  “Sunday Night in America” on Fox News Channel.

"In a speech given, predictably, at Rev. Al Sharpton’s National Action Network headquarters on Saturday, Bragg said that no one should be surprised by his actions: “We said we were going to marry fairness and safety and we laid out a specific plan. We put on the website, we put it in print and this week after January 1st we got down to work and we are doing what we said we would do.' ”. . .

. . . "Bragg’s memo outlined new guidelines to eliminate charges being pressed for the following offenses, among others, “unless as part of an accusatory instrument containing at least one felony count”:

  • marijuana misdemeanors
  • refusing to pay far for public transportation
  • trespassing
  • unlicensed operation of a vehicle
  • prostitution
  • resisting arrest.
Michelle Malkin update:  I dare you to look, with a clear and unfiltered lens, at the bloody nightmare we once called the United States of America.   "Connect the dots. Contemplate the utter chaos in every major city while Black Lives Matter militants, academics and bureaucrats prattle on about “systemic racism” and “two-tiered justice.” It’s about much more than the horrific mass murders and attempted murders in Waukesha, Wisconsin, where the annual Christmas parade will now forever be stained by the wanton acts of alleged killer Darrell Brooks — a convicted sex offender and domestic abuser who sailed through George Soros-funded Milwaukee County District Attorney John Chisholm’s soft-on-black crime revolving door like a Six Flags season pass holder." , , ,
, , ,"We are hectored repeatedly by the Biden administration that “white supremacy” is the root of all this country’s problems. CNN reported as “news” this week that “there’s nothing more frightening in America today than an angry White man.” Systemic racism and two-tiered justice won’t allow black criminals to get a fair shake, we are propagandized over and over — even as a new catch-and-release carousel-riding Darrell Brooks emerges with numbing regularity by the week or day.". . . 

The Six Biggest Lies About January 6th -

  The Blue State Conservative

. . ."Joe Biden ran on a promise of “unity and healing” last year, and millions of Americans – naïve Americans – believed him. But even those who didn’t believe Biden agree with the sentiment that America should be more unified. It was clearly just a ploy by Biden, and he never had any intention on helping the country heal or come back together. Biden is one of the most divisive presidents in history, and worse than even Barack Obama. If Biden were to tone down the hysteria on 1/6, stop demonizing the right, and say something like, “it’s time to put that behind us,” he could really make some headway with voters, particularly independents and moderates.  


"But Joe Biden isn’t going to do that because Joe Biden is a coward. Biden is terrified of taking a stance opposing his radical left base, and therein lies Biden’s problem. The far-left faction of the Democratic Party is so invested in portraying Donald Trump as the Antichrist and his supporters as evil minions, that they can’t allow Biden to be reasonable on the topic of 1/6. They must stay with their narrative and continue to try and divide the country because to do otherwise would result in them being exposed for what they are: dishonest, anti-American opportunists."

Leftist Supreme Court Justices Abandoned The Law And Made Up Facts

 American Thinker   "In Supreme Court arguments on the OSHA COVID Vaccination Mandate case, the “Wise Latina” revealed at least Sixth Degree Stupidity for all to see. One should not casually suggest that a graduate of law school who has ascended through the ranks to the highest Court in the land is stupid. But that is the inescapable conclusion her performance requires. For those who missed the demonstration of her upward failure, we must present the details. But first, we must look at the question the Supreme Court is supposedly trying to address.

"Justice Kavanaugh granted the emergency appeal in NFIB v OSHA, and limited it to legal issues only:

Whether the Occupational Safety and Health Administration’s Interim Final Rule: COVID-19 Vaccination and Testing; Emergency Temporary Standard, 86 Fed. Reg. 61402, violates the Religious Freedom Restoration Act of 1993 or the First Amendment. . . .

. . ."Fortunately, it’s likely that the conservative majority on the Court will be looking to the law, not the hype. After all, policy is the province of the Legislature, not the Executive. As Alexander Hamilton discovered in Lin-Manuel Miranda’s wonderful lyrics, “You’re going to need congressional approval, and you don’t have the votes.”

"The President is not a king. He does not get to rule with a pen and a phone, and if our Supreme Court values our Republic, he’ll get slapped down. Again. If they don’t, then everything our Founding Fathers fought and died for is likely to be lost, because there will no longer be any defining rules."

Political Cartoons (townhall.com)

Supreme disgrace  
. . ."But it is Breyer’s use of “unvaxed others” that is most disturbing.  Ursula Hegi’s Stones from the River centers around a group of characters in Nazi Germany, including the female protagonist who is afflicted with dwarfism, who are referred to as “the Other.”  It has come to be used to evoke sympathy for marginalized individuals who are mistreated by the mainstream.  Yet, Breyer stunningly targets the unvaxed as “the Other” because they fall outside of what he has determined is the permissible, necessary mainstream and are therefore unworthy of sympathy." . . .

Liberal Supreme Court Justices Show Weak Grasp of Basic COVID-19 Facts › American Greatness (amgreatness.com)  . . .“Inexcusable for a SCOTUS justice to peddle this fear mongering false info,” the Hudson Institute’s Rebeccah Heinrichs wrote.
“ 'It’s actually terrifying that a Supreme Court justice can be so misinformed. The emperor has no clothes,” Ron DeSantis press secretary Christina Pushaw chimed in.
“ 'Justice Sotomayor’s comment on 100,000 children in serious condition with covid is such a flagrantly untrue statement she should have to correct it after the argument. It’s embarrassing for the Supreme Court to allow that factual inaccuracy to occur in an oral argument,” OutKick’s Clay Travis tweeted.
“ 'It’s hard to convey the disrespect showed by Justices Sotomayor and Breyer today,” tweeted legal expert Techno Fog. “100 million Americans are affected by the Biden COVID mandates. And these Justices showed up unprepared, inventing COVID numbers to support whatever legal conclusion they’ve already reached' .”. . .

Jenin Younes @Leftylockdowns1 Kagan, in questioning attorney arguing against CMS mandate, again insists that vaccines stop transmission. This lack of knowledge as to basic facts about the vaccines- and covid- is concerning.

The Real Insurrection: The BLM Riots -

No one is defending the Capitol riot. Period. Those who are alleged to have participated have been arrested and charged. But the double standard for those who participated in the 2020 riots boggles the mind. Here’s a headline from the New York Post: “Charges against hundreds of NYC rioters, looters have been dropped.” . . .

Iran Politics Club

The American Spectator   "Riots? What riots? Insurrection in American cities in 2020? Nothing to see here, folks. Move along.

"Thus it is with the Stalinesque show trial that is the January 6 Committee. As my colleague Melissa Mackenzie illustrated yesterday, “the Democrats are running their committee like a criminal trial.” It is indeed blatantly unconstitutional and no one is attempting to stop them. Why?

"What is particularly telling about the hysteria over January 6 is that infinitely worse riots took place across America in 2020 — a series of genuine and decidedly violent insurrections in the name of Black Lives Matter — and there is nary an investigation in sight.

"So as January 6 of 2022 is upon us, let’s do a little compare and contrast as the hysteria about January 6, 2021, is whipped up in the liberal media.

"There were five deaths in the Capitol riot. One, Ashli Babbitt, an unarmed woman, was shot to death by a Capitol police officer. The other four deaths included three who died of natural causes and one from a drug overdose. One of the fatalities, whose death was ruled as from natural causes, was a Capitol Hill police officer. Altogether there were 138 police officers injured, 73 of them from the Capitol Hill Police and 65 from Washington D.C.’s Metropolitan Police.

"According to the Major Cities Chiefs Association, 574 riots took place across America between May 25 and July 31 of 2020 after the death of George Floyd. The report states that “more than 2,000 officers sustained injuries in the line of duty.” Say again, not 138 injured police officers but more than 2,000 police officers were injured — and not a blink from the January 6 Committee.

"The MCCA also reported this, bold print for emphasis supplied: . . ."

The ‘insurrection’ that never was - American Thinker

. . .The Democrats (and a handful of Republicans) still fear Donald Trump. Despite their best efforts, his is a voice that has to be reckoned with.  They believe that making him the evil villain in a plot to overthrow the government is their path to permanent power. It plays well with people who already loath Trump, but for the rest of America, it seems disingenuous. . .

Sunday, January 9, 2022

Good thing Democrats have lap dogs in the press and late-night TV

National Geographic Author LIES In Newly Published Book…Says That Kyle Rittenhouse Killed “Two Black Men” (100percentfedup.com)    "National Geographic author and Egyptologist, Kara Cooney, released a book in November that falsely claims Kyle Rittenhouse killed two Black men in Kenosha. She should probably stick to her Egyptian history and leave US politics out of it because that clearly is not her area of expertise.

"By now, everyone knows the name Kyle Rittenhouse, but somehow there is still a misconception held by some uninformed people that he killed two Black men. On August 25, 2020, Rittenhouse shot three White men. No Black men were involved in this incident."

"Nevertheless, Cooney’s book, Good Kings, reads, “…consider 17-year-old Kyle Rittenhouse, who used his semi-automatic weapon to kill two Black men in Kenosha, Wisconsin, while waging a glorious race war on behalf of his inherited White power.”

"This false information is perpetrated by the Left media insisting that Rittenhouse is a White supremacist and giving their ignorant audience the impression that he did, in fact, kill Black men. Cooney’s book is not the first time a public proclamation that Rittenhouse killed Black men has been wrongfully made." .  . .

UNEARTHED FOOTAGE Reveals MI Dem Gov Gretchen Whitmer Bragging About Leading An Insurrection Inside MI Capitol Building [VIDEO] (100percentfedup.com)

. . . "In a 2018 interview, while running for governor, then-MI State Senator Gretchen Whitmer (Insurrection Barbie) bragged about how she “threw open the doors to the Capitol” in 2012, to allow the mob inside after Republican Governor Snyder locked it down. She also bragged about how she “led the resistance.” of the attempted coup “from my office.'”. . .

Videos here: Gretchen Whitmer Led A Violent 'Insurrection' & Then Bragged About It, Resurfaced Video Shows (redvoicemedia.com)

"I'm talking!" Kamala overplayed her hand during her speech about January 6 with offensive rhetoric – HotAir    ". . . Democrats and their poodles in the media have been doing that in the lead-up to their coverage today and Kamala legitimized that warped narrative. It was shameful."

CNN, we need you to do cleanup here below:


AfterMath - Home (terrellaftermath.com)

Media Obscures That Man Busted With Explosive Near Jan. 6 Rally Had Antifa Gear


"On January 6, there was a rally in Clearwater, Florida, of about 85 protesters, who came out in support of Jan. 6, 2021, defendant Jeremy Brown.

"But police picked up a man when they saw him running suspiciously near the rally. The man was dressed all in black with a black mask. Police arrested the man, identified as Garrett Smith, 22.

"The police searched his backpack and allegedly found a pipe explosive device which they determined to be “active,” so they cleared all the ralliers out of the area. The police also found a “Direct Action Checklist.” Direct action is a term frequently used by leftist groups like Antifa. On the list were a bunch of things like pepper spray, smoke rockets, a laser pointer (which Antifa used to aim at police officers’ eyes in Portland), flammable rags, and construction nails — making it clear he wasn’t planning on attending a tea party. He also had a helmet with the “iron front” three arrow logo on it — a logo commonly used by Antifa." . . .

There’s A Reason No One [but Hollywood?] Likes Kamala Harris

 If Harris really wanted to make an analogy, as weak as it is, she should have used the assassination of JFK. . . But the assassination of JFK was committed by a leftist, a devout communist. In other words, someone on their team.

There’s A Reason No One Likes Kamala Harris (townhall.com)   "Most people look at the choice of Kamala Harris for Vice President and scratch their head. “Why would anyone pick a person so wildly devoid of political talent or even the basics of likability?” they wonder. The conventional wisdom is that she checked the right number of boxes to fulfill left-wing interest group demands, which is partially true, of course. Overlooked, however, is how there is one more, rather good and important reason Joe Biden, or really any politician would pick someone like Harris: because by comparison, you’ll always look better.

"Harris is such a singularly grating personality that she polls lower than lemon juice on an open wound. Death by wood chipper is less likely to incur the wrath of human rights activists for torture than forcing someone to listen to Kamala’s speeches. If you’re an incompetent politician, partnering with someone possessing all the public charm and warmth of explosive diarrhea means you will always come off better than you otherwise would because the alternative is so horrible. 

"That’s what, and all, Kamala Harris brought to the ticket

"If anyone needed another example of how awful she is, her speech on Thursday provided it. Just the first three paragraphs show how unlikable, opportunistic and hypocritical she really is. Let’s take a look." . . .

Below: Democrats Booker and Harris laughing at the agony of Judge Kavanaugh.

"Kamala tweeted amid a 51-mile traffic jam just outside DC, "Because of the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law, America is moving again. That's what infrastructure is all about: getting people moving."  Now we know why Willie dumped her. Never marry stupid."  Don Surber

Why America's Ruling Class Is So Incompetent

 The Federalist

Elites are inevitable; their legitimacy and continuity is not. Ours lack the virtue and wisdom needed for good governance and leadership.

"Our national elite is united enough to have the vices of a ruling class, but not the virtues. In particular, they are cohesive enough to be perceived as oppressive by much of the populace, but they are rarely gracious and conciliatory when needed. They know how to make enemies, but not friends.

"Culturally and ideologically, America’s elites have consolidated into a regime, with Big Tech, the legacy media, academia, Big Business, the entertainment industry, and, of course, the leaders of the Democratic Party, all singing from the same hymnal, even if they sometimes squabble over the key. But many citizens refuse to join in." . . .

But the superlative merits of our ruling class are less obvious to the rest of us. Thus, hardly a day goes by without The New York Times, Washington Post, and other legacy media outlets warning that some villain or other — Donald Trump, Fox News, Facebook misinformation, the Senate, the Supreme Court, even local leaders and parents — is a Threat to Our Democracy! By democracy, they mostly mean the wishes of the ruling class.

 Along that same line: "New York is finally rid of Bill de Blasio, but it looks like the crime problem will persist."     Soros-Backed Manhattan DA Alvin Bragg Won’t Seek Prison Sentences for a Bunch of Crimes