Vaccine mandates are not constitutional because they force citizens to do something they do not want to do. DonSurber
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Will SCOTUS stop the vax mandates? What if it doesn't? - American Thinker
. . ."Waiting until the 2022 elections are over in the hopes that Republicans win is not the best solution. First, we might not win. If we do, the majority might not be robust enough. In any case, we can never be sure Republicans in the majority will vote as a unified party. Even if they present a solid bloc, after their repeated failures in repealing Obamacare and providing alternatives that they had over eight years to prepare for, how can we ever trust Republicans to follow through on any legislation to combat vaccine mandates?". . .
. . ."The people we should model ourselves after are the police officers, health care workers, and members of the military who have stood up to their superiors for what they know is wrong and didn't forget about the little guy.
"If the Supreme Court lets us down, remember Obama's mantra: "We are the ones we've been waiting for."
"If we don't do our part to stop the madness, government will be unrestrained in doing just about anything in the interest of public health, and free will, as we know it, will cease to exist. No joke."
Don Surber: The vax opinion I want . . ."No. How about just plain no?
"The mandates are so fundamentally wrong that the Court must dispense with the legal niceties and just say no.
"Hell no.
"Nothing in the Constitution gives the president or Congress or this court the power to force a grown-ass man to be vaccinated. The word health does not appear in the Constitution, nor should it because the government was not set up to protect our health. The Constitution created a government to protect our God-given rights.
"The Declaration of Independence set down the foundation on which our Constitution stands." . . .
Pfizer CEO: Our Vaccines Offer ‘Limited, If Any Protection’ (
Pfizer CEO: “Two doses of the vaccine offers very limited protection, if any. 3 doses with a booster offer reasonable protection against hospitalization and deaths. Less protection against infection.”
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